286: Transformers 21 Artists Spotlight - CybFest NW 2020
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Presented during the CybFest NW 2020 community live stream, it’s my interview with the artists of IDW Publishing’s Transformers #21, Blacky Shepherd and Billie Montfort (AKA CosmicDanger)! Both artists are from the Seattle area and both made their debut on interior pages for the official Transformers comic book in this issue!
Buy Transformers #21 at your local comic shop or on digital platforms. More info here: https://www.idwpublishing.com/product/transformers-21-2/
Check out Billie Montfort’s website for their art as CosmicDanger: https://twitter.com/cosmicdangrzone Twitter: https://twitter.com/cosmicdangrzone Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosmic_danger/
Visit Blacky Shepherd’s art website: https://www.cqshep.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CQShep Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artdevil313/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CQShep/
This podcast is remixed from the CybFest NW 2020 live stream. Watch the full, unedited video, as originally aired live on Twitch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itN8OU8z0jQ&t=314s
If you’re interested in helping support racial justice and need a good starting point, here’s a link to list of Black Lives Matter organizations you can donate money to: rb.gy/zpecmf
Want to be a guest on the show? Send an E-mail to MikeSeibertRadio@Gmail.com or hit me up on social media Twitter: twitter.com/MikeSibertRadio Instagram: www.instagram.com/mikeseibertradio/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/MikeSeibertRadio/
MSRP show intro, outro, and bumpers produced by Dave Sanders. If you're looking for help in giving your podcast or audio project a polished, pro sound, hit him up on Fiverr: bit.ly/2XB2cRc
Theme music used with permission from Michael Geissler. For music like it, check out his website www.bytormusic.com/
Alternate theme song written and performed by Lucia Fasano. Check out her work on her Patreon page: www.patreon.com/luciafasano
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