The Mystery of Death & The Mahasamadhi of a Master | S4E07 | The Light of Sirio - spiritual podcast
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What is death? What happens to us when we leave our body in a definite way? What happens next? Why is it important to be connected to a realised living master during our life? How does this spiritual connection with a master help at the time of our death? Why do we need a guide in the spiritual planes? What does the mahasamadhi of a master mean? What kind of an effect has the passing away of a master for his devoted disciples?
"Death is not what it seems to be, and what it is taken for in common parlance. Death and life are correlative terms on the earth-plane only, but in reality there is no difference between the two, and in fact one cannot be contradistinguished from the other; for death cannot swallow life nor can death put an end to life. It is just an interchangeable process as two sides of a coin rotating on its axis. Do we not see day and night, light and darkness, alternately coming and going, as the rotating earth spins and revolves round the sun casting shadows of varying lengths at different places while the sun itself continues to shine all the time. Death does not mean total extinction or annihilation as, at times, it is believed to be. It is nothing but a change of consciousness from one place of existence to an other place of existence. Life, on the contrary, is one continuous process which knows no end for the so-called death that follows life is not life lessness but life in another form at another place, here on earth or else where and in a different form, with a different name, and under different set of circumstances as is adjudged by Divine Dispensation working on the inexorable law of action ‘as ye sow, so shall ye reap.’ Life being a positive expression of the Supreme Being, is not subject to the negativity of death, and the latter cannot, therefore, extinguish the former – the eternal flame of life.
Maulana Rumi therefore says: "If you intend going on a pilgrimage (into the beyond) then take thou a pilgrim for thy companion, It matters not whether the said pilgrim is a Hindu, a Turk or an Arab; but see that He is a real pilgrim."
A living Master is such a pilgrim." Excerpt from the book 'The Mystery of Death' by Sant Kirpal Singh.
Listen to the answers and explanations of a realised living master, an enlightened being who speaks about all these complex questions with absolute clarity, making it very understandable for everyone who listens to this conversation about a topic that sooner or later affects the life of all of us.
Talks with a realised Master on Life, Love and the topic of Spirituality.
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37 Episoden