How To Set Embodied Intentions For The New Year with Charlotte Pointeaux
Manage episode 352123964 series 2951658
When you want to create real change, its important that you don't follow what you think you SHOULD be focusing on. Instead, ask yourself what's true for you. How will you know? Your body will tell you.
Have you picked a word for the year yet? A New Year's resolution? Is your year mapped out with strict timelines and a whole lotta hustle? Maybe so... But if this approach doesn't feel quite right to you, I'd love to offer you a different way: a more feminine, embodied, feelings-based way of setting intentions for the year ahead. In this episode I'm sharing my embodied intention-setting technique which I guide all my private wild feminine coaching clients through, so you can get crystal-clear, alive, juicy and deeply inspired to call in your most luscious year yet.
What's more, the cycle mysteries teach us that New Years Day is not the correct time to be declaring "New Year, New Me!". Instead, there's meant to be an in-built hibernation, restorative time to let the death of the last year complete, and the visioning and dreaming of the new year to occur before we rush in all guns blazing with our new habits.
I suggest we allow ourselves one Moon, until New Moon (22nd Jan 2023) to let our visions become clear, so we're sure we're choosing the right path that honours our capacity, desires, needs and energy, rather than overriding and pushing through. Let's resist the urge to overdo it and then quit at the first hurdle, all burnt out, and instead take a cyclical, embodied approach right from the get-go.
Listen in for me sharing:
- why resolutions suck in my opinion
- why choosing a word for the year hasn't worked for me
- why instead I work with embodied goals (feminine) versus goals (masculine)
- what cycle wisdom says about how to begin a new year depending on which hemisphere you live in, and where in your menstrual cycle you are
- why I think its imperative we let ourselves change our minds as we go!
- how to tune into your body's felt senses and intuition
- my embodied intention setting process
- how to make sure you don't forget your intention, and how to journey with it on a deeper level
- what my personal intention was last year, how it evolved, and how it came to life
- how I can support you privately to set yours and first news about private wild feminine coaching spaces I have becoming available next month, and how to work with me.
Have you crafted your embodied intention? Once you've listened, share your intention with me here in the comments, or DM me! I would LOVE to know.
C xxx
Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
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Ready for more? Deepen with me!
- FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower!
- Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now!
- Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now!
- Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Big love,
Charlotte xxx
94 Episoden