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Markus Menzinger

Markus Menzinger / Office Group GmbH

Markus Menzinger, der Gründer der Office Group GmbH und der Ideenwerkstatt berichtet aus seinem Alltag als Immobilienmacher und Raumdenker. Er gibt seinen Hörern Tipps, wie sie aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Immobilienbranche für sich nutzen können und analysiert Trends für das Büro von morgen.
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The Laundromat Millionaire Show with Dave Menz

Dave "Laundromat Millionaire" Menz

Are you an "Entrepreneurial Nerd" or even just a passionate small business person trying to learn the ropes? If so, this show may be perfect for you. On the Laundromat Millionaire Show, we discuss everything Business, the good, bad and ugly lessons that we've learned. Things we've learned from our success and also from our failure and the growth that occurs when we truly seek it out! Episodes feature Co-host and published Author, Dave "Laundromat Millionaire" Menz along with his wife and sid ...
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Menzels Meinung

Stefanie Menzel

Manchmal ist es gut einen neuen Wind ins Leben zu bringen und aus der Bequemlichkeit des Alltags auszusteigen. Meiner Meinung nach bringt es Kraft und Selbstbewusstsein etwas zu verändern und es macht den Tellerrand zur Startrampe in deinem Leben. Mit meiner Tochter Yannika nehme ich mir hier alltägliche Themen vor und möchte dir neue Perspektiven für deinen Alltag geben.
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Jesse Brown

Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: A man that believes that men carry a great role. I think that we are responsible for the raising of our son's and giving them the proper life tools , respect, honesty and hard work are a good thing for our young boys. I'm starting a movement and I need all good men to join me. ...
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Le regole del Venerabile è l’autobiografia fittizia di Licio Gelli, il capo della Loggia P2, sotto forma di confessione privata, ma completamente aderente alle risultanze storiche e documentali, resa a un carceriere durante la sua permanenza in una prigione svizzera. In dieci episodi, corrispondenti ad altrettante regole di vita da lui stesso inventate, il maestro massonico che convinse molti di avere in pugno le sorti dell'Italia racconta la sua vita più avventurosa di un film, mischiando r ...
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show series
How many machines? What sizes? Folding tables? Aisle Size? The questions never end when creating the optimum store layout for your laundromat! In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show, Dave & Carla share their insight on how to answer all of these questions based on the constraints within your location. Learn how to assess and create prop…
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Why are Australians feeling poorer despite their wages increasing? Shadow Finance Minister Jane Hume sat down with the MRC's Centre for Youth Policy Director Freya Leach to discuss why Gen Z in particular are feeling the pain of Australia's cost of living crisis. Senator Hume also shuts down misconceptions that the Coalition's Super for Housing pol…
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Starting a small business & don't have the budget for a big marketing campaign?? That's just where design experts Beau & Liz Perra found themselves with the launch of their laundry delivery service, Lotta's Laundry. In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show, learn about the guerrilla marketing strategies they implemented, which ones worked…
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Seit 25 Jahren stehen wir für innovative Lösungen im Büro- und Innenausbau. Mit unseren Tochtergesellschaften in den Bereichen Planung & Architektur, TGA, Elektro und Bauausführung bieten wir alles aus einer Hand – effizient, durchdacht und zukunftsorientiert. Was einst als kleines Unternehmen begann, ist heute eine starke Unternehmensgruppe mit wa…
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Free laundromats are hard to find, but can be a great way to break into the industry. But are they really free?? In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show, Tim Richardson shares his "free laundromat" story and the real costs that went into creating his amazing new store. Referenced Links: Our Sponsor: H-M Company Drain Troughs: https://www…
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Can one small laundromat be enough to afford you the lifestyle you dream about? It has for Daniel Logan, owner of Columbia Pike Laundry in Arlington, WV. In this interview with Dave and Carla, learn how he turned a 700 sq ft laundromat into a million dollar business that gives him the flexibility so many crave. Referenced Links: Our Sponsor: H-M Co…
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What's essential for creating a scalable business? What resources can help you find success more quickly? In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show, Justin Clark, VP of Business Solutions at EVI Industries, joins Dave and Carla to discuss such hot topics as the role of a leader, the reasons for a distribution network, and the essential fir…
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One of the world's most recognisable former statesmen dropped by the offices of the Menzies Research Centre in December to record a bonus podcast with our very own Freya Leach. To mark the recent publication of his new memoir, Unleashed, Boris Johnson sat down with Freya to discuss the reasons behind some of his signature policy positions, from Bre…
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Office Group Insights - Episode #2 Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation und Arbeitsqualität – das sind Themen, die uns täglich antreiben. Mit unserem umfassenden Know-how in der Revitalisierung bestehender Gebäude und zirkulären Konzepten schaffen wir nicht nur ressourcenschonende Arbeitswelten, sondern auch Arbeitsplätze, die wieder Spaß machen und inspirie…
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Office Group Insights - Episode #21 Die Digitalisierung wird für Unternehmen immer wichtiger – auch bei der Office Group. In diesem Video teilt Gründer und Inhaber Markus Menzinger seine Perspektiven zur digitalen Transformation und erklärt, welche Maßnahmen wir ergreifen, um zukunftsorientiert zu bleiben. Erfahrt, wie wir innovative Lösungen umset…
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Whether buying or building, laundromats are a big investment! Luckily, there are many options out there to help you finance that investment and start you on your entrepreneurial journey into the laundry industry! Referenced Links: Our Sponsor: H-M Company Drain Troughs: Our Website:…
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Freya Leach, Director of the Centre for Youth Policy, is joined by Erica Komisar in this bonus episode of the Menzies Research Centre podcast, recorded on the sidelines of the ARC conference in Sydney. Erica is a psychoanalyst who brings fresh insights on how we can better raise our children. Her main work focuses on exposing the link between insti…
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Tired of lint and dust covering everything inside and outside of your stores? Finally, a revolutionary product for the laundry industry to combat the never-ending problem of lint! Craig Madson, VP of Marketing and Innovation at Alliance Laundry Systems, joins the Laundromat Millionaire Show to share with Dave & Carla their newest innovation - ProCa…
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Dave does NOT hate commercial accounts! We just need to redefine how the industry refers to the various types of laundry delivery customers. In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show, Dave & Carla discuss the 4 types of delivery customers and how to bid those accounts for both growth and profits. Referenced Links: Our Sponsor: H-M Company …
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Freya Leach is joined by the MRC's new policy director and chief economist Nico Louw in this fascinating discussion covering the biggest public policy challenges of our time, from the Covid pandemic through to our current economic challenges. Nico, who was senior adviser to Scott Morrison and did several quarantine stints with the former PM, reflec…
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Just building an amazing laundromat isn't enough to create a successful business and Drew Boggs learned this the hard way. After a failed partnership, he was left with a chain of 4 floundering laundry businesses. With the help of his daughter, Leah and her ambitious dive into the industry, they've been able to turn these businesses around. Learn ho…
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Everyone's talking about AI, but how can we use it to better reach and serve our customers? Brett Lyon, CEO of LaundroBoost and Courtney Farrell, COO, join us to talk about how business owners in the laundry industry or any industry can take advantage of AI platforms and even cut down on customer service time and costs. Learn about new product offe…
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Brendan Nelson’s career path would confound any career counsellor. Over three decades he has been a general practitioner; President of the Australian Medical Association; a parliamentarian; Education and Defence Minister; Leader of the Opposition; Ambassador; and Director of the War Memorial. He is currently President of Boeing Global. Across all h…
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Laundromats are more than just a room of machines that wash and dry clothes! As more pop up in communities all across the world, what will make customers want to choose yours? In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show, Dave & Carla share their tips for elevating the customer experience in your store - it could be the difference in whether …
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When adding Wash-Dry-Fold & Delivery to your laundromat, how do you know when you've outgrown your facility? What can you do to avoid affecting your self-serve customers? For Ayad Mirjan, his answer was simple, expand across the street! In this interview with Dave & Carla Menz, learn how Ayad expanded his delivery brand OrangeBag by adding a separa…
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There are many successful ways to run a laundromat, but can they run themselves? Is it really possible to be open 24-hours and completely unattended? Lara Freeland, owner of Pelican Laundromat in Marrero, Louisiana shares her tips for making this model possible. Listen as Dave and Carla Menz interview Lara in this episode of The Laundromat Milliona…
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What do you really want from your business? In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show sponsored by H-M Company at, Dave and Carla interview Mike Finger of Exit Oasis as he reveals the 3 questions every business owner must ask themselves about their business. Avoiding these questions and the necessary pivots they may requir…
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First StarchUp, then LaundroWorks, what's next for Cents? In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show, Dave & Carla interview Alex Jekowsky, CEO & Co-founder of Cents, to discuss the evolution of technology in the laundromat industry, the mistakes Cents has made along the way and their plans for the future. Referenced Links: Cents Website: h…
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As insurance premiums continue to rise, are you sure your business is even covered? Are you paying for coverage you don't even need? Are items missing from your policy that could cause you devastating losses? Larry Trapani & Joel Blitzer of The Laundromat Millionaire Insurance Program join Dave & Carla on this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire …
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If your laundromat is so busy people are turning away, does that mean it's time to expand? Do you need more space and more equipment or is there another solution? When is the right time to invest in more equipment or even another location? Listen as Horace Lewis shares his laundromat journey with Dave & Carla Menz and they discuss this often debate…
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Is that "Free Laundromat" really free? Yannick Tuwamo, owner of The Soapbox Global Laundry in Columbus, Ohio shares his journey into purchasing his first laundromat, the challenges and his advice for others looking to enter the laundry industry. Follow along in this interview with Dave & Carla Menz on The Laundromat Millionaire Show, pull out the "…
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SOE Mix 58 Untapped Potential 2024 Opening Mix Tribute To Treasure M 1. Phill Colins- True Colors (Gigg Cosco Remix) 2. The Weeknd - Save Your Tears (Soulful Experiment) 3. Usher - How Do I Say(3 Elements Soul Mix) 4. Phill - Nena 5.Gigg_Cosco_-_The_Scientist 6. Cleo Sol - When I'm in Your Arms (Merlzar's Ecstatic Bootleg) 7. Miss Ready & Themba N …
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SOE Mix 58 Untapped Potential 2024 Opening Mix Tribute To Treasure M 1. Phill Colins- True Colors (Gigg Cosco Remix) 2. The Weeknd - Save Your Tears (Soulful Experiment) 3. Usher - How Do I Say(3 Elements Soul Mix) 4. Phill - Nena 5. Gigg_Cosco_-_The_Scientist 6. Cleo Sol - When I'm in Your Arms (Merlzar's Ecstatic Bootleg) 7. Miss Ready & Themba N…
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"If we don't get on board, we're going to be left behind!" Jordan Berry, from the Laundromat Resource, joins Dave & Carla Menz to discuss the current trends in the laundry industry, the threats we need to prepare ourselves for, and a call to action for all laundromat owners to help each other succeed. Also, learn the reasons behind Jordan's recent …
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Interested in FREE Entertainment for your customers?? Looking for another way to differentiate your business from the competition?? Scott Janney, Co-Founder and CEO of Magazine Jukebox shares the story behind his innovative new product and Dave & Carla share its impact after months of use in their stores. Learn about the free option or for a small …
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L'intervista a Costanzo non passa inosservata e la magistratura italiana, indagando sul finanziere siciliano Michele Sindona, si imbatte nell'aiuto che Gelli ha dato al bancarottiere. Una perquisizione alla Lebole porta alla scoperta della lista dei membri della loggia P2. Gelli ripara in Sudamerica, ma la sua posizione si aggrava anche a causa del…
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Ispirandosi a un'idea di Eugenio Cefis, il più potente boiardo di Stato, Gelli e Umberto Ortolani, già compare di avventure in Sud America, inducono la famiglia Rizzoli ad acquisire il Corriere della Sera, con l'obiettivo di impadronirsene e di farne un potente strumento di propaganda. Primo passo per la conquista del potere. Mediata dallo spregiud…
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SOE Mix 57 2023 Conclusion Mix (The Extermination) Season Finale. 1. Attention(LnSoul makeup) 2. Supreme SA & Adhesive Twins feat Trevor Mako-Greatness In Me(Soulful Twilight Mix) 3. Ntate Tshego Ft French August - Uthando (Original Mix) 4. Sparkle Ft. RKelly - Be Careful (McCuemza Isaac's Experimental Boot) 5. Audiology Ft French August - For The …
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Forte del peso che ha in Argentina, Gelli medita di fare il bis in Italia, un paese messo in ginocchio dalla crisi petrolifera. Allargando i tentacoli della P2 fino ai vertici della Guardia di Finanza, vede nominato alla guida delle Fiamme Gialle un candidato che non disdegna, mentre alcuni petrolieri speculano sull'oro nero frodando l'erario. Alcu…
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Licio amplia i suoi affari occupandosi del ritorno al potere in Argentina di un vecchio amico, il generale Perón, che aveva aiutato nel mummificare il corpo della moglie Eva. L'operazione, coordinata dalla massoneria, funziona, ma dopo la morte inaspettata del generale è la vedova, una giovane spogliarellista, a prendere il suo posto, e il paese sc…
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Interested in Laundry Delivery, but not sure about the Logistics Options? Already doing Delivery and want to Increase your Profit Margin? In this episode with Dave & Carla Menz, they explore the different Logistical Models for Delivery and help you navigate which is the best for you. Additionally they share tips for creating a model the customers w…
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L'arresto del bandito Bergamelli scatena un polverone su Gelli. Licio però non si dà per vinto e stringe amicizia con il potente avvocato e uomo d'affari Umberto Ortolani. Quando le accuse si fanno più gravi è costretto a tornare in Toscana e chiedere aiuto ai comunisti, suoi nemici di sempre. D'altronde con loro è stato cortese, quando era il caso…
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Sconfitti gli invidiosi e i maligni, e conservato il controllo della Loggia P2, Gelli si domanda quanto denaro costerebbe infiltrare la Repubblica con i suoi uomini, e su quali forze può contare. Qualche decina di miliardi, e l'Italia sarebbe nelle mani della P2. Intanto continua a bazzicare i fascisti toscani, che molla nell'estate del 1974, quand…
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Nel 1969 scoppia la bomba a piazza Fontana, e l'Italia sprofonda nel caos e nel terrore. Ansioso di non rimanere da parte nel caso di una svolta autoritaria, Gelli si trasforma nel misterioso signor Filippo. Una identità fittizia che gli consente di frequentare fascisti ed eversori e agganciare esponenti dei servizi segreti, senza perdere la rispet…
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Does your head hurt just thinking about payroll?? Taxes, social security, worker's comp, unemployment insurance, OSHA, the FLSA, & more to keep track of makes outsourcing payroll a must for business owners! In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show, Dave & Carla Menz interview Justis Mullins, Small Business Sales Manager of ADP Services, t…
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Abbandonata la Permaflex, Gelli si mette in proprio. In assenza di capitali esplora le opportunità offerte dalla massoneria, che ai suoi occhi è solo una congrega sfiatata di vegliardi. Si getta dunque nell'impresa di svecchiare il Grande Oriente d’Italia, scalandolo dall'interno e dando nuova vita alla P2, una loggia coperta. Il proficuo rapporto …
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Mentre l’Italia rinasce democristiana, Licio prova a cimentarsi in svariati commerci, ma senza particolare successo se non in una disciplina: la fuga dai creditori. L'incontro con un onorevole democristiano lo proietta presto nel sottobosco romano, diventando portaborse di successo. Un'attività che gli consente di ascoltarlo con potenti DC e cardin…
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How can you expand your chain of laundromats and keep it simple to manage?? Learn how Branden Unnerstall, owner of 16 laundromats in St Louis, Missouri, has done just that! In this episode of The Laundromat Millionaire Show Dave, Carla & Brandon discuss how to scale, the hiring for customer service, developing a brand, the impact of their Christian…
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Il giovane Licio, espulso da tutte le scuole del Regno, lascia Pistoia e parte volontario per la guerra civile in Spagna. Benché non sia chiaro il suo schieramento, al ritorno pubblica un libro sul tema “Fuego!” e cerca invano di farsi riconoscere dai compaesani come eroe. Per questo deve però attendere lo scoppio della Seconda guerra mondiale, qua…
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Francesco Montanari ci racconta la vita del maestro massonico che riuscì ad avere in pugno le sorti di tutti, senza farsi notare da nessuno. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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