Spending a gap year abroad - a cultural change
Manage episode 425892061 series 3412536
Taking a gap year not just provides a person with the opportunity to develop important soft skills such as communication and problem solving abilities but it can also be an extraordinary chance for personal growth and for gaining valuable experiences. In addition, the person taking a gap year can explore a new culture, develop the language skill of the respective country and gain a fresh understanding of the world.
In this podcast we are going to listen to a conversation between three students of 3CHIT, Hubert Rychter, Jakob Kautschitz and Vuk Kostic and our very own language assistant, Tim Turcotte from the USA, who is giving us an insight into his decision to take off some time from his studies and do a gap year in Austria. Additionally, he is going to talk about cultural differences between Austria and the USA.
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Idee, Aufnahmetechnik & Schnitt: DI Peter Zottele, MBA
© HTL Wien West 2024
41 Episoden