Feminist Ingredients for Revolution: A Food and Queer History Podcast

1 Episode 7: Feminist Food Futures 37:56
Episode 7: Feminist Food Futures Here is the link to the transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VZcavCcqSEIBMaRYwmHe8fhT68yy355XLtZSMHXBL4k/edit?usp=sharing In the past six episodes we have been talking a lot about feminist and queer food history and what is going on in the present. Today we are going to shift our framing somewhat. I begin by talking about how the framing of our food futures sometimes falls in a kind of retro-futurism that perpetuates racism and sexism. We then chat with filmmaker, writer, and podcaster Anna Sigrithur about feminism, fermentation, and rot. This is our final episode for the podcast. To learn more about Anna Sigrithur: https://twitter.com/sigrithur To learn more about her award-winning film Wrought: https://www.wroughtfilm.ca/about-us I also discuss quite a few other projects in this episode. Here are the links: https://www.wildfermentation.com/who-is-sandorkraut/ http://www.foodfeminismfermentation.com https://www.leighjoseph.com/about https://www.landfood.ubc.ca/tabitha-robin-martens/ https://medium.com/permaculturewomen/on-seeds-decolonization-and-the-feminine-side-of-things-a-conversation-with-rowen-white-4114aa19a8b8 https://sierraseeds.org/rowens-story/ The Atlas Obscura/ Gastro Obscura piece is available at: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kitchen-computers Feminist Ingredients for Revolution: A Food and Queer History Podcast will explore all of this and more over the course of the following episodes. Please follow the podcast to be notified of new updates. All transcripts are available at: thefeministrestaurantproject.com My book Ingredients for Revolution: A History of American Feminist Restaurants, Cafes, and Coffeehouses is coming out Fall 2022 from Concordia University Press. You can receive 20% off pre-orders with the discount code KETCHUM20. I’ve included the link in the shownotes and the transcript ( https://www.concordia.ca/press/ingredients.html#read ). An open access version will be released a bit later.…