276: Robo Apollo Interview, Part One
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During part one of my interview with Transformers fan artist Apollo, we discussed participating in fan conventions, transformers fandom, fic, zines, and more!
This podcast is remixed from our live stream. Watch the full, unedited video, as originally aired live on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR7jif-8t4s
Robo Apollo contact info Twitter: https://twitter.com/roboapollo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roboapollo/ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/RoboApollo Shop: https://roboapollo.bigcartel.com/ (and since it’s Char’s birthday month, she’s offering 10% orders over $25 through the end of the month. Use discount code BIRTHDAY at check out. Code expires June 30th)
Official artists mentioned: Sara PD: @SaraLePew Sarah Stone: @fayren Jack Lawrence: @JLawrence_Art Coralus: @coralus_SF Winston: @CWingsyun Jar Of Loose Screws: @JarOLooseScrews
Fan Artists: Erika (whom I am tabling with at TFCon Chicago. We were supposed to table at Orlando and Toronto, too. We are skipping Tornoto because of COVID): @ErikaGSkerzz Constant Scribbles: @C0nstantM0tion
Fan fic authors / stories: (Notes/Cautions: the fics are NSFW. I mostly read their Optimus and Starscream stories). DoomSpoon: @DoomSpoon888 On Twitter. https://archiveofourown.org/users/Spoon888/pseuds/Spoon888. They are also on Archive Of Our Own Abyssal (author of The Worlds Translated Thus, a 408 page Optimus Prime/Starscream fan fic zine only available by request http://abyssal.dreamwidth.org/). They also have fics on Archive Of Our Own. Grateful_Storyteller. https://archiveofourown.org/works/19712692 This is the fic where Starscream was an Autobot spy all along. They have two versions of this story so far.
iPad Pro: iPad Pro 12.9 inch https://www.apple.com/ipad-pro/specs/ I use Procreate app for my digital art.
Zines I am participating in: @MaccadamsDrinks Portland Artists Black Lives Matters coloring book zine (more info to come) - all proceeds to be donated to local BLM organization
Starscream zine I’ll be buying (I didn’t get selected to participate in it): @Proximity_Zine: https://twitter.com/proximity_zine/status/1266459357979410432?s=21
My Favorite Media Transformers Till All Are One: https://tfwiki.net/wiki/The_Transformers:_Till_All_Are_One Transformers Prime: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformers:_Prime Transformers: The Movie (1986 version)
Toys Shown: Titans Return Windblade Takara Tomy Generations Slipstream MP-10 Optimus MP-26 Road Rage 3p Legends Starscream - H3 Lucifer by NewAge 3p Legends Windblade - Iron Factory Giant Maiden Miko The Hunter
Podcasts: More Than Meets The Pod: https://mtmtpod.libsyn.com/ Autopod Decepticast: https://www.autopoddecepticast.com/
If you’re interested in helping support racial justice and need a good starting point, here’s a link to list of Black Lives Matter organizations you can donate money to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fb2cioBcCO47L_oGPsjdGVWDAc3RTHU2tIpDtekWKs0/mobilebasic
Want to be a guest on the show? Send an E-mail to MikeSeibertRadio@Gmail.com or hit me up on social media Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeSibertRadio Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeseibertradio/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikeSeibertRadio/
MSRP show intro, outro, and bumpers produced by Dave Sanders. If you're looking for help in giving your podcast or audio project a polished, pro sound, hit him up on Fiverr: bit.ly/2XB2cRc
Theme music used with permission from Michael Geissler. For music like it, check out his website www.bytormusic.com/
Alternate theme song written and performed by Lucia Fasano. Check out her work on her Patreon page: www.patreon.com/luciafasano
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