Chris Nowinski is a former football player at Harvard University and professional wrestler with WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment. After enduring a career-ending head injury, Chris has dedicated his professional life to serving patients and families affected by brain trauma, particularly Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that develops after repeated head injuries. Jay and Chris discuss the state of head injuries in American athletics, the difference between advocating for head safety at youth and professional levels, Chris’ newest research, and much more. Episode Chapters (00:00) Intro (00:50) changes in the culture around concussions in the past two decades (02:39) padded helmet technology (03:55) concussion reporting in the NFL (10:35) Chris’ career path and concussion history (14:52) connecting with activists who haven’t themselves suffered a traumatic brain injury (17:42) SHAAKE - a new sign to identify concussions (20:53) Unions can help players advocate for safety policies (23:10) final thoughts and goodbye For video episodes, watch on Stay in touch: X: @JayRuderman | @RudermanFdn LinkedIn: Jay Ruderman | Ruderman Family Foundation Instagram: All About Change Podcast | Ruderman Family Foundation To learn more about the podcast, visit…
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It’s not just a school subject. It’s not just a tool of trade. No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and ...
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你們好嗎?我是EVEN,一位覺知的學習者。 「知道是天真的」由奧修提出——追求知識的人類是辛苦的,然而「知道」應該是單純而天真的;以此為基礎,節目將從哲學、社會學等知識出發,嘗試使其回歸到原始的「知道」,也就是好好思考的同時,並不忽略身體、心靈與靈魂的感受。 讓我們一起在練習「覺察」的旅途中,好好運用腦袋、善待情緒,而後天真的「知道」! 感謝聆聽,喜歡的話可以訂閱頻道並交流! IG:@even_film Powered by Firstory Hosting
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聽台灣文學的有聲書! 我們將台灣文學作家的作品, 用聲音演繹,期待您與孩子一起聆聽, 從台灣文學認識近代台灣。 *巫永福〈首與體〉* *鍾理和〈笠山農場〉* *吳濁流〈亞細亞的孤兒〉* #疫起在家聽 #聽故事 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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I come from China! Your can find some amazing songs here~ Or you can even make it like a Chinese language leaaring class! Thank you for a visit!
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哈囉,我是盒子, 我們的節目正式由「通勤短講」 轉型為更多元、更軟性的新聞週報 題材主要針對 📌喜愛遊山玩水、親近大自然的大朋友族群 A community of nature enthusiasts who enjoy hiking and exploring the outdoors. 📌需要優質時事內容的國小至高中青少年族群 Elementary to high school students who seek high-quality current affairs content. 🔊每集將會提供2則中英文雙語時事 Each episode will feature 2 bilingual news stories in both Chinese and English. 每週五晚上8點準時上架💪🏼 Scheduled for release every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. 🌈記得一定要訂閱、加入「知性盒粉」的小天地 也要贊助盒子報報基金 來鼓勵與支持盒子的創作喔🙏🏼 Remember to subscribe to and su ...
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關鍵英語教室,學新單字,知天下事 歡迎收聽浩爾的關鍵英語教室,週一到週五,每天帶給你反映社會脈動的關鍵字。 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫: 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: 講義內頁/廣告合作請洽 訂閱客服Line: @nextvoicetech Powered by Firstory Hosting
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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創新,努力,熱情,我們是第二屆市大同資電學程班!由一群喜愛資訊科技領域的同學們組成的大家庭。 跟著我們一同在雲端,聆聽每個科技的故事! - 在科技的大海中,漂流。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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『探險的意義就在於,人生只有一次!』 ⟪職涯探險⟫ 是由 CakeResume 製作的全新 Podcast 節目,與大家熟悉的 ⟪科技職涯Talent connect⟫ 相比,這個節目屬於聊天舒壓類型,希望透過各個真實的職場的情境故事,串連從學生到上班族,不同位置對於工作的想像,除了甘苦談、幹話之外,還有一些人生經驗、抉擇的分享。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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一诗一信,Post un Poem。这一切强烈的、纯真的、爱的、激情的...一切所见、所听、所得…我们给它一个名字,叫做“一诗一信”,是为你朗读的一首诗,也是从远方寄来的明信片,更是一份不可复制的声音礼物。一诗一信,Post un Poem。微信公众号:postunpoem 官方微博
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因著一個小小的願心,分享由耶穌的傳訊人Tina所帶來的有關耶穌的訊息,「奇蹟課程學員練習手冊+耶穌的傳導」和「奇蹟課程正文+耶穌的引導」及「耶穌陪你一起作40天的心靈鍛鍊」,希望藉由此分享,我們都能夠在此世地球的旅程中,充滿了平安、幸福與喜樂!! *本合集內容來自傳訊人蒂娜‧司帕爾汀(Tina Louise Spalding),及魏佳芳老師所做的文稿翻譯及整理。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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每一个夜晚 Probably every single evening 听歌 看电影 listen to some music, watch some short videos and movies 超喜欢 I'm a super fan 忙碌之余 after a busy day or tough day
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从周一到周五 from Monday to Friday 每天十多个小时 more than ten hours each day 我的朋友来找我 my friends would come to me 周末可以做很多事儿 just do lots of things on weekends
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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对我来说 for my part 我想买的表太贵了 the watch that I want to buy is super expensive 至少20万这样 more than 200 thousands at least 国际大牌 International brand
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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羡慕老板 admire their bosses 比如一个企业家 like a entrepreneur for example 简单定义 very easy to be identified 物质 about the materialism
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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还没开始 I haven't get started yet 在这一点上努力 work hard on this point 健康饮食 eat healthily 参加 participate in
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體驗免費課程 享限時5折 每堂只要260元起 短專注力時代,高效學習是孩子成長關鍵 TutorABC Junior由劍橋、牛津等知名教育團隊授權,開發最專業教材 師資具國際教學認證,引導孩子用英語思考表達! —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Deep cut 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫: 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容:…
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理由很特别 The reasons behind this topic can be very special 教育资源 educational resources 好工作的机会 good job opportunities 更靠谱的一个方式 a more reliable way
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来自爸妈的建议 I must say it is from my parents 经验丰富 very experienced 老师的话 my teacher's words 解决 work it out
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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崭新的书 brand new book 兼职工作 a part time job 选择 go with 一年一次 once a year
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打发时间 kill my time 讨厌交通拥堵 I hate the traffic jams, 傻瓜 stupid or fool 塞车 I get stuck in traffic
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不擅长 I'm not good at doing it 去长途旅行 go on a long journey 与..有关 related to 完美照片 very perfect photos
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast

(4835期)生活精彩的老人Describe an old person who has an interesting life
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11:00生活多姿多彩的人 The old person who has a very fun life 曾经可帅了 used to be very handsome 现在他就住在市中心 At the moment he is living right in the city center 讲流利的外语 he could speak fluent foreign language
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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我是一点饭也不做啊 I don't do anything on that point at all 他们啥都给我准备好 they would do everything for me 最近几年 in recent years 被宠坏了 I am too spoiled
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莫非是因為餓了很久?總覺得這碗泡麵特別【Hits different】
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11:29體驗免費課程 享限時5折 每堂只要260元起 短專注力時代,高效學習是孩子成長關鍵 TutorABC Junior由劍橋、牛津等知名教育團隊授權,開發最專業教材 師資具國際教學認證,引導孩子用英語思考表達! —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Hits different 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫: 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費內容: https://open.firstory.…
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我是…样子的人 I am the kind of person who 崭新的 brand new things 各个种类 ranging from shoes to clothes, from bags to cars 显然的 apparently
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方便的 user-friendly 故事来到耳朵里 stories would come to my ears 集中注意力 stay focused on one thing at a time 浪费时间 waste some time
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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我经常这样干 I did it very often in my life 开阔眼界 widen my horizons 和书中的人对话 I could talk to the famous people in the books 纸质书 some paper books
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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尤其在生日的时候 especially on the birthday 刚过完19岁生日 he just had his nineteenth birthday 在日常生活当中 in ordinary life 在我身边 around me
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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学点东西 learn something one or two 选择音乐 go with the music 适应 融入 fit in 更简单更有意思 much easier and more fun
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deepVon Radio Television Hong Kong
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没这样做过 I haven't done anything in that way before 充满 is filled with 在工作或者学习状态 at work or in study 我乐于...I am willing to
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【國際選讀】《China to raise retirement age for first time in decades as demographic crisis looms》
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17:08當金曲歌后徐佳瑩發現在 Uber Eats 上(應該)都點得到,居然狂點一波! 雖然點不到白馬和失落沙洲,但香水、辣椒或其他吃的用的都點得到~ 快上 Uber Eats 想要的都點點看⮕ —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 國際選讀:《China to raise retirement age for first time in decades as demographic crisis looms》 參考文章:《China to raise retirement age for first time in decades as demographic c…
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记得清晰 remember things clearly 尤其在笔记本上 especially on the notebook 多亏现代科技 Thanks to modern technology 最好的方式 the best way
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童年生活可有意思啦 my childhood life could be very very fun 六岁之前 before I was at the age of six 玩耍 play around 和现在的生活完全不同 it was totally different from today's life
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deepVon Radio Television Hong Kong
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适合 be right for 被分散精力 be very easily distracted 尤其是学习 especially on my study 在...前面 in front of
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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一整天 all day long 开车去任何地方 drive my car to anywhere that I want 爱坐车 I would be a passenger if possible 处理工作 cope with my regular work
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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生活无聊 my life is quite boring 海外深造 in another country for further study 八卦之类的 some gossips or such 我可以接受 I am fine with it
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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睡着之前 before I am trying to fall asleep 半夜打电话 make phone calls to me just in the mid of the night 持续很久 last very long 接电话 answer any calls
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Von Radio Television Hong Kong
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雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast

(4820期)描述近期改变的计划Describe a plan you had to change recently
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10:07喜欢吃热量和卡路里的东西 eating different kinds of calories and fat 炸鸡和奶酪汉堡 cheeseburgers and fried chickens 很难实现 it was really hard to get 坚持去做 carry on doing it forever
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體驗免費課程 享限時5折 每堂只要260元起 短專注力時代,高效學習是孩子成長關鍵 TutorABC Junior由劍橋、牛津等知名教育團隊授權,開發最專業教材 師資具國際教學認證,引導孩子用英語思考表達! —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 【浩爾的關鍵英語教室】由聲鮮時采科技出品 英語關鍵字:Even a broken clock is right twice a day 蘋果用戶訂閱電子講義資料填寫: 蘋果用戶解鎖付費內容:請點開浩爾的關鍵英語教室【節目】封面下方幾可點擊訂閱 Firstory/Spotify訂閱付費…
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年轻 at the young age 参加运动 Just take part in some sports 兴趣 passion and personal interest 厉害的职业生涯 successful career
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