Romans 2:1-16 - "Patient Continuance"
Manage episode 446051863 series 3283288
Do you believe in a coming day of judgment? The question has been asked many times, and the answers are usually the same. Some of course will answer, “Yes, of course I do.” Most others will answer like this: “I don’t believe a God of love will judge anybody” or “I’m not worried about it because I’m not as bad as others are, in fact I’m a good person, and just as good if not better than most.” Others respond with, “I’ll take my chances” and the more positive thinker will say, “I’m okay. You’re okay. We’re all okay.”
So what happens when Mr. I.M. Okay meets his Maker? The answer is this, He will be judged by God.
As we look at this week’s text, we clearly see that all of mankind is in the same boat. In other words, ALL have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. We are not good enough, moral enough, righteous enough because we are stained by sin. We cannot work our way to heaven through good deeds or even claim to be without sin.
Paul shows why the moral man is just as guilty as the most depraved sinner, and lays out the principles by which God will one day judge the human race.Paul, like a prosecuting attorney, builds a case against the entire human race and presents evidence for the universal sinfulness of all mankind.
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