Life Death and Healing 13th Sunday in OT Dcn. Louis Zemlick 6/30/2024
Manage episode 426174387 series 3503763
Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 God did NOT bring death into the world the devil did by his Envy that it happened. CCC413,1008,391,2538 devil and death are friends.
Psalm 30 no Catechism of Catholic Church teaching on this Psalm. God recuses.
2 Cor 8:7,9,13-15 Share, The Eucharist Holy Communion heals us, Jesus touches us. CCC517,1351,2407,2636,1083 God becomes one of us.
Gospel Mark 5:21-43 Prayer, Faith, Healing CCC994,548,2616,1504
Have Faith reach out and ask for help, touch Jesus, Pray and be Healed.
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