XPC #6: Adam Marblestone and Anastasia Gamick: FROs, the future of research
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The Xapiens Podcast (XPC) Episode 6:
Join Xapiens Co-Director Loyd Waites in a discussion with Adam Marblestone and Anastasia Gammick. You can learn more about convergent research and their other efforts here: https://convergentresearch.org/
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0:00 - Introduction
1:47 - Research Overview (Neuralink, Deepmind, Kernal, COVID)
6:54 - What makes an FRO different from DARPA
8:07 - How to start a Focused Research Organization
12:12 - Lessons learned for FROs
13:42 - FRO interaction
19:18 - Current FROs
25:07 - What is the Rejuvenome?
30:02 - Any Time for Research?
31:38 - Stand Out Stories and Working with Covid Testing
36:48 - Kernal and Brain Machine Interfaces
40:25 - Biologically Inspired Machine Learning and Cooperation
44:43 - Existential Risk
51:00 - Personal Lives
53:20 - Are you a Transhumanist?
56:27 - The Path to Consciousness
1:04:49 - How would FROs change with Limitless Funding
1:10:18 - Advice to Students
1:12:15 - Closing
Other Xapiens Info:
XPC Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKCp...
Xapiens Home: https://xapiens.mit.edu/
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