HR is no longer just about managing people—it’s about shaping the future of work. Jens Baier, BCG’s HR transformation expert, discusses how AI and shifting employee expectations are forcing companies to rethink talent strategies. From re-recruiting to upskilling employees, HR must adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. Learn More: Jens Baier: BCG on People Strategy: Decoding Global Talent:…
Fr. Christopher Mahar offers Catholic homilies that focus on the Gospel, the teachings of Sacred Scripture and the Catholic Church. How do I grow in my Catholic faith? How do I learn more about Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God? the Bible and the Sacred Liturgy provide answers to our questions about God, faith, life, death, heaven and hell. Why do we suffer? Where is God in our lives? How do I grow in prayer? God has answers to the questions that matter most!
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This free worship music CD is written and composed by brothers from the fellowship. Words to “Let Me See Thy Face And Die” are based from Wesley hymn No. 284. You are welcome to make additional copies of these messages for free distribution to others. The copies must be in their entirety and their meanings may not be changed. All other forms of distribution and reproduction are prohibited. May God bless you and His word as you listen with an honest and humble heart.
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Living Sacrifice

St. Patrick & the Light of Hope
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29:24God shines His divine light into our lives and gives us hope. We remember that God will never fail or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and with hearts filled with living faith, we follow Him.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus appears on Mount Tabor and is Transfigured before the Apostles Peter, James and John. Moses and Elijah appear to Him and St. Luke says they spoke about "the exodus" He was to accomplish in Jerusalem. Jesus leads us through a new exodus, from this life to eternal life with God.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Christ takes our human nature and enters into the desert to combat Satan and overcome temptation. He teaches us how to give ourselves entirely to God.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God calls each of us to love and this weekend challenges us to love even our enemies. By Christ living and loving in us we can hope follow this great commandment and truly be His disciples.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God calls us to follow that path that leads to new and eternal life. Practicing the presence of God allows us to find that path and to stay on it.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God calls us to a particular vocation and He also calls each of us to holiness of life. Discovering His amazing grace, we are often overwhelmed by our own unworthiness, yet He purifies us and sends us out on mission!Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Desire is an essential component in the Christians life. We seek God, desire Him and allow Him to become the great end for which we live.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God gives us His word so that we can be strengthened and inspired to grow in life with Him and those around us. How can we make the word of God the foundation of our spiritual lives and become more fruitful as His disciples?Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus is our Divine Bridegroom who comes to die for us and brings us new and everlasting life. How can we unite ourselves more deeply to Him and bear fruit that will last?Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Isaiah describes the Messiah as one who is gentle among us: "A bruised reed he shall not break, and a smoldering wick he shall not quench." Jesus is that wounded healer who was "wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities" (Isaiah 53:5).Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God is made manifest to all the nations of the world, represented by the Magi. They adore Him and give him gifts because He alone is king and ruler of all.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and humanity, yet God delights in the mediation of angels, men and women in His plan of salvation. The Blessed Virgin Mary, as Mediatrix, plays a special role in bringing the grace of God into our lives.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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We are called to imitate the Holy Family in the virtues of family life. The virtue of obedience helps us to listen to the word of God and submit freely to it as we bear great fruit in Christ.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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In the Incarnation God tears open the veil and reveals the unseen world. May we worship and adore Him, and then make Him known to all who long to see Him.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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In the smallest things of life we often find great value. Jesus comes to the Little Town of Bethlehem, and is found in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. May we find Him in the small things, and then, simply find Him everywhere.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God calls us to rejoice and even sing because Christmas is near. Even in the darkest moments of life, we can find God drawing near and giving us hope and healing. "Rejoice in the Lord always," says St. Paul, "I shall say it again: Rejoice!"Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Growth in the spiritual life requires an engagement and a struggle in which God gains the victory for us and brings us great freedom and joy. We receive the peace of Christ in Christmas when we strive for holiness in the Advent Season.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Advent is Latin for coming or arrival. Jesus comes to us in the past in Bethlehem, in the future at His Second Coming, and He also comes to us each day in many different and amazing ways. Are we ready for His coming?Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus Christ is Lord, King of the Universe. Is He also your king?Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God reveals to us the great truth that He is an eternal exchange of love, and that He is calling each and every one of us to share in His divine life.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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"Attention" writes Simone Weil, "is the rarest and purest form of generosity." Our readings this weekend focus on the attention that leads to the generosity of love, what we are called to emulate as we follow Christ.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God creates us with the capacity to know and welcome Him into our lives. When He commands us to love Him and our neighbor it is because He desires to be in communion with us and makes us capable of doing so.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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No matter what our physical or outside constraints may be, God is able to set us free inside through faith, hope and love. These Theological Virtues help us to live and love in God.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Christ allows us to unite our sufferings to His passion so that we can cooperate with His work of redeeming the world and share in the glory of God.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus looks upon us with love and mercy and allows us to respond to His grace as disciples and to bear fruit.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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In St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body we discover the "nuptial meaning of the body," that we were created for communion and in that beautiful reality we image the blessed Trinity.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God gathers us together to fill us with His Spirit and sends us out to gather the scattered children of God.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Christ calls St. Peter, and all of us, to see the cross from God's perspective.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus, the Messiah, comes to restore and renew us in His divine love and grace.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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The heart is the place of encounter between God and humanity. Christ calls us to purify our hearts and to always be ready for the encounter with God.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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"The flesh is the very condition on which our salvation hinges" (Tertullian).Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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"Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you."Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus gives us His own body and blood as food for the journey on our pilgrimage home to God.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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We are called to a dialogue with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and we should be ready to listen to what He has to say.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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In the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, Jesus anticipates the future institution of the Eucharist, roots the Eucharist in the past and gives us grace in the present moment.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus, our true Shepherd, leads us through the dark valley to find new and eternal life in God.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus gives us the paradigm for a truly missionary Church this weekend: a Church called and sent, a Church dependent totally upon Him, and a Church that imitates His call to repentance and new life.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Each baptized Christian is called to share in the prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ. We do so with receptivity, knowledge that we may be rejected, and ultimately with a spirit of renewal.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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The created world listens to the voice of its Creator. When we listen to the voice of God we find that peace we long for, even in the midst of the storms of life.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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The parables of Jesus about the Kingdom of God require that we have humility and faith, and that we become men and women of prayer. Jesus wants us to enter fully into the Kingdom of God and to bear great fruit!Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God calls us to much more than return to Paradise. He calls us to share in His own Divine life and to share in the glory of the risen Christ. He heals us of the wound of original sin and calls us to build up those around us.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus fulfills the animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant by sharing in our life, offering His body and Blood on the cross, and giving us Himself as a meal in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God has revealed Himself as an eternal exchange of love, Father Son and holy Spirit, and has invited us to share in that exchange.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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God wants to pour the Holy Spirit into our hearts like honey, His sweetness and gentle new life. Through prayer we expand our hearts and purify them to receive this great gift.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Jesus teaches us that we do not belong to the world anymore than He does, but also that "God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." Christians are called to live differently than the world, but to also bring the message of the Gospel to the world that desperately needs to…
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God's love is unconditional, but to be friends with God necessitates that we love. By loving those around us enough to share Christ with them, we truly fulfill the commandment of love.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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Creation and the redemption are the fruits of the communion of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus, in His image of the vine and the branches, invites us to likewise bear fruit in communion with Him. The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Jesus' body and blood that allows us to remain in Him, and He in us, and to bear great fruit.…
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Are you saved? In the Catholic vision of salvation, we are touched by Christ personally and socially, spiritually and physically, historically and in a transcendent way. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, comes to us to bring us this salvation.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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The kerygma or core Gospel message has the power to change and transform the world. How are we receiving it and is it changing our lives in this Easter season?Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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The Divine Mercy comes to us from the pierced side of Christ. Out of His side flows blood and water, washing away our sins in the waters of baptism and strengthening us in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. Thus God provides for us all that we need to make a free and generous return to Him.Von Fr. Christopher Mahar
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