Episode 2 I The work out portion of the Living Dat Christian Life. This is the battle of the bulge. The primary focus is to work on mobility thur exercise. 7 areas ar work on Neck,Shoulders, Waist, Legs, Hands & Feet. The excercises are meant for Older Adults both Male & Female. But anyone can Join in and receive the benefit of this exercise program. The focus is to increase mobility so you can praise Holy God with More then just your mouth but with the phyisicality of your hands and feet. Be it a hand wave of praise, a joyful shout, Hand clap of praise, or dancing before the lord this is a great starting step in that direction. You can use this podcast once or twice a day to be prepared to praise God at any moment. More to come in tje future. HOSTED BY D.J.M.C. SERVANT.…