show episodes
Mitt mål med podcasten er å hjelpe mennesker til å tenke bedre, få frem sin indre fighter. Hvis jeg kan hjelpe en person til å tenke bedre om seg selv, eller endre livet sitt ved å lytte til podcasten, så er målet mitt nådd. Intervjuene foregår både på engelsk og norsk, og gjestene er alt fra eksperter innen selvforsvar, kampsport, personlig utvikling og business.
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On the Wind Sailing

59º North Sailing Podcasts

The definitive podcast about sailing. Professional sailors Andy Schell, Emma Garschagen, and August Sandberg interview sailors from around the world to discover what motivates, scares & inspires them. For over ten years and through 400+ episodes, our hosts have interviewed sailors like Dee Caffari, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Liz Clark, John Kretschmer, Kirsten Neuschafer & many, many more. We talk to boat builders, yacht designers, YouTube stars, performance racers, and many more. HOLD FAST!
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Den rappende rektoren Øyvind Børven samler forskere, lærere, lærerstudenter, elever og politikere i Skole-podcasten «Et Bedre Skole-Norge». Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Nasjonal Transportpodcast

Nasjonal Transportpodcast

Harald Victor Hove og Morten Myksvoll fyller det store tomrommet for norske samferdselspodcaster. Vi jobber til daglig med henholdsvis riksveg 7 og Bergensbanen, men i denne podcasten skal vi ta opp tema som berører hele sektoren.
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Strange Phenomenon

Strange Phenomenon

STRANGE PHENOMENON is a documentary podcast, featuring expert and eyewitness interviews, delving into events and anomalies that appear to be beyond the realm of conventional scientific understanding. Taking a facts-based yet open-minded approach, Strange Phenomenon digs deeper than the typical paranormal podcast. Every other week will bring the audience new episodes on obscure tales of bizarre events and occurrences with info compiled from first-hand, scientific and historical resources. Sea ...
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"Primitive Tider" er et uavhengig arkeologisk vitenskapelig og fagfellevurdert fagtidsskrift. Vi publiserer én utgave i året som inneholder fagartikler på nordiske språk og engelsk, med fokus på forskere tidlig i karrieren. I podkasten "Arkeologi på rappen" presenterer vi korte intervjuer med artikkelforfattere i den nyeste utgaven vår. "Primitive tider" is an independent scientific peer reviewed archaeology journal run on a voluntary basis. We publish once a year and welcome articles in the ...
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DR. BERNARD BEITMAN, MD is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to systematize the study of coincidences. He developed the first valid scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written several coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. The author or editor of 16 professional books, he is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia, attended Yale Medical School, and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Become a supporter of this podcast: ...
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What is typically Nordic? What characterizes our history, development and who we are today? Norwegian violinist Eldbjørg Hemsing has grown up in a village of Aurdal, in the valley of Valdres where centuries old folk music tradition had influenced and inspired composers such as Grieg, Ole Bull and Halvorsen. The so called ‘Nordic sound’ is strongly inspired by nature, moods and changes. Everything from the northern lights, to deep mountains and valleys, to water. The lyrical, melancholic and ...
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show series
I denne episoden av "Et Bedre Skole-Norge" snakker Øyvind Børven med professor Sigrun Karin Ertesvåg fra Læringsmiljøsenteret om hvordan sterke relasjoner i klasserommet kan forbedre det faglige. Ertesvåg deler innsikt fra sin forskning og forklarer hvordan læreres faglige støtte kan styrke elevrelasjoner, noe som er avgjørende for både trivsel og …
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Vendee Globe sailor Pip Hare returns to the show for a 3rd time only one month before the start of her second Vendee Globe. In 2020, Pip became only the 8th woman to ever complete the Vendee Globe, and on a shoestring, crowdfunded budget to boot. In the years since, Pip has parlayed that hard work and early success into a second campaign aboard a n…
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Lom videregående skole har 99 % fullføringsgrad. Tidligere kalte Sanna Sarromaa dette for "pisspreik": Dette svarte Øyvind Børven, podkastvert i Et bedre skole-Norge på: I denne episoden snakker vi med av…
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Lom videregående skole har 99 % fullføringsgrad. Tidligere kalte Sanna Sarromaa dette for "pisspreik": Dette svarte Øyvind Børven, podkastvert i Et bedre skole-Norge på: Dette er en episode i sjangeren "k…
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Blue & Brady of Cruiser's Academy return to the podcast to tell some sea stories! This episode is an adaptation of a video that Mia & I filmed with them a few weeks ago, us on FALKEN, them at their shore base in Tahoe, as we started prepping for our Boat Show workshop coming up in Annapolis. We talk about some of the gnarliest things to happen to u…
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Mange skoler sliter med utfordrende elevatferd. Samtidig har alle elever rett på et trygt skolemiljø, og lærere har også rett på et trygt arbeidsmiljø. Utfordrende elevatferd må derfor håndteres - og vi har løsningene. Skoleledelsen har et svært viktig ansvar for å løse dette. 5. november arrangerer Et bedre skole-Norge en skolelederkonferanse om d…
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I denne episoden har vi med oss miljøterapeut Leo Gabrielsen for å dykke ned i metoden "Samarbeidsbasert og proaktiv problemløsning" (CPS). Vi ser på hvordan lærere kan håndtere utfordrende elevatferd ved å samarbeide med elevene for å finne løsninger som fungerer for alle. Lær mer om prinsippene bak CPS og hvordan det kan bidra til å skape et posi…
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Nigel Calder returns to the podcast to talk about selling his beloved Malö 46 Nada. Nigel is of course the foremost guru of yacht systems and is at heart and inventor and science buff. He and his wife Terry built their 'dream boat' some 16 years ago and are sad to part ways with her now. We talk about many of the custom design details he's integrat…
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I denne episoden snakker vi om samarbeid og selvkontroll som sannsynligvis er de to sosiale ferdighetene elevene har mest bruk for både på skolen og senere i livet. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Skip Novak returns to the podcast to talk about his new book Skip Novak On Sailing: Words of Wisdom from 50 Years Afloat. There's not much Skip hasn't done in his remarkable sailing career, including 4 Whitbread races, a 5th round-the-world race on a maxi catamaran, and of course pioneering expedition sailing in Tierra del Fuego, Cape Horn and Anta…
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I denne episoden snakker vi om sosiale ferdigheter som empati, ansvarlighet, selvhevdelse og samarbeid. Vi snakker ut fra rammeverket til Gresham og Elliot (1990) og Ogdens bok "Sosiale ferdigheter og problematferd blant unge" (2022). Dette er den første episoden i en serie på tre episoder om sosiale ferdigheter, med Terje Ogden. Become a member at…
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Lydia Mullan is a sailor, journalist, and on board reporter. She is the managing editor at Sail Magazine and was the social media manger behind Cole Brauer’s recent Global Solo Challenge campaign. She was aboard the vessel Alliance in this year’s Newport-Bermuda race when they struck an object and had to abandon ship in the Gulf Stream. In this epi…
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I denne episoden av "Et bedre skole-Norge" deler rektor Øyvind Børven, som fortsatt underviser, sine erfaringer med å forbedre læringsmiljøet. I episoden blir syv praktiske tips for en bedre skolehverdag gjennomgått: bygg et positivt klassemiljø, bruk tid på relasjonsbygging, differensiér undervisningen, balanser mellom innføringssituasjoner og utf…
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Friend of the podcast Pam Wall & our own Laura Parent do an ON THE WIND takeover this week to interview sailmaker and America's Cup sailor Peter Grimm! On an impromptu afternoon in Pam's living room, stories started flying and Pam said 'get the mics!' and this entertaining and charming episode was born! Big shout out to Pam & Laura for literally ru…
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I denne episoden forteller Øyvind litt om at du vente deg å høre mer om skolemiljø denne sesongen. Vi får også en uventet oppringning av Geir Ertzgaard, i tillegg kommer skolesjefen i Fredrikstad, Line Lofstad Andersen innom. Et bedre skole-Norge skal snart arrangere konferanse 5. november. Billetter blir lagt ut innen 20. august. Ønsker du å besti…
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The RORC Caribbean 600 is one of the great offshore ocean races and in February we launched the 59º North offshore racing program with this as our debut event. The Whole Point? To try to open the door of offshore racing wider so that more people like you can get involved. In this episode Nikki has a chat with Alex to reminisce on trials and tribula…
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Andy Schell. We know him, we love him, he's the founder of this very podcast! And of course the co-founder of 59º North Sailing. In this episode, Emma turns the interview table around on Andy to ask him about this past decade of 59º North Sailing. A lot has changed from the early inspirations of starting the business to where Andy sits now, in Swed…
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The BELAFONTE is underway on a great, big sailing adventure, and August was lucky enough to meet her and her lovely crew, Julien and Pieter in Bergen. They were on their way North to Svalbard, and the three had many things to talk about. They recently made it to the high Arctic, and are sharing their considerable experiences on @Aboard_Belafonte on…
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Since his On The Wind debut on episode 359 two years ago, Ian Herbert-Jones has raced 28,000 miles and rounded Cape Horn twice. In this episode, he tells the story of him joining the Ocean Globe Race last minute at the start in Southampton, and chasing the circumnavigation that escaped him during his Golden Globe Race. -- If you liked this conversa…
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Since his On The Wind debut on episode 359 two years ago, Ian Herbert-Jones has raced 28,000 miles and rounded Cape Horn twice! In this episode, he tells the story of his remarkable Golden Globe Race, from the last polishing of his boat at the start in France, to losing her to a storm in the South Atlantic. -- If you liked this conversation you'll …
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Our own Emma Garschagen, co-host of ON THE WIND, former ICEBEAR & FALKEN First Mate and now entrepreneur joins me on todays show to talk about her evolution as a sailor since she joined 59º North. Emma started with us as an apprentice, took over as Chief First Mate for Mia when she was pregnant with Axel and has now gone on to start her own busines…
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Friend of the podcast and legendary sailor Matt Rutherford returns to the show to shoot the shit aboard his schooner MARIE THARPE. Matt hosted a small gathering of friends in Annapolis back in April aboard his boat, and we got warmed up by getting out the mics and mixing it up at the salon table down below on a rainy, chilly day. Matt was sipping t…
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Øyvind Børven oppsummerer de to siste sesongene av podkasten "Et bedre skole-Norge" og takker alle gjester og lyttere for følget så langt. Han understreker viktigheten av innspill fra folk og sier: "Kom med innspill! Gå inn på og send en melding om hva du mener lærere og skolefolk trenger å høre mer om!" Lenker til forskning omt…
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Skipper Heather Thomas recently won the inaugural Ocean Globe Race aboard the iconic yacht MAIDEN. The crew made history again by becoming the first all-female crew to win a round-the-world race! At 27, Heather was the youngest skipper in this race and one of two female skippers. Emma and Heather talked about leadership, confidence, navigation and …
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I den fagfellevurderte artikkelen "Sosial ulikhet i skolen" finner Nordahl og Nordahl (2023) at på tross av gode intensjoner og politiske ambisjoner, skaper skolen større forskjeller og mer ulikhet. Hva kan og bør gjøres? (lenke til artikkel: Become a member at…
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Comedian Kristoffer Appelquist returns to the podcast to talk about his first trans-Atlantic passage with the Swedish reality TV show 'Över Atlanten.' Now in it's 6th season, the show — which puts celebrities onboard a big Swan with Whitbread skipper Gunnar Kranz for an Atlantic crossing — has become a huge hit. Kristoffer, Mia and I talk about how…
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August Sandberg is the owner and skipper of our beloved Swan 48 ISBJØRN, which has sailed over 60,000 miles since the beginning of 59º North. August lives outside Bergen, Norway, where the boat is now based, and recently finished overseeing a second major refit, which we had done at Vindö Marin on the west coast of Sweden on the famed boatbuilding …
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Suzanne Heywood was raised on a sailboat. What started as a three year circumnavigation with her family turned into a decade of living aboard, sailing, and struggling to get an education. Suzanne's book, 'Wavewalker,' tells the story of that voyage. In this episode, Emma and Suzanne talk about 'Wavewalker,' Suzanne's relationship to sailing now, an…
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Alex Laline is a lifelong sailor and one of our full-time staff at 59º North. Growing up in a multinational family, he sailed dinghies as a kid in the UK, Spain and Indonesia, then got inspired to sail around the world when he saw an ad for the Clipper Round the World Race. As a teenager he saved all his money and joined Clipper as a paying crewmem…
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Lytt til hvordan en skole i Oslo og Viken oppnådde høy gjennomføringsrate med en oppfølgingsplan myntet på elever med lav selvregulering. I denne episoden får du høre hvordan de brukte ulike typer data for å gi elever støtte og ekstra oppfølging. Lenke til pdf:…
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I denne podkastepisoden diskuterer professor Kathrine Løken og verten praktiske løsninger for å jevne ut sosiale forskjeller i skolen. Med fokus på ekspertgruppens nylige anbefalinger til regjeringen, utforsker de strategier som smågruppeundervisning og systematisk trening på sosioemosjonelle ferdigheter for å sikre like muligheter for alle barn, u…
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Sailing was never a part of Lutz Kohne’s life growing up — it hit him square in the face as an adult, and completely changed his trajectory. He has since worked as a professional skipper, as Race Director for the OGR and the GGR, and he is now preparing to set sail himself, around the world, solo, retro and unassisted as a participant in the Golden…
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Henry Mickle & Bayley Richardson are self-described "Mates from the Land Down Under", cruising around the world in an old Beneteau. These two twenty-something friends made a pact, worked their asses off, saved their money, bought a boat and are living the dream — figuring it out as they go, but with knowledge and experience earned from working prof…
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Dette er et opptak fra en samtale kunnskapsminister Kari Nessa Nordtun og stipendiat Elise Djupedal hadde på Litteraturhuset i Trondheim 12.02.24. Gjengitt med tillatelse. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Jojo Pickering grew up with sailing as a central part of her life, vagabonding on the high seas with her family and sailing from Africa to the UK. As she got older, she spent more time ashore, starting a traveling theatre company with her husband and kids and bouncing around the UK, France and Spain. But the sea called her back — she recently compl…
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I denne podkast-episoden deler Vigdis Refsal sin ekspertise om hvordan man kan hjelpe personer med lesevansker etter at de har oppstått, og diskuterer ulike strategier og tilnærminger for å støtte dem i å mestre lesing. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Sailor, kitesurfer, and paddler Liz Wardley returns to the show to talk with Emma about her record-breaking row across the Atlantic. She completed the World's Toughest Row at the end of January after 44 days at sea. She beat the previous record by 15 days. Liz has competed many times in The Ocean Race and was last on the podcast in 2019 when she wa…
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Despite increased pressure for oversight into UAP programs, officials insisted they had not uncovered any recoveries of extraterrestrial crafts or bodies. However, one person on the UAP Task Force with top security clearance would soon blow the whistle on what he had learned: not only are we not alone, but we may be in danger. Visit our website at …
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Brian Entin, a senior national correspondent at NewsNation, is renowned for his in-depth coverage of significant murder cases. His reporting, characterized by on-ground presence and immersive storytelling, has contributed to the "Missing" series, aiding in resolving numerous cases. He reported on the shocking revelations brought by David Grusch cla…
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I dagens episode møter vi tidligere seniorrådgiver Vigdis Refsahl. Hun har jobbet en årrekke med styrking av leseopplæring, og har dysleksi som sitt spesialfelt. Hun har jobbet med å styrke leseopplæring på alle trinn. I dagens episode går vi gjennom hva som er viktig å gjøre for at leseopplæringn skal "komme riktig ut fra hoppkanten". Become a mem…
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Capt. Jen of Schooner WOODWIND returns to the podcast after having just sailed with Andy aboard FALKEN on the 2,100 mile passage across the Atlantic! Jen and Andy reflect on Jen's first big ocean crossing and what it was like to leave the wintry Chesapeake Bay for tropical Tradewind sailing. They also talk about challenges of running a small busine…
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