Season 6, Episode 8, God will Overcome
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Today, 2 unpublished and 2 published from Living In God’s Rhyme. Today my hope, my prayer is that it is God’s words, not my words, and God’s voice, not my voice that are heard. May the power of God lift us up as we read and discuss today’s poems.
A daily devotional I was given by a neighbor and I have been reading has led me to new understanding of what God has for us (me). It has led me to a more thorough understanding of prayer, waiting and hope. The book is Streams In The Desert, complied by L. B. Cowman. My neighbor thought I would like it because of the poetry that is in some the devotions. I’m sure there was another involved in this decision as every day since I started reading the devotions are exactly what I need.
You are my King and my God, who decrees
victories for Jacob. Through you we push
back our enemies; through your name
we trample our foes. (Psalm 84:4-5, NIV)
A thousand and more years
Overcoming our fears,
Defeating our foe
So onward we go.
Love for His chosen ones,
His daughters and sons,
Through God’s grace
They find faith.
Today, our foes still in sight,
We have victory, through God’s grace
Over the foes we fight,
The enemies we face.
The battle against temptation
Has been won through our redemption.
The battle against sin
Our savior did win.
Through death
And by the grave,
Through His resurrection,
Jesus has defeated our foe.
As heirs to the Lord,
When we face the horde,
And as we live with the discord
Of this world, Jesus is our sword.
Call out to the cross
And proclaim the loss
Of our enemy.
Claim His victory.
Jesus was victorious,
Victory is our chorus,
The song we claim
In Jesus’ name.
8/9/19, tcarter
I am still amazed how God works. From what I heard one the news today to reading His word tonight
came the following. I also realized how His love works through the encouragement of others. God does work in His ways, not ours.
I heard the news today.
Yes, I changed a word,
The lyrics from the sixties
Last century that is.
Yes, I did hear and I did read the news.
Sometimes when one speaks one’s views
The truth comes out, then others shout,
Wondering how views like that come about.
I once wrote about a long ago idol
Whose thoughts one day became idle.
He sang the words all you need is love,
To which I replied, all you need is God’s love.
I believed, he did not, what Jesus said,
“A new command I give you.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
If you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)
The love of man, yes it can
Give us relief from the grief
Of the lives we live
And what we did give.
It is there today and maybe gone tomorrow.
There will be so many days with sorrow.
What is this love we need?
This love, what does it feed?
Is it freely given to everyone
Living with us under the sun?
Maybe not.
Jesus said, as I have loved you.
Commanded, this we must do.
Not a love of this world,
No, with the love of God.
Sending his Son to live among us,
This man, the Son of God, Jesus,
Loved us all, the good and the bad
No matter the lives that we had.
He loved those in need,
That is you and me, all of us.
Whether living in the weeds
Or in the fields, he loves us.
Oh, there are those who will fall
When it is time for the final call.
But by loving without standing behind a wall
There will be more in God’s love standing tall.
The rich man, the poor man,
The tattered and torn
And those dressed well worn,
One and the same in God’s hand.
To deny our love to others
We do judge our brothers,
Judge them to be less,
Judge them to be useless.
If we accept the love God has for us,
The sacrificial love of his Son Jesus,
Then as we walk down the street
We will love everyone we meet.
1/11/18, tcarter
AS ONLY YOU CAN (Living In God’s Rhyme, pg. 116)
I look at the clouds and I wonder aloud
What lies beyond the skies?
What ever can be though looking I cannot see.
I look at the wonder of it all and I hear your call.
Beyond the skies is Heaven above,
Where there are no whys, just your love.
But first we share in this world of ours
For what we care in each day’s hours.
The mountains, the valleys,
The meadows, the deserts,
And the vast deep waters,
They all exist inside of us.
You spoke the earth into existence,
You breathed your breath into man,
Your power knew no resistance.
It was only and is only you who can.
May we live in your glory,
Be a part of your story.
May we every day strive
To have you in our lives.
May we see the splendor,
Of all you do, of who we are
As we shine brighter than the stars
When we let you, Lord, be who you are.
WHOSE WORDS (Living In God’s Rhyme, pg. 149)
And this is my prayer; that your love may abound
more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,
so that you may be able to discern what is best
and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes
Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.
Phil 1:9,10
Whose words do we seek
As we hear others speak?
Are they the words of truth
That in us will bear fruit?
As believers do we know God’s word
Or do we only know what we have heard?
Do we ever make the time to know
What God’s word says so we may grow?
Do we have the desire to understand
Where it is God wants us to stand?
Do we search his word, do we make the time to study
So that when someone speaks we are not just putty?
Do we know when the words are from God and not from man?
To understand your word we must have a yearning
To listen to others and not overlook our own learning.
Through prayer and reflection in our time alone
With you, Father, we will mature in our love for the cornerstone.
The cornerstone of your church, of our faith, your Son Jesus,
Is fully known as we seek in your word how you see us.
We must read so we know the truth when we hear it
And know what is not from you so we may not be near it.
You, Lord, love us every day
So every day we must pray
That as we read we know what you say
About the truth of your grace and your way.
Thank you, Lord, for what you do,
Help us to be more than just a few,
Help us to know and spread your word
So others cannot say they never heard.
Dear Heavenly Father we come to you in prayer as we end today’s podcast. Dave and I thank You for Your leading us through the day and into tomorrow. We pray that today has been pleasing to You and honors Your glory.
We pray for our listeners and viewers; for their needs, healing and the salvation of those who have not yet accepted the gift of Your grace by faith.
We pray, Lord, for this world in which we live. Father, as Christians lead us to proclaiming the gospel where ever we are. May we do so in a loving way. Lead us to the truth of the days we are living in. We pray for the nation of Ukraine and its people; its leaders, those who have fled the country to find safety, those who are still trying to leave the country and those who are staying to fight the invading army of their enemy. May their faith and determination be an example to the entire world.
Dear Lord, prepare us and our listeners and viewers for the coming week. We pray that it is You we live for and You who leads us. As we walk with you this week, may it be Your hand clasped around our hand so we may feel the grasp of Your love.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer.
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Tim and Dave
"If you give Him the times As you live His word rhymes "
"We are the King’s kids and you’ll never get rid of us because we are His with Jesus."
If you give
Him the times
As you live
His word rhymes
And don’t forget, “We are the Kings kids and you will never get rid of us for we are His with Jesus.”
Living In God’s Rhyme ©2018 by Tim Carter
God Still Rhymes ©2019 by Tim Carter
God’s Rhyme ©2019 by Tim Carter
101 Episoden