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show episodes
Wie läuft das eigentlich ab, wenn man Filmmusik einspielt? Gucken die beim Einspielen da den Film mit? Und wer entscheidet, ob die Musik traurig oder spannend genug ist? In meinem Podcast FKM Artist Feat. spreche ich genau darüber und gebe euch Einblicke in diesen spannenden Alltag. Ich bin Filmkomponist, Musiker, Tagträumer und habe selbst schon eigene Bücher verfasst - und weiß damit ganz genau, wann die Spannung so hoch sein muss, dass die Geigensaiten fast reißen, oder die Erleichterung ...
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Born 1960 in Vienna. Austrian composer, improviser and performer. He studied composition with Friedrich Cerha and musicology in Vienna. Besides writing experimental instrumental music, he performs on his own electronic instrument m@ze°2, develops software environments for computer-aided composition and creates generative sound and video environments. Since 2007 professor of composition for electro-acoustic and experimental music at the University of Music in Vienna. Karlheinz Essl performs o ...
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nordlitt lässt Sie Bekanntschaft stiften mit Epochen, Autor:innen und Texten der nordeuropäischen Literaturen und diskutiert theoretische Ansätze in der skandinavistischen Literaturwissenschaft. nordlitt ist Unterrichtsmaterial vom ersten Semester an oder einfach Bildungs-Stoff. Stefanie v. Schnurbein, Professorin am Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin führt in nordlitt Gespräche mit Vertreter:innen der Skandinavistik. Unterstützt wird sie von ihrer studentischen Hilfskraf ...
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Wiesenviertel Witten

Wiesenviertel e.V.

Das Wiesenviertel ist die Wohlfühlausgehmeile in der Wittener Innenstadt. Neben Geschäften, Kneipen und Restaurants befindet sich auch das „Lokal“ im Wiesenviertel, ein Ort zur Entwicklung kleiner und großer Projekte, für Begegnung, zum Experimentieren, für Veranstaltungen und Workshops – kurz: Ein Wohn- und Arbeitszimmer mitten im Viertel. Dort nehmen wir auch unsere Podcasts mit Menschen aus dem Viertel auf. Wir stellen Initiativen und Veranstaltungen vor. Unser Podcast wurde bis Ende 2023 ...
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show series
Ist Musikunterricht mit richtigen Lehrer*innen im Zeitalter von YouTube & Co nicht längst überholt? Kann man eine Musikschule leiten, aber in einem anderen Land leben? Und was muss man eigentlich tun, um autark zu leben? In dieser Folge habe ich den Musiker, Unternehmer und Auswanderer Sascha van Haasen zu Gast in meiner Tagträumer Stube. Erlebt mi…
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Binaural production - listen with headphones!Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Krems, Horn and Gars/Kamp between August 31st and September 1st, 2024. Dedicated to my friend Gerhard Eckel: 1) At the Taffa creek near Horn 2) Gerhard Eckel and Jack Hauser performing under a reson…
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Binaural production - listen with headphones!Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at various locations of Salzburg in July 2024: 1) Mirabell Garden with church bells ringing at noon 2) On the shore of the lake St. Wolfgang 3) In the pedestrian zone of the city center of Salzburg 4) …
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Braucht man als Musiker*in heute noch ein Label? Passt ein Filmkomponist zu einem Rockstarcoaching? Und was haben die Killerpilze mit Arnold Schönberg zu tun? Ganz besondere Gäste erfordern ganz besondere Orte. Ich bin zu Gast in München und spreche mit dem Musiker & Unternehmer Jo Halbig über seine Erfahrungen mit den Killerpilzen, seiner Marketin…
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Hey guys, I recorded a special of 9 episodes with my collaborator Joey Reda from Canada. In our special, called MUSIC FOR STORYTELLERS, we talk about the industry, have interviews with professionals and give tips & tricks about being a composer. You'll get those nine episode in between of my regular podcasts episodes. How do you write music for an …
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Binaural production - listen with headphones!Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Gars/Kamp between July 5th and 6th, 2024:1) the audience at the opening of the "Temple of Sound" in Gars, the first museum for electroacoustic music2) Karlheinz Essl's "Gesualdo-Fragmente", performe…
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Wer entscheidet beim Filmemachen eigentlich über die Schnitte? Werden wir bald nur noch Hochkant Videos drehen? Und wer war eigentlich der "King of Swing?" In dieser Folge habe ich den Cutter Niels Bouman zu Gast in meiner Tagträumer Stube. Erlebt mit uns zusammen die wunderbare Welt des Filmschnitts. Viel Spaß beim Hören! Die Folge gibt es wie imm…
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Binaural production - listen with headphones!Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at the Volkskundemuseum Vienna (the former Schönborn Palace) on June 4, 2024 during the Vienna Festival project "Haus der Republik": 1) in the garden 2) Cider bar in the courtyard 3) Walking through th…
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Hey guys, I recorded a special of 9 episodes with my collaborator Joey Reda from Canada. In our special, called MUSIC FOR STORYTELLERS, we talk about the industry, have interviews with professionals and give tips & tricks about being a composer. You'll get those nine episode in between of my regular podcasts episodes. In this episode Joey & Fabian …
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Binaural production - listen with headphones!Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) on 24 May 2024 before and during a concert of Luigi Nono's last compositions:1) setup in the library2) sound check3) excerpts from "Lontananz…
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Wer ist beim Filmemachen eigentlich der Boss? Woher kommt für einen Film das Geld? Und wann wurde eigentlich Toy Story veröffentlicht? In dieser Folge habe ich den Filmproduzenten Paul Hartmann zu Gast in meiner Tagträumer Stube. Erlebt mit uns zusammen die wunderbare Welt des Filmemachens. Viel Spaß beim Hören! +++ Unterstützt mich auf Getnext und…
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Free improvisation on a MakeNoise 0-COAST modular synthesizer controlled by a Doepfer A-174-4 joystick. Performed live at Studio kHz on May 9th, 2024. No edits, no overdubs, no MIDI, no sequencer, no arpeggiator - just manual control in real time! Karlheinz Essl
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Hey guys, I recorded a special of 9 episodes with my collaborator Joey Reda from Canada. In our special, called MUSIC FOR STORYTELLERS, we talk about the industry, have interviews with professionals and give tips & tricks about being a composer. You'll get those nine episode in between of my regular podcasts episodes. In this episode, hosts Joey Re…
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Kristina Malmio, University of Helsinki, shares her research on local and global tendencies in Finland-Swedish literature with the help of two complex novels by Monika Fagerholm (The American Girl) and Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo (In Transit). We muse about the status of a privileged minority literature and discuss the shifting locations of centers …
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Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Dresden (Germany) in April 2024:1) People inside the Frauenkirche2) Café Algarotti of the famous Gemäldegalerie3) The main station of Dresden 4) At the Albertinum art museum where refugees meet and kids play table tennis Released: April 24, 20…
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Wie läuft das eigentlich ab, wenn man Filmmusik einspielt? Sitzen die Musiker*innen dann da und schauen gleichzeitig den Film? Ist man als Musiker*in idealistisch oder realistisch? Und in welchem Land wurde eigentlich die Steel Drum erfunden? Die erste Folge in meinem neuen Studio ist da und ich habe die Cellistin Sophia Schulz zu Gast in meiner Ta…
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Hey guys, I recorded a special of 9 episodes with my collaborator Joey Reda from Canada. In our special, called MUSIC FOR STORYTELLERS, we talk about the industry, have interviews with professionals and give tips & tricks about being a composer. You'll get those nine episode in between of my regular podcasts episodes. In this second episode hosts J…
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The Maelstrom is a gigantic vortex in the North Sea, described by Edgar Allan Poe in his short story "A Descent into the Maelstrom" (published in 1841). Its power is so great that it can suck in even large ships and crush them to pulp.For my piece, I constructed a kind of Maelstrom mechanism with Granular Synthesis, written in MaxMSP. It pulverizes…
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Was machen ein Sprecher, ein Audio Engineer und ein Komponist, wenn sie sich treffen? Werden wir in Zukunft von KIs ersetzt? Und wie hoch ist eigentlich der Eiffelturm? Ich bin zu Gast im Technologik Studio Nürnberg und bespreche das und noch viel mehr in dieser neuen Folge mit Audio Enigneer Adrian Seifert und Sprecher Yves Simon. Viel Spaß beim H…
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Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Monte (Madeira) on February 20th, 2024: 1) Kids playing Futebol 2) Monte Toboggan sleigh ride 3) Japanese pond in the Monte Palace Tropical Garden 4) Gardener at work in the parkInfo:…
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Free improvisation on a Make Noise 0-coast analog synth, patched as a generative non-linear system. No edits, no overdubs, no MIDI, no sequencer, no arpeggiator - only manual control in real time!Recorded live at Studio kHz on 7 Mar 2024 in preparation to my solo performance at Alte Schmiede the next day.…
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Hey guys, I recorded a special of 9 episodes with my collaborator Joey Reda from Canada. In our special, called MUSIC FOR STORYTELLERS, we talk about the industry, have interviews with professionals and give tips & tricks about being a composer. You'll get those nine episode in between of my regular podcasts episodes. In this very first episode, ho…
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Im Gespräch mit der transArt Künstlerin Astrid Rieder - aufgenommen am 11.11.2023 im Kunstraum Ewigkeitsgasse in Wien - spreche ich über einige zentrale Themen in meinem künstlerischen Schaffen:• Wie mich die deutsche Krautrocktruppe CAN zu Karlheinz Stockhausen und zur elektronischen Musik geführt hat. • Über die Dialektik von Ordnung und Zufall. …
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Ellen Rees from the Center for Ibsen Studies at Oslo University introduces Henrik Ibsen as a theatre practitioner. She unfolds surprising resonances between French musical comedies by Eugène Scribe and Henrik Ibsen's most famous plays, A Doll's House and Hedda Gabler. We question romantic distinctions between high literature and popular theatre, an…
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Der Komponist Karlheinz Essl über seine Erfahrungen mit analogen Modularsynthesizern und No-Input-Mixern nach Jahrzehnten digitalen Musikmachens mit Computern und selbstgeschriebener Software. Veröffentlicht Januar 2024 auf der Plattform SoundingFuture.…
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Das Netzwerk Nachbarschaftshilfe ist eine Plattform, die dabei hilft soziales Engagement für ältere Menschen und andere Hilfsbedürftige in Witten zu organisieren. Pflegebedürftigkeit entsteht aber nicht nur im Alter, sondern kann Menschen und ihre Angehörigen in allen Lebensphasen betreffen. Ein Team aus Freiwilligen will Hilfsbedürftige und Pflege…
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Free improvised live performance on a MakeNoise 0-COAST modular synth, two function generators (MATH) and a ring modulator (Doepfer A114). Recorded at Studio kHz on 4 January, 2024. No MIDI, no sequencer, no overdubs, no edits.Part of the work-in-progress "Coastlines" (2020 ff.):…
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Generative sound environment based on the paradigm of biorhythm: three independent temporal processes in the ratio of 23 : 28 : 33 change the level of three sound files with a recording of the famous Christmas carol "Silent Night" (Stille Nacht), which are time-stretched according to the same proportions.…
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nordlitt continues the mini-series on Queer Theory and literature with the help of Jenny Björklund, Uppsala University. We ask what queer literature and reading might mean in a time and place where gay and lesbian parenting has become normalized. Jenny guides us through a novel by Viktoria Myrén about a mother who abandons her children, making lite…
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Radiofeature von Jörg Duit über das Improvisationsduo OUT OF THE BLUE mit Agnes Heginger (Stimme) und Karlheinz Essl (Live-Elektronik). Erstsendung am 20.3.2018 im Zeit-Ton auf Ö1. charismatische Sängerin Agnes Heginger und der kongeniale Komponist und Elektroniker Karlheinz Essl nehmen Gedichte…
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A granular de/reconstruction of two late madrigals by Carlo Gesualdo (1566-1613), who murdered his wife and her lover "in flagranti". Soundtrack for a live performance with the actor Markus Hering, premiered at the Basilika Sonntagberg on October 28, 2023. Commissioned by the festival Klangraum Waidhofen.…
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Binaural production - listen with headphones!Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Graz, Austria on October 7, 2023 during the Steirischer Herbst festival: 1) Carillon of the Glockenspielplatz 2) Visitors of the Landhaus 3) Main square in the evening with many trams 4) A tram ride…
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Per Esben Svelstad, NTNU Trondheim, introduces the first Norwegian novel discussing lesbian love, Borghild Krane's Følelsers forvirring. We discover an uncanonized author, learn about homocultural codes in the inter-war years and a queer intertext by Stefan Zweig. Detours to poet Åsmund Sveen and novelists Sigrid Undset and Ebba Haslund create insi…
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Recorded by Isabel Ettenauer for the CD "whatever shall be - music for toy instruments and electronics" (edition eirelav, 2013)Having written several pieces for the toy piano before, I dedicated Sequitur V to this interesting instrument which — in fact — has not much in common with the piano as we know it. Its sound resembles chimes or maybe parts …
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Karlheinz Essl's first piece for toy piano, composed 2005 for Isabel Ettenauer, became a signature piece for this instrument.The primary aim of this piece is an attempt to break up the restricted sound world of the toy piano - not by superficial means of additional sound processing, but by the sound of the instrument itself. This is achieved by a s…
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Sequitur XIV was written for the Hamburg-based pianist and performer Jennifer Hymer and sets the thumb piano in focus. This instrument, named ‘Mbira’ in Africa, was discovered in the middle of the 20th Century from the British ethnomusicologist Hugh Tracey, who developed out of it a standardized western instrument named ‘kalimba’, and let it be pro…
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Since 2005 I have written a number of solo compositions for the toy piano, some of them together with (live) electronics. In my piece "under wood" I am confronting the toy piano with conventional instruments for the first time. It is used as an exceptional solo instrument but also as some sort of exotic percussion. For this purpose I deconstructed …
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This composition is a transformation of the original piano piece "Trois Cent Notes", in which the resonances of the sympathetic strings of the grand piano are simulated by electronic means. The toy piano becomes a new instrument with an artificial sustain pedal. Karlheinz Essl
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In this piece, Essl uses the inside of the toy piano for the first time. A contact microphone is attached to the instrument and connected to a custom-made computer program which acts as a kind of sonic ‘particle accelerator’. During their voyage through the piece, the performer not only scratches and knocks on the sound board, but also has to stamp…
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Palindromic-canonic variations of the most famous Christmas carol "Silent Night"; the score was punched into a tape that could be played in different directions on a mechanical musical clock. It has been adapted for toy piano and organ. It contains four parts, the titles of which are anagrams of the name "Silent Night":Tingle Hints - inversionShing…
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Concert version of Pandora’s Secret, a sound performance that Karlheinz wrote for Isabel Ettenauer's "Circus Lebasi", a music circus for the festival Linz09, when Linz was the European capital of culture. Scored for punch-tape-controlled music box and live electronics.…
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On September 15, 1945, Anton Webern was shot by an American occupation soldier in alleged self-defense in Mittersill, where he had taken refuge from the approaching Red Army. Thus ended the life of one of the most influential composers of the modern era in an inconceivable and tragic way.60 years later - on September 15, 2005 - two commemorative ev…
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Binaural production - listen with headphones!Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Piran (Slovenia) in 2021 and 2023: 1) stroll through the alleys of the old town 2) lively atmosphere of Piazza Tartini, where people meet in the afternoon 3) North coast with sea surf 4) beach scene…
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In nordlitts zweiter Folge in leiblicher Kopräsenz fragt Dörte Linke, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, mit der dänischen Autorin Charlotte Weitze danach, wie man einen Klimaroman schreibt. Wir diskutieren existenzielle Thriller, begegnen queeren Schnee- und Rosenmenschen und ringen gemeinsam um die Bedeutung von Sexualität und Gewalt in Weitzes Roma…
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