show episodes

Famous at Home

Josh + Christi Straub

We all long to put our families center stage. Yet, in a world that competes for our time, attention, and identity, we often give our family the leftovers instead of our full, undivided hearts. Welcome to the Famous at Home podcast, with marriage and leadership coaches, Dr. Josh and Christi Straub. With a realistic, grace-filled look at the struggles families face, the Famous at Home podcast is like having a cup of coffee with authentic friends who just “get you,” yet with the practical and l ...
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show series
We want to introduce you to one of the most joyful collaborations ever. We asked our friends, Wes and Callie Strunk, from NONAH, to create a bumper for the Famous at Home podcast. It was so good that they turned it into a full-on song and inspirational message. In this episode, we interview Wes and Callie on their own journey to being famous at hom…
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*DISCLAIMER* This message contains adult themes and is not intended for little ears. Special Patreon Release: Remaining Sexually Engaged Through the Years with Dr. Michael Sytsma Colossians 3:14 (NIV) “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” Dr. Michael Sytsma is a certified sex therapist, ordained m…
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Finding our way home is easier when we stop chasing the things leading us away from it. Which leads to a question you must answer if you want to be famous at home, "What is my 'chase' costing me?" In episode 2 of season 1, Finding Your Way Home, we talk about what it means to chase, share our own stories of “chasing,” and offer insights on giving u…
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243: Stories Series: Angel Encounter and Hearing from God with Mary Beth Zimmerman Hebrews 1:14 (NIV) "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" Other Episode Mentioned: 27 Life Lessons with My Dad Topics we cover: Unique Upbringing Angel Encounter God reveals Himself in a Personal Way Mary Beth Zimmerm…
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The Famous at Home podcast has a new beginning! Though we have over 400 previous episodes out in the world, this is the start of a new vision for Famous at Home, what we call “red carpet to revival.” Welcome to Season 1! Each new season will consist of seven episodes and be built around specific topics to help bring revival to your family. Season 1…
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242. Stories Series: He Gives and Takes Away with Joyce Hodel Philippians 1:21 (NIV) "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Questions and Topics We Discuss: What are some of your highlights of raising children and parenting? Will you share how life unexpectedly and drastically changed on July 3rd, 2009? How has God sustained you through…
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241. Stories Series: From the Mission Field, Experiencing God in the Little and the Big with Patty Sommer Psalms 7:11-12 (AMP) "I will [solemnly] remember the deeds of the Lord; Yes, I will [wholeheartedly] remember Your wonders of old. I will meditate on all Your works And thoughtfully consider all Your [great and wondrous] deeds." Other Savvy Sau…
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Special Patreon Re-Release: Lead with Questions in Parenting with Stacy Bellward **Transcription Below** Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Stacy Bellward has walked thousands of parents through all of Connected Families online courses - encouraging them, asking thoughtful questions and nudging…
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240. Stories Series: God's Protection and Covering in Parenting with Brenda Dugger **Transcription Below** Psalms 34:7 (NIV) "The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them." Questions and Topics We Cover: What was life like, growing up as an identical twin? Will you share how He miraculously protected your sons multi…
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Will the decisions you're making today get you to where you want to be ten years from now? Welcome to episode 5 of 5 in our Summer Series called, Cultivating a Spiritual Growth Environment in Your Home. In this episode, we talk about your "why" and the gift of involving your kids in a purpose greater than themselves. Here are some highlights: What …
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239. Stories Series: Experiencing the Supernatural with Jackie Coleman **Transcription Below** Genesis 50:20 + 21 (NIV) "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to …
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Parenting struggles are real. Screentime. Discipline. Anxiety. But what if we’re focused on the wrong things? Instead of trying to fix and manage the problems, what if we lived out the solution? What if the environment we cultivate is the very thing our children need? Welcome to episode 4 of 5 in our Summer Series called, Cultivating a Spiritual Gr…
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238. Stories Series: God Delights in His Children with Pastor Brad Habegger **Transcription Below** 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV) "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." Questions or Topics We Cover: Reflecting back, can you identify any specific habits or experiences that seemed to be catalysts for deepening your faith? How did God show you H…
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Welcome to episode 3 of 5 in our Summer Series called, Cultivating a Spiritual Growth Environment in Your Home. There are many misconceptions about what practicing the Sabbath, or ceasing from work, really entails. People often view Sabbath as a day for lounging around the house, binging a show on Netflix, or just doing nothing. Those things can be…
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Special Patreon Re-Release: Unexpected Story of Trauma, Anxiety, Adoption, and Hope with Bettina Stevens **Transcription Below** Psalms 69:29 + 30 (NIV) "But as for me, afflicted and in pain - may your salvation, God, protect me. I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving." Bettina Stevens is married to her high school sweet…
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Welcome to episode 2 of 5 in our Summer Series called, Cultivating a Spiritual Growth Environment in Your Home. One of the most frequent questions we're asked is how we maintain a spirit of peace as a family of five and all we have going on. "How do you carry such calm in your interactions with each other?" wrote one long-time listener. To begin, p…
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237. Stories Series: Prodigal and Redemption with Renee Endress **Transcription Below** Isaiah 61:1-3 (KJV) "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are …
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Welcome to episode 1 of 5 in our Summer Series called, Cultivating a Spiritual Growth Environment in Your Home. This series comes with a pdf workbook / discussion guide to go along with all five episodes (found in show notes below). You can use them in your small groups, with your spouse, or as a companion guide to the content. Have you ever given …
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236. Stories Series: God's Power and Light with Jaime Farrell **Transcription Below** John 3:30 (NIV) " He must become greater; I must become less.” Jaime Farrell is first of all, a beloved of her Lord. She is also wife to Jonathan, and mother to Jorja, Jolie, Jemma, and Job. She can be reached through Instagram or Facebook and she would also love …
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Special Patreon Re-Release: Purposeful and Practical with Emily Thomas Proverbs 14:18b (AMP) “But the sensible [are thoughtful and far-sighted and] are crowned with knowledge." Emily Thomas is the Chief of Staff at Cultivate What Matters, the home of the PowerSheets® Goal Planner and all things intentional living. With over 11 years at Cultivate, E…
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Welcome to episode 5 of 5 in our Summer Series called, Cultivating an Emotionally Healthy Marriage. Would you describe your spouse as your greatest teammate? It probably depends on the day, right? We all have opponents that war against the connection in our marriage and cause conflict. But how do we fight? Do we see the opponent for what it is, or …
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Top Ten from 2023: #1 School Series: Benefits of Homeschooling with Jodi Mockabee Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (NIV) “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you w…
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Welcome to episode 4 of 5 in our Summer Series called, Cultivating an Emotionally Healthy Marriage. Joining us for a conversation about sex is our dear friend, a licensed marriage and family therapist whose specialization in graduate school was sex therapy, Laura Dugger. In this episode, Laura talks about how sex makes everything better. Wait until…
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