Podcast with Denise Iordache Dip. CBH Do you sleep well?
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Podcast with Denise Iordache Dip. CBH
Do you sleep well?
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PODCAST with Denise Iordache Dip. CBH
Good morning. This is Cosimo Marraffa, Marraffa Training Academy and it's the new season from our podcast and today it's with Denise Iordache.
How are you doing? Hi, hi Cosimo, hi everyone. I'm good, thank you. Good. Can you tell us something about yourself?
How you're doing, what you're about. Tell us about yourself. Yes, sure. So I am a cognitive behavioral hypnotherapist. Okay. I specialize in helping people uhm worry less and sleep better, as I call it.
So I specialize in sleep and stress related issues that, you know, us adults might have. And specifically for people who are currently in the workforce, so I call them, you know, professionals that are currently having their jobs, because uhm stress and sleep tend to undermine their working lives as
well as their professional lives, so that's where I decided to specialize. I come from a corporate background, I have spent many years in corporate marketing.
And then I retrained as a therapist and most recently I have left the corporate world to focus solely on my private practice.
Wow, that seems something really interesting. Really important for our lives, for our energy and uhm that you made this shift to entrepreneur.
Yes, not an easy shift. Loving it. Loving it. Okay, wonderful. Let's switch to the first question and tell us uhm what big challenges did you have in your time before and now what were some of the challenges you want to tell us?
Sure, um I think one of the challenges uh was that I would put it against the lack of education because in my 20s when I was working a wonderful job, part of a wonderful team, I wouldn't really sleep very well.
And that was the first time that I experienced insomnia. Now, I knew of insomnia as a word. But I didn't know exactly what it meant until I was struggling with it.
And I thought, uhm, like many of my clients that are, you know, coming to me, I thought it's a thing, it's a personality thing.
You know, sometimes insomnia comes along and that's who you are. And uhm, I didn't really put too much input on it.
I was thinking, okay, that's what it is and one day I will sleep better again. I wasn't really doing anything about it.
And uhm, obviously time went by and I was still struggling to sleep. And my manager at the time, he asked me, you know, quite concerned as to what happened to your energy levels.
Cause you, you don't sleep And I said, well, I don't sleep very well. And uhm, he asked me, so what time do you wake up at night?
And I said around 3, 3.15. And he said, why are you stressed? And I was completely like, what do you mean?
I'm telling you I can't sleep, and you're telling me why I'm stressed? I was completely taken aback. Again, I didn't know the connection between stress and sleep.
So he pointed it out to me, and I was like, oh, oh, oh, okay. because he was my manager at the time and a damn good one, he was like, okay, let's work on something so we can take some of your, you know, major projects or priorities, change them or help you so that you know, the stress can be reduced,
your sleep can improve. And I thought, oh, what a load of corporate bs. Actually, no, he was very right and he helped me and I was able to, you know.....
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