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Raising Lifelong Learners

Colleen Kessler

The Raising Lifelong Learners podcast helps parents -- especially homeschooling parents -- encourage their differently-wired kids to learn, explore passions, cultivate creativity, and become fascinated by the world around them. Join host Colleen Kessler -- educational consultant, gifted specialist, author, and speaker -- for interviews, audioblogs, tips, and encouragement to help your differently-wired kiddos become lifelong learners -- children who know that they can find the answers to any ...
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Pensé pour éveiller la curiosité des apprenant·e·s de français, à partir du niveau intermédiaire. Passerelles est un podcast crée par moi, Emilie, prof de FLE. À travers chaque épisode, je vous accompagne dans votre pratique de la compréhension orale du français. On explore ensemble des thèmes variés. On apprend à mieux écouter, et à utiliser les outils à notre disposition pour prendre la parole avec confiance et authenticité. Pour plus d'informations, retrouvez-moi sur Instagram : @frenchdi ...
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The podcast from Osaka for Japanese language learners. Especially advanced level learners around JLPT N1 N2 level. Talking about grammar, culture, society, what we can see through the language. 日本語上級レベル向けポッドキャストです。 พอดแคสต์สำหรับคนที่เรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นระดับสูง หรือ ระดับ N1,N2 พูดเป็นภาษาญี่ปุ่นเท่านั้น 感想やメッセージがあればぜひ送ってください。→ jpnpodcast@gmail.com レッスンに興味がある方→ http://www.jpnlessonosaka.net/ Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/nishifumi355/ Please support me with the amazon gift card if you l ...
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Educating All Learners Alliance


Educating All Learners Alliance (EALA) is an uncommon coalition of organizations committed to resource sharing and community-building that supports the efforts of the education community to meet the needs of students with disabilities. This podcast will feature people, resources, and useful information to provide you with content that highlights best practices for schools and educators. We hope you enjoy this podcast, find useful resources from our community, and use it for the betterment of ...
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Learn Italian with Anna, an experienced Italian teacher. 99% in Italian, designed to help intermediate learners become fluent. You’ll improve your Italian whilst learning about Italian culture and other topics. Go to LanguaTalk.com/italianpod for an interactive transcript of each episode. If you want to support Anna's work you can download the transcript from the SHOP https://buymeacoffee.com/unastoriaitaliannapodcast/extras For lessons with Anna: https://languatalk.com/tutors/1074
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Leaders and Learners

Tonya McKenzie, Founder and Los Angeles County Commissioner

Leaders and Learners, hosted by Los Angeles County Commissioner Tonya McKenzie, chats with elected officials, organizational leaders, experts, authors, and artists connected to the Golden State of California. The best leaders are lifetime learners. Tonya is the founder of Sand and Shores, a PR and Media Relations Expert, and a multi-media journalist. Become a Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/sandandshores/subscribe www.SandAndShores.com Pitch a story: info@sandandshores.com. TWITTER and INSTAGR ...
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Conquering Spanish is a podcast that shares the real-life journeys of adults learning Spanish, offering listeners inspiring stories of persistence and success. Each episode features interviews with Spanish learners who discuss their challenges, strategies, and personal achievements in Spanish language acquisition. The podcast provides valuable tips and motivation for those currently on their language-learning path. Sponsored by Spanish55, this series aims to create a supportive and engaging ...
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Little Learners on the Go

Little Learners on the Go

Little Learners on the Go is the go-to resource for parents and educators who are passionate about the development and wellbeing of children. We also have episodes specifically geared toward fostering your child's imagination, self-esteem and social-emotional well being. This premier podcast is hosted by Tanya Lofty, a wife, mother, and educator with over 18 years of experience working with children and their families. Join Tanya and her panel of expert guests as they address the most releva ...
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The Let's Master English podcast is for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners! This podcast has many features--news, Q&A, English learning advice and other fun sections. You can join the Let's Master English community on Google+ and see the full transcripts. Transcripts are made by you, the listeners! I hope you enjoy my podcasts and please visit my website--www.letsmasterenglish.com!
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The Curious Learners

Serhat Aydogdu

I feel privileged to speak to so many great minds as part of my job. They are passionate builders, insightful investors, laser-focused leaders. They are all curious learners in their own way. It is their urge to learn more. That urge is curiosity. When I speak to these people, I hear fascinating ideas, solid business plans, genius growth hacking practices, relentless team building focus, unique investing strategies and many others. However, most of the time, key insights, business intelligen ...
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Learners Inspired

Learners Inspired Podcast

Welcome to Learners Inspired, where amazing things happen. We're just two Instructional Technologist eager to share our journey and experience with technology integration in Northwest ISD classrooms. We're so glad you're here.
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The God Learners

The God Learners

A podcast about gaming in Glorantha in which we cover news and discuss topics about RuneQuest, QuestWorlds, and other related games such as 13th Age Glorantha, King of Dragon Pass, Six Ages, The Gods War, or Khan of Khans.
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Fala Gringo is a show in easy brazilian portuguese to intermediate learners, presented by Leni. Aprenda o Português do Brasil com temas atuais e episódios sobre a língua e cultura brasileira. Quer progredir rápido? O Fala Gringo é o seu podcast de Português Brasileiro Intermediário. - Learn Portuguese Podcast - Learn Brazilian Portuguese - Apprendre Portugais Bresilien Podcast - Portoghese Brasiliano Podcast - Brasilianisches Portugiesisch - Speak Brazilian Portuguese - Portuguès de Brasil - ...
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日本語でマンガと音楽の話をしています。 S1💙:Let's talk about MANGA in simple Japanese! S2💗:日本語でマンガのはなしをしましょう! S3💚:Let's talk about MUSIC in simple Japanese!(Spotify only) Instagram➡https://www.instagram.com/kissa.nihongo/ Scripts➡https://kissa.nihongo.japaneselesson-shiga.com/
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This is introducing the central theme of Bible Learners Corner – in which we translate scriptures into pictures. This is seeing beyond the unseen. Simply to say, seeing and understanding things beyond the natural; things incomprehensible - things that can be perceived by faith. The mystery of faith!
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Teachers Are Learners

Teachers Are Learners

Teachers Are Learners explores pressing topics in education, with a specific interest in learning as the consequence of experience (Piaget) and the growing need to construct a narrative about school that resonates with our students and teachers. We recognize that a fundamental step in our students success as learners is the (re-)framing of ourselves (teachers) as learners.
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Reaching Struggling Learners is dedicated to helping teachers, parents, and administrators assist all students in meeting their learning potential. We discuss topics related to education, especially helping struggling or non-standard learners including students with special needs. We discuss the educational issues and present possible strategies or solutions.
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I'm a Japanese language teacher, MIKI!! I'm teaching at university and college. This program, "Nihongo Radio," is designed for learners of Japanese with limited vocabulary and simple grammar. This podcast will help you improve your Japanese language skills. みなさん、こんにちは。 このポッドキャストは日本語教師の私、MIKI が日本語を勉強しているあなたにフィットする日本語でお話ししています。 みなさんの日本語のスキルが伸びる番組を作っています。 https://listen.style/p/nihongoradio?ZzJ3WbSH
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Nancy’s Little Learners

Nancy’s Little Learners

Kids can listen to follow up lessons learned in class in addition to new interactive lessons that we didn’t have time to introduce during class. They can sing along with me some of our favorite in class songs and practice Spanish pronunciation. This podcast is great for parents to learn alongside with their kids as well. Have fun!
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Welcome to our Podcast ”The Learner’s Talks”. This Podcast is dedicated to helping you to be a better student, better learner, better version of yourself. Which will lead to being successful in life. This podcast is all about winning in real life as a learner Here at The Learner’s talks, you'll find useful episodes which help you to be a successful student
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Stories of Language Learners Podcast is a passion project created by Tchales in May 2020. The podcast offers insightful interviews with language learners from diverse backgrounds, sharing their unique experiences and tips to inspire and motivate listeners worldwide to learn new languages. Join over 12,000 dedicated listeners from 123+ countries to hear stories of achieving fluency, gain practical advice, and discover valuable language learning tools and methods. Don't miss out on this valuab ...
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Welcome to Learn English With Natalie! Do you want to brush up on your conversational English but you're just too busy? Want to broaden your English vocabulary and learn English language skills that will enhance your everyday English conversations? This podcast is for you! The Learn English With Natalie podcast allows you to do all of this in short, manageable lessons that you can access weekly and on-the-go and the best part?... it's absolutely free! Download FREE resources designed to acco ...
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Raising Curious Learners

Britannica for Parents

The experts at Britannica for Parents bring you Raising Curious Learners—your guide for navigating life’s greatest journey now and in the future. Each episode features research-backed discussions about issues and trends in child development, education, and parenting. Recorded by our hosts Ann Gadzikowski and Elizabeth Romanski in Chicago, this podcast is for the ears of parents, guardians, teachers, and lifelong learners around the world. Part of the trusted Britannica family. For more, visi ...
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A podcast for English As Second Language (ESL) learners and lovers from an ESL learner and lover. I hope to share my experiences and lessons to help other's like myself, and in so doing, help spread my love of the beautiful language. Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@anniespratt
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The Toprakci Method: Creating Confident Learners specializes in creating confident learners with a growth mindset. The Toprakci Method uses a unique combination of breathwork, brain-body work, GRATITUDE, and even a clay-based learning program to affect the neuroplasticity of the brain to help dramatically improve students’ ability to spell, read, grasp number sense, and focus. STRUGGLING students CAN be transformed into CONFIDENT LEARNERS who become academically successful-permanently (!) - ...
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Caleb Mason hosts the podcast for lifelong learners who want to grow personally and professionally. The podcast features conversations with well-known and everyday people that will help you on your journey. The podcast also includes discussions around resources that have helped people grow on their journey.
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The Actual Fluency Podcast features inspirational stories from world-class language learners, industry experts, and regular people who embraced multilingualism in one way or another. In the episodes we dive deep down in the why that pushed people to learn a new language, the how to figure out how they best achieved it, and of course a lot of great stories of the experiences that speaking multiple languages can bring to people's lives. We also talk about apps, methodology, and education to tr ...
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This is a Quora based podcast (for English learners and others), in which the most interesting stories are read oud loud and sometimes discussed. The listeners are meant to become part of the show, too. contact: myfluentpodcast@gmail.com. You will see vocabulary explanations and definitions at the end of the text.
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Bonjour ! My name is Romeo and my goal is to help YOU improve your french with short stories. You will improve your vocabulary and listening skills with everyday french stories. I publish new episodes from monday to friday at 10 am (Paris time). If you want to receive the transcript of the next episodes, go to my website
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French Baratin French Baratin is a podcast to improve your French by listening to discussions and debates on topics related to French society. Level Our conversations in French are authentic: we use our everyday vocabulary and speak at a normal pace, but we try not to cut each other off like French radio hosts too often do ;-) French Baratin is therefore accessible from an intermediate level (B2) and is also suitable for advanced levels (C1). Frequency of episodes Listen to French Baratin ev ...
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山林火災で集落まで火の手が迫る様子を漁港から見守る人たち、3日、岩手県大船渡市岩手県大船渡市の山林火災は5日も延焼が続き、焼失面積は前日から300ヘクタール拡大し、市面積の約9%に当たる約2900ヘクタールとなった。 The forest fire in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, had burned some 2,900 hectares, or 9percentageof the total area of the northeastern Japan city, as of Wednesday.Von 時事通信社
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LetsMasterEnglish.com The Let’s Master English Podcast is an English Radio show for people studying English (ESL/EFL). This podcast is LOADED with great education and entertainment…EDUTAINMENT! In this episode: · We cover one simple expression…but in REAL American Style! AD-FREE and with Music Membership? Ask me!! It's CHEAP! And EXCELLENT Contact@…
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What does it really mean to “do the research”? Judd Antin joins The Learners Podcast to talk about the mindset, craft, and approach behind great research. We discuss: Why research isn’t just about gathering data—it’s about asking the right questions How to avoid research as a “safety blanket” and focus on real discovery The importance of relationsh…
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>>>> Get the transcript here ll processo contro la donna accusata di aver lasciato morire di stenti la figlia nel 2022 si sta complicando per una perizia psichiatrica e per un «contrasto insanabile» tra i pubblici ministeri. 13 maggio 2024, il giorno decisivo per Alessia Pifferi, la 38enne accusata di avere lasciato morire la figlia Diana, 18 mesi,…
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Jim Light was appointed by the Redondo Beach City Council on February 20th, 2024 to serve the remainder of Bill Brand's term after he died from Cancer. Now, he is asking for the community's vote so that he can continue as the Mayor for the next four years. Join us as we chat with Jim about his experiences in Redondo Beach and his vision for the fut…
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In this episode, EALA chats with Jessica Russell, Student Service Coordinator at DreamHouse ‘Ewa Beach Public Charter School in Hawai‘i, about her experience as a School Study Tour attendee. Listen in as she shares what inspired DreamHouse to join, the biggest eye-opening moments, and how the school is already putting key takeaways into action. Plu…
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Joyeux anniversaire ou bonne fête : une question de continent ! French Baratin fête ses deux ans ! Alors faut-il nous souhaiter “joyeux anniversaire” ou “bonne fête” ? Dans ce mini épisode, Rafael vous explique cette différence linguistique entre la France et le Canada. Jeu-concours : On vous propose de répondre à notre grande enquête pour mieux vo…
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In this episode of Conquering Spanish, we sit down with Ryan McNichol, a dedicated Spanish learner who embarked on this journey to reconnect with his Mexican heritage and challenge himself in new ways. From overcoming self-doubt to immersing himself in the language through baseball and daily life, Ryan shares valuable insights on mindset, persisten…
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✉️ ⁠⁠⁠La transcription de cet épisode est disponible ici : https://www.patreon.com/posts/e114-si-jetais-122346011 ---- La question du jour : Penses à un événement marquant dans ta vie et pose-toi cette question, quel album, quelle chanson j'associe à ce moment-là de ma vie ? Et qu'est-ce que ça raconte de moi et de mon histoire ? Au programme de ce…
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Talking about colors in Japanese 色の名前について話しました。 Vocabulary: ぼちぼち→little by little, so-so (Kansai dialect ) 改訂版(かいていばん)→revised edition 橙(だいだい)→type of orange 鏡餅(かがみもち)→Japanese traditional new year decoration made from mochi 代々(だいだい)→for generations 縁起(えんぎ)がいい→ good luck, good omen レッスンに興味がある方  My website→⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠http://www.jpnlessonosaka.ne…
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In this week's episode, we talk about the Columbus Group's definition of giftedness as asynchronous development—a combination of advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity that requires modifications in parenting and teaching. This unique development makes our children particularly vulnerable, demanding that we think outside the box. So,…
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Welcome to another episode of The Curious Learners. I again turn to my AI co-hosts who continue to do great job talking about my posts on The Curious Learners. Today we're exploring a critical landscape where efficiency meets innovation: the world of IT and Operational Technology integration. Imagine a manufacturing plant suddenly grinding to a hal…
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笑顔で写真撮影に応じるトライアルホールディングスの亀田晃一社長、永田洋幸取締役、西友の野村優執行役員ら、5日午後、東京都千代田区九州を地盤にディスカウントストアなどを運営するトライアルホールディングスは5日、大手スーパー西友を買収すると発表した。 Trial Holdings Inc., a discount store operator based in the Kyushu southwestern Japan region, said Wednesday that it will acquire Japanese supermarket operator Seiyu Co.Von 時事通信社
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四国電力伊方原発3号機の運転差し止めを求めた訴訟の判決後、広島地裁前で敗訴を伝える原告ら、5日午後、広島市中区四国電力伊方原発3号機の安全性に問題があるとして、広島県などの住民ら337人が同社に運転差し止めを求めた集団訴訟の判決で、広島地裁は5日、住民側の請求を棄却した。 Hiroshima District Court on Wednesday rejected a lawsuit seeking an injunction against the operation of the No. 3 reactor at Shikoku Electric Power Co.'s Ikata nuclear plant in Ehime Prefecture, western Japan.…
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出井亮太時事通信外信部編集委員優れた国際報道を通じ国際理解の促進に貢献したジャーナリストに贈られる「ボーン・上田記念国際記者賞」の2024年度受賞者に5日、時事通信の出井亮太外信部編集委員と読売新聞の倉茂由美子ローマ特派員が決まった。 The Vaughn-Uyeda Memorial International Journalistic Prize for fiscal 2024 will be awarded to journalists from Jiji Press and the Yomiuri Shimbun daily, the Japan Press Research Institute said Wednesday.…
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内田真一日銀副総裁日銀の内田真一副総裁は5日、静岡市で講演し、トランプ米政権による高関税政策の発動に関し「各国の企業・家計のコンフィデンスや国際金融資本市場の動向に影響する」と指摘した。 Bank of Japan Deputy Governor Shinichi Uchida said Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump's high tariff policy is likely to have an impact on the global economy.Von 時事通信社
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兵庫県議会本会議で、自身の疑惑を調べる調査特別委員会の奥谷謙一委員長の報告を聞く斎藤元彦知事、5日午前、神戸市兵庫県の斎藤元彦知事のパワハラ疑惑などが文書で告発された問題で、県議会は5日の本会議で、調査特別委員会の報告書を各会派の賛成多数により議決した。 The Hyogo prefectural assembly on Wednesday adopted a report by its special investigative committee that found the western Japan prefecture's efforts to identify a whistleblower against Governor Motohiko Saito to be highly…
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参院予算委員会で答弁する石破茂首相、5日午前、国会内参院予算委員会は5日、石破茂首相と全閣僚が出席して基本的質疑を行い、2025年度予算案の実質審議に入った。 The Japanese government will mull designating the wildfire raging in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan, as a severe disaster eligible for massive state aid, Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Wednesday.Von 時事通信社
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記者会見する林芳正官房長官、5日午前、首相官邸林芳正官房長官は5日の記者会見で、日本の防衛費を巡り、コルビー米国防次官候補が国内総生産比3%以上に増やすべきだと主張したことに対し、「金額やGDP比の割合ありきではなく、大事なのは防衛力の中身だ」と強調した。 Raising the ratio of defense spending to gross domestic product is not a top priority in Japan's efforts to boost its defense expenditures, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said Wednesday.…
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4日、ニューヨークの国連本部で開かれている核兵器禁止条約の第3回締約国会議で発言する森本真治参院議員【ニューヨーク時事】米ニューヨークの国連本部で開かれている核兵器禁止条約の第3回締約国会議で4日、日本の国会議員が初めて発言した。 A Japanese lawmaker spoke at a meeting of signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons for the first time as he attended the third conference in New York on Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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エルブリッジ・コルビー米国防次官候補【ワシントン時事】トランプ米大統領が国防次官に指名したエルブリッジ・コルビー氏は4日、人事承認に向けた上院軍事委員会の公聴会の準備書面で、日本に対し防衛支出を対国内総生産比で「できるだけ早く3%以上」に引き上げるよう要求した。 A U.S. Department of Defense policy nominee Tuesday urged Japan to raise its defense spending to over 3percentageof its gross domestic product.Von 時事通信社
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グループインタビューに答える伊藤忠彦復興相、3日、復興庁伊藤忠彦復興相は、東日本大震災から14年を迎えるのを前に時事通信などのインタビューに応じた。 Japanese reconstruction minister Tadahiko Ito has pledged to fully tackle issues regarding the reuse of soil from radiation decontamination work after the March 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima Prefecture.Von 時事通信社
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集落まで火の手が迫る様子を漁港から見守る人たち、3日、岩手県大船渡市岩手県大船渡市の山林火災は5日で発生から1週間となる。 The ongoing wildfire in the city of Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, which is the largest in Japan since the start of the Heisei era in 1989, entered its second week on Wednesday.Von 時事通信社
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三井住友フィナンシャルグループ三井住友フィナンシャルグループが、脱炭素を目指す金融機関の国際的な枠組みから脱退することが4日、分かった。 Japan's Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. will withdraw from an international framework of banks committed to decorbonizing their operations, in the face of U.S. President Donald Trump's pro-fossil fuel policy, according to informed sources.…
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武藤容治経済産業相トランプ米大統領がメキシコとカナダに対する関税を発動し、日本の経済界に警戒感が広がっている。 Japanese industry minister Yoji Muto will visit the United States next week amid growing concerns among Japanese companies over U.S. tariffs under the administration of President Donald Trump, it was learned Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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宮内庁は4日、秋篠宮家の次女佳子さまが6月上旬にブラジルを公式訪問されると発表した。 Japanese Princess Kako, the second daughter of Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko, will make an official visit to Brazil in early June, the Imperial Household Agency said Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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「メルカリモバイル」アプリ画面のイメージフリーマーケットアプリ大手のメルカリは4日、格安スマートフォン事業に参入したと発表した。 Marketplace app operator Mercari Inc. said Tuesday that it has launched a low-cost smartphone service.Von 時事通信社
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東北新幹線の次期車両E10系の外観イメージJR東日本は4日、東北新幹線の次期車両「E10系」の開発に着手すると発表した。 East Japan Railway Co., or JR East, has said that it will start developing a new bullet train series, E10, for the Tohoku Shinkansen Line, which links Tokyo and the Tohoku northeastern region.Von 時事通信社
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兵庫県議会の百条委員会を終え、浜田知昭議長に報告書を手渡す奥谷謙一委員長、4日午後、神戸市兵庫県の斎藤元彦知事のパワハラ疑惑などが文書で告発された問題で、県議会調査特別委員会は4日、報告書を取りまとめた。 The Hyogo prefectural assembly's special committee on harassment allegations against Governor Motohiko Saito said in a report released Tuesday that the prefectural government's actions that led to the identification of a whistleblower were possibl…
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イタリアのマッタレッラ大統領らと記念撮影される天皇、皇后両陛下、4日午前、皇居・宮殿「竹の間」天皇、皇后両陛下は4日、来日中のイタリアのマッタレッラ大統領と皇居・宮殿で会見し、昼食を共にされた。 Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met Tuesday with Italian President Sergio Mattarella and his first daughter at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.Von 時事通信社
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衆院予算委員会で答弁する石破茂首相、4日午前、国会内与党が提出した2025年度予算案と税制改正関連法案の両修正案は、4日午後の衆院本会議で可決され、参院に送付される。 The Japanese government's modified fiscal 2025 budget bill cleared the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of parliament, on Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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【図解】女性自衛官数の推移1954年の自衛隊発足から70年余りで女性自衛官の数は着実に増え、陸海空3自衛隊ともに職域・配置制限もほぼ撤廃された。 Japan's Self-Defense Forces still faces challenges in providing a better working environment for female members, although the number of women working for the SDF grew steadily in some 70 years since its launch in 1954.Von 時事通信社
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海上自衛隊の近藤奈津枝・大湊地方総監、2月6日、青森県むつ市青森県むつ市に拠点を構える海上自衛隊大湊地方隊は、津軽海峡や宗谷海峡を含む同県以北の海域を警備する。 In December 2023, Natsue Kondo became the first woman promoted to top leadership at any of the three branches of Japan's Self-Defense Forces.Von 時事通信社
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役職停止期間が終わり、記者会見する国民民主党の玉木雄一郎代表、4日午前、国会内不倫問題で役職停止となっていた国民民主党の玉木雄一郎代表は4日、処分期間満了を受けた役職復帰後初の定例記者会見に臨んだ。 The Democratic Party for the People aims to win at least 16 seats in this summer's House of Councillors election, its leader, Yuichiro Tamaki, said Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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【図解】完全失業率と有効求人倍率厚生労働省が4日発表した1月の有効求人倍率は1.26倍と、前月比0.01ポイント改善した。 Japan's ratio of effective job openings to seekers rose for the first time in four months in January, the labor ministry said Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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加藤勝信財務相加藤勝信財務相は4日の閣議後記者会見で、「日本は従来申し上げているように、通貨安対策は取っていない」と述べた。 Japanese Finance Minister Katsunobu Kato on Tuesday rebutted U.S. President Donald Trump's claim that the Asian country is trying to weaken its currency.Von 時事通信社
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LetsMasterEnglish.com The Let’s Master English Podcast is an English Radio show for people studying English (ESL/EFL). This podcast is LOADED with great education and entertainment…EDUTAINMENT! In this episode: · We cover one simple expression…but in REAL American Style! AD-FREE and with Music Membership? Ask me!! It's CHEAP! And EXCELLENT Contact@…
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ギネス世界記録の認定証を手に撮影に応じる日本国際博覧会協会の石毛博行事務総長と、建築家の藤本壮介プロデューサー、4日午前、大阪市此花区4月13日に開幕する大阪・関西万博で会場のシンボルとなる「大屋根リング」が4日、世界最大の木造建築としてギネス世界記録に認定され、大阪市の人工島「夢洲」の万博会場で授与式が開かれた。 The iconic ring-shaped roof at the venue of the World Exposition in Osaka, western Japan, was recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's largest wooden structure Tuesday.…
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3日、ニューヨークの国連本部で開かれた核兵器禁止条約の第3回締約国会議で演説する浜住治郎さん【ニューヨーク時事】米ニューヨークの国連本部で3日、核兵器禁止条約の第3回締約国会議が5日間の日程で開幕した。 A senior official of Japan's Nihon Hidankyo, the winner of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, urged the international community to redouble efforts for the abolition of nuclear weapons, at the third meeting of signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition …
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ホワイトハウスで記者団の取材に応じるトランプ米大統領、2月25日【ワシントン時事】トランプ米大統領は3日、ホワイトハウスで行った記者会見で、日本や中国が通貨安を誘導していると批判した。 U.S. President Donald Trump alleged Monday that Japan and China are guiding their currencies lower.Von 時事通信社
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記者会見する岩屋毅外相、2月18日、外務省ロシア外務省は3日、岩屋毅外相ら日本人9人のロシアへの入国禁止を発表した。 Russia has added nine Japanese nationals, including Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya, to the list of its entry ban introduced following sanctions imposed by Japan.Von 時事通信社
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国際司法裁判所所長に選出された岩沢雄司氏【ロンドン時事】国際司法裁判所は3日、新所長に岩沢雄司裁判官を選出したと発表した。 The International Court of Justice said Monday that Judge Yuji Iwasawa from Japan was elected president by his peers.Von 時事通信社
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衆院予算委員会に臨む石破茂首相、3日、国会内衆院予算委員会は3日の理事会で、2025年度予算案の修正案を4日に採決することを決めた。 Japan's House of Representatives is set to pass a modified fiscal 2025 government budget bill on Tuesday, with support from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party-Komeito coalition and Nippon Ishin no Kai .Von 時事通信社
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森井久恵スターバックスコーヒージャパン次期最高経営責任者スターバックスコーヒージャパンは3日、水口貴文最高経営責任者が退任し、後任に森井久恵リテイル・マーケティング統括オフィサーが昇格する人事を発表した。 Starbucks Coffee Japan Ltd. said Monday that it will have its first Japanese female CEO from April 1.Von 時事通信社
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井阪隆一セブン&アイ・ホールディングス社長セブン&アイ・ホールディングスは3日、井阪隆一社長が退任し、後任に社外取締役で西友の最高経営責任者などを務めたスティーブン・ヘイズ・デイカス氏が就く方向で調整に入った。 Seven & i Holdings Co. President Ryuichi Isaka is expected to step down, informed sources said Monday.Von 時事通信社
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【図解】給油所の倒産・休廃業の推移帝国データバンクは3日までに、給油所の倒産や休廃業が2024年は計184件に上り、3年連続で増加したと発表した。 The number of gas station bankruptcies and closures in Japan rose for the third consecutive year to reach 184 in 2024, according to research firm Teikoku Databank Ltd.Von 時事通信社
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成年に当たり、記者会見される秋篠宮家の長男悠仁さま、3日午後、東京・赤坂御用地内の赤坂東邸昨年9月に18歳の成年を迎えた秋篠宮家の長男悠仁さまは3日、赤坂御用地内の赤坂東邸で初めての記者会見に臨まれた。 Japanese Prince Hisahito, the only son of Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko and second in line to the throne, attended his first press conference on Monday and vowed to fulfill his role as an adult member of the Imperial Family.…
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気象庁、東京都港区関東甲信では3日、太平洋沖に延びる前線や上空の寒気の影響で雨や雪が降った。 Heavy snow is forecast to fall in mountainous areas in the Kanto-Koshin region in central and eastern Japan from Tuesday afternoon, and snow may accumulate even in the southern part of the Kanto area, including Tokyo, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency.…
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最高裁、東京都千代田区動画配信サイト「ニコニコ動画」を運営するドワンゴが、コメント機能に関する特許権を侵害されたとして同業の「FC2」に日本国内での配信差し止めと損害賠償を求めた2件の訴訟の上告審判決が3日、最高裁第2小法廷であり、草野耕一裁判長はFC2側の上告を棄却した。 Japan's Supreme Court upheld Monday lower court rulings against FC2 Inc., finding the U.S. video-sharing platform operator infringed a patent held by Japanese peer Dwango Co., which operates the Niconico platform…
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