I have several clients around the country that just cannot take the first step in building a new home. Sure, budget is always a big factor, and so is timing. But for many, the hesitation comes down to the fear of possibly making the wrong decision. Its absolutely terrifying. I get it, believe me. See, I'm one of the lucky ones that doesn't have many sensitivities to chemicals, mold, etc. But my clients sure do. And since they have been living this nightmare for many years, they are expecting to react to new environments, new materials and other "unknown" aromas. But as I've learned, in many situations, you dont need a change of venue to heal. There are other ways. Several years ago, I did a podcast about chemical sensitivity being partially a psychosomatic issue. And right on queue, I started receiving nasty emails and threatening phone calls. I struck a nerve, no pun intended. But if you actually listened to the entire episode, you heard that I believed very strongly that these sensitivities were real and cause real reactions. Our brains, however, are always trying to protect us, so if it senses a potential threat, it will put you into fight or flight, causing the exact same physical reactions as if it truly WAS a threat and not just an unknown smell or chemical release thats completely harmless. In hindsight, maybe it was a bit premature in my learning process to publish that episode. I mean, I was literally just blurting out stream of consciousness with only my own thoughts and my own experiences. In this episode, I have some professional backup to my thoughts and ideas. Dr Cathleen King started an online community called Primal Trust , specifically to help those with CIRS, MCAS, MCS and all other health issues. Her community and courses consist of brain retraining, holistic nervous system regulation, somatic practices, vagus nerve healing, and true self-discovery. I was blown away by this interview; it literally brought me to tears. While we were talking, images of past and present clients of mine kept racing through my mind. It was overwhelming. So many wonderful people Ive met over the last 30 years and so many who could have been helped by Cathleen's program. Even while living in the space that has caused propblems. Please listen, like and share this episode. Then, PLEASE follow this link to receive: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your FREE online starter course >>>>>>>>>>> HOW HEALING HAPPENS Cathleen has been so generous to make this free to all of us through this link. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.…