Message from Holy Spirit
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Welcome to Child of God, a podcast for children and the adults who love them. I'm your host, Rev. Elizabeth Link, Executive Pastor at Second Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, VA. Each episode will share a story about God's people and the ways we are a part of God's family. It's nice to meet you, Child of God. I hope you'll join me!
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I’m a child of tge most high God & I talk a lot. I just love to talk & I can honestly talk all day long. I got a gift for talking, so I’m definitely a future radio broadcaster.....!!
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Hello, child of God! One of my favorite things to do each Christmas was to set out our family Nativity scene. I loved placing the characters in just the right spot, and I loved imagining what brought each of them to meet the baby Jesus. I want to tell you the story of how the wise men came to meet the baby King.…
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Hello, child of God! Have you ever felt afraid before? What did you do to help yourself feel better? I want to tell you the story of young David. David felt called to do something really scary, but with God’s help, David was able to be brave. I wonder if you have had to be brave before. I wonder if you know that God is with you, too.…
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Hello, child of God! A long time ago, a man named Moses came across something very holy in an unexpected place. There, in the desert, he encountered God! I wonder if you have ever experienced a holy moment in an unexpected place. God promises us that God is with us, all around us, wherever we go. I hope you remember that God is always with you!…
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Hello, child of God! Have you ever hoped and wished for something really special? And felt like it would never come? Then you know that waiting can be HARD. Sarah and Abraham knew what it was like to wait... for a long time. They waited for years and years for the gift of a child. Finally, when it seemed like their dream would never come true, God …
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Hello, child of God! Jonah was a prophet who ran away from God. He set to sea and learned the hard way that one cannot run away from God! In the belly of the fish in the middle of the sea, God heard Jonah’s prayer and God still had a plan. When Jonah listened and followed God, he learned an important lesson that God’s love and forgiveness is for ev…
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Hello, child of God! One day, someone asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Instead of giving a quick and easy answer, Jesus told us an important story. It’s about a man on a journey who fell into trouble along the way. Help was found in the most unlikely person. Listen and discover who our neighbors truly are.…
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Hello, child of God! Have you ever been so mad that you wanted to run away? Jesus tells a story in the New Testament about a boy who was so unhappy that he did just that―he ran away from his home and from his daddy. Join me as we hear this tale and learn that God’s love is so big and so strong that even running away can’t break it.…
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Hello, child of God! One day, lots of boys and girls and grownups followed Jesus out into the countryside to listen to him teach and preach. The day grew long, and the people grew hungry. There weren’t any grocery stores or restaurants around... besides, Jesus had a better idea anyway! Taking the gifts of a young boy, Jesus found a way to feed a mu…
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Hello, child of God! Jesus was a very busy man. All day long, people came from far and wide to see him. He spent his days healing sick people and teaching others about God. The disciples thought Jesus was too busy and too important to spend time with little children. But when grownups brought their children to see Jesus, he made time for them and t…
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Hello! I wonder whether you have ever felt small, child of God? Sometimes, we all can be made to feel that way. I want to tell you the story of a man called Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus felt small. But one day, Zacchaeus meets Jesus, and everything changes.Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Hello, child of God! In today's story, Jesus and his disciples were out on a boat when a big storm came upon them. The wind was loud and the waves were strong. The tiny boat was being tossed about, and the disciples were scared. With Jesus’ help, they learned they did not need to be afraid, for God was with them.…
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Hello, child of God! I want to tell you the story of how baby Jesus came to us. It is a story of good news for all people. Like the shepherds, may we share the good news this Christmas season and all year long!Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Hello, child of God! Today, I want to tell you a story about a man named Daniel. Daniel loved God, and he was brave enough to pray to God even when it was against the rules. Listen to find out how God took care of Daniel, and how God takes care of you.Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Hello, child of God! Babies need lots of special care, don’t they? God loves babies. Today, I want to tell you about a special baby boy named Moses. This Old Testament story shares about the ways God took care of baby Moses, and reminds us of the ways God takes care of us today.Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Hello, child of God! Today’s story is about a big family with 12 brothers. Joseph was one of these brothers. Together, we will learn about the ways God was with Joseph through the good days and the bad. God never left Joseph’s side, and God will never leave YOU.Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Hello, child of God! I just love a good rain. We need rain for drinking, cooking, washing, and growing. But sometimes, the earth can get too much rain. Today’s story is about a time when the earth got too much rain. Listen for God’s promise to Noah and to you.Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Hello, child of God! I want to tell you the story about the very beginning . . . and how God created everything! I believe God still creates things today. You are a beautiful part of God’s creation, and God wants you to know it.Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Hello, child of God! I wonder if you have ever witnessed a miracle before. A miracle is something wonderful that shows us the presence of God at work. Bartimaeus was a man who couldn’t see, but when he meets Jesus, he knows God is at work through him. Listen to hear about how Jesus transforms Bartimaeus’ life forever. Miracles happen.…
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Hello, child of God! I want to tell you about a disciple named Thomas. He was not with his friends on Easter night when the risen Jesus appeared to them. He wanted to see and feel Jesus for himself before he could believe the good news was true. We don’t get to see and feel Jesus in the same way his disciples did all those years ago, but we can sti…
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Hello, child of God! This week, we remember a sad day when Jesus died, and a happy day that followed when God made Jesus alive again! The story of Easter is told in all four Gospels. I chose to focus my episode on the accounts that you can find in Matthew 28:1-10 and Mark 16:1-10. May you and your family celebrate this Easter Sunday with joy. May C…
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Hello, child of God! There is a story we retell and act out in my church each year. It always comes the Sunday before Easter. It’s the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The people were so excited to see Jesus riding in on a donkey that they laid down their coats and waved palm branches in the air. Since we can’t be together in person to celebra…
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Hello, child of God! I want to share a story that has special meaning to me this week. In the Old Testament book of Exodus, we read about how God’s people were on a long journey from one land to the next. It was a frightening and uncertain time for God’s people. But God gave them a gift that reminded them that God would care for them no matter what…
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Hello, child of God! Today, we learn another story that Jesus told. This story is about a sower who sowed his seeds out in the field. Some seeds fell on good ground, while other seeds fell on the hard path, the rocky soil, or among the weeds. We will learn about how these four types of ground can be like our hearts – open, too hard, too shallow or …
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Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Hello, child of God! Today’s story is about Jesus’ friends, the disciples. When Simon and his friends met Jesus, everything changed for them. They left all that they had – their boats, their nets, and even their amazing catch of fish – and followed Jesus. What does it look like to follow Jesus today? We can learn something from the ways they listen…
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Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Von Second Presbyterian Church
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Von Second Presbyterian Church
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The barber is the greatest book ever written in it God himself speak to me it is the book of the van instruction it offers comfort and sorrow can use in the perplexity ,advice for our problems rebuke for our sins and daily inspiration for our every day needs.The bible isn’t simply one book .It is an entire library of books covering the whole range …
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Random talk, future radio broadcaster
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