Manage episode 373840453 series 2944577
There is a U.S. Marshall anointing beginning to rest on SOME of the Five-Fold who God raised up for the latter Glory season. But what does this mean?
Do you understand that U.S. Marshalls are called to do a HUGE job- with BIG anointings/authority on large levels. So the Five-Fold being raised up in this hour are Heavenly Five Fold. So these spiritual Marshalls deal with HUGE devils. And in this season God has raised up these TRUTH warriors specifically born into this time frame to help RESET TRUTH AND TIME. As well as cast down big demons so that the earth can align.
Because so many of you have said: “OH I want to walk in the divine- the latter glory, we want revival without considering what it means to WALK IN RIGHT TIME/OR TRUTH- especially the highly emotional (or mercy oriented/many dysfunctional sheep) because what they forget is that TRUTH IS INTENSE. AND ALL of Gods truth/GLORY include MANKIND stepping into Gods story. And stepping out of their own. Because if the TRUTH be known- when it comes to stepping into LOVE/or the spiritual atmospheres from above, what we begin to see is a bunch of fickle hearts begin to backtrack once they see GODS reality. And to step into Gods surroundings we have to keep it clean. There can be no lack of standards when it comes to love – because TRUTH lays down its life with all it has from above. God says: IN this hour- You’d had BETTER not buckle to mans words against you, and YOU HAD BETTER NOT BACK UP FROM THE TRUTH! Because My eyes are on those who have said “Oh we want a touch from above-only to see them recoil to man when it comes to standing up IN TRUTH/LOVE! You see, true LOVE will get hard on you when you refuse to see/do what God sees! It’s the job of the U.S. Heavenly Marshalls that are now ushering in divine presence through truth testimonies. Those TRUTH PREACHERS, APOSTLES – not the fake- but the TRUE- to help bring mankind back into TRUE TIME so they can be made new!
233 Episoden