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Ernest knows the tricks and gimmicks used by politicians and governments. They can't fool him, so they can't fool you either when you listen to Ernest. He's in recovery from 14 years as a U.S. Congressman, part of his 25 years in public office.
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show series
Big Brother is everywhere, and now federal databases could cost seniors their guns. And that's just one of the problems from Big Brother's Big Data. Behind the scenes, the Social Security Administration is preparing to add millions of seniors to the FBI's list of people disqualified from owning a gun. These are seniors who have relatives handle the…
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Political correctness has become a threat to national defense. The Pentagon's leaders, hand-picked by President Obama, are reversing the long-time rule that transgenders have mental issues and cannot serve. The official and stupid explanation is that ending this debate will free commanders from distractions. This is actually the start of endless ne…
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Even when you're innocent, government can find you guilty. By 5-4, the Supreme Court says you can be punished for civil rights violations, even when you never intended to discriminate illegally. They don't want equal opportunity; they want equal results. How? They call it disparate impact. You can be perfectly fair and neutral, but if a minority cl…
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If you like your religion, can you keep it? President Obama said in 2008 that too many Americans cling bitterly to their guns and their religion. He recently repeated his calls for gun control. Now Obama seems to want people to give up their faith as well. At least the part that conflicts with his politics. The President made the remarks shortly af…
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We lose the democratic process when courts make our biggest decisions for us. Our Constitution provides clear limits on the powers of government. Instead, the Supreme Court uses the Constitution to reduce our ability to make our own decisions through elections. By ignoring public votes and duly-enacted laws, the Supreme Court has given America a ne…
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Once it was Army uniforms that were green. Now it's the whole Pentagon. Global warming is a major national security issue, according to President Obama and his hand-picked general who now run the Pentagon. We still have no strategy to deal with the threats from the Islamic State, but our troops now have a Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap. Over 7,0…
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Tragedies grow worse when politicians pile on. The minister was one of nine killed at a black church in South Carolina. The horrid murders clearly involved a sick person filled with racial hatred. But before funerals could be planned, politicians jumped to urge gun control on all 320-million Americans. Others claimed it proves that most white peopl…
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Artificial trans fats are being banned. Trans fat occurs naturally in milk products and in meats like beef. Those are not restricted by the FDA's new ban. Only the “artificial” trans fat is banned. But the grocers and restaurants began phasing those out years ago. What will replace it, and how will it taste? The substitute could be something that i…
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Headlines show that law and order could be collapsing: Murders and shootings are up in big cities where police pulled back after accusations of racist law enforcement. Homicides are up 20 percent in New York City. Shootings have doubled in Baltimore. Shouldn't civil rights protesters aim some of their anger at the thugs who violate the rights of th…
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Political correctness is at new levels of absurdity A man has surgery to look like a woman. He competed in the Olympics. He fathered children. He forever has male DNA. Yet we're told it's shameful unless we call him a her. A white woman leads a chapter of the NAACP. She was born Caucasian. She attended a black university--but sued them claiming mis…
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'Tis the season for Washington, DC, to roll out the gimmicks. News stories might make you yawn, saying the House or the Senate just approved a bill to spend umpteen billions of dollars. Now's the time when Congress considers the appropriations bills. Is there any control on spending? No, not much. Most spending is on automatic pilot. Programs like …
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It's hard to get ahead when prices keep climbing. There's a link between rising prices and runaway regulations. Higher costs of doing business hurt the whole economy, and fewer jobs get created. But billions in red tape costs get tacked onto the prices that all us consumers must pay. Most of that is higher energy costs and more expensive automobile…
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Say goodbye to your restroom privacy. Employers should let people use the restroom of their choice, according to new federal instructions. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration calls “guidance” rather than a legal requirement. They won't even admit that men and women are different. Instead, they write that our sex “assigned at birth” ca…
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Honey, they've shrunk the middle class. Upward mobility first requires gaining a middle class income, on your way to a higher standard of living. What happened? Government. Low incomes were exempted from income taxes, then taxes hit hard when you approach middle class. Plus you lose the public assistance benefits awarded to lower incomes. Welfare r…
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Lots of people getting Obamacare say they still cannot afford health care. A liberal group reports that one-fourth of people covered by Obamacare still avoid seeing a doctor or having tests done because they cannot afford the deductibles or co-pays. That shows how bureaucratic the law is, because even after raising insurance premiums it also raises…
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If you want to be called PeeWee, then smoking dope is for you. Another medical study confirms that marijuana stunts growth as well as causing brain damage in youth. Boys who smoke marijuana are 4 inches shorter by age 20 than their counterparts, on average. That can earn them nicknames like PeeWee or Runt. But the drug legalization crowd continues …
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Imagine arresting a student for supporting the Second Amendment. Students who don't toe the liberal line may face arrest like a West Virginia teenager suffered. A school secretary objected to his T-shirt bearing the logo of the National Rifle Association and told him to turn it inside out. Knowing his rights, the teenager said no. He was hauled to …
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America's divides cannot heal when agitators invent new ways to act offended. At Harvard University, a soda machine made in Israel was removed from campus because Palestinian students claimed it was a microaggression against them. The University of Illinois reports that minorities sense microaggression just from being in a room full of white people…
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According to Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, President Obama's goal is to leave a legacy of ending America's use of fossil fuels. That includes coal, natural gas, and oil. Obama condemns anyone who disagrees that global warming is the biggest threat to mankind, above even terrorism. Obama's solution is spending billions of dollars in crony capitalism …
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Many Americans who bought electric cars are now disenchanted. Billions of tax dollars were spent to induce you to buy an electric car, or at least a hybrid. That includes a $7,500 per car federal incentive, plus state subsidies. Despite the government checks, these remain expensive vehicles. Buyers soon learn that electric cars have limited range b…
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Guess who's lying about their finances—it's the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service told Congress millions of taxpayer inquiries are ignored because Congress doesn't give the IRS enough money to function. The IRS deliberately makes taxpayers its lowest priority. Congress gave the agency the same money this year as last year. But the IRS diverted $134…
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President Obama claims there's an agreement to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. To reach a deal, Obama already: , Restored $13-billion in assets to Iran, and Evidently agrees to end all trade sanctions on Iran up front, supposedly because they will allow inspections of their nuclear program. I quote Obama: Now I quote the #2 man in Iran's…
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Is there something wrong with being a taxpayer? A left-wing writer wants to ban the word “taxpayer.” She claims the term benefits conservatives and threatens equality under law, by implying that those who pay for government deserve better treatment than those who do not. Remember that half of America's adults pay zero federal income tax. The word t…
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The White House is claiming that Iran is no longer a threat to world peace. For decades, Iran has been a rogue nation, sponsoring global terrorism and devoted to destroying Israel. President Obama wants us to believe Iran can now be trusted. He's ready to let Iran keep the capability to make weapons-grade uranium within 2 to 3 months. Obama would r…
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Net neutrality is a phony term meaning government control. Big government wants to run everything. With President Obama pulling the strings, the Federal Communications Commission is issuing rules and regulations to take over the Internet. In the name of fairness, the ability to buy faster access will end. It's like re-distribution of wealth; every …
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