67 Embracing Creativity and Disability with Linda Bonner
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In this inspiring episode of Thinking That Matters, we had the pleasure of welcoming our good friend Linda Bonner.
Linda is an artist, card designer and owner of Linda Bonner Studios, a creative company. She designs and creates handcrafted greeting and note cards, original miniature art and special line of love notes for children and adults.
Her passion is helping people connect in a meaningful and personal way. She is also a disability advocate and author of Blessed with Extraordinary: Support and resources for families of children with Down Syndrome. She is passionate about helping families on their journey of raising their extraordinary children.
And today, we delved into Linda's artistic process, particularly her work with miniature art and how she was inspired by a vintage cigarette machine turned art dispenser called an Art-O-Mat.
We also touched on Linda's personal story as she recounted the moment she learned her son, Kevin, was born with Down syndrome. She described the despair she initially felt and the long journey toward acceptance and joy. Linda stressed the significance of seeking professional help, joining supportive communities, and the transformative power of surrendering expectations.
As an advocate, Linda passionately spoke about the importance of people-first language when referring to individuals with disabilities. She believes in highlighting the abilities and contributions of people with Down syndrome and educating others to value and include them in society.
Furthermore, Linda and I discussed her book, Blessed with Extraordinary: Support and resources for families of children with Down Syndrome.
Blessed with Extraordinary is a heartfelt guide to caring for children from birth to independent adulthood. Linda intertwines her personal experiences of raising her son, Kevin, beginning with her initial grief to embracing the joy of parenting her extraordinary child. With practical resources, empowering tools, and a lifelong roadmap she helps families forge a clear path to a life of opportunity and joy.
Order the book here! https://www.amazon.com/Blessed-Extraordinary-resources-families-children/dp/1636182720/
Visit Lindas’s website: https://lindabonnerstudios.com/
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Know more about Elizabeth Mahusay:
Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.
Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.
Connect with Elizabeth:
Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/
Instagram: @ebmahusay/
Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay
Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/
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