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I saw a murderous act the other day. No doubt you saw it too, or at least have seen something like it. Cars were waiting at temporary traffic lights, a three-way system that took ages to filter through. (0:16 – 0:38) One car got stuck when the light was green, frustrating the driver behind. A brief honk turned into continuous blaring, followed by y…
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Well, good morning, everyone. It would be great if you could turn in your Bible to Genesis chapter 4. Genesis chapter 4, and we’ll start by reading through the text this morning. So, Genesis 4, and beginning at verse 1. Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, with the help of the Lord, I have brough…
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Well, good morning, everyone, and thank you Colin for your kind welcome. I’ve always known about Greenview Church and known many of the folks who’ve been associated with this church over the years, and I probably recognise some faces, and you may recognise mine and that’s fine, but when I speak in Glasgow it always gives me pause because I just won…
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What you do, it results from this falling short of some standard or crossing a line. It’s that knowledge or feeling of failing to meet that standard. In church we often focus on how to deal with guilt. It’s important because a holy God has defined what sin is and the guilt of sin is not to be ignored. The standard that Christians are ultimately con…
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It would be really good if you could take a Bible and turn with me to Genesis chapter 3. Book of Genesis and chapter 3, and we’re going to read the first seven verses. Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden? The woman s…
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Work impacts on us all. If you’re too young to be working, your work is very much your school and everything that you do in the house. And if you’re retired, you’re still working, as we will see tonight. (0:22 – 0:55) We sang there, and so let my deeds outrun my words, let my life outweigh my songs. And I really hope that as we look at the subject …
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Let me start with a question for you. What’s your idea of paradise? If you could freeze paradise in a snapshot, what would be in the frame? Would paradise be a beach house with sort of endless sunsets every night out of the front window? Or would paradise be a picture of you in a comfy chair reading your favourite book with only quietness for compa…
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Well, good evening everyone, and thank you so much for being here on Sunday evening. Although these sessions are linked to our morning considerations, they are more in a seminar type than a sermon type, because rather than expounding a particular passage of Scripture, as Colin did so helpfully this morning with Genesis 2, those first three verses, …
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The game show has been on television since 1962, and it’s known all the world over for one famous catchphrase. I’ve started, so I’ll finish. It’s Mastermind, of course, always on your specialist subject. (0:22 – 0:49) It’s a show that has no unfinished questions. If the timer expires halfway through the question, Clive Mary will reassure us, it’s o…
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Thanks Colin, good evening everybody, good to be here. We’re looking at Christians in the Environment. As Colin has said, we’re going to take a little bit of a deeper dive into that subject. It’s going to be a bit like a Bible study in that there’s going to be various verses that are going to appear on the screen to stop you having to hunt about to…
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Let me add to the welcome that David has given you this morning, and let me invite you to take a Bible and turn with me, if you have a Bible, to Genesis chapter 1. There’s also some Bibles in the seats. If you want to borrow one of those, you can. And we’re going to read from verse 26 of Genesis 1 to the end of the chapter. So let’s hear God’s Word…
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Some of you have been asking, what is Genesis Revisited? Are we doing two Genesis series? No, we’re doing one Genesis series. So what’s this about? Well, it’s exactly what it says on the tin. We are revisiting the morning passage, and we’re just going a little bit deeper. (0:25 – 3:13) So it might be that as we look at the morning text, there’s may…
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And God said, let there be light and there was light. God saw that the light was good and he separated light from darkness. God called the light day and the darkness he called night and there was evening and there was morning the first day. And God said, let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water. So God made the vault and…
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(0:00 – 0:59) It would be good if you could find a Bible and open it to Genesis 1. There are Bibles in the seats if you want to read along, and we’re starting at the start of the Bible. Genesis 1, and just the first two verses this morning. Genesis 1, verse 1. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now, the earth was formless and …
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(0:00 – 0:29) Well, it’s so good to be here with you again. I was here, I think, in June, and you invited me back, so it must have went okay. And it’s just been so good to sing those songs. I’m not sure who picked the hymns, but I think they’ve already read my sermon, so I suppose I better still give the sermon, but you’ve already got the message j…
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Having me this morning, I’ve certainly felt very welcome, and it is lovely to be here. And why don’t you turn to 2 John, in your Bibles, and I will read that just now. The Elder, to the Lady chosen by God, and to her children, whom I love in the truth, and not I only, but also all who know the truth, because of the truth which lives in us, and will…
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(0:00 – 0:37) Well, it’s not every day that an American president is shot at, but that’s exactly what happened just over a week ago in a field in Pennsylvania. Forty years after Reagan and over 60 years after Kennedy, once more a man titled president was in the crosshairs of a rifle and in the sights of death. Maybe you noticed as I did that this w…
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Restored the fortunes of Zion. We were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled of laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy. Restore our fortunes, Lord, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tea…
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… for having me with you today. It’s a great joy to be here. As David said, I’m a ministry trainee at St. Silas Church in the West End. It’d be a great help if you could keep your Bibles open at Acts chapter 17. It’s page 1113 in the church Bibles. And let me pray and ask for God’s help as we begin. Almighty Father, we thank you for how you speak t…
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Well, we’ve come to the end of this excellent series in the communicable attributes of God. These are his attributes which he is pleased to share, not in an absolute way, but in a gracious and a limited way with his children, with those who are amongst the family of God, who know God as our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour. …
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We’re continuing our series in the parables of Jesus under the general title, Provocative. And as we move through our parable this morning, I think we’re going to discover that of all the parables Jesus taught, this is one of the most provocative. Let’s begin this morning by taking you back to first-year science. (0:27 – 2:07) You remember the litm…
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(0:00 – 0:48) Good evening, everyone. We’re going to be continuing our series this evening on God is, and tonight we’re going to be thinking about God is patient. It’s a very big subject, and there is an awful lot of evidence throughout Scripture about God’s patience, whether it’s explicit or implicit. It may be through phraseology or different pas…
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(0:00 – 2:30) We continue in your presence, we thank you for this opportunity once again to share your word together. We thank you for the truth of your word. Your word is truth. Your word is light. Your word is life. Your word is love. Your word is eternal. And we just pray this we spend this time spending a time considering and thinking and study…
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Thanks Douglas, good evening everybody. We’ve not got an opening Bible passage tonight, it’s a bit more of a kind of topical kind of Bible study, but we do have quite a lot of verses to look at, but they’ll be on the screen to save you having to sort of fumble about continually. Well we live in a world that seems to be obsessed by justice. The dema…
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(0:00 – 0:23) God is glorious, that’s what we’re looking at together tonight in this series. Now, it’s the time of year, isn’t it, when you get wasps and blue bottles in your house? And they fly repeatedly into windows, yes. They sense the light, don’t they? They know to fly that way, but they can’t seem to sense that there’s glass. (0:24 – 1:23) A…
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