Episode 14: Presence & Self-Discovery from the Heart Lady, Janine Savient
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Hello sweet soul, welcome. Janine is all heart and full of heart wisdom. Join in on this tapestry of Love.
(This podcast shifted from Shine Like A Diamond to Earth - Body - Consciousness).
Janine is an Intuitive Visionary, a Seer, a Published Writer, a Speaker, a Facilitator
and a Mentor to those awakening into their deepest remembrances! She calls
herself a ‘Messenger for Love’, as Janine endeavours to live her own life within the
purity of love’s influence and supports others to do the same.
Her focus and passion are to help raise the vibration here to Love, through all that
Love brings… (Truth, Trust, Compassion, Unity, Gratitude, Courage, Thriving, Joy,
Peace, Freedom) … and this is happening through the softening down of minds and
the opening of hearts around this planet.
The new emerging world comes into form via inner doorways opening now within
human beings and through which the purity of Love rises, and as it enters this reality
it is recreating the newest version of the human being, whilst bringing into view a
world of beauty, a natural world, for the new human to thrive in.
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.theheartlady.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janine.savient.9/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janine.savient/
Janine Savient (The Heart Lady) Intuitive Visionary, Published Writer, Support for the Inner Traveler Consultations, Group Facilitator, Public Speaker - online or in person Living to Love, Loving to Live. Summary Meeting Purpose
Discuss Janine's journey of self-discovery, presence, and living from the heart.
Key TakeawaysEmbracing the unknown and following inner guidance leads to profound experiences and growth
Being fully present in each moment allows us to experience life more deeply
We are all on a journey of remembering our true nature and essence
The body is vital for anchoring higher frequencies and consciousness on Earth
Felt different from others since childhood, not fitting into societal norms
Her father pushed her to stay true to herself despite pressures to conform
Lost herself for a time while focused on being a wife/mother/peacemaker
In 2008, decided to leave her marriage and rediscover herself
Learned to follow her inner pull/guidance, even when unclear on specifics
Moved to new areas without a plan, trusting life would provide what she needed
Powerful example of a 21-year-old following her intuition across the world
Being fully present allows us to experience each moment more deeply
Most people struggle to truly listen without getting caught up in their own thoughts
An experiential vision showed how we all perceive the same moment uniquely
Presence connects us to the spaciousness and stillness within
38 Episoden