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Wirtschaft im Fokus

Dan Bauer & Michael Mattis

In diesem fesselnden Podcast öffnen zwei der einflussreichsten Visionäre Deutschlands ihre Schatzkiste voller Erfahrungen und Insiderwissen. Dan Bauer—Senator der Wirtschaft, Vorsitzender der Kommission Digitalisierung und Multi-Unternehmer—enthüllt seine Strategien für digitale Transformation und nachhaltige Innovation. Als Initiator zahlreicher Wirtschaftsförderungen und gefragter Berater für Strategie und Unternehmensführung teilt er sein unvergleichliches Know-how. Michael Mattis, der Ko ...
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Der MICEboard Podcast Channel ist der Podcastkanal für die MICE- & Eventbranche zu diversen branchenspezifischen Themen. ist die Community für deutschsprachige Veranstaltungsplaner, die regelmäßig international Events organisieren. Der MICEboard Podcast beschäftigt sich mit Themen rund um internationale Veranstaltungsplanungen, #MICE Fachveranstaltungen und News! Für #Eventprofs.
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Der Profcast widmet sich den besonderen Umständen von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Seltenen Erkrankungen, der damit in Zusammenhang stehenden Medizin und den speziellen Herausforderungen für Forschung, Entwicklung sowie Ökonomie und Erstattung. Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Matthias P. Schönermark wird mit Patientenvertretern, Kostenträgern, Klinikern und Wissenschaftlern wie auch Industrievertretern sprechen und darüber hinaus spezifische Erkrankungen in den Fokus nehmen. Das Wort Profcast ist dab ...
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show series
Wie gestaltet sich die medikamentöse Therapie einer chronischen Nierenerkrankung? Welche Substanzklassen sind - unabhängig von der Ätiologie - nephroprotektiv bzw. verlangsamen die Progression einer chronischen Nierenerkrankung? Welche Medikamente sollten bei Vorliegen einer Nierenerkrankungen mit Vorsicht angewendet werden? Was ist die "sick day d…
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In dieser Folge von Basiswissen Nephrologie erklärt Dr. Marcus Säemann, welche Stadien KDIGO (Kidney Diseases - Improving Global Outcomes) basierend auf eGFR und Albuminurie bei chronische Nierenerkrankungen unterscheidet und welche Konsequenzen dies im klinischen Alltag hat. Diese Podcast-Serie wurde mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Boehringer I…
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In dieser Folge von Basiswissen Nephrologie erklärt Dr. Marcus Säemann, wie, wann und bei welche Patientengruppen ein Screening durchgeführt werden sollte und über die Bedeutung einer frühzeitigen Erkennung von Nierenerkrankungen. Dr. Marcus Säemann diskutiert die Bedeutung einer Albuminurie auf den Krankheitsverlauf und wie sich die diagnostische …
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PD Dr. Reinhard Raggam, aktueller Präsident der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für internistische Angiologie, gibt einen Überblick über das Management von antikoagulierten Patient:innen vor, während und nach einem interventionellen Eingriff. Diese Podcast Folge ist in Zusammenarbeit mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für internistische Angiologie…
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Jeden Tag hinterlassen wir unbewusst Unmengen an Datenspuren. Diese Daten werden laufend durch unterschiedliche Parteien gesammelt, ausgewertet und analysiert. Dies häufig, ohne unser Wissen. Von vielen solcher Auswertungen profitieren wir direkt oder indirekt. Zugleich schlummert in solchen Datenpraktiken aber auch das Potenzial, Menschen oder Ges…
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Jeden Tag hinterlassen wir unbewusst Unmengen an Datenspuren. Diese Daten werden laufend durch unterschiedliche Parteien gesammelt, ausgewertet und analysiert. Dies häufig, ohne unser Wissen. Von vielen solcher Auswertungen profitieren wir direkt oder indirekt. Zugleich schlummert in solchen Datenpraktiken aber auch das Potenzial, Menschen oder Ges…
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Jeden Tag hinterlassen wir unbewusst Unmengen an Datenspuren. Diese Daten werden laufend durch unterschiedliche Parteien gesammelt, ausgewertet und analysiert. Dies häufig, ohne unser Wissen. Von vielen solcher Auswertungen profitieren wir direkt oder indirekt. Zugleich schlummert in solchen Datenpraktiken aber auch das Potenzial, Menschen oder Ges…
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Das Thema Innovation steht im Zentrum dieser Folge, in der Dan Bauer und Michael Mattis die Herausforderungen und Chancen diskutieren, die Unternehmen in Deutschland und Europa im Vergleich zu den USA haben. Sie stellen fest, dass Deutschland zwar über hervorragende Ingenieure und Technologien verfügt, jedoch oft an einer fehlenden Risikobereitscha…
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This talk will give an overview of DTs DNS platform and the challenges arising from carrier scale DNS deployments. It will cover the architecture and new requirements as well as scalability and the implementation status and impact of encrypted DNS (e.g., DoH/DoT and DNS discovery). The presentation will also address shortcomings of the new discover…
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This talk will give an overview of DTs DNS platform and the challenges arising from carrier scale DNS deployments. It will cover the architecture and new requirements as well as scalability and the implementation status and impact of encrypted DNS (e.g., DoH/DoT and DNS discovery). The presentation will also address shortcomings of the new discover…
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This talk will give an overview of DTs DNS platform and the challenges arising from carrier scale DNS deployments. It will cover the architecture and new requirements as well as scalability and the implementation status and impact of encrypted DNS (e.g., DoH/DoT and DNS discovery). The presentation will also address shortcomings of the new discover…
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News from IXPs in GermanyAs introduced 2021 we collect some parameters from all IXPs, which are active in Germany. This talk aggregates the Updates for all the IXPs in a common format and will be presented in a neutral way.Licensed to the public under this event:…
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News from IXPs in GermanyAs introduced 2021 we collect some parameters from all IXPs, which are active in Germany. This talk aggregates the Updates for all the IXPs in a common format and will be presented in a neutral way.Licensed to the public under this event:…
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News from IXPs in GermanyAs introduced 2021 we collect some parameters from all IXPs, which are active in Germany. This talk aggregates the Updates for all the IXPs in a common format and will be presented in a neutral way.Licensed to the public under this event:…
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In this talk, we explore the changes needed to convert a set of fully open source amd64 based VPP routers running in AS8298 to be able to use exactly one IPv4 and IPv6 address in an OSPFv3 and iBGP configuration. The use of /30 or /31 IPv4 transit networks between routers is a thing of the past, paving the way to conserve IPv4 addresses!The talk di…
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In this talk, we explore the changes needed to convert a set of fully open source amd64 based VPP routers running in AS8298 to be able to use exactly one IPv4 and IPv6 address in an OSPFv3 and iBGP configuration. The use of /30 or /31 IPv4 transit networks between routers is a thing of the past, paving the way to conserve IPv4 addresses!The talk di…
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In this talk, we explore the changes needed to convert a set of fully open source amd64 based VPP routers running in AS8298 to be able to use exactly one IPv4 and IPv6 address in an OSPFv3 and iBGP configuration. The use of /30 or /31 IPv4 transit networks between routers is a thing of the past, paving the way to conserve IPv4 addresses!The talk di…
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Metro networks are arguably one of the more challenging areas in carrier network engineering: Feature creep, space constraints, harsh physical environments and the requirement to deliver all services everywhere, for cheap.At Wobcom AS9136 we _just_ wanted to modernize the transport network. Two years later we ended up redesigning just about everyth…
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Metro networks are arguably one of the more challenging areas in carrier network engineering: Feature creep, space constraints, harsh physical environments and the requirement to deliver all services everywhere, for cheap.At Wobcom AS9136 we _just_ wanted to modernize the transport network. Two years later we ended up redesigning just about everyth…
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Metro networks are arguably one of the more challenging areas in carrier network engineering: Feature creep, space constraints, harsh physical environments and the requirement to deliver all services everywhere, for cheap.At Wobcom AS9136 we _just_ wanted to modernize the transport network. Two years later we ended up redesigning just about everyth…
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We had to move a couple of hundred machines from a big Layer 2 broadcast domain into a fully routed network. We also increased the bandwidth available for each server by mounting a new NIC into each server, To avoid synchronisation with service owners, we did not renumber hosts. In addition, there is connectivity to the large Layer 2 domain that is…
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We had to move a couple of hundred machines from a big Layer 2 broadcast domain into a fully routed network. We also increased the bandwidth available for each server by mounting a new NIC into each server, To avoid synchronisation with service owners, we did not renumber hosts. In addition, there is connectivity to the large Layer 2 domain that is…
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We had to move a couple of hundred machines from a big Layer 2 broadcast domain into a fully routed network. We also increased the bandwidth available for each server by mounting a new NIC into each server, To avoid synchronisation with service owners, we did not renumber hosts. In addition, there is connectivity to the large Layer 2 domain that is…
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The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of the Internet infrastructure, responsible for translating human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. However, theincreasing centralization of DNS traffic through large content-delivery hyper-giants (such as Google), coupled with the fact that the majority of DNS communicati…
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The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of the Internet infrastructure, responsible for translating human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. However, theincreasing centralization of DNS traffic through large content-delivery hyper-giants (such as Google), coupled with the fact that the majority of DNS communicati…
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The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of the Internet infrastructure, responsible for translating human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. However, theincreasing centralization of DNS traffic through large content-delivery hyper-giants (such as Google), coupled with the fact that the majority of DNS communicati…
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DDoS attacks and attackers are out there today, and likely won't go away anymore. This talk will outline some current available technologies and developments in the area of DDoS countermeasures, which are designed to make DDoS detection faster, provide better information and decision criteria on what is currently going on in a network, and what is …
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DDoS attacks and attackers are out there today, and likely won't go away anymore. This talk will outline some current available technologies and developments in the area of DDoS countermeasures, which are designed to make DDoS detection faster, provide better information and decision criteria on what is currently going on in a network, and what is …
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DDoS attacks and attackers are out there today, and likely won't go away anymore. This talk will outline some current available technologies and developments in the area of DDoS countermeasures, which are designed to make DDoS detection faster, provide better information and decision criteria on what is currently going on in a network, and what is …
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As communication speeds increase, a new problem of communication errors caused by "return loss" has become apparent in optical connector connections.Licensed to the public under this event: Takaya Nakagawa
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As communication speeds increase, a new problem of communication errors caused by "return loss" has become apparent in optical connector connections.Licensed to the public under this event: Takaya Nakagawa
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As communication speeds increase, a new problem of communication errors caused by "return loss" has become apparent in optical connector connections.Licensed to the public under this event: Takaya Nakagawa
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Everything uses IP nowadays but some stuff is special: Telephony. The connection between customers and their provider is well known but the interconnections of providers themselves are something different. This talk covers the German market, other countries work totally different (some examples might be given).Licensed to the public under http://cr…
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Everything uses IP nowadays but some stuff is special: Telephony. The connection between customers and their provider is well known but the interconnections of providers themselves are something different. This talk covers the German market, other countries work totally different (some examples might be given).Licensed to the public under http://cr…
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Everything uses IP nowadays but some stuff is special: Telephony. The connection between customers and their provider is well known but the interconnections of providers themselves are something different. This talk covers the German market, other countries work totally different (some examples might be given).Licensed to the public under http://cr…
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Following up on last year's introductory talk about NIS2 and the cybersecurity regulations, we'll look at the technical and methodological requirements specifically for digital service providers.Licensed to the public under this event:…
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Following up on last year's introductory talk about NIS2 and the cybersecurity regulations, we'll look at the technical and methodological requirements specifically for digital service providers.Licensed to the public under this event:…
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Following up on last year's introductory talk about NIS2 and the cybersecurity regulations, we'll look at the technical and methodological requirements specifically for digital service providers.Licensed to the public under this event:…
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Marketing ist die Speerspitze eines jeden Unternehmens, doch ohne eine klare Strategie kann es schnell zu Problemen kommen, insbesondere wenn die Leads ausbleiben. Dan Bauer und Michael Matthis diskutieren die Herausforderungen des Marketings und betonen die Bedeutung, die Zielgruppe genau zu kennen und strategisch zu arbeiten, anstatt sich auf kur…
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This presentation investigates the proximity to a low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) threshold that can still maintain a tolerable Bit Error Rate (BER) in 100G / 400G / 800G network links. Additionally, we account for factors such as temperature and cable length to predict the duration for which a reliable network connection can be sustained between t…
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