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Today we continue pastor Lloyd Pulley’s series called “The Family of God”. Our topic today is roles in marriage. God’s word sets forth very specific roles for marriage, and we have got to really understand what He’s saying in order to have a Godly marriage. That’s what we’ll do over the next four broadcasts - get to know our roles in marriage. As y…
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We have just begun a new series from pastor Lloyd Pulley called “The Family of God”. Today we’ll explore how the Church is the body of Christ. Now, that’s something that most Christians have heard over the course of their lives, but do we really know what it means? And more importantly, do we know how to activate that body for the good of all and t…
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Today we begin a series from pastor Lloyd called “The Family of God”. We’ll begin today with a study in Galatians six, and the definition of what a church is supposed to be. As you no doubt are aware, there is what’s called the universal Church. It’s made up of believers around the world, but today we’ll be narrowing our focus to the local Church. …
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Today we bring you pastor Lloyd’s final message in his series through the epistle of James. James was a no nonsense guy. Today he would be referred to as a “straight shooter”. He didn’t mince words when it came to challenging the Christians of his day to live out their faith in a way that would be very obvious to the people around them. We need to …
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We’re near the end of our study of James right now. In fact, today we bring you part one of pastor Lloyd’s final message in James. Backsliders are, unfortunately, very common in the Christian church today. Someone who was so on fire for the Lord suddenly disappears from church, and the next thing you know, they are right back living in the world. W…
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Once again today we will be in the epistle of James, as we near the end of our journey through this challenging and practical letter. Prayer for the afflicted will be the central theme of today’s message. We all know someone who is going through physical illness right now. Does praying for them really do any good? Will God automatically heal anyone…
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Many who look at James chapter five misinterpret what the author is truly saying. James tells the sick person to call for the elders, and let them pray over him or her, and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. Then he goes on to say that the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick. Does this mean that God will heal everyon…
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Today, Lloyd will bring us another message from his series in James. As we mentioned at the beginning of this series, James is one of the most practical books in the Bible. It speaks of taming the tongue, the importance of putting our faith into real action, and dealing with the hardships of life. When we suffer, we so often ask God to take the pai…
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If I asked you to name a character trait that seems to be harder and harder to find these days, I think a good answer would be “integrity”. People seem to just be doing whatever they feel like doing, without any thought of anyone. Lying seems to be an accepted part of life in 2024. Today on Bridging the Gap we're encouraged toward a life of honesty…
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Today on Bridging the Gap, we're reminded that Jesus is coming soon and how that truth should impact the way we live. Our current series is focusing on the epistle of James, and as you know, James doesn’t beat around the bush! Pastor Lloyd Pulley visits James five, and verses seven through twelve on this broadcast, as we get ready for the return of…
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Perhaps the most famous gold strike in American history occurred in January 1848 when a man named John Marshall found gold at Sutter's Mill in northern California. The find set off a gold rush that reached a frenzied pitch, but it ruined Marshall and John Stutter, the man who owned the land. Sutter's land was overrun by gold seekers, his cattle sto…
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Who really knows what’s best for us? Most of us, of course, think we do. However, James, in a very bold and uncompromising way, shows us in chapter four of his epistle that reliance on God is the only way to go! It’s been mankind’s problem since the garden of Eden - we think we are sooooooo much smarter than God!…
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Today we’ll continue our journey through one of the most challenging books in the bible, James. Many in our day and age pride themselves on their independence. They want to do their own thing and be their own king, have their own way, day and say. But the Christian is to live quite differently. Our lives must be totally dependent upon God.…
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Our Heavenly Father wants us to present our requests to Him. And often times, the reason we don’t have some things is because we haven’t asked! And material “things” are not what we are necessarily talking about! Pastor Lloyd Pulley will explain in just a moment as we return to our study of James. We’ll be in chapter four here on this edition of Br…
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When we were kids, one of mom and dad’s main functions was teaching us the things to avoid. That’s James’ topic too. If we want to walk in the spirit, there are things we definitely need to avoid. And I think as we go along in today’s study, you’ll notice that God’s “hands off” list is very similar to the world’s “go ahead and do it” list.…
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Today on Bridging the Gap, pastor Lloyd Pulley contrasts the wisdom that comes from below with the wisdom that comes from above. Obviously, the greater of the two is the one that comes from God, and so that’s the one we’ll spend the majority of our time talking about over the next two broadcasts, as we continue our pursuit through the book of James…
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Pastor Lloyd is leading us verse by verse through the epistle of James. We’ve all experienced saying something that later we wished we hadn’t... whether it be a curse word, or something that hurt another a great deal. It’s amazing how such a small part of the body can have such a large impact. No wonder James likens it to a fire! Let’s see now how …
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Since our early days in Sunday School we’ve heard over and over again that we are saved by grace and not by works. We’ve committed verses like Ephesians two, verses eight and nine to our memory to reinforce that belief. Then we run across verses in James chapter two that at first glance seem to contradict the doctrine of salvation by grace alone th…
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As we study James chapter two today, we’re going to discuss a subject of some controversy. The relationship between faith and works. James says faith without works is dead, while Paul said we are saved by faith, apart from any works! Is there a way for these two statements to coexist? We’ll find out today on our broadcast.…
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Bigotry and racism are front page items in today’s world. The upcoming election is proof of that. Can you recall a time in history when this country has been more racially divided? And our national media seems intent on stoking the racial fires unceasingly. On today’s program, we see James underscore the sin of partiality. We’ll soon see that when …
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On today’s broadcast, Pastor Lloyd Pulley returns to our study of James. In our day and age, we’re encouraged to have favorites... from our favorite ice cream to our favorite sports team. We have our favorite restaurant, and favorite friends too. On today’s program, we see James underscore the sin of partiality. We’ll soon see that when it comes to…
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Today on Bridging the Gap, as we return to our study of James, we’ll be reminded of the power of words. They have the power to motivate millions of people to hang tough in a difficult situation, and they have the ability to cut a person to ribbons. Pastor Lloyd Pulley is our teacher, and on today’s program, he’ll show us what James has to say on th…
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If you pay much attention to current events today, you may have noticed a trend among many people - a trend toward resignation. I don't mean quitting jobs, I mean being resigned to living an incomplete life. People walking around without purpose - just running out the string. It doesn’t have to be that way! Today we’ll continue a look at the epistl…
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If there’s one concrete lesson to be learned in the second half of James chapter one, it’s the fact that there’s a huge difference between saying you’re a Christian and living a life that reflects that you’re a Christian. We find here that we are to be “doers of the word”. That’s a pretty hefty responsibility, and we most certainly need divine help…
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We are in the beginning stages of a new series in James. Everyone admires consistency. Having a friend who consistently supports you and encourages you is a real blessing. To be a consistent Christian is a real challenge, isn’t it? Trials come our way. Temptation is always out there. James has some great insights regarding consistency in the first …
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Today we continue our look at James with pastor Lloyd Pulley. If you had to describe your life, and what's going on right now, I think it's safe to say many of us would point to a trial or two that we're experiencing. And maybe you feel like you're being steamrolled by a trial right now? Today, we receive great encouragement from James, who went th…
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Today we enter the New Testament book of James. You'll find James toward the back of the New Testament, right after Hebrews. James was the half brother of our Lord Jesus Christ, and as we'll see during this study, he was a preacher of extraordinary passion. The book of James is all about faith in Christ, and what a relationship with Him really mean…
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Pastor Lloyd Pulley will bring us today the final message in his series titled “A Higher Purpose, A Higher Calling”. One of the best known stories in the Old Testament is the sad tale of Samson. The facts are pretty familiar to most of us who ever attended Vacation Bible School, but perhaps today we can approach Samson’s story from an angle that wi…
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You know, there are many men in the Bible who’s lives provide great lessons for us. King David, a man after God’s own heart. Paul, who went from a persecutor of Christians to writing much of the New Testament. And then there’s a man named Gideon. Gideon was given a great task to perform by God, and despite the seemingly long odds, he obeyed God and…
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There are many false religions and cults operating around the world today, and they were all started for the same basic reason - people shaping God to conform to their desires, instead of the other way around. Pastor Lloyd Pulley is currently sharing a series called “A Higher Purpose, A Higher Calling”. and we’ll look again today at a man named Mic…
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Have you ever thought about how special it really is to be a Christian? You and I are God’s children, saved from our sin by the Lord’s death on a cross. That’s pretty special, wouldn’t you agree? If it's so wonderful, why do so many people reject the Lord’s gift and make up their own religion? That’s the question we’ll consider today as pastor Lloy…
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Compromise can be costly in marriage, and in other areas of life as well. Today as we again look at Judges chapter two, we’ll see just how costly compromise was for the people of Israel, when it came to their relationship with God. Our current series is called “A Higher Purpose, A Higher Calling”. Here’s pastor Lloyd Pulley, with an admonition to k…
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In the early 1990’s, President Bush compromised with Congress and broke his “no new taxes” pledge. It ended up costing him the election in 1992. You can even go back to biblical times and find many instances where compromise was costly. That’s what we’ll do today as we open our Bibles to Judges chapter two. God’s chosen people compromised in their …
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We are all called as Christians to a higher calling - to serve God in a special way that’s uniquely us! Our new series here on Bridging the Gap is called “A Higher Purpose, A Higher Calling”, and we’re looking at the lives of some great men in the Old Testament, who accepted that higher calling and made a great impact in God’s Kingdom. Today we’ll …
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On this day we begin a new series on the program, called “A Higher Purpose, A Higher Calling”. As believers in Jesus Christ, we do indeed have a higher calling. It’s a huge responsibility, but at the same time, what a joy it can be! We’re going to spend the next couple of weeks looking at some Old Testament passages and learning how some men accept…
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In Paul’s final words to the church of Thessalonica, he teaches that in order for them to have peace within themselves and with each other, they must first have the peace of God. That’s a needed reminder for us too. Peace is an elusive commodity in the world we live in, and if we truly want everlasting peace, there is only one place to turn.…
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The election is three and a half months away, and every Christian should exercise their right to have their voice heard at the ballot box. One thing that always sees to be a casualty come election time is the truth. Those ads we see over and over again on TV are filled with accusations and promises that rarely if ever turn out to be authentic.…
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We’re currently traveling verse by verse through Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians and are focusing in on chapter two today. In this section of Scripture, Paul writes about what is known as The Great Apostasy, a day in which there will be a massive falling away from the faith. He exhorts us to stand fast in the faith because there will be m…
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If you’re familiar with God’s word, you probably already know the topic today - the antichrist. Who will he be? How will we know it’s really him? Will we even be around when he starts his reign of deceit? Those are corny asked questions about this particular chapter, and Lloyd will provide some sound answers today so open your bible to Second Thess…
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