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When You Can Learn to Love The Problems in Your Life, You Start to Get Everything You Want
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22:03Your business will only grow to the level of problems that you can handle. Bigger the business, bigger the problems you will face. So right now, the problems you have in your business that are keeping you stuck, may seem like the biggest thing in the world but if you manage to overcome them, you will just be given an even bigger set of problems nex…
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Add This Into Your Hooks And Your Content Performance Will Drastically Improve
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34:20Content has evolved and has hit a new level of the standard in 2025 and the type of hooks you were using last year that were getting people’s attention are now causing viewers to just scroll on by. In 2018 - Broad hooks like “how to lose weight in the next 30 days” were enough to grab people’s attention but not anymore. In 2024 - Specific hooks lik…
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The Juggle Between Biz + Family, A Hack to Raise Your Standards + How to Uplevel Anything
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30:39This month has been a scattered month for me. My wife who normally works part time has gone to working 7 days a week and 12 hour days because she works for the Australian Open which is a Tennis Tournament that runs for only 2 weeks every January. So in January, I pretty much become the sole parent to our child Louie…on top of me running my business…
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How Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, and George Lucas Elevated Each Other to Greatness + The Model to Follow to Make This Year Your Biggest Yet
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30:31Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese and George Lucas are some of Hollywood’s greatest directors in the history of film and have directed films like: Jurassic Park, Jaws, Star Wars, Wolf of Wall Street, Saving Private Ryan, E.T, Indiana Jones just to name a few. This is all common knowledge but what most people don’t know about these 3 is they were cl…
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My 2025 Content Predictions
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52:51This year is going to see a big shift in content creation and what works vs what no longer works. You can’t move into 2025 just doing the same as what you did last year, just like content is evolving, you need to evolve with it. In today’s episode I share my top 5 predictions around content, what’s going to be IN and what’s going to be OUT. Make su…
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Stop Doing New Year's Resolutions! How to Set Yourself up For Massive Success in 2025!
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37:372024 is coming to an end, it’s been a long year and you’re ready to put it behind you and you’re looking forward to starting the new year with a new energy and a new version of you so you can make 2025 your best year yet! (Insert record scratch) NO! That’s not what is going to happen! If you begin 2025 operating from that mindset, I PROMISE YOU 202…
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Don't go Into Xmas Without Doing This
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20:55Yesterday I found myself standing in front of a Xmas tree in a restaurant and I asked the person I was with if they enjoyed Xmas… They replied with an answer which was along the lines of “Meh” Now maybe something bad has happened to this person around Xmas that has left a sour taste in their mouth which I totally get. The last 2 Xmas’s for me haven…
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My Unorthodox Method to Facing Fears + Experiencing Rapid Growth
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53:08The thing that stand between where we are now and our dream are our fears. When we face our fears, we grow. When we grow, we become the person we want to be. When we come the person we want to be, we get what we want. But you probably already know this right? The knowledge of this isn’t uncommon, the execution is where most people have problems. Ho…
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Your Content Isn't The Problem, It's Your Offer!
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24:38Do half the clients you attract tend to be the type of clients you aren’t super excited to work with? You know, the type that complains, that drains your energy, that needs their hand held every step of the way, the ones who miss their payments… And if you’re attracting these sorts of clients then you’re probably attracting bad quality leads too. T…
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You're Posting Consistently But Still The Clients Aren't Pouring In >> Use This Content Strategy
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21:37So you’re posting consistently, you’re giving away great value but for some reason the leads are only trickling in??? If this is you then what’s happening is you’re posting content that attracts followers but not leads and clients. You’ve most likely learnt a content strategy that was effective a couple of years ago on Instagram but not so much tod…
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Why You Keep Attracting Bad Leads & Clients And The Missing Piece to Start Signing Clients Consistently
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23:35So you’ve launched your biz. You’ve invested into a coach to learn all this marketing and sales stuff to help you get more clients. You’ve got your first client. You’ve got your first bunch of clients. You’ve now got experience and know how to get your clients results. You’ve got testimonials showing proof of this. You’ve been posting and generally…
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How to Raise Your Prices
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22:42Is it time you raised your prices? Do you wish you were charging more? Do you think you should be charging more? Are you worried that if you raise your prices, you’ll scare away potential clients? If you answered yes to any of those then in today’s episode I’m going to share how to raise your prices and the shift you need to make in your content th…
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3 Tips on How to Enjoy Selling
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23:44To build a successful coaching business you gotta sell…like alot…like basically all the time! Show me one super successful coach who doesn’t sell…THERE IS NONE! So how is your relationship with sales? Do you love it or not so much? In today’s episode, I share 3 tips on how you can start to enjoy the process of selling. And it’s important because th…
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The Laws of Marketing, Sales + The Universe That Determine How Successful (or Unsuccessful) You'll Be With James Wedmore
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1:21:00What is THE ONE THING that if you had would make all the difference to your business? Cause it to blow up! Take off! And LEAP into greatness!? Are you missing the strategy? The A to B and how to take thing to the next level? Maybe it’s your character and how you’re showing up day in day out? Or possibly your beliefs? If you could just change your b…
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My Lessons + Journey From Releasing 200 Podcast Episodes! (Very Related to Growing a Business)
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48:17I just recorded my 200th podcast episode! I launched my podcast over 5 years ago and recorded my first episode with no microphone, had no fancy podcast intro, no album cover created and no idea of what I was doing. The first episode was called “Start before you’re ready” and I spoke about how I didn’t feel ready to launch my podcast but I did it an…
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How to Hustle Responsibly
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48:28If you’re anyone like me then you’re not just a business owner but you’re also doing multiple things and probably playing multiple roles. So apart from being a coach… I’m an actor. I’m currently doing 2 courses - 1 on public speaking and another on business. I’m starting to get into speaking. I’m a husband. I’m a dad. I try and surf each week. So t…
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Letting your wild side out! Do life your way with no apologies with Amee Triscari
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53:47Errrrbody got a wild side waiting to be unleashed. It’s the side of you that’s much more care free. It’s the side of you that speaks your truth without fear of judgement. It’s the side of you your heart is nudging you to listen to. The side where the grass is actually greener. If you’re done with holding onto that version of you who you’ve been tol…
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The #1 Marketing Mistake Stopping You From Growing Your Audience
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32:16In this week's episode, we're going to unpack the golden rule in marketing - when it comes to attracting an audience, we need to first focus on what our potential clients want before talking about exactly what they need. This is a very common mistake that so many coaches are making, which is screwing up their entire marketing strategy and stopping …
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Stop Needing More, You Already Have Everything You Need to be Happy With Rowan Allan
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47:56If you’re anyone like me then you’re someone who is really led by a future vision that you always think about and are super excited about. And chasing goals and a vision is great for focus but it can have its downside… Which is, you can become someone who is always chasing the next thing. And no matter what you get or achieve in life, it’s never en…
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How to Get Your Mojo Back When You've Lost Motivation to Work/Create
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29:38So you’ve fallen into a bit of a heap? You’ve woken up late, you’ve started your day slow and now you’ve got work to do. You’re sitting at your desk, laptop in front of you and no matter how much you try and pump yourself up, you just can’t be f*cked today. You give yourself a break and decide to take the day off and take it easy, after all, you de…
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Injecting Fantasyland Thinking Into Your Business to Hit Goals You Never Thought Was Possible With Jess Williamson
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55:08If you’re heavy into self development and you’ve set goals before then you might’ve heard of S.M.A.R.T Goals. It’s an acronym giving a goal setter a framework on how to set goals the right way (or apparently) I won’t go through what each letter means, you can Google that if you’re interested but the R in S.M.A.R.T stands for Realistic. Basically me…
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Engagement is Down, Economy Problems + Game of Thrones
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45:49On today’s episode of my podcast I talk about a bunch of topics: Engagement being down: Engagement across Instagram has been down for a lot of people including myself. I’d say our engagement atm is the lowest it’s ever been. Economy Problems: If you watch the news or talk to your local cafe owner there’s a good chance you’ll be hearing that the eco…
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Supercharge Your Sales by Building Natural and Authentic Relationships With Harriet Mellor
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57:30So you want to make more sales right? And you wish more people would just reach out and message you asking to work with you…right? Well even though this can of course happen, it’s not a strategy. Selling doesn’t have to be hard and if it doesn’t feel natural and authentic to you then you’re doing it wrong. In today’s episode, I chat with sales expe…
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When Someone Says…”You’ve Changed”
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20:07Have you ever had someone come up to you and say “You’ve changed”? Maybe it’s a friend, family member or just someone who’s in or been in your life? And the way they say it, is like you have a problem. Like by you changing, it’s not right. And if you love this person or have had some sort of relationship with them in the past, it’s not the nicest t…
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Get The F*ck Over Yourself & Build a Business That’s Built to Last With Cailin Tokarczyk
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1:01:44If you just got the f*ck over yourself you’d build the business of your dreams. But instead you’re saying it’s too hard or too scary or you don’t know how or you aren’t ready to take that step or you don’t have the resources. Excuse, excuse, excuse. And here’s the thing, if you just got over yourself and stopped all of the above, you’d have the spa…
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Going After Greatness
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1:05:45Greatness. I believe everyone has it inside of them. But unfortunately very few ever really let it out. Everyone has dreams. Everyone wants to be someone. And do amazing things. And I’ve made it my life’s work to help people let this greatness out… And spread it! I’m not here to live a mediocre life. I’m here to have it all. All the money, all the …
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Growing a Business Whilst Living a Busy Life With Kiera Janelle
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47:17How much easier would it be to grow your business if you had more time and less responsibilities? No kids, no job, no housework, no exercise, no problems and just all the time to put into building your dream. So obviously it would be much easier but the reality is that we are all growing our business along side living our lives. And alot of the tim…
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Why Your Manifestations Aren’t Working
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18:40If you’ve been trying all the things - You’re clear on what you want, you’ve been doing the visualizations and keeping your vibe high but things still aren’t showing up in your life… Then in today’s episode I’m going to show you what you need to change to finally start making your manifestations work and start seeing results fast. Make sure you sub…
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How to Have More Courage To Show Up In Your Content As The Person Who You Truly Are With Karli Whitwell
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50:33Let’s talk content. What do you think makes great content? Is it the hook? Is it the CTA? Is it how it’s edited? Well it’s actually all of these but a great hook, CTA and edit means nothing when you’re not sharing your truth. When you’re not showing up in your content as who you truly are, you just become a clone of someone else. When you hold back…
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How to Create a Vision That Makes You Unstoppable + Indestructible + Limitless
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37:10The undisputed, biggest thing that determines whether a coach grows a successful business or not is whether they give up or keep persisting. So as long as you never give up, you’ll get everything that you want. But easier said than done right? The question then becomes how do you keep going when you’ve got nothing left? It’s all become too hard and…
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The Path to following Your Heart and Living a Life That’s Authentic To You With Susan Mathew
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54:38Have you ever had a dream of living a certain kind of life but ruled it off as unrealistic or not possible for you? Several years ago, Susan Mathew had this same dream and she ended up packing up her life and all she knew in Australia to move to Mexico. Today’s conversation is all about how to start leading from your heart, following your intuition…
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If You Keep Avoiding Selling You'll Never Help as Many People as You Could Be
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12:30If you don't really like to sell and you tend to avoid it, you will never help as many people as you could if you enjoyed selling. You would double if not triple the amount of sales that you make OVERNIGHT without needing to learn anything more about selling by just changing your view from "I don't like to sell” to “I do like to sell" Today’s episo…
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How Sofia Rose Bernardi Grew Her Coaching Business From $0 to $1 Million Dollars in Under 4 Years
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55:46If you’ve got goals to grow a million dollar business then today’s episode is gonna be a good one for you. I chat with business coach, Sofia Rose Bernadi who at just the age of 26 grew her coaching business from $0 to $1 Million in 4 years. I pick her brain on how she did it, what mistakes she made and what lessons she’s learnt along the way! You c…
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5 Reasons Why You’re Not Signing New Clients Every Week
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42:58In today’s episode I share the 5 most common reasons that stop coaches from signing new clients every week. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just li…
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My Engagement Has Dropped + This is How I’m Going to Quickly Turn it Around
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23:06So the past month my engagement has dropped! Podcast downloads have fallen off a cliff and are down 75%! Instagram engagement is down about 30% So today, I share my plan to turn it around. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave …
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In today's episode, I share days 17-21 of my journey of growing a million dollar coaching business Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)…
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Today is about the belief that after storms come sunny days. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Insta…
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Day 15 of Running a Coaching Business: The Most Effective Tactic I've Found to Grow My Following
Today I share the most effective tactic I've found to grow my following. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLL…
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Today is about when your loved ones don't believe in you. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagra…
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Today I share something I'm ashamed of that I did. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @luk…
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Day 12 of Running a Coaching Business: Celebrating a Type of Breakthrough Most People Wouldn't
Today is where I celebrate a type of breakthrough (that I don’t think most people would) Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WH…
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Today is about the juggle between raising kids whilst growing a business. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOL…
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Today I share how I overcame my hatred for someone after 15 years. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME:…
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Today I share how I build discipline. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @luke_page Join o…
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Today I share how I manifested a MacBook Pro Laptop. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @l…
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Day 7 of Running a Coaching Business: The Equipment I Use Run The Most Interactive Online Coaching Calls
Today I share the equipment I use to run the most interactive online coaching calls. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE …
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Today I share a hack for smoothie lovers and a quick recap of my day as an online business coach. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) …
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Today I share why I care so badly of what people think of me. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Inst…
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Today I share the most shocking Easter tradition in the world. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Ins…
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Today I share how I got through the hardest time of my life. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Insta…
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