show episodes

Irgendwas mit Laktat

Florian Boegge, Robert Wortmann

Der Endurance-Sport-Podcast mit Florian Bögge & Robert Wortmann. Eintauchen in die Welten von Ultra Running, Triathlon & Ultra Cycling! Neben lustigen Stories aus dem Trainer-Athleten Alltag gibt's fundierte sportwissenschaftliche Einblicke. Für alle, die mehr als nur schwitzen wollen!
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Trail Running Podcast

Sascha Rupp | Podcast über Trail Running, Ultramarathon und spannende Interviews mit echten TrailTypenn

Laufpodcast über Trail Running, Ultramarathon, mit spannenden Interviews mit echten #TrailTypen:innen.
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Julian Rupprecht & Patrick Bittner

Du hast schon lange kein Buch mehr in der Hand gehabt? Du möchtest regelmäßige Buchempfehlungen erhalten? Du willst dir Lesezeit sparen und kurze Zusammenfassungen hören? Dann bist du beim Literatursenf genau richtig! Julian und Patrick diskutieren jeden Sonntag ein Buch und geben ihren Senf dazu ab. Wir beschränken uns nicht auf ein bestimmtes Genre. Patrick ist dabei eher für Thriller, Romane und Lyrik zuständig. Julian versorgt dich hingegen mit Biografien zu großen Persönlichkeiten oder ...
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show series
Nach einer längeren Pause melden sich Sascha und Waschtl zurück im Endurance Talk Podcast! In dieser Episode sprechen die beiden über ihren Jahresstart, spontane Laufprojekte und die Höhen und Tiefen des Trainings. Sascha erzählt von einem Experiment, das nicht einmal seine eigene Idee war: Eine Woche lang täglich laufen – und das ganz ohne festen …
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Pathfinder Church | February 16, 2025 | Doug Mauss It sounds lovely and nice; but what exactly IS grace? There are lots of different uses of the word, in culture and by Christians. Does it describe the beneficial rules and instructions God has given us? A power given to us by God for holy living? Is it a reward? What is grace, and what makes it one…
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Pathfinder Church | February 9, 2025 | AJ Mastic To sin is to do something that God doesn’t approve of, that much we know; but if God made everything, why are we even capable of sin, and what’s the rhyme or reason behind the things that offend Him? Is the Christian faith about becoming ok with our sinfulness or trying to root it out? Website | http…
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Pathfinder Church | February 2, 2025 | Dion Garrett According to Marcus Buckingham, love is not a feeling but “the deep and unwavering commitment to the flourishing of another human.” In this way, generosity is the outward sign of inner love. But how do we learn to love in this way while trying to survive in a dog-eat-dog world? Website | https://p…
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In this powerful episode of Women Hit Harder: The Female Power Podcast, we’re joined by Dhafir "Dada 5000" Harris, a true combat sports pioneer. From his early days in street fighting to becoming a viral internet sensation, Dada's journey has been nothing short of legendary. Known for his raw power and unmatched resilience, he made a name for himse…
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In dieser Solo-Episode erzähle ich euch, warum es in letzter Zeit so still im Podcast war und was sich seitdem bei mir getan hat. Ich bin zum Streakrunning übergegangen und laufe seit dem 1. Januar jeden Tag – mittlerweile bin ich bei Tag 21 angekommen! In der Episode teile ich meine ersten Erfahrungen, die Herausforderungen und was mir an dieser n…
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Wie schafft man es eigentlich sich beim Bus fahren zu verletzten? Außerdem gibt es eine ganze Reihe von Content Empfehlungen. Ran to Japan: Leadville 100 Gewinner David Roche im Rich Roll Podcast: Stian A…
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Pathfinder Church | January 26, 2025 | Doug Mauss Cynicism is rampant today. To not be cynical feels like you must not be paying attention. But hope is described in the Bible as the thing that will not disappoint us. What does it look like to be hopeful but not naïve? Website | Online Giving |…
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Pathfinder Church | January 19, 2025 | Dion Garrett In today’s world, you may be only one viral video away from a life of fame. That’s not, of course, how things worked for most of human history. Heroism and fame were reserved only for great contributions to society (usually) long after the contributors were dead! With technology providing new oppo…
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In this milestone 50th episode of Women Hit Harder –The Female Power Podcast, we are joined by Steve Williams, founder and CEO of Pillow Fight Championships (PFC), the innovative sports league transforming pillow fighting into a professional competition. Steve shares his journey from tech entrepreneur to sports innovator, offering valuable insights…
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Pathfinder Church | January 12, 2025 | AJ Mastic If the point of Christianity is to get into heaven, which only happens by grace through faith, then why does it matter how we live our lives? Should we even try to live ethical lives? What good does it do if all our righteousness is like ‘filthy rags’ before God? Why risk temporal comfort if there’s …
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Pathfinder Church | January 5, 2025 | Dion Garrett Say what you will about them; the proud and the arrogant sure seem to go further and faster in our world. So, in a world where everyone is “loud and proud,” shouting back and forth, armed with their own sets of “alternative facts,” how can Christian humility do anything to help the cause of Christ,…
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Pathfinder Church | December 29, 2024 | Doug Mauss Website | Online Giving | Podcasts | Facebook | Instagram | St. John School | Contact Us | churchinfo@pathfinderstl.or…
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Pathfinder Church | December 24, 2024 | Dion Garrett You are invited to join us here at Pathfinder for Christmas worship! We can’t wait to celebrate the birth of Jesus with you. Website | Online Giving | Podcasts | Facebook |…
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Pathfinder Church | December 22, 2024 | AJ Mastic In this Christmas season, we long for peace in our world. But it seems that there will never be an end to all the conflict in the world around us. How, then, can we find peace? Website | Online Giving | Podcasts |…
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Pathfinder Church | December 15, 2024 | Doug Mauss What is the point of our lives? This is an age-old question, and humanity has attempted to answer it in a variety of ways. How do we figure out the meaning of our existence? Website | Online Giving | Podcasts |…
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Pathfinder Church | December 8, 2024 | Dion Garrett What is the source of our strength? Sooner or later, we reach the limits of our own perseverance. Do we despair, give up, or find restoration of our strength from somewhere? Website | Online Giving | Podcasts |…
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Pathfinder Church | December 1, 2024 | Dion Garrett Deep down, we all have a sense that there is something wrong, or incomplete, or “less than” in our life. Everywhere we turn, someone is promising a cure for what ails us, to make us a new person—for a price. But is there a promise that actually works, and lasts? Website |…
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Pathfinder Church | November 24,2024 | AJ Mastic It’s become a meme to talk about the difficulties of “adulting.” It’s hard to provide for ourselves all that we need to survive and thrive in life. Where do we turn when our resources fall short of what we think we need to get through the day? Website | Online Giving | https…
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In dieser Episode des Trail Running Podcasts spreche ich mit Jennifer, Physiotherapeutin, Trailrunnerin und Bergsportlerin aus dem Allgäu. Gemeinsam werfen wir einen Blick auf ihr beeindruckendes Erlebnis beim „Everesting“-Event. Dieses außergewöhnliche Event verlangt den Teilnehmenden ab, die Höhe des Mount Everest – 8.848 Meter – an einem Berg zu…
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Pathfinder Church | November 17, 2024 | Doug Mauss The world is a big and overwhelming place. People are sometimes trying to harm us. It’s scary to feel like we’re on our own. In times of persecution or threat, can we count on anybody to be reliably, helpfully on our side? Website | Online Giving | https://pathfinderstl.or…
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Pathfinder Church | November 10, 2024 | Dion Garrett When hard things happen around us, it can seem like God himself is absent or indifferent to what’s going wrong in the world. Can we trust God when evil seems to be winning? Website | Online Giving | Podcasts |…
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Pathfinder Church | November 3, 2024 | AJ Mastic We’re constantly striving for good outcomes. We learn that we’re rewarded for success, and punished for failure. But if favorable outcomes are conditional on our worth and effort, the consequences of our possible failures are enormous. Website | Online Giving | https://pathf…
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Pathfinder Church | October 27, 2022 | Dion Garrett There's no doubt that God is at work at Pathfinder. We've prayed for it, and he has been faithful. The Inspired Service is a special weekend we hold every year to share stories of life change happening RIGHT HERE in our congregation. These stories never fail to inspire all of us to seek God’s dire…
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Pathfinder Church | October 20 | Doug Mauss When it comes to what’s right, we often think that the end justifies the means. After all, as long as the “right side” wins, or we prevail in the argument, it shouldn’t matter how we got there. Since we’re fighting for Jesus, it’s okay if we use slander, dirty tricks, and loopholes! Or is it? Website | ht…
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In dieser Episode des Trail Running Podcast habe ich mit Franzi über das Laufen mit Hund gesprochen. Sie erzählt von ihren Erfahrungen mit ihrer Hündin Muggi und was sich seit dem letzten Gespräch verändert hat. Muggi liebt das Laufen, besonders im Schnee. Franzi hat außerdem verschiedene Aktivitäten mit Muggi ausprobiert, wie Agility, Turnierhunde…
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Pathfinder Church | October 13, 2024 | Dion Garrett It often seems like there is a sharp dividing line between the righteous and the unrighteous. People on the other side of an issue from us can seem shockingly immoral. How can we engage in loving discussion or collaboration with people who hold such opposing values, without watering down what we b…
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In dieser Episode berichten Waschtl und Sascha von ihren neuesten sportlichen Abenteuern. Waschtl erzählt, wie es ihm beim Triathlon Ingolstadt deutlich besser erging als beim letzten Mal. Außerdem erklärt er, was es mit den „Zwiebeln auf dem Rad“ auf sich hat – nämlich das Schichten von Kleidung, um nicht zu frieren. Sascha wagt sich an Alternativ…
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Pathfinder Church | October 6, 2024 | AJ Mastic We all naturally have a bonding identity, meaning we group with people most similar to us. However, by retreating into this form of identity, we tend to increase our resentment and hostility, and we become less capable of weathering adverse conditions. How can we find a more robust form of identity fo…
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Pathfinder Church | September 29, 2024 | Doug Mauss As the movie Inside Out shows us, Disgust and Anger are both primal feelings. But when they are joined together, it creates contempt. Contempt feels really good—it reinforces our basic need to feel righteous. In fact, we’ll naturally seek out circumstances and people that outrage us, just for the …
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Dieser Beitrag wurde am 26. September 2024 veröffentlicht und zuletzt am 27. September 2024 von Sascha aktualisiert In dieser Episode des Trail Running Podcasts haben mich Franzi und Maik aus dem Dornröschenschlaf geweckt, und wir sprechen über ihr Finish beim Berliner Mauerweglauf 2024. Dieser Lauf erinnert seit 2011 an die Opfer der ehemaligen Gr…
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Pathfinder Church | September 22, 2024 | Dion Garrett Planted deep within all humans is a desire to live forever because that’s what we were created to do! But ever since we were thrown out of the Garden, we’ve had to face the unkind reality of death—something that we know is inevitable, but nevertheless feels unnatural. As technological advances h…
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Pathfinder Church | September 15, 2024 | AJ Mastic What does it truly mean to connect with another person? Can it happen on a FaceTime screen or by following each other’s newsfeeds? Is a 90 day snapchat streak a surefire sign of a real connection? In a world where people are considered “friends” because we click a button and we “do church” online, …
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Pathfinder Church | September 8, 2024 | Dion Garrett The natural world used to give us cues of when it was time to work or rest, sow or reap, sleep or wake, wear shorts or sweaters the rhythms of creation demanded and almost guaranteed that there would be no overindulgence in anything and we would find abundance in all the rich states of our existe…
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In dieser Episode sprechen wir über Glück auf dem Rad, zu viel Watt in den Pedalen, das bei Teilen unbeliebte Rollentraining und warum zur Hölle man heutzutage eigentlich noch selbst laufen gehen sollte. Immerhin kann man sich ja jetzt sein Strava Profil für kleines Geld pimpen lassen. Wir staunen außerdem über den Weltrekord im Langdistanztriathlo…
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Pathfinder Church | August 25, 2024 | Doug Mauss We’ve been long promised that technology will make our lives easier, reduce the number of hours we work, remove unpleasant labor from the equation, and deliver us into lives of greater leisure. Despite those promises, for the last 70 years, life has moved in the other direction. But now, with new adv…
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Pathfinder Church | August 18, 2024 | AJ Mastic Over time, people have defined what it means to be human in different ways (rationality, creativity, ethics and morals). For Christians, we have looked to the Book of Genesis to understand the place of honor we’re given in and over creation. But in a world where artificial intelligence is quickly encr…
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Pathfinder Church | August 11, 2024 | Dion Garrett Why doesn’t God take us to heaven right away? What’s the point of our sojourn on earth? On the journey we discover more about God’s grace and power, his transformative hand through all the things that feel challenging, tragic, and pointless. It’s about what God does in the journey, not the destinat…
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Man glaubt es kaum, aber wir sind zurück, das Warten hat ein Ende! die 9 Monate seit unserer letzten Folge sind wie im Flug vergangen und wir waren in der Zwischenzeit nicht untätig. Der Waschtl war shoppen und hat richtig Bock aufs Rennradfahren, hat den C Trainerschein gemacht und weiß jetzt, dass eine Kette nur so stark wie ihr schwächstes Glied…
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Pathfinder Church | August 4, 2024 | Doug Mauss Most stories are about a protagonist overcoming obstacles due to his own strength, perseverance, and wisdom. But the Christian story relies on God’s supernatural wisdom and guidance, not our own. And we all have access to a divine power, the Holy Spirit in us. Website | Onlin…
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Während Robert in Österreich ist, spricht Flo mit Nico Markgraf. Nico befindet sich in seinen letzten Wochen als Langdistanz-Profi und spricht über seinen Weg zum Triathlon, den Umstieg auf die Langdistanz und das oft glorifizierte Leben als Profi. Nico auf Instagram:…
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Pathfinder Church | July 28, 2024 | Dion Garrett There’s one final step to living with a deep sense of gratitude that too few of us experience: paying forward our blessings to others. How can giving to others enrich us, when the math says it will only deplete us? Website | Online Giving | Pod…
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Pathfinder Church | July 21, 2024 | AJ Mastic When you experience something really good, it’s natural to want to talk about it. Except sometimes, whether because of modesty or self-protection, we do the opposite. In life, we’re encouraged to keep life’s good things to ourselves; after all, no one likes a braggart. But what do we miss out on when we…
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