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Mad About Miniatures

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Join host and miniaturist Becky G. as she talks to talented artisans and collectors in the miniature world to share their inspiration, creations, and stories. New episodes premiere every other Tuesday. Follow Becky on Instagram @ dollhouse_flair.
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Each week, I talk to a different guest about the miniatures that have inspired them throughout their life. From the first toy soldier they ever picked up, to their most current projects, and plenty of amazing things in between. This podcast is intended to accompany you as you sit down to hobby yourself, and provide a glimpse into the histories of gamers and painters, new and old. My name is John and I've been running the hobby blog for almost a decade now, and I've met so ...
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show series
Marina's love for interior design shines through in her modern minis! And she's gotten a chance to make dollhouses for some high profile people including pop star Meghan Trainor, and the Bucket List Family! Join us as we chat all about her miniature journey. Marina is on Instagram and host Becky Gannon is @madaboutminiatures.…
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Author Renee Rosen takes us behind the scenes to the absolutely incredible story behind Barbie's creation as detailed in her new book "Let's Call Her Barbie". This story proves that truth is indeed stranger than fiction and is full of more gossip, in-fighting, and twists and turns than the juiciest soap opera. A fun & fact filled interview that wil…
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A quick rainy day trip to a dollhouse festival near her house led to the purchase of a dollhouse for her baby girl, and the start of Lucy's obsession to build the best dollhouse she had ever seen. Then came the call that House & Garden Magazine wanted to feature it, followed by an invitation to the Homo Faber Design Festival and an exhibition at Ha…
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In Episode 127, the guys wrote a book, which they've mentioned once or twice, about how to design miniatures games. Since its just lauched, they're going to talk a bit about it. If you enjoy hearing our game design advice, why not read it also in our upcoming book about designing miniatures games, available here:…
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In Episode 126, the guys finally actually have the conversation about hidden movement that they've been constantly implying but never having. Its really hard to do hidden movement in minis games, but there are ways and means of representing it to some degree.Pick up Hobgoblin here:…
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In Episode 125, the guys have returned to thinking about mechanics that are common in boardgames but rarer in minis games, this time its Push Your Luck mechanics. What are they, how do they work, and where do they fit into your game?If you enjoy hearing our game design advice, why not read it also in our upcoming book about designing miniatures gam…
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They are both miniaturists, they both live in Poland, and they just collaborated on a an incredible collection of miniature cakes. Join me as I talk to Anna & Gosia about their friendship, their hopes and dreams regarding miniatures (and how they plan to accomplish their goals) and much much more. Gosia's Instagram is @gosiasuchodolska and Anna's i…
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In Episode 124, we've been thinking a little about the sheer length of rulebooks for minis games. Partly because of the one box wargames challenge, and partly because of our own designs. Why are they so long? Why are boardgame rulebooks so short? Let's chat.If you enjoy hearing our game design advice, why not read it also in our upcoming book about…
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In Episode 123 Mike and Glenn recently played the boxed non-violent minis game Redwood. They filmed themselves doing it and you can see the playthrough on YouTube. Sadly, their discussion of the game was lost due to technical issues, so they're discussing it again, here.Redwood playthrough video: out Man O' Kent Ga…
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In Episode 122 its been a while since we last caught up with what the guys are currently working on, so this seems as good a time as any to do it. Mike has been contemplating a Gaslands RPG and a Gaslands Board game while Glenn is putting the finishing touches on Boarders and Black Flags.Follow the Boarders and Black Flags Kickstarter here:https://…
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In Episode 121 the One Box Wargames Challenge has been going great guns on our Discord with over 100 entrants. We've tried to take a look at some of them, this week, Mike has cast his eyes over Hakkiyoi, Circo Tartarus and Adventure Quest and Glenn has been checking out Gatling Camel Riders, Crazykoala Rampage and Scurrmish. They have a bit of a ch…
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In Episode 120 thanks to our Discord member Malev, an amazing challenge has been running in the Rule of Carnage Discord server. The challenge is to select a single box of minis and base a game around it. Mike decided to base his game around the Black Seas Frigates and Brigs Flotilla set so he and Glenn started having a discussion on how that might …
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Get the behind the scene scoops on the modern miniature magazine Shrunk from founder Kat Picot. We talk about what inspired Kat to start the magazine and Shrunk's re-emergence from its 2023 hiatus and plans for 2024 and beyond! Host Becky Gannon is on Instagram @madaboutminiatures and you can go to @shrunkmagazine for more on this magazine about mo…
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Esther Marker is the first miniaturist to be awarded artisan status for miniatures printed on a 3D printer by the International Guild of Miniature Artisans (IGMA). Join me as Esther details the artistry and mechanics of her process for making those amazing stained glass Tiffany inspired lamps. And yes that includes her famous 3D parrot chandeliers!…
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In Episode 119 Part 2 our weird little niche channel has recently hit 2000 subscribers. In celebration of this occurring we have asked our discord channel to come up with some intelligent questions. They did this in fine style and now we have enough of them for several videos. Well, three. This is the first one.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: htt…
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In Episode 119 Part 1 our weird little niche channel has recently hit 2000 subscribers. In celebration of this occurring we have asked our discord channel to come up with some intelligent questions. They did this in fine style and now we have enough of them for several videos. Well, three. This is the first one.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: htt…
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In Episode 118 Mike has been thinking about how some games hand out pre-set and created narratives in their lists and scenarios. He chats with Glenn about whether or not this is a good idea. Glenn has doubts.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https://www.manokentgames.comCheck out Planet Smasher Games here: http://planetsmasher.gamesThe Rule of Carn…
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This time next year a unique mini musuem will be on the road - maybe headed toward you! Jessica Oreck, who runs the Office of Collecting & Design Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada has big plans to take this museum of tiny things on the road. In additon we will get tips from the "Queen of the Flat Lay" on how to create a beautiful and personal flat lay of…
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In Episode 117 Mike has been thinking about games that use multiple different forms of movement, combining and contrasting them and considering their strengths and weaknesses. Probably some other c words too. Glenn was also there.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https://www.manokentgames.comCheck out Planet Smasher Games here: http://planetsmasher…
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In Episode 116 the guys has been contemplating using a range of mechanics that are common to boardgames but unusual in minis games. Specifically this time, Mike has put a whole bunch of dexterity mechanics into his new game, Space Gits, about drunk ass orcs Shootin', Scootin' and putting the Boot in on each other, but also, balancing and sliding di…
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In Episode 115 Mike has been trying out some new games and in so doing has encountered a bag pull initiative system that he found interesting. Glenn is unsure about bag pull systems, and voices some of his concerns. Then they talk about it. This is what we do here.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https://www.manokentgames.comCheck out Planet Smash…
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In Episode 114 the guys have been out and about selling Hobgoblin, Gaslands and other games at gaming conventions in the UK for the past few weeks, and they've been thinking about how exactly to do that well. Also, about when sometimes they've seen it done badly. Here they lay out a few of the points behind getting it right. And for once it actuall…
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In Episode 113 the guys has been contemplating using a range of mechanics that are common to boardgames but unusual in minis games. They thought other people would like to contemplate it also, so they decided to record them doing so as part of what will hopefully be a series of conversations beginning with Deck Building.Hearts of Plastic: https://w…
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One day Robin's young son scribbled a drawing of a sweet mini robot. This inspired the creation of Pocket, the mini robot of leather & bolts who inhabits a world that is rusty, distressed & "beautifully broken". Robin talks about a whole range of mini subjects - from distressing tips to how she copes with her anxiety through creative mini play. Rob…
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In Episode 112 Mike has been getting some feedback on his recent game Flagstone, specifically some interesting feedback on the length of the game. It has been mentioned that the game is lots of fun, but too short, which has led Mike to wonder, what exactly is the perfect length for a game? Can it be too short?Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https…
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In Episode 111 Glenn has been considering what we mean by the social contract in tabletop games. Quite a lot actually. When we play games we need to understand and agree to what degree we expect the game to offer us different social relationships and perspectives, but they very rarely actually tell us.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https://www.m…
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In Episode 110 Mike has been playtesting Pacific Command, and he's been doing it solo mode, as much playtesting is, and has developed a set of rules for doing that. So he's been wondering, is a solo mode that you use for playtesting the same as one you should present to your players? And if not, why not? So the guys chat about that.Check out Man O'…
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In Episode 109 Mike has been working on his latest game, Pacific Command, and there have been some last minute developments. He and Glenn talk about them.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https://www.manokentgames.comCheck out Planet Smasher Games here: http://planetsmasher.gamesThe Rule of Carnage discord server: yo…
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Chris Toledo has been inspired by Spanish architecture since he was a little boy looking at local houses with his Dad. Today he specializes in the architecture of the 1920's and 30's, often with a Spanish influence - and always in miniature! Chris is known for his amazing tile work which is breathtaking in its beauty and realism. You are going to b…
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In Episode 108 the guys have been thinking about a range of ways to focus the attention of your game, Simulation VS Emulation, Abstraction VS Detail and Diegetic VS Non-Diegetic. All of these are ways of focusing your players to they pay attention to the parts of your game you want them to, and all are well worth thinking about.Check out Man O' Ken…
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In Episode 107 the guys have decided its a good time to tell you all about some of the things they're working on, including a very special announcement of a project they're very proud of.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https://www.manokentgames.comCheck out Planet Smasher Games here: http://planetsmasher.gamesThe Rule of Carnage discord server: h…
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YouTube sensation Ara Bentley is known for her fantastic miniature recreations of pop culture icons such as the Addams Family House and the Beatlejuice House. Ara also built an incredible miniature house and furniture out of nothing but cardboard during Covid (when art supplies were in short supply in some places), creating a great community as peo…
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In Episode 106 Part 2 the guys have been considering the fact that sometimes they need to decide whether a game should be a minis game, or a card game or something else. Well, Glenn does, Mike just makes it into a minis game anyway. But if you're making the same considerations Mike has some reasons for why you might go one way rather than another.C…
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In Episode 106 Part 1 the guys have been considering the fact that sometimes they need to decide whether a game should be a minis game, or a card game or something else. Well, Glenn does, Mike just makes it into a minis game anyway. But if you're making the same considerations Glenn has some reasons for why you might go one way rather than another.…
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How tiny can you make something? That's the challenge Julie @ridiculoustinythings gives herself when it comes to making miniatures. She has tiny bears, for whom she has knitted even tinier sweaters. Her houses are mainly in 1:24 scale and she delights in seeing how minuscule her miniatures can get. Recently both Julie and her husband received Artis…
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In Episode 105 part of Mike's process is to create small games and prototypes with the purpose of breaking them down into other games like some sort of Cronus of game design. Glenn doesn't really do this, but they chat about it here.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https://www.manokentgames.comCheck out Planet Smasher Games here: http://planetsmas…
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In Episode 104, Mike is now working towards self-publishing some games, having previously worked with a publisher. Glenn is just finishing off a book with a publisher having previously self-published some games. Why did they each make those choices, and can their reasons help you make your own choices? Well, hopefully.Check out Man O' Kent Games he…
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In Episode 103, Mike is pondering what to work on next, and wants to know how Glenn chooses what to work on next, and for that matter, maybe what all of you choose to work on next. Okay? Okay. What's next?Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https://www.manokentgames.comCheck out Planet Smasher Games here: http://planetsmasher.gamesThe Rule of Carnage…
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In Episode 102, Glenn has been thinking about the fact that games often offer, as things that life sometimes doesn't, freedom and closure. These two elements, however, seem almost directly contradictory. Also, minis games feel like they almost inevitably give closure, but hardly ever give true freedom. So, can we make a wide and free sandbox minis …
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One day watercolorist Shannon Taylor walked downstairs to her art studio to find it flooded. Reduced to making art in her tiny California apartment on a small side table, Shannon started creating tiny multi-dimensional worlds in antique compacts - and the response was overwhelming! We talk to Shannon about her inspiration and process for making the…
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In Episode 101, Glenn has been pondering the idea of horror as an experience in tabletop games. Horror as genre is extremely popular from Universal movie style monsters to Lovecraftian entities, but very rarely as an experience. It is often based on surprise, but games require pre-knowledge, so how can it be achieved? If it can?Check out Man O' Ken…
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In Episode 100, since Mike's Hobgoblin, a mass battle rank and flank game, is about to reach its final release date and Warhammer: The Old World, a mass battle rank and flank game, has just hit the market, he's been thinking about the relationship between the two. Obviously, Games Workshop is a far bigger company with far more resources than a smal…
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In Episode 99, since the guys are both in the middle of putting together their own rulebooks, Mike has been thinking about what he does, would like to, and maybe should include in his. Specifically, he's been thinking about hobby sections, how to kitbash, build and paint minis for his games. Should you include a hobby section in your book? Is it th…
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In Episode 98, Glenn has been thinking about Boarders and Black Flags, his game of high seas piratical action, and about how he hasn't allow players to stab or shoot each other in it, to make it more fun. Which seems counter intuitive for a game about pirates with cutlasses and muskets and all that, but the lesson he thinks he's learnt is, nothing …
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In Episode 97, Mike recently watched this video: was rather excited about the way in which it suggested a methodology for thinking about his creative process. Glenn watched it too and didn't really get it. So Mike's going to explain why it excited him. Then Glenn will probably explain why it didn'…
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In Episode 96, its time to talk about structuring a rulebook. It needs to be done, we put it off for long enough, so here it is.Check out Man O' Kent Games here: https://www.manokentgames.comCheck out Planet Smasher Games here: http://planetsmasher.gamesThe Rule of Carnage discord server: you want to support the chan…
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In Episode 95, Mike has been considering resolution systems, many designers of miniatures wargames do, we find it quite comforting. In his consideration Mike has come to the conclusion that they don't really matter. Or rather, which one you use doesn't really matter. Glenn thinks sometimes they do, but yes, mostly they probably don't. Which is prob…
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In Episode 94 there are many words, we have all the words, good ones and slippery little buggers alike. Must, May, Can, Should, Within, Without, Into, all are fine and splendid and rarely ever cause problems for anyone in day to day life. But the writing of rules is not day to day life, and in that these blighters cause all manner of problems. The …
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In Episode 93 when you create a game you create a world, which is great, but how should you visually represent it? Should you go with evocative drawings, expensive and lengthy to commission, but offering players freedom and inspiration, maybe too much freedom? Or should you go for photographs of inspiring, even intimidating tabletops, allowing peop…
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There's a mystery to solve in Bronte's miniature mansion. From using the language of flowers, to finding hidden keys and secret doors, Bronte is a master at telling stories through her miniatures. Join us as we talk about environmental storytelling, miniature photography tips, and Bronte's cool and creative miniature projects for tv shows. Host Bec…
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