Episode 242: Lifeformed - Matt Mair Lowrey Interview
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Writer Matt Mair Lowrey is this week’s guest and we discuss the LIFEFORMED series of YA Sci-Fi graphic novels with artist Cassie Anderson! For more Lifeformed, including where to order the books, social media links, and exclusive web-comics, check out the website: http://www.lifeformedcomic.com/
Meet Matt & Cassie at Comic Cave PDX (1924 N Kilpatrick St, Portland, OR 97217) Saturday, November 23rd and celebrate LOCAL COMIC SHOP DAY!
Order Lifeformed digitally on ComiXology: https://www.comixology.com/Lifeformed/comics-series/91723 And on Dark Horse Digital: https://digital.darkhorse.com/books/e6ce3a32e0fb4cd1b3b0743c2c983484/lifeformed-cleo-makes-contact-tpb
If you can't make it to your LCS, you can get both Lifeformed Vols. 1 and 2 on InStockTrades now!
Vol. 1: https://www.instocktrades.com/TP/Dark-Horse/LIFEFORMED-TP-CLEO-MAKES-CONTACT/MAY170045 Vol. 2: https://www.instocktrades.com/TP/Dark-Horse/LIFEFORMED-TP-HEARTS-AND-MIND-VOL-02/MAY190260
Follow Matt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mattmlpdx Follow Cassie on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CassieDoesArt
Theme music used with permission from Michael Geissler. For music like it, check out his website www.bytormusic.com/
Alternate theme song written and performed by Lucia Fasano. Check out her work on her Patreon page: www.patreon.com/luciafasano MSRP show intro, outro, and bumpers produced by Dave Sanders.
Check out Dave’s other projects:
Beards Booze & Brutes football podcast, every Friday: anchor.fm/beardsboozebrutes Twiter: twitter.com/BeardBoozeBrute Facebook: www.facebook.com/BeardsBoozeBrutes/
Hear For It Podcast, every Monday: anchor.fm/HFI Twitter: twitter.com/HearForItPod Facebook: www.facebook.com/HFIPod/
If you're looking for help in giving your podcast or audio project a polished, pro sound, hit him up on Fiverr: bit.ly/2XB2cRc
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