show episodes


We Love Food

We Love Food. Willkommen zum FOOBY Podcast. Wir blicken hinter die Kulissen, in die Kochtöpfe und in den Arbeitsalltag von den Content Creators, Köchen, Stylisten und Fotografen, die euch auf FOOBY täglich zu kulinarischen Höhenflügen inspirieren.
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Gaia's Custodians

Robert Gladitz

Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, social media. The only way to supply 8 billion addicts with the next fix is the exploitation of nature. We treat all other beings as raw material out of which the temporary remedies to our inner emptiness are manufactured. But what if we see ourselves as the custodians Gaia, our loving Mother Earth, asks us to be ...
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ENGLISH // DEUTSCH How did we get to where we are in life and what does food have to do with it: I'm Meike Peters, I write cookbooks, and I love to talk about food. For my Meet in My Kitchen podcast, I invite people to my tiny Berlin kitchen whose journey in life I find inspiring, to find out how they got to where they are in life, to learn about the struggles they had to overcome, how the highs and lows shaped them – and what food has to do with it. My guests are chefs and home cooks, baker ...
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Pod-pop-culture-cast for people only! Listen up, we know, man kommt einfach nicht drum rum den Kim-K-News-Mountain zu erklimmen, obwohl man eigentlich nur Bock auf den neusten pop-pop-pop pop-culture bull hat, right? Then stay right where u are! ZEITGEIST nimmt das Abenteuer durch den Turd Dschungel auf sich um für euch/dich/mich/uns die "crème de la crème" der VIN (very important news) herauszufiltern! Ihr steht auf Kendrick, Star Wars und Fargo? Dann seid ihr bei uns genau richtig. Macht m ...
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Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle

Der Startup Podcast der nicht nur die guten Seiten wie Investments & Exits feiert. Wir besprechen die Struggles und diskutieren über Chancen und Möglichkeiten, um Herausforderungen zu überwinden.
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show series
In der Episode #66 sprechen wir über: 🎶 AI generierte Podcasts 🚨 open AI Runway 🚫 Wiz 23 Milliarden Deal Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #65 sprechen wir über: 🚀 We are back 💬 Wird WhatsApp monetarisiert? 🚫 Gehälter öffentlich stellen 🚨 Crypto Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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Wir leben in einem persönlichen und kollektiven Chaos. Durch unzureichende Behandlung als Kinder bleibt ein Loch in uns zurück, an der Stelle, wo sich ein tiefes Vertrauen ins Leben hätte entwickeln können. Also suchen wir nach Liebe in äußeren Dingen: Shopping, Arbeit, Essen, soziale Medien, Drogen diverser Art. Und der einzige Weg, 8 Milliarden S…
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We are living in a personal and collective mess.Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with their next fix is the exploitat…
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Download my new book “Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human”. It’s a gift. CUSTODIA - The incubator for birthing the more beautiful world: Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth - Buckminster Fuller: Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu:…
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Coaches bragging on Instagram about the millions they are making and clients who are getting more and more disillusioned about the value they are receiving for the high ticket investments they made. But the 5-figure and 6-figure months don’t come without a toll: Endless hours spent making stories, building funnels, writing newsletters, hiring marke…
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Download my book „Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human“. It's a gift. We are living in a personal and collective mess.Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, …
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Download my book „Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human“. It's a gift. It’s time for a radical step. A step that my heart asks me to make since I stumbled over the idea of the gift economy four years ago. The possibility of being able to share my gifts freely with the world and receive a c…
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The first episode of the Gaia's Custodians Podcast explores the evolution of human consciousness, how we might support the awakening of the world, why urgency is not a good companion on this journey and what the durian has to do with all of that. Enjoy this beautiful piece of art!Pre-order my book “Gaia’s Custodians - Embracing who we are meant to …
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Pre-order my book “Gaia’s Custodians”: Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with t…
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In der Episode #64 sprechen wir über: 🚫 Abo Butler 🚨 hokify 🚀 seedback 💸 FlexCo 💬 AMS Chat GPT Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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Ein weiteres Jahr geht zu Ende, daher sprechen wir in der Episode #62 über: ⏪ Das Jahr 2023 im Rückblick 🎶 und Leander bringt uns einige AI-generierte Superhits mit Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.…
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The past two months I didn't create any social media content. No Instagram, no YouTube, no podcast. I didn’t feel inspired to feed the hungry, voracious attention monster. I perceived a deep longing for substance, for depth, for profoundness. Creating something that truly matters. Something that impacts peoples lives on a level no entertaining reel…
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Die Ereignisse überschlagen sich: seit am 17.11. Sam Altman vom Board von OpenAI als CEO abberufen wurde, gab es kaum eine ruhige Sekunde rund um den ChatGPT-Anbieter. Leander hat das gesamte Wochenende auf Twitter verbracht, und erzählt über die neusten Entwicklungen.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #60 sprechen wir über: 👀 Meta Abo 💬 Duolingo Growth Hacking Genius 🧠 wir brauchen mehr Chat GPTs Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #59 sprechen wir über: 👋 We are back ✍ chat GPT Usecases 💥 AI Tools 👀 Ende des Startup Hypes Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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Through constantly striving for greater and greater freedom we created a reality where we don’t need each other anymore.Independence leads to disconnection and loneliness. When we are able to fulfill all our needs through money and the technical device in our pocket, human beings become replaceable. But no fancy food that we ordered via an app will…
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Each one of us faces adversity. Losing a loved one. Getting divorced. Going out of business. Or a bad disease. This is part of life.While everybody would suffer tremendously in situations like these, they are really opportunities for purification. Practicing surrender.Or as Winston Churchill said: „never waste a good crisis“.Nelson Mandela was in p…
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Last week my minimalism journey was catapulted onto a completely different level. On Wednesday I had a stressful, transformative and at the same time beautifully liberating evening where Lionel killed everything and everybody around him with his overflowing energy. He was crushing the whole setting like the whirlwind he is. And where it would have …
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After ten solo episodes here my first TRUTH. conversation with another human being. A human being that I just met a week before through some crazy coincidences. Surrender, you know.As Alex Lamber and I got to know each other we quickly discovered how much we are on the same life path. Two raw vegan brothers serving the new earth. Feels like the beg…
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What if eating was a learned habit and our bodies would not need food in order to thrive?That is the claim of Professor Hilton Hotema, whose work I studied a lot lately. He explains in great lengths why the removal of eating not only heals but awakens our true life force energy.As far as my experiences with various fasting methods reach I can confi…
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This might be the most important content piece I‘ve ever put out.I recently watched Eliezer Judkowsky’s interview on the Bankless podcast in which he as one of the worlds leading experts on the topic of artificial intelligence expressed his belief that AI will kill us.According to him we as humanity are facing extinction. And there is nothing we ca…
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Our lives have become more and more artificial. We as a civilization are spending our days mostly indoors, in a seated position, glued to technical devices, eating highly processed food.The result is an easily controllable and exploitable population. The dominant forces on our planet - call them Empire, the matrix, the system or however you‘d like …
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In the past 10 years I created 2500+ Instagram posts, 1300+ YouTube videos and a lot more content on facebook, Snapchat, TikTok and a bunch of other social media platforms.You could said that social media content creation is a significant part of my identity.But over the past months I developed a much more critical attitude towards the whole indust…
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13 years ago, in May 2010, I embarked on an experiment. Changing my diet from pizza and cheeseburgers to exclusively raw fruits, veggies and nuts. One week of trying a raw vegan diet.At the time I was 20 years old, in good health and lived a very active lifestyle. I didn’t need to do this and tried eating raw vegan only after seeing the tremendous …
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Over the past weeks I cultivated a profound peace inside myself. Coming into acceptance on a very deep level with everything that’s taking place in my life these days.If you have been following my journey over the past years you witnessed that this year is something completely different than the previous ones. By far the most challenging year of my…
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My greatest teacher is my son Lionel.He not only invites me to adjust my life so that it’s in full alignment with my essence - he demands it.These precious little beings are still so pure, so connected with source that their internal compass is still calibrated correctly. It tells them immediately when something is out of order.And our task as adul…
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What if we would release our minds from the enormous task to govern our lives and ensure our safety and wellbeing? And instead surrender all that to the infinitely more powerful wisdom of life itself?Living every moment fully present and letting ourselves be guided by this greater force. Giving up all control and not knowing what the future will br…
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Who am I in my highest version? And which parts of myself do I need to integrate in order to become the man that can be of full service to this world? I'm pondering these questions a lot lately. A framework that I find very helpful for this are the archetypes of the mature masculine / feminine. They can prevent us from doing more of what comes easy…
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For the past two years I was in a romantic relationship with Elina. But now we are transitioning into a different expression of our connection. A process that is both very challenging and highly rewarding at the same time. In the last week I got a glimpse into what unconditional love really means and feel a strong urge to share our journey with you…
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In der Episode #58 sprechen wir über: 🤖 Sidney Bing ist gut 👀 LinkedIn Agencies ✔ meta blauer Haken Links: Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Ha…
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In der Episode #57 sprechen wir über: 🌪 Abstieg von netflix 🚨 Bing & Chat GPT 1 : Google Bard 0 🚫 Facebook cost cutting Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #53 sprechen wir über: 🎠 Die Geschichte der “TBH” und “Gas” Apps 🔥 Crypto Crash - Updates 🗑 Fußball WM Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #52 sprechen wir über: 🔥 Twitter und Musk Wahnsinn 💥 Tech Layoffs Deluxe ⛔️ Crypto Crash Eskalation Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #51 sprechen wir über: 💸 Arbeiten in Skandinavien 🕺 Frequency Recap 🔥 Mobil-Working vs. Homeoffice 🚀 Slush Festival Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #50 sprechen wir über: 💸 Khabe Lame und Ronaldo bei Binance 🔥 Österreichische Meisterin ⛔️ Massenkündigung - was nun? 🚨 Market Place - Go/NoGo? Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #49 sprechen wir über: 🚨 celsius ⛔️ crypto crash 💸 Goldgräberstimmung 🔥 AI macht Kunst Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #48 sprechen wir über: 💥 vitracash 💸 DAO feat Logan Paul 🔥 e-commerce und q-commerce brennen 🌪 lay-offs bei gorillas, getir und co Link zur 2 Minuten 2 Millionen vitracash Folge Link zu Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trou…
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In der Episode #47 sprechen wir über: 🛑 Investment Rückgang in AT Startups 💥 Luna Crash 🦖 Musk Revolution ⏰ Timetracking in Perfektion Link zum Startup Report 2021/2022: Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.…
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In der Episode #46 sprechen wir über: 🏝 airbnb prediction 💉 employer culture @ByteDance 💰 Benkos E-commerce AG 🥈 Instatok Update Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #45 sprechen wir über: 🚀 refurbed erweitert 👀 der ECHTE Tesla Gründer 🚨 GoStudent Vorwürfe 🍕 Ideenküche Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.
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In der Episode #44 sprechen wir über: 🚀 Elon musk x Twitter 🚲 Vienna Citybike 🛴 Last Mile Data Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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In der Episode #43 sprechen wir über: 🍋 LimeWire 🚫 Kaspersky 🚨 Entrepreneurship Avenue 💙💛 Benefizkonzert Ukraine Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.Von Leander C. Seidl & Philipp Lederle
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Berlin's Best Beet - wie einen das Noma in Tulum und viele Michelin Sterne wieder zurück zu den eigenen Wurzeln bringen können. (Deutsche Episode)Rauchende Pfannen und loderndes Feuer beim Noma Pop Up in Tulum, Schreien, Hetzen, die Luft mit Adrenalin gefüllt wie ein Ballon kurz vor dem Zerbersten, eine Pinzette in der Hand, um Teller bis zur zerbr…
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In der Episode #42 sprechen wir über: 🚨 Instant Delivery - JOKR verlässt AT ⛴ AMAZON startet neues Geschäftsfeld 💡 Unsere TedxTalk Erfahrung Link zu Philipp's TedxTalk: Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Ser…
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Wenn die Kunst die Grenzen des Patisserie Handwerks aufsprengt. (Deutsche Episode)Wann immer wir etwas kreieren, benutzen wir unsere Sinne. Ob Kunst oder Handwerk, wir sehen, wir fühlen, wir riechen, und wenn es um Essen geht, benutzen wir noch unseren Geschmack. Kristiane Kegelmann liebt es mit dem ganzen sensorischen Spektrum zu arbeiten, in ihre…
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