With the Chinese Communist Party Congress just happening this past week, many things were highlighted in President Xi's speech. Here is our breakdown, derived from Bloomberg, of his speech and what it means to the road ahead for China and investors. Bloomberg Article: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-16/key-takeaways-from-xi-jinping-s-speech-at-china-s-20th-party-congress-2022?leadSource=uverify%20wall Disclaimer: This content is for entertainment and educational purposes only. These are strictly our opinion and do not reflect how the companies are run or managed. Please do your own research before investing. Last Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sfx-c3xtM-4&ab_channel=TheStudentInvestor TAGS #china #taiwan #geopolitical strategies #habits #hydroponics #farming #newfarming #newtechnology #cheating #cheaters #chess #Homelife #working #snowballeffect #Valueinvestor #valueinvesting #warrenbuffet #warrenbuffet #investor #investing #beginnerinvestor #investingforbeginner #habitbuilding #journey #wealthbuilding #happiness #speculator #coffeetalk #stocks #valueinvestingstocks #podcast…