show episodes


Sushant Kumar

This podcast is hosted by biotech entrepreneur Sushant Kumar, Founder & CEO of Genefitletics. Through this exclusive health podcast, he addresses the information asymmetry in the preventive health space. He is currently building Genefitletics, which is a direct-to-customer Biotech company- that studies & analyses activities of single & multicellular microorganisms living on & inside human body to provide precision health interventions in order to eradicate epidemic of chronic diseases, cance ...
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show series
90% of cancer deaths are attributed to metastasis.What exactly is metastasis ?In simple words it is the spread of cancer cells from the primary tumour sides to different tissues & distant organs. The process involves local invasion, detach from primary site, enter( intravasate) into circulation/blood stream, evade immune attack, enter other tissues…
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We all know cancer is nothing but uncontrolled cell growth & division. Mitochondria in every cell controls cell cycle. It is a kill switch. When there is mitochondria dysfunction, this kill switch is gone. The cells starts to proliferate & grow.The question arises what differentiates normal cells from cancer cells?It is how cells generate energy.No…
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Cancer has been regarded as a genetic disease caused by genetic mutations driven by somatic mutation theory. You would be have influx of number of DNA testing or early cancer detection companies claiming they could detect risk/early cancer onset looking at certain genetic mutations, circulating tumor cells or physical examinations These all are dri…
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On the eve of World Heart Day 2024, let us break all myths around onset & progression of cardiovascular disease.Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer globally with no preventative solutions as of now.Most of the #healthcare practitioners & #healthtech companies still blame cholesterol for development of cardiovascular disease while it is …
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Over the last 4-5 years, we have seen a flurry of gut microbiome DNA testing companies, claiming they have an out of box solution to reverse most chronic diseases!I am afraid this is far away from reality!No doubt, Gut microbiome has a vital role to play in overall physiology but these companies have less than optimal approach on two fronts-These c…
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Do you know which is the most complex machinery ever made on this planet earth? Yes , it's the human body! Our body is a sack of chemicals & biochemical reactions that need to work in synchrony to keep our body in homeostasis. It needs flow of electrons, voltage & current to keep all biological functions moving. Literally everything is connected- w…
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Chronic Kidney Disease is a global health problem. The biggest issue lies in its late diagnosis during the progression of disease. The clinical manifestation & plasma level indications such as eGFR that can indicate kidney health are reduced only at advanced stages of disease development.However the fact is the changes in biology & chemistry at mol…
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It has been found that 33% of adult female population suffer from depression, while 1 in 5 men would have this growing mental health issue.Stress is rampant while millions of people deal with dementia & Parkinson's.While there are solution such as drugs & antidepressants to manage these growing mental health conditions, we have not seen any applica…
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We have become a protein obsessed nation! Have you ever wondered why?We are told we are deficient in protein! But does this apply to everyone? Is the entire adult population protein deficient? What is the basis of the claim ? How do we calculate deficiency?If you are recommended some X grams / kg of body weight to meet your protein requirement, you…
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Metabolic disease is taking a giant leap forward with the number of people developing obesity, type 2 diabetes & more is increasing.Although we have all resources & tech in place, still we do not have any preventative solutions to stop these diseases from developing in the first place.There is need to understand-Food processing, farming practices &…
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Digitise your body before you put a fork inside your mouth! If someone would have told you this 5 to 7 years ago, you would have told them you must be joking! Technology has taken leap & bounds over last few years still when it comes to nutrition as medicine, we get inclined towards that lucrative quick fix without understanding our unique biology …
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Last few years have seen advancement in technology which has opened up flood gates to revisit how we measure our health. This has transformed the methods of collecting healthcare delivery data & point of care diagnostics with usage of Wearables- Smart rings, smart watches & CGMHowever are the healthcare delivery data & plasma level indications real…
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Sexual health issues among male population, specifically, Erectile Dysfunction(ED), has become one of the major chronic health conditions with over 50% of male population in the age band of 40-70 years facing ED.Research has found that men having obesity or suffering from type 2 diabetes &/or high blood pressure are at high risk of Erectile dysfunc…
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Obesity is a global epidemic with more than a quarter of the population dealing with this metabolic syndromeWhile there are tens of thousands of solutions to suppress your weight/make you lose weight, 99% of them are band-aid solutions & do not focus on what makes you obese.Those companies &/or coaches, it is a financial model! You need to maintain…
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Exercise has a vital role to play in fine tuning our physiology & overall health. A moderate exercise with 60-75 minutes per day , 3-5 days a week is important for various biological processes including regulating satiety level, cardiovascular disease, stress response & more. However, an important aspect is exercise performance. Right nutrition cho…
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Oral Illness continues to be a huge burden in India with more than 95% of Indians having dental caries & over 50% have periodontal diseases.Most of the current set of dental interventions are band aid solutions resorting to root canals, tooth fillings & more but misses out the most important aspect- the microbes living inside our mouth- ORAL MICROB…
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100 million people in India are dealing with type 2 diabetes & counting! India is called Diabetic capital of the world. We have all science & technology & even healthcare to address range of chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes but still the number of Diabetic population seem to increase with current healthcare industry having no clue how to …
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Solving & finding the underlying cause why people develop metabolic disease trilogy- Type 2 diabetes-Cardiovascular Diseases- Chronic Kidney Disease has been a nightmare.More so as our modern healthcare system, treat all three diseases separately & treat separate organs. What if all these three diseases are connected? Why are our healthcare profess…
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When it comes to chronic diseases, we are living in the dark. We do not know how it developed, why it developed & if someone develops a chronic disease say diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression or more, he/she blames it on bad genes or bad luck. Well it's not bad genes or bad luck, it's some change in biology + chemistry going on before & du…
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Post COVID, people have become conscious of their health & are looking for solutions that can help them regulate their biology.However, this has been considered as an opportunity with a number of supplements & nutraceutical companies who have been offering standard OTC supplements- vitamin, mineral, prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics & more for wor…
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Incidence of cancer is increasing & around 13% of the Indian population is at high risk of developing cancer with more representation from younger population.It is one of the most complex diseases & the current set of interventions are just on suppressing tumours through modern medicine methods- chemotherapy, immunotherapy, surgery & more with limi…
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We recently launched India's first oral microbiome genes expression solution which encompasses molecular insights into dental health, sexual health, reproductive health, metabolic health, brain & cognitive health, heart health & more.The microbes living in the mouth, the second largest colonised area for microbes after the gut, have been ignored fo…
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Type 2 diabetes is a global epidemic with the number of people developing this disease is going to increase by 40% by the end of the year 2023. In India alone 100 million + people are dealing with this metabolic syndrome.We have seen a number of companies claiming they can reverse diabetes just by tracking blood sugar & Hba1c levels through CGM mac…
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Second episode of our ASKEDIOME is live now.Thanks Fatima for accepting our request being part of this exciting discussionThis episode unlocked mystery behind:1)Rheumatoid Arthritis: The role of gut microbiome2)Gut- heart connection3)All about chronic constipationThe question thread for our 3rd episode is now open. You may drop your questions here.…
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We are doing every bit to make interventions for your health as personalized & precise as possible!We make sure that response to your health queries & interventions have cutting scientific edgeFrom today, we are kick starting another initiative- ASKEDIOME- the weekly Q &A webcastEvery Tuesday, Genefitletics translational science team would stream Q…
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Our founder & CEO- Sushant Kumar in talks with Mr.Rupinder Singh, Founder- Biohouse Solutions &, serial entrepreneur & motivational speaker on how gut microbiome is shaping our biology for health. The discussion was focussed on -Why are we developing chronic diseases? - Why the healthcare system is not able to solve this epidemic. - DNA vs microbio…
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How does the equity gap play a role in lipid management? Join us as we interview Dr. Keith Ferdinand on the importance of recognizing & addressing implicit bias in cardiovascular care, and what he is doing at Tulane University to train future physicians in this subject matter.
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Over the last 5 decades, we have been grappling with chronic diseases! Chronic diseases have become an epidemic- disaster for mankind. Now it is time to separate functional medicine & preventive nutrition from modern medicine. Over the last few years, science is clear that underlying cause of every single chronic disease be it diabetes, obesity, ca…
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Let us talk about cholesterol today. Heart disease is one the most dreaded diseases globally & its impact is devastating for families. We are told to eat healthier & exercise daily to maintain a healthy heart. Cereal boxes & other so called healthy food boxes available in market are plastered with “ heart healthy” seals & claim to decrease your cho…
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In Spite of such an advanced healthcare system, we are still grappling with chronic diseases be it Diabetes, Obesity, Cardiovascular diseases, Digestive issues or hormonal imbalances. Every year 41 million people die prematurely of these chronic diseases. The truth is these diseases are preventable. Our healthcare system as we see it today is best …
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Hey folks, have you ever wondered why in spite of such an advanced healthcare system, 9% of the global adult population suffer from diabetes? Why does 10% of the female adult population suffer from PCOS? Why do heart diseases account for 1/3rd of deaths? Why 41 million die premature deaths every year due to chronic diseases? The fact of the matter …
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Despite medications to reduce risk of heart cardiovascular disease; heart disease is still the number one leading cause of death in the United States as well as around the world. Listen to Drs. Ferguson and Musunuru as they review new discoveries in cholesterol metabolism and explore why researchers are continuing to study cholesterol metabolism ve…
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Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD). risk calculator is a tool that enables healthcare providers and patients to estimate ten-year and lifetime risk of ASCVD. Listen as Dr. Virani explores the reasons why should healthcare professionals should perform ASCVD risk assessment and how the ASCVD Risk Calculator can be used.…
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Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for women in the US and worldwide. Listen as Drs. Mehta, Braun, and Lundberg discuss the importance of adding women-specific factors in the guideline and focus on many important areas common in women’s health that includes rheumatologic disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus eryt…
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The 2018 AHA/ACC cholesterol guideline address the management of patients with high blood cholesterol and other disorders, and risks for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Listen as Dr. Pradeep Natarajan discusses the important changes in 2018 AHA/ACC Cholesterol Guidelines and comparing them to the 2013 cholesterol guideline.…
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Ya se trate de pérdida de peso, pérdida de grasa, obesidad o desarrollo muscular, el consumo elevado de proteínas se considera la mejor estrategia en juego. La premisa básica detrás de esto es que la proteína ayuda a reparar y desarrollar los músculos, mejora el nivel de saciedad y mantiene estable el nivel de azúcar. ¡Esta es la razón básica por l…
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Be it weight loss, fat loss, obesity or muscle building, high protein consumption is considered to be the best strategy at play! Basic premise behind this is protein helps repair & growth of muscles, improve satiety level & keeps sugar level stable! This is the basic reason we are told to follow fat diets such as high protein, ketosis or other high…
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Будь то потеря веса, потеря жира, ожирение или наращивание мышечной массы, высокое потребление белка считается лучшей стратегией! Основная предпосылка этого заключается в том, что белок помогает восстанавливать и наращивать мышцы, улучшать уровень сытости и поддерживать стабильный уровень сахара! Это основная причина, по которой нам советуют придер…
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سواء كان الأمر يتعلق بفقدان الوزن أو فقدان الدهون أو السمنة أو بناء العضلات ، فإن الاستهلاك العالي للبروتين يعتبر أفضل استراتيجية في اللعب! الفرضية الأساسية وراء هذا هو البروتين يساعد على إصلاح ونمو العضلات ، وتحسين مستوى الشبع والحفاظ على استقرار مستوى السكر! هذا هو السبب الأساسي الذي يُطلب منا اتباع أنظمة غذائية غنية بالبروتينات أو الكيتوزية أو غ…
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هل سبق لك أن واجهت موقفًا يصبح فيه الصداع الخفيف مشكلة خطيرة وتزعجك طوال اليوم؟ أنت غير قادر على العمل أو القيام بأنشطة نهارية عادية! لقد حدد الأطباء الكثير من الأسباب لظهور مثل هذا الصداع أو الصداع النصفي ، لكن أهمها التي غالبًا ما تمر دون أن يلاحظها أحد ، حتى نشعر بألم خطير في معبدنا لعدة أيام ، هي خياراتنا الغذائية. نظرًا لضيق الوقت ، غالبًا ما …
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¿Alguna vez se ha enfrentado a una situación en la que un dolor de cabeza leve se convierte en uno grave y le preocupa todo el día? ¡No puede trabajar ni realizar actividades normales durante el día! Los médicos han determinado muchas razones para la aparición de tal dolor de cabeza o migraña, sin embargo, la más importante que a menudo pasa desape…
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Вы когда-нибудь сталкивались с ситуацией, когда легкая головная боль становится серьезной и беспокоит вас весь день? Вы не можете работать или заниматься повседневными делами! Врачи определили множество причин возникновения такой головной боли или мигрени, однако наиболее заметной из них, которая часто остается незамеченной, пока мы не испытываем с…
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Have you ever faced a situation when a mild headache becomes a serious one & troubles you all day? You are not able to work, or do normal daytime activities! Doctors have determined a lot of reasons for the onset of such headache or migraine however the most prominent one which often goes unnoticed, until we are having a serious pain in our temple …
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هل أصبح تناول الأدوية للتحكم في مرض السكري كابوسًا؟ ينتهي الأمر بالكثير من الأشخاص الذين يعانون من مرض السكري من النوع 2 بمستويات سكر في الدم تصل إلى 200 بالإضافة إلى الصباح الباكر حتى بعد انخفاض الكربوهيدرات و / أو انخفاض نسبة السكر في الدم في الليلة السابقة. ناهيك عن الآثار الجانبية لتناول الأدوية التي يمكن أن تؤثر سلبًا على صحة التمثيل الغذائي ب…
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