Our channel provides longevity, anti-aging and health information. We interview experts in their field to get the latest information in the longevity space. You can also come to our YouTube channel for more information here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLFEKx_LchTLy_XwjPToJ3A
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Telomeres Lengthened by 47% & Continue to Grow with Gene Therapy | Liz Parrish Interview
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1:02:01Here Liz talks about her personal experience with gene therapy and the innovations, the state of the industry and what the future holds. The therapies exist why is it so difficult to make them available! đLinks in this video BioViva Home Page https://bioviva-science.com/ BioViva on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/biovivasciences/ Liz on XâŠ
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Can 14 Minutes a Day Reverse Brain Aging? Infrared Light Therapy | Liam Pingree & Will Dixon
Here Liam and Will from Neuronic talk about their red light devices, the cognitive benefits and science and why they chose to use 1070 nm red light. đLinks in this video Neuronic Devices $100 Discount Coed MODERN100 https://tinyurl.com/y5u4rybw Stemregen 15% discount Code MODERN https://tinyurl.com/45z968yr (Only available in the US) Renue by ScienâŠ
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Here Dave Pascoe talks about his exercise, experience with exosomes and stem cells and his systems for managing his data. đLinks in this video Dave's website https://www.davepascoe.net/home On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dave.pascoe Oxford Healthspan Spermidine 15% discount Code MHS Original https://tinyurl.com/hrxfnzpn, Gluten Free https:/âŠ
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62 with a Biological Age of 38 - How He Does It | Dave Pascoe Interview Part 1
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1:11:16Here Dave Pascoe talks about his protocol and some of his philosophy behind it. The interview ran to two hours so I have split it into two parts. đLinks in this video Dave's website https://www.davepascoe.net/home On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dave.pascoe Oxford Healthspan Spermidine 15% discount Code MHS Original https://tinyurl.com/hrxfnâŠ
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Spermidine: Activating Autophagy for Healthy Aging | Leslie Kenny Interview
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1:22:16Here Leslie Kenny talks about the benefits of spermidine and the science behind it, while also sharing her personal health journey đLinks in this video Website https://oxfordhealthspan.com/ Instagram https://instagram.com/oxfordhealthspan LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/oxford-healthspan/ Oxford Healthspan Spermidine 15% discount Code MHSâŠ
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Here Dr Lanna talks about his work in rejuvenating the immune system by rescuing senescent T--cells. đLinks in this video Sentcell website https://sentcell.life/ Some of Dr Lanna's published papers An intercellular transfer of telomeres rescues T cells from senescence and promotes long-term immunological memory https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36109âŠ
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Billionaires Want to Live Forever: Will You Benefit? | Dr David Dror Interview
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1:05:31Here Dr Dror talks about the investment market for Longevity, who are some of the major players, what they are investing in and how it is different this time. đLinks in this video Investors in Longevity on Amazon https://amzn.to/4j2MSH8 Stemregen 15% discount Code MODERN https://tinyurl.com/45z968yr (Only available in the US) Renue by Science all 1âŠ
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Red Light & Ultrasound Revolution in Healthcare | Dr Mary Lou Jepsen Interview
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1:00:00Here Dr Jepsen talks about the work they are doing at Openwater, using a consumer technology focus to bring affordable precision solutions to healthcare with an open source approach. The potential for the platform that they are developing is amazing. đLinks in this video penwater web site. https://www.openwater.health/ Dr Jepsen's website https://wâŠ
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Reverse Your Receding Gums & Improve Oral Health | Dr Ellie Phillips Interview
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1:23:40Here Dr Phillips talks about her system for overall oral healthcare, improving teeth, gums and the oral microbiome. đLinks in this video Dr Phillips' website https://drellie.com/ Stemregen 15% discount Code MODERN https://tinyurl.com/45z968yr (Only available in the US) Renue by Science all 10% discount with code MHS https://renuebyscience.com/ NuchâŠ
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Here Dr Breus, the Sleep Doctor, talks about how sleep changes with aging and gives some advice on getting good quality sleep, using a sleep tracker and getting back to sleep after you wake up in the middle of the night. đLinks in this video Dr Breus' site https://sleepdoctor.com/ The Chronoquiz to find your chronotype https://sleepdoctor.com/sleepâŠ
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Nanotechnology to Enhance Mitochondria & Heal the Brain | Rob Etherington & Mark Mortenson Interview
Here we talk with Dr Adam Perlman the Chief Medical Officer of Pendulum Therapeutics about the microbiome and probiotics and their impact on metabolic health. We also look into the results from the clinical trials of the products đLinks in this video Clene Nanomedicine https://clene.com/ Stemregen 15% discount Code MODERN https://tinyurl.com/45z968âŠ
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Probiotics & Your Metabolic Health | Dr Adam Perlman Interview
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1:01:43Here we talk with Dr Adam Perlman the Chief Medical Officer of Pendulum Therapeutics about the microbiome and probiotics and their impact on metabolic health. We also look into the results from the clinical trials of the products. đLinks in this Interview Pendulum Therapeutics page https://pendulumlife.com/ Improvements to postprandial glucose contâŠ
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A Mitochondrial Cocktail to Restore Your Cellular Health | Dr Mark Tarnopolsky Interview
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1:06:44Here we talk with Professor Mark Tarnopolsky from McMaster University about mitochondria, what goes wrong with them in aging and how to he has used a multi-supplement approach to improve their function in aging and in case of disease. đLinks in this Interview Dr Tarnopolsky's nutrition shop. I think ships to US & Canada only https://stayabovenutritâŠ
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Mobilizing Stem Cells for Cellular Renewal | Don Moxley Interview
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1:01:41Here we talk with Don Moxley of Stemregen about how stem cells are critical for recovery and so determine your ability to train and positively adapt. We also discuss the new sport science function that he is setting up at Stemregen and using HRV in training. đLinks in this Interview Stemregen https://www.stemregen.co/ Don's LinkedIn https://www.linâŠ
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Lengthening Telomeres To Rewind the Clock of Aging | Dr William Andrews Interview
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1:30:33Here we talk with Dr Bill Andrews all about telomeres, why they are on the critical path of aging and finding a way to lengthen them is required in an complete longevity solution. đLinks in this Interview Sierra Science home page https://sierrasci.com/ Dr Kaufmann's books on Amazon The Kaufmann Protocol : https://amzn.to/3YqpbPB The Kaufmann ProtocâŠ
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Here we talk with Dr Shai Efrati about HBOT, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and his protocol. It is counterintuitive but the mechanism is through the activation of HIF via hypoxia! đLinks in this Interview Aviv Clinics https://aviv-clinics.com/ Physical enhancement of older adults using hyperbaric oxygen: a randomized controlled trial https://pubmed.ncbâŠ
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How to Cut Dementia Risk by 50% | Dr Mitchell Clionsky Interview
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1:01:36Here we talk with Dr Mitchell Clionsky, co-author of Dementia Prevention : Using Your Head to Save Your Brain, about strategies to prevent or delay the onset of dementia. Dr Clionsky discusses that the current scientific thinking is that 50% of dementia could be avoided through lifestyle factors. đLinks in this Interview The Braindoc website https:âŠ
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Infrared Light: A Promising Therapy for Reversing Alzheimer's | Dr Paul Chazot Interview
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1:01:47Here we talk with Dr Paul Chazot of Durham University in the UK about the remarkable results he is seeing in using redlight therapy to address various dementias. And of course we get into the details of how it works and what the parameters of the light used are. đLinks in this Interview Dr Chazot's page at Durham University https://www.durham.ac.ukâŠ
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DESCRIPTION Here we talk with Dr Stephanie Venn-Watson about C15, an odd-chain saturated fatty acid which has been shown to have benefits in cellular health and is correlated with better metabolic health. đLinks in this Interview Discover C15 website https://www.discoverc15.com/ Seraphina Therapeutics https://seraphinatherapeutics.com/ Stemregen 15âŠ
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Unlock Your Longevity Potential: An Evidence-Based Approach | Dr Andrea Maier Interview
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1:01:58Here we talk with Dr Andrea Maier of NUS about the work she is doing in rethinking longevity therapies and how they can be delivered. We talk about some of the supplements such as AKG and NMN that they are trialing. đLinks in this Interview Dr Maier on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreamaierprof/ Longevity Academy in Singapore https://longâŠ
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DESCRIPTION Here we talk with Tom Benson, CEO of Mitrix about mitochondrial transplantation to replace your old damaged mitochondria with new ones so that they can get back to full energy producing mode. His aim is to start a trial targeting to get the participants to live to 130. đLinks in this Interview Mitrix Bio Home page https://www.mitrix.bioâŠ
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How To Activate Your Stem Cells For Rejuvenation | Christian Drapeau Interview
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1:10:13Here we talk Christian Drapeau founder of Stemregen about the wonders of stem cells. We dive into the science of what they are, how they work to repair the body and how we can mobilize them to help us remain healthy. đLinks in this Interview Stemregen home page https://www.stemregen.co/ Stemregen 15% discount Code MODERN https://tinyurl.com/45z968yâŠ
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How The Science of HRV Can Extend Your Healthy Longevity | Dr Torkil FĂŠrĂž Interview
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1:04:47Apologies for the delay in releasing this. Should be more regular in the future! DESCRIPTION Here we talk with Dr Torkil FĂŠrĂž the author of the Pulse Cure about what HRV is, how it is linked to health and how we can use it to improve our longevity protocol đLinks in this Interview The Pulse Cure website with lecture from Dr FĂŠrĂž https://thepulsecurâŠ
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Here we talk with Dr Steve Simpson and Dave Raubenheimer about their concept of Nutritional Geometry and how this helps to think about the optimal macro and micro nutrient mix. Of particular note is Protein Leverage, the idea that humans will eat until we have had sufficient protein. đLinks in this Interview Charles Perkins Centre https://www.sydneâŠ
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Reverse Aging By Changing Your Thoughts! | Dr Ellen Langer Interview
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1:02:08Here we talk with Professor Ellen Langer of Harvard University about her research and her latest book, The Mindful Body : Thinking Our Way To Chronic Health. The mind and body are one and we can control the body with the mind. đLinks in this Interview Dr Langer page at Harvard https://psychology.fas.harvard.edu/people/ellen-langer Home page https:/âŠ
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Foods That Enhance Stem Cells & Longevity | Dr William Li Interview
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1:13:25Here we talk with Dr William Li about how food can be medicine, both in a preventative and a therapeutic way. We focus mostly on stem cell activation and preservation and also look at angiogenesis - building new blood vessels. đLinks in this Interview Dr William Li's website https://drwilliamli.com/ Links to Dr Li's other social channels and his maâŠ
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Power Up Your Mitochondria With Red Light Therapy | Dr Glen Jeffery Interview
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1:06:29Here we talk with Dr Glen Jeffery from University College London about how red light energizes your mitochondria and some of the amazing benefits of this. We also discuss some of the detrimental effects of blue light. đLinks in this Interview Dr Jeffery's website https://www.ucl.ac.uk/biosciences/people/prof-glen-jeffery Some papers from Dr JefferyâŠ
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The Science Behind A Novel Longevity Supplement Blend - NOVOS Vital | Dr Diogo Barardo Interview
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1:13:58DESCRIPTION Here we talk with Dr Diogo Barardo, who is head of research and development at NOVOS, about NOVOS Vital, a supplement which comes in a gummie form and have a catch-up on other activities at NOVOS. đLinks in this Interview NOVOS Labs website https://novoslabs.com/ Drug age database paper The DrugAge database of aging-related drugs https:âŠ
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Age Reversal & Thymus Rejuvenation TRIIM-X 2024 Update | Dr Greg Fahy Full Interview
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1:15:38DESCRIPTION Dr. Greg Fahy is a world renowned cryobiologist and is also the chief science officer, and co-founder, of Intervene Immune, a company which pioneers treatments for thymus regeneration and age-related immune system decline. Dr. Fahy Designed and led the pilot TRIIM trial which first time showing both thymus rejuvenation and reversal of hâŠ
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The Most Promising Rejuvenation Therapy Now In Clinical Trials | Dr Hans Keirstead Full Interview
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1:03:45Description Hi all, apologies for the erratic release schedule recently. We have now changed the way that we release interviews on our YouTube channel and from now on will post the whole interview in a single video. The podcasts will follow the same pattern. This will mean that we have fewer, though longer podcasts. I hope that this works for you aâŠ
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Hi all, apologies for the erratic release schedule recently. We have now changed the way that we release interviews on our YouTube channel and from now on will post the whole interview in a single video. The podcasts will follow the same pattern. This will mean that we have fewer, though longer podcasts. I hope that this works for you all. Thanks RâŠ
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Here Dr Reis talks about what causes aging of the skin, and UVB is one of the main causes and what her longevity protocol looks like. Dr. Carolina Reis is the co-found and CEO of OneSkin Technologies. She holds a biochemistry degree and a Ph.D. focused on stem cell and tissue engineering. After more than 10 years of developing science in academia, âŠ
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Here Dr Reis talks about some of the customer feedback that they have received. The feedback is available at the bottom of the product pages on the OneSkin website. Dr. Carolina Reis is the co-found and CEO of OneSkin Technologies. She holds a biochemistry degree and a Ph.D. focused on stem cell and tissue engineering. After more than 10 years of dâŠ
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Here Dr Reis talks about the human as well as in vitro trials that her company is doing. The papers can be found on the OneSkin website (including the one that she refers to in the video as being published in the next week) Dr. Carolina Reis is the co-found and CEO of OneSkin Technologies. She holds a biochemistry degree and a Ph.D. focused on stemâŠ
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The Science of Youthful Skin : Unveiling OneSkinâs New Antiaging Series | Dr Carolina Reis Ep 2
Here Dr Reis talks about the new series of products that the team at OneSkin have developed, including for body, eyes, sun protection and a cleanser. Dr. Carolina Reis is the co-found and CEO of OneSkin Technologies. She holds a biochemistry degree and a Ph.D. focused on stem cell and tissue engineering. After more than 10 years of developing scienâŠ
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Here Dr Reis talks about the development of OS-1 the peptide used in One Skins products, its senomorphic effects and other ingredients which are included in the One Skin product range. Dr. Carolina Reis is the co-found and CEO of OneSkin Technologies. She holds a biochemistry degree and a Ph.D. focused on stem cell and tissue engineering. After morâŠ
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Here Dr Trommelen talks about practical take aways from his study. How much protein should we eat, how often and what type is best. He also talks about his personal protocol. đLinks in this episode Dr Jorn Trommelen works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Biology at Maastricht University. He is involved in research and education âŠ
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Here Dr Trommelen talks about how the MPS continues for more than 12 hours, because of the presence of amino acids in the blood, however, mTOR does not appear to be activated and autophagy is not suppressed and provides his explanation for these findings. đLinks in this episode Dr Jorn Trommelen works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of âŠ
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Here Dr Trommelen talks about the amount of protein required to initiate MPS, what muscle break down is and how MPS is measured. Key take away: It is muscle synthesis which determines muscle mass much more then breakdown as breakdown remains in a very tight range. đLinks in this episode Dr Jorn Trommelen works as an Assistant Professor at the DeparâŠ
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Here Dr Trommelen talks about exercise and protein and how they are related to muscle protein synthesis. The importance of having both, the time window for MPS and the training stimuli required. đLinks in this episode Dr Jorn Trommelen works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Biology at Maastricht University. He is involved in resâŠ
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Here Dr Trommelen talks about the background to the study, the major results and the type of protein used. đLinks in this episode Dr Jorn Trommelen works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Biology at Maastricht University. He is involved in research and education regarding the impact of exercise and nutrition on muscle mass and fuâŠ
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Here Dr Joffrey discusses Medicine 3.0 - how you can take control of your own health and his top 10 supplements (and three drugs) for longevity. đLinks in this episode Dr Joffrey's podcast on aging - free copy of his book, Longevity for Busy People is available for download from there. https://sapiopodcast.com/ Consumer Labs https://www.consumerlabâŠ
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Here Dr Joffrey discusses sleep, how important it is and some tips for getting the best sleep. đLinks in this episode Dr Joffrey's podcast on aging - free copy of his book, Longevity for Busy People is available for download from there. https://sapiopodcast.com/ Consumer Labs https://www.consumerlab.com/ Renue by Science all 10% discount with code âŠ
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Here Dr Joffrey discusses exercise for longevity and how it is different from exercise for other purposes including what is the minimum effective dose. He also talks about cardiovascular disease and why we should not die from it. đLinks in this episode Dr Joffrey's podcast on aging - free copy of his book, Longevity for Busy People is available forâŠ
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Here Dr Joffrey discusses the keys to a healthy diet. Time restricted feeding, controlling glucose in general and spikes in particular, and ensuring that you have sufficient protein. đLinks in this episode Dr Joffrey's podcast on aging - free copy of his book, Longevity for Busy People is available for download from there. https://sapiopodcast.com/âŠ
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Here Dr Joffrey discusses his view on future of aging and the most promising technology that he sees which will make a difference. He also talks about Longevity Escape Velocity. đLinks in this episode Dr Joffrey's podcast on aging - free copy of his book, Longevity for Busy People is available for download from there. https://sapiopodcast.com/ ConsâŠ
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Here Matt & Wade discuss lifestyle, nutrition and supplement strategies to support cognitive performance as we get older. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible can be found here https://ultimatenutritionsystem.com/modern Our code of Modern10 will already be applied. The code will also work for all BiOptimizer products. đLinks in this episode Renue by SciencâŠ
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Here Matt & Wade discuss saturated fats and proteins as part of the diet. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible can be found here https://ultimatenutritionsystem.com/modern Our code of Modern10 will already be applied. The code will also work for all BiOptimizer products. đLinks in this episode Renue by Science all 10% discount with code MHS https://renuebyâŠ
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The Ultimate Nutrition Bible can be found here https://ultimatenutritionsystem.com/modern Our code of Modern10 will already be applied. The code will also work for all BiOptimizer products. đLinks in this episode Renue by Science all 10% discount with code MHS https://renuebyscience.com/ Use SUBMHS for 15% on subscriptions 10% off DoNotAge all prodâŠ
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Here Matt & Wade discuss how to structure a diet and some of the pitfalls that can happen in implementation. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible can be found here https://ultimatenutritionsystem.com/modern Our code of Modern10 will already be applied. The code will also work for all BiOptimizer products. đLinks in this episode Renue by Science all 10% disâŠ
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