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Speeches and interviews with leaders of today’s worldwide African liberation struggle. On reparations, building the African nation, combatting police violence, community control of education, health care, African women, the U.S. counterinsurgency, neocolonialism and winning freedom and independence for African people everywhere. Featuring African People’s Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Luwezi Kinshasa, Dr. Aisha Fields, Kalambayi Andenet, Akilé Anai, Yejide Orunmila and more.
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Power Talks

Life is Positive™

Visit: https://lifeispositive.com/ Whether you're jumpstarting the morning and looking for inspiration, searching for that midday pick-me-up, or a boost to end your evening, Power Talks has got you covered. This show features some of the most inspiring and motivational quotes from a wide range of people, from pioneers and leaders to artists and innovators. You can access Power Talks every day of the year to help you grow, motivate, and inspire. Each bite-sized episode of the show is dedicate ...
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ECE Power Talks

East Central Energy

East Central Energy is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative serving 66,000 members in east central MN and northwestern WI. This podcast is for members to keep up to speed with the important work of their cooperative.
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Power Talks met Janneke Stielstra

Janneke Stielstra: Schrijver, spreker en oprichter Journaling Rebels

Power Talks met Janneke Stielstra is de nummer één podcast voor ondernemers die een verschil willen maken in deze wereld. Wekelijks interviews met succesvolle ondernemers als: Anne Raaymakers, Laura Babeliowsky, Jacqueline Zuidweg en Robert Benninga. Mijn doel is jou te inspireren van DROMEN naar DOEN te gaan. In elke aflevering vraag ik een succesvolle ondernemer naar zijn of haar verhaal, motivatie, mindset, gewoonten en ups en downs. Wat heeft het meest bijgedragen aan zijn of haar succes ...
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Play on Words presents the POWer Half Hour; 30-ish minutes of artists, writers, and performers discussing their craft, their work, and where they're from. Your host, Ryan Alpers, pairs recordings of live performances with in studio interviews with the artists, writers, and performers to explore the creative process. Please comment, rate us on iTunes and follow us on Sound Cloud! Thank you!
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show series
Welcome back to Power Talk! Today, we’re diving into a powerful quote from the legendary Jackie Robinson: “I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me, all I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” Now, let’s be real—wouldn’t life be easier if we stopped stressing over who likes us and focused on self-respect instead? Jackie knew that …
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In this episode of Black Power Talks, we explore “Black Education and the Struggle for Anti-Colonial Free Speech.” Upon his return to office, United States President Donald J. Trump amplified the attacks against Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives. His administration has renamed institutions for confederate figures and overturned previous d…
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En este episodio de Power Talks, Ale Lovatón conversa con Stephanie Essenfeld @maspazmentalconlimites, terapeuta familiar y fundadora de Más Paz Mental, sobre cómo establecer límites sin culpa, mejorar la comunicación en nuestras relaciones y fortalecer la autoestima. Si alguna vez has sentido que te cuesta decir “no”, que priorizas a los demás ant…
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Welcome to Power Talks! Today's episode is just for you if you’ve ever struggled with self-love. We’re diving into a powerful quote by the legendary Oscar Wilde: “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” Think about it—how often do we seek love and validation from others while forgetting to give it to ourselves? Loving yourself isn’…
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In 1982, the African People’s Socialist Party formed the African National Reparations Organization (ANRO). ANRO was the first mass organization created to forward the reparations struggle and make reparations a household topic. ANRO’s reach was wide and even garnered the support of people like Michael Jackson who signed an ANRO certificate demandin…
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Welcome to Power Talks! Today, we’re diving into a timeless gem from the one and only William Shakespeare: “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” Sounds simple, right? But there’s more wisdom packed in these words than meets the eye! How do we balance love, trust, and doing the right thing in our daily lives? Stick around as we break it down in…
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En este episodio de Power Talks, Ale Lovatón conversa con Jacqueline Lapidus, experta en ansiedad y estrés, quien comparte herramientas científicas y estrategias prácticas para controlar la ansiedad, enfrentar miedos y recuperar el equilibrio mental. 🎬 Capítulos del episodio: 00:00 Introducción a Jacqueline Lapidus y su experiencia en ansiedad 05:4…
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Welcome back to Power Talks! Today, we’re tackling one of the most iconic quotes ever: “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” Yes, that’s straight from the mind of Friedrich Nietzsche—philosopher, deep thinker, and master of life lessons. Now, let’s be real: we’ve all had those “why me?” moments, right? But Nietzsche’s words flip the script and …
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Welcome back to Power Talks! Today, we’re diving into the inspiring words of Walt Disney: "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” Think about it—Disney wasn’t just building theme parks; he was building a mindset. Dreams aren’t reserved for fairy tales—they’re for anyone bold enough to chase them. Whether your dream is …
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Welcome back to Power Talk! Today, we’re diving into a game-changing quote by none other than Michael Jordan: “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.” Now, if the greatest basketball player of all time says failure is key to success, we’ve got to pay attention, right? MJ’s words are a slam-dunk reminder that…
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En este episodio especial de Power Talks, presentamos una sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas con el público en vivo, donde Michelle Poler y Ale Lovatón abordan temas como liderazgo, autenticidad, comunidad y cómo superar miedos para alcanzar tus sueños.'💬 Participa:¿Qué pregunta del público fue tu favorita? ¡Déjalo en los comentarios y comparte este …
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Welcome back to Power Talk! Today, we’re diving into a timeless quote by the legendary poet Robert Frost: “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” Short, sweet, and packed with wisdom, it’s a reminder that no matter what life throws our way, the world keeps spinning. Let’s break it down and explore how these th…
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Welcome back to Power Talk, where we dive into life’s big questions with a dash of fun! Today, we’re unpacking a powerful quote from Wayne Dyer: "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." Life throws us choices all the time—so let’s talk about how we can take control of those moments and choose motivatio…
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En este emocionante episodio de Power Talks LIVE, Ale Lovatón conversa con la inspiradora Michelle Poler, fundadora de @HelloFears y la comunidad de mujeres "Créetelo". Juntas abordan temas profundos como la autenticidad, la importancia de construir comunidad, cómo enfrentar miedos y el camino del liderazgo abundante. ✨ Temas destacados:1️⃣ Cómo de…
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Welcome to Power Talks, the show where words ignite action and spark transformation. Today, we draw inspiration from the enigmatic artist Banksy, who once said, 'If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.' This simple yet profound message reminds us that persistence doesn't mean pushing to the brink—it means knowing when to pause, recharge, and …
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Descubre tu versión millonaria y transforma tu vida 🌟En este episodio de Power Talks, Ale Lovatón conversa con Mena Cárdenas, una mujer inspiradora que comparte cómo convertir retos en oportunidades y alcanzar tu mejor versión.✨ Temas destacados:1️⃣ La versión millonaria: Más allá del dinero, se trata de bienestar, autoconfianza y autoconocimiento.…
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On this episode of Black Power Talks, we learn about the colonial origins of Santa Claus, also known as Sinter Klaas or St. Nick, the patron saint of shipping. Colonial ideology purports the Christmas holiday to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus. In fact, the Christmas holiday season is centered around the obsessive pursuit and aspiration to p…
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En este poderoso episodio en vivo de Power Talks Podcast, Ale Lovatón comparte su experiencia y reflexiones sobre lo que significa defender tus sueños. Desde cómo enfrentar el miedo al fracaso hasta encontrar el valor para tomar decisiones que te acerquen a tu propósito, este episodio está lleno de inspiración.…
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En este profundo episodio de Power Talks, conversamos con Adriana García Croes, psicoterapeuta y experta en constelaciones familiares, quien nos ayuda a entender el poder de sanar nuestras raíces y liberar patrones heredados.Adriana comparte cómo las constelaciones familiares pueden transformar nuestras vidas, ayudándonos a discernir qué lecciones …
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En este episodio de Power Talks Podcast, tengo el honor de conversar con Isa Álvarez, mentora de negocios digitales y estratega visionaria. Isa comparte cómo transformó la incertidumbre de emigrar en el motor para construir un negocio digital exitoso que impacta a miles de mujeres alrededor del mundo. Descubre cómo Isa pasó de trabajos temporales a…
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En este poderoso episodio de Power Talks Podcast, tengo el honor de conversar con Tiby Camacho, comediante, influencer y una mujer auténtica que ha conquistado corazones con su humor y valentía. Tiby comparte su inspiradora historia sobre cómo encontrar poder en la comedia, superar inseguridades y romper con las expectativas sociales para vivir una…
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En este poderoso episodio de Power Talks Podcast, tengo el honor de conversar con Didi Chacón una mujer que inspira con su autenticidad, fortaleza y valentía. Didi nos comparte su perspectiva sobre cómo vivir una vida plena, romper límites físicos y mentales, y encontrar el coraje para arriesgarse y ser fiel a uno mismo.✨ Descubre cómo Didi ha tran…
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En este poderoso episodio de Power Talks Podcast, tengo el honor de conversar con Yugle Rivas, psicóloga, coach familiar y fundadora de @psicocoachkids . Yugle nos comparte su inspiradora historia de reinvención y crecimiento, desde sus inicios en Venezuela, su migración con "dos maletas llenas de sueños", hasta convertirse en un referente en salud…
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En este episodio de Power Talks, conocemos a la mujer detrás de No es Dieta: Lorena Farias. Más allá de su rol como nutricionista, Lorena nos abre su corazón, compartiendo los desafíos personales que transformaron su vida y la inspiraron a crear una filosofía de nutrición real y accesible. Desde momentos difíciles hasta su proceso de reinvención, s…
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En este episodio de Power Talks, Steffania Uttaro, cantante y artista venezolana, nos comparte su inspirador viaje en la música desde sus raíces en Venezuela hasta su éxito en la escena musical argentina. Con su estilo único y mensajes de amor y esperanza, Steffania ha cautivado a miles de seguidores, demostrando el poder de vivir con autenticidad …
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En este episodio de Power Talks, Vanessa Rondón, asesora de imagen y branding personal, nos enseña cómo la forma en que te vistes puede ser una herramienta de empoderamiento. Desde su experiencia ayudando a emprendedores y figuras públicas, Vanessa comparte consejos prácticos para alinear tu estilo con tu esencia y proyectar confianza en cada aspec…
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En este episodio de Power Talks, conversamos con Maria Alejandra Celis, coach de vida certificada y experta en sanación emocional. A través de su historia de vida, Maria Alejandra nos comparte cómo superó profundas pérdidas personales, como la muerte de su esposo y la de su padre, para transformarlas en oportunidades de crecimiento personal y empod…
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En esta nueva etapa de Power Talks, Ale Lovatón comparte su historia y revela los motivos que la llevaron a relanzar este proyecto con más fuerza. Después de grabar 100 episodios en 100 días, Ale demuestra su compromiso con inspirar a mujeres a nivel global a descubrir su verdadero poder y diseñar la vida que realmente desean. Un episodio cargado d…
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Black August is a month of remembrance and resistance dedicated to our African warriors imprisoned for their heroic stance fighting for African liberation. It's also a month-long salute to the African liberation struggle, recognizing such historic milestones as the Haitian Revolution, the birth of Marcus Garvey, and the deaths of Jonathan Jackson a…
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Welcome to Power Talks! Today, we're exploring a powerful quote by Thomas Jefferson: "I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." Jefferson, the third President of the United States and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence believed in the power of hard work to create opportunities. In this …
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Welcome to Power Talk, the podcast where we explore the transformative power of authenticity and self-love. Today, we're diving into a profound quote by the legendary Coco Chanel: "Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." In this episode, we’ll uncover the true essence of beauty and how embracing your authentic self can lead to a more f…
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Join us on Power Talks as we explore the transformative power of self-confidence. In this bonus episode, we'll uncover what self-confidence truly means and share practical tips to help you build it every day. Whether you're preparing for a big event, navigating new social situations, or simply looking to boost your everyday mindset, this episode is…
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Welcome to Power Talks, the podcast where we dive deep into the quotes and strategies of those who shape their own destinies. Today we explore a powerful quote from the one and only Oprah Winfrey: "You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your script." In this episode, we’ll uncover how you can take control of your narrative, break fr…
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June is Black Music Month. On this episode of Black Power Talks, we uplift Miriam Makeba. Miriam Makeba’s music played an important role in the African Revolution by building bridges across the colonial borders that divide African people. We discussed the role of Makeba's music and feature three of her songs: "Into Yam", "Pata Pata", and "Malcom X.…
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Welcome to the Power Talks Podcast! Today, we're diving into an inspiring quote from the legendary Carol Burnett: "When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go." Dreams are the fuel that drives our ambitions, and Carol's words remind us of the importance of perseverance and dedication. This episode will explore what it means to hol…
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This episode of Power Talks explores the profound wisdom of E.E. Cummings: "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." Dive into what it means to embrace your true self amidst societal pressures. Join us as we discuss the challenges and triumphs of personal growth and authenticity, offering actionable steps to live more genuinely. …
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Welcome to Power Talk, where we dive deep into the heart of success and resilience. Today, we're inspired by the legendary Billie Jean King, who once said, "Champions keep playing until they get it right." Join us as we explore the relentless spirit of champions across fields and passions who embody this unwavering pursuit of excellence. Let's unra…
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Welcome back to another episode of Power Talks, where we unearth the wisdom that fuels our journey through life's ups and downs. In today's episode, we're embracing a timeless insight from Confucius: "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." This profound statement offers a beacon of hope and resilience in our fast-paced wo…
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Dive into the depths of Aristotle's wisdom with our today's Power Talks episode, "Quality is not an act; it is a habit." Join us as we unravel the meaning behind this profound statement and explore how the consistent pursuit of excellence can transform our lives. From ancient Greece to the modern world, learn how Aristotle's philosophy on quality a…
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Join us on Power Talk as we dive deep into Michael Jordan's inspiring journey, exploring the essence of his quote, 'I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.' Uncover how embracing failure is the cornerstone of success, learning how setbacks can fuel determination and lead to triumphs. This episode promises to …
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On this episode of Black Power Talks, we observe African Martyrs Day. At the first Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party in September 1981, APSP designated February 21 as “The Day of the African Martyr.” Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21, 1965 by agents of United States repression and counterinsurgency. Amidst the historical impo…
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In this empowering bonus episode of the Power Talk Podcast, we're exploring the transformative journey of self-love. With expert insights and actionable advice, we'll guide you through the steps to build a stronger, more loving relationship with yourself. From tackling the roots of self-doubt to celebrating your unique strengths, this episode is an…
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Welcome, dear listeners, to another captivating episode of our podcast series! Today, we're delving into a thought-provoking quote by the renowned author Erica Jong: "If you don't risk anything, you risk even more." This powerful statement carries profound wisdom that can inspire us all in various aspects of our lives. In this episode, we'll explor…
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Today, we're kicking off with a powerful quote from the iconic Jennifer Lopez, who once said, "Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for." These words aren't just a mantra; they're a wake-up call to embrace your authentic self. So, buckle up, dear listeners, as we explore the journey of self-discovery and how to co…
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Welcome to Power Talks– the show that's all about the art of self-creation! Today, we kick things off with a powerful quote from George Bernard Shaw: "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." Get ready to explore the incredible journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and the creative magic that shapes the unique mast…
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It's time to kick off another electrifying episode of your favorite show, where we dive into the extraordinary world of personal empowerment. Today's bonus episode is one that will set the tone for positivity, growth, and transformation: The Power of Affirmation. Affirmations aren't just words; they're the seeds we plant in the garden of our minds,…
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Hello my power people de Spotify⁣Bienvenido@ a esta serie de 100 conversaciones de poder en 100 días.⁣En este episodio Michelle nos revela cómo podemos conectar con el concepto de abundancia más allá de lo financiero. ¡Descúbrelo hoy en Power Talks! 🎙️Conferencia Miami "EMPODERA TU NEGOCIO 2024" 🚀: https://www.alelovaton.com/conferenceSígueme en in…
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En este episodio de Power Talks, tuve una conversación con Hune, donde exploramos la impresionante determinación que le ha permitido enfrentar desafíos y tomar decisiones difíciles en su camino hacia el éxito. Descubre cómo la resiliencia y la claridad de visión pueden ser tus aliados más fuertes en momentos de adversidad. Si estás buscando inspira…
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