[幼教老師玩外文]#138 Fun runs
Manage episode 349802908 series 3357065
Fun runs
If you think that marathon runs are too long, you should try a fun run.
A fun run can be a road run or a cross-country run.
Most of them are not more than 5KM long.
No one wins or loses.
Two of the popular fun runs are the Color Run and the Zombie Run.
Many people say that the Color Run is the happiest 5 K on the planet.
At the end of the race, all of the runners are laughing at one another because they are so “colorful”.
The Zombie Run is exciting because the runners have to run away from the zombie players.
If the runner loses three flags, that runner is out of the game.
They all sound fun, don’t they?
Go online and join the next run now!
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