A podcast about Italian culture and language both in Italian and English. Let's start a journey through the marvellous boot-shaped country: books, art, cinema, literature, lifestyle, language and idioms, music and much more!
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Where's the toilet? Two coffees please! How much is it? Learn the basics in bite-sized pieces with Katie and Matteo. Also, donât forget to subscribe to our You Tube Italian Channel to get more Italian lessons.
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If you're trying to think your way into learning Italian, you're doing it wrong. Learn Italian like you did English: by hearing a huge amount of it. (With at least a vague idea of what it means!) Thousands of Italian Phrases, along with the English translations, presented directly to your brain: from practical to philosophical to flirting. Just phrases, no filler! Go way beyond the Italian language basics to not just communicate, but actually become an interesting person in Italian. As an au ...
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Practice your Italian listening skills while learning more about Italians and Italy!
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Easy Italian: Learn Italian with real conversations | Imparare l'italiano con conversazioni reali
Matteo, Raffaele and the Easy Italian team
Take your Italian from learner to local with Matteo and Raffaele. Immerse yourself in authentic Italian as we share the ups and downs of daily life, interesting stories, and things that will surprise you about Italy. Plus, as a member, youâll get interactive transcripts with a translation of your choice; bonus content; early access; and our magical vocabulary helper that shows you minute-by-minute translations while you listen. Com'Ăš facile!
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Simone Pols
Learn Italian: easy and comprehensible Italian podcast. Achieve fluency by acquiring the language the natural way through comprehensible input in Italian. --- IT: Podcast in italiano comprensibile e facile per imparare l'italiano con input comprensibile in italiano. --- DE: Italienisch lernen mit Podcast auf leicht verstÀndlichem Italienisch, um die Sprache mit interessantem Content zu lernen. VerstÀndlicher Input Italienisch. -- FR: Podcast facile pour apprendre l'italien avec la méthode na ...
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Impara lâitaliano con LearnAmo â grammatica, esercizi, video e tanto altro ancora!
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You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com Boost your fluency in Italian with LinguaBoost! Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. Youâll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-italian-with-linguaboost--3598756/support.
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Learn Italian by doing with the Italiano Semplicemente podcast! Short descriptions in Italian with the text also available on our website. You can become a member of our association for more audio, our courses for all levels, a nice whatsapp group and once a year you can participate in our meeting in Italy.
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Learn (how to learn) Italian independently through your passions and interests. The unconventional podcast for learning Italian on your own with comprehensible input. Support the podcast to get the transcripts: https://ko-fi.com/theitaliancoach Get your guide (+worksheet) on how to boost your Italian listening skills with movies: https://italiancoach.net/come-usare-film
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Learn Italian with Teacher Stefano, your favorite podcast to learn Italian. Check out my YouTube Channel (here: http://bit.ly/3cOmi4J) and my website for more Italian resources and courses (www.teacherstefano.com). Un abbraccio dall'Italia!
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Learn Italian / Lernen Sie Italienisch - mit Rezepten, Geschichten und einer unnachahmlichen Lehrerin: Luisa. Die Podcast-Folgen sind fĂŒr verschiedene Stufen von Vorkenntnissen - neben Podcasts fĂŒr Fortgeschrittene gibt es AnfĂ€nger und Einsteigerpodcasts: in den Show-Notes finden Sie die jeweilige Einstufung. Probieren Sie auch ruhig einmal einen schwierigeren Podcast, Sie werden staunen, wie schnell Sie mehr als Sie dachten verstehen können. Enjoy 2LIP - Luisa's Learn Italian Podcast Um ein ...
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Learning a fast-paced language like Italian can be challenging, so SBS Italian is here to make it easier with 'Slow Italian, Fast Learning'. Hear news updates from the journalists at SBS Italian, spoken at a slower pace. Listen to an episode each week and fast track your language learning! Find transcripts for each episode in Italian and English on our website. - Noi di SBS Italian ci rendiamo conto che, per chi sta imparando l'italiano, il nostro ritmo in onda puĂČ essere troppo veloce e dif ...
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Listen Italian and what happens in Rome!
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Welcome to our podcast Arkos Academy! If you want to learn and improve your Italian, you're in the right place: listen to our podcasts, practice with our exercises and visit our website for more readings and lessons! www.arkosacademy.com
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Learn Italian Vocabulary
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Learn italian channel is a free online italian learning course. This course will start by teaching for beginners and then will continue with other levels (elementary, intermediate, advanced). it will help you to learn new words, their correct pronunciation, grammar rules and how to make sentences.
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Maxmondo Incontro Italiano - learn Italian audiomagazine
Maxmondo Language Learning www.maxmondo.com
Learn Italian with Maxmondo - Incontro Italiano, l'audio-rivista per conoscere meglio l'italiano e l'Italia - www.maxmondo.com - All about Italy in Italian - This podcast consists of a summary of the full audio version. Visit maxmondo.com for the archive of audiomagazines with full audio and accompanying digital magazine with the transcript, vocabulary and exercises. 100% in Italian only.
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Welcome to the Podcast Italiano - Learn Italian with authentic content podcast, where amazing things happen.
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SEASON 2 COMING SOON in Spring 2025!! Stop wishing you could speak Italian... And dive right into la dolce vita! Go beyond the basics with our story-based podcast that covers the culture, idioms, grammar and vocabulary of Italy. Season 1 episodes feature a dialogue between American tourists and local Italians they meet in Rome, and then a lively roundtable with hosts Erin and Elisa. Season 2 (coming soon!) is Italian for Travelers: a Field Guide to Italy. *For full episodes and roundtables, ...
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Let's Learn Italian Fast & Fun - Impara l'Italiano
Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo - Italian Language School
Learn the Italian language and culture together with our teachers Giada, Alessio, Ileana and Antonio. Discover with us not only how to learn to speak Italian in an easy and fun way, but also all aspects of life and culture in Italy: wine, food, music, culture, .... Learn Italy with us! Take part of one of our Italian courses! Our Italian language and culture courses run all year round in Pisa. In Viareggio, a seaside resort, we run Italian courses only during the summer months. Visit our web ...
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Ciao! Welcome to Citaliaâs Learn Italian podcast series. Our Learn Italian podcast is an easy and fun way of learning the Italian language in preparation for any holiday to Italy. Join our very own Clive and Romina as they teach you everything from survival phrases, right the way through to asking for dinner recommendations and buying tickets at the train station. Letâs learn Italian!
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Italiano In 7 Minuti - Learn Italian With Simone Impara la Lingua Italiana, divertiti e non avere paura. 1. Innamorati dell'italiano 2. Divertiti 3. Non avere paura degli errori 4. Studia tutti i giorni, un po' al giorno 5. Trova una guida, o un amico con cui fare pratica 6. Migliora te stesso, non fare paragoni con gli altri 7. Studia con musica italiana, arte, libri, storia, cibo, film e giornali. Non annoiarti! Per non perdere nessun aggiornamento iscriviti alla Newsletter https://linktr. ...
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Ep.359: What's in a name? Lakemba Ramadan Nights becomes Lakemba Nights during Ramadan - Ep.359: L'importanza delle parole: le "Lakemba Ramadan Nights" diventano le "Lakemba Nights during Ramadan"
As Muslims begin observing the holy month of Ramadan, concerns have grown over the commercialisation of Lakemba's night markets, with fears that what was once a community-driven event has lost its spiritual roots. - Mentre i musulmani iniziano a osservare il mese sacro del Ramadan, sono cresciute le preoccupazioni per la commercializzazione dei merâŠ
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Oggi parliamo di una citta' che da sempre e' vista come citta' grigia, ma che nasconde un cuore molto verde. E non perdetevi il finale molto molto goloso! Trascrizione interattiva e Vocab Helper Support Easy Italian and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content: easyitalian.fm/membership Note dell'episodio Italian Months & DateâŠ
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Analizziamo il termine PRINCIPIO.
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L'incontro tra Trump e ZĂšlensky, usando tutte le espressioni imparate nei primi due mesi nella rubrica "Accade il".Per ascoltare tutti gli episodi pubblicati:Italianosemplicemente.com/chi-siamo
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In questo episodio del nostro podcast in italiano comprensibile oggi filosofeggiamo un po', cioĂš parliamo del piĂč e del meno e di alcune mie idee. Qui puoi riascoltare l'episodio su Krashen: https://bit.ly/3QJZNRw Buon ascolto! âŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹ đ La masterclass sulle espressioni idiomatiche PARLA COâŠ
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Want to avoid getting replies in English when youâre speaking Italian? Here are our tips and key phrases to keep the conversation going! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_câŠ
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What is the weather like today? / It is cold. / Is it raining? / No, it is not raining. / Today the weather is bad. / It's been raining for an hour. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-italian-with-linguaboost--3598756/support.âŠ
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Ep.358: Can a robot called Abi fill a need in aged care? - Ep.358: Un robot chiamato Abi puĂČ rispondere ad una necessitĂ nellâassistenza agli anziani?
There are fledgling examples of artificial intelligence being introduced into the aged care sector from fall prevention systems to new ways of addressing social isolation. And an Australian made humanoid robot who goes by the name Abi is among them. - Esistono giĂ primi esempi di introduzione dell'intelligenza artificiale nel settore dell'assistenzâŠ
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Oggi parliamo di eventi inaspettati, fortune sfortunate e una cittĂ molto bella, della quale Matteo non riesce a smettere di parlare. Trascrizione interattiva e Vocab Helper Support Easy Italian and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content: easyitalian.fm/membership Note dell'episodio How to Talk About Daily Routine in ItalianâŠ
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Espressioni simili da usare in caso di disaccordo.
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SBS Italian News bulletin, read slowly. - Il giornale radio di SBS Italian, letto lentamente.
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Scrivere unâe-mail formale in italiano puĂČ essere una sfida, soprattutto per chi non Ăš madrelingua! Esistono alcune regole precise che, se non rispettate, possono far sembrare il messaggio poco professionale o addirittura scortese. Scopriamole insieme! E-mail Formali: Come Scriverle CorrettamenteIn questo articolo scoprirai i 5 errori piĂč comuni châŠ
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đ La masterclass sulle espressioni idiomatiche PARLA COME UN ITALIANO ⶠâ https://bit.ly/3S0bW5U In questo episodio del Simple italian Podcast parliamo nuovamente di apprendimento delle lingue e di come procede il mio studio. Buon ascolto! âŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹ đIl mio corso di Ingegneria NeurolinguisticaâŠ
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You need Italian possessive adjectives in most everyday conversations. Youâll see how they work, when to use them and mistakes to avoid. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_câŠ
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Storia della famiglia Benetton - Spendieren Sie einen CafĂš (1âŹ)? Donate a coffee (1âŹ)? https://ko-fi.com/italiano Livello A2 #madeInItaly #storia #italy #vhs #benetton Buongiorno cari amici e amanti dellâitaliano e benvenuti al nuovo episodio di Tulip. Oggi parliamo di Made in Italy e di un marchio conosciuto in tutto il mondo, ma soprattutto dellaâŠ
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Where is the museum? / The museum is on the left. / Do you know where my keys are? / Your keys are on the table. / Have you seen my glasses? / Your glasses are on the chair. / Her office is in the center of town. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-italian-wiâŠ
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Oggi partiamo andiamo in giro per l'Italia, ma sempre dallo stesso posto. Milano? No. Napoli? No. Oggi si va in Liguria! Trascrizione interattiva e Vocab Helper Support Easy Italian and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content: easyitalian.fm/membership Note dell'episodio Grocery Shopping in Italy: What Do Italians Buy and Is âŠ
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Due espressioni simili di uso informale.
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Un viaggio nella storia italiana.
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Ep.356: Quiet 'larrikin' kid awarded Australia's highest military honour on Remembrance Day - Ep.356: Un tranquillo 'birbantello' riceve la piĂč alta onorificenza militare australiana
In Canberra, the Governor-General and Prime Minister have also unveiled a new honour, the awarding of the Victoria Cross to a Vietnam War veteran. - A Canberra, il Governatore Generale e il Primo Ministro hanno anche presentato una nuova onorificenza, il conferimento della Victoria Cross a un veterano della guerra del Vietnam.âŠ
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In questo episodio risponderĂČ alle seguenti domande: Cos'Ăš il passato remoto? Dove e quando si usa il passato remoto? Ha senso imparare il passato remoto? Support the podcast and get the full transcript in pdf here: â â â â â â â â â https://ko-fi.com/theitaliancoach â â â â â â â Join the Rockstar dell'Italiano Bootcamp : â â â https://italiancoach.net/italian-langâŠ
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In questo episodio del nostro podcast in italiano comprensibile vi racconto della mia esperienza con il surf e soprattutto quello che mi ha insegnato. Se puĂČ interessarvi, ecco l'episodio in cui parlo di flow:https://bit.ly/479cyM1 Buon ascolto! âŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹ đIl mio corso di Ingegneria NeurolingâŠ
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Hereâs how to use "but" in Italian with ma, perĂČ, and more! Learn the differences between ma and perĂČ, plus other common Italian expressions. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?âŠ
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Metto alla prova la mia italianitĂ con un test super divertente! E tu? Ti senti un vero italiano dentro, anche se non sei nato in Italia? Misura la tua italianitĂ ! Scopriamo insieme quali sono quelle piccole abitudini, modi di dire e tradizioni che ci rendono 100% made in Italy! Misura la Tua ItalianitĂ !Se stai studiando l'italiano, Ăš perchĂ© molto âŠ
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: I am listening to the radio. / I am in my room listening to music. / What is he doing? / He is watching television. / He is reading a book. / He is driving a car. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-italian-with-linguaboost--3598756/support.âŠ
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Made in Italy: Olivetti Lettera 22 - Spendieren Sie einen CafĂš (1âŹ)? Donate a coffee (1âŹ)? https://ko-fi.com/italiano Livello A2 #madeInItaly #storia #italy #vhs #olivetti Storia e leggende di unâicona italiana Buongiorno cari amici e amanti dellâitaliano e benvenuti al podcast numero 175. Torniamo a parlare di Made in Italy ed in particolare di unâŠ
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Oggi con Matteo e Raffaele parliamo dei problemi che hanno alcune storiche aziende italiane con l'avanzare del tempo e la poca "lungimiranza" - Cosa vuol dire lungimiranza? Da vocabolario: Attitudine a individuare i possibili sviluppi di una situazione, confortata da una notevole capacitĂ di prevenirne o sfruttarne le conseguenze. Da Matteo: capaciâŠ
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Ep.355: One of the darkest chapters in Australian history - Ep.355: Uno dei capitoli piĂč oscuri della storia australiana
Thousands of First Nations men and boys sent to suffer or die on a prison island in horrific circumstances. This is the legacy of Rottnest Island, now a popular tourist destination off the coast of Perth. - Migliaia di uomini e ragazzi delle Prime Nazioni mandati a soffrire o a morire su un'isola-prigione in circostanze orribili: questa Ăš l'ereditĂ âŠ
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I nostri nuovi podcast sono qui! Cerca "Teacher Stefano Podcast" sulla tua piattaforma preferita.Von Teacher Stefano
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Questo Ăš il primo episodio in video podcast del nostro Simple Italian Podcast! Oggi parliamo di una gita che ho fatto a Mar de Plata. Ci siete mai stati? Buon ascolto! âŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹâŹ đIl mio corso di Ingegneria Neurolinguistica:https://bit.ly/47NgZvc đ Il mio primo libro IL MONDO TRA LE MANI â¶â httâŠ
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Learn how to say âI love youâ in Italian, including a common mistake to avoid. You'll also learn terms of endearment and how to reply. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_conâŠ
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What is she like? / She is nice and friendly. / What does he look like? / He is quite tall. / He has got brown hair and blue eyes. / Does he look like his mother or his father? / He looks like his father. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/learn-italian-with-linguâŠ
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San Valentino Ăš alle porte! Se vuoi dichiararti e sorprendere un italiano con frasi romantiche, sei nel posto giusto!Le Frasi perfette per San Valentino1. Come fare colpo in italiano?Frasi base per dichiararsi"Mi piaci tanto!". Perfetto per iniziare."Ti amo!". Troppo impegnativo per un primo approccio, usalo solo in relazioni serie."Sei il mio soleâŠ
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Grammatica: i verbi sapere e conscere - Spendieren Sie einen CafĂš (1âŹ)? Donate a coffee (1âŹ)? https://ko-fi.com/italiano Livello A2 #grammar #grammatica #italy #vhs #sapere Buongiorno cari amici e amanti dellâitaliano e benvenuti allâepisodio numero 174 di Tulip. Oggi torniamo a parlare di grammatica e in particolare di due verbi: i verbi âsapereâ âŠ
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Ma cosa sta cambiando e perchĂ© Raffaele Ăš cosĂŹ preoccupato? Meglio capire subito, anche perchĂ© poi dobbiamo andare in Sicilia, in un paesino molto particolare. Mettetevi comodi, stiamo per partire! Trascrizione interattiva e Vocab Helper Support Easy Italian and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content: easyitalian.fm/membershâŠ
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Italian music: Pino Daniele, Lucio Dalla and Luca Carboni.Two cities and three songwriters. (English recap) Ep. 88
About Pino Daniele, Luca Carboni and Lucio Dalla. The songwriters from Bologna and Naples.Von Rossella
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Episodio 96. Rispondo alle vostre curiositĂ : sono stanca di YouTube? Cosa farĂČ dopo? E altro!
In questo episodio rispondo alle vostre curiositĂ su di me e sul mio lavoro! Trovi il video su YouTube: https://youtu.be/_0vDtoqQ4vgVon Lucrezia Oddone
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Espressione idiomatica Italiana
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Ep.354: Garage Sale initiative hopes to give new life to used items - Ep.354: Il Garage Sale Trail punta a dare nuova vita agli oggetti usati
While those taking part say it's a great way to find goods on the cheap, environment groups say the re-use of household items can help reduce emissions. - Se da un lato i partecipanti affermano che Ăš un ottimo modo per trovare prodotti a buon mercato, dall'altro i gruppi ambientalisti sostengono che il riutilizzo degli oggetti domestici puĂČ contribâŠ
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đ Personalized 1-on-1 language lessons with native teachers on italki. Buy $10 get $5 for free for your first lesson using my code SIMPLEITALIAN ⶠWeb: https://go.italki.com/simone2502 ⶠApp: https://go.italki.com/simone2502app In questo episodio del Simple italian History vi porto con me a Crespi d'Adda, la cittĂ a misura d'uomo dove l'utopia induâŠ
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You need Italian reflexive verbs for many things. Like talking about your daily routine, feelings and even saying your name. Youâll learn what they are and how to use them. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtuâŠ
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Ci sono poche certezze nella vita, e una di queste Ăš che i genitori italiani dicono sempre le stesse cose. Non importa lâanno, la cittĂ o la situazione: certe frasi si tramandano di generazione in generazione, come un vecchio disco che non smette mai di suonare. Dalla tavola all'ufficio postale, dai viaggi al supermercato, ecco un viaggio nelle espâŠ
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What are you scared of? / I'm scared of the dark. / Frankly speaking / Frankly speaking, I'm scared of flying. / As you already know / As you already know, she is scared of spiders. / I'm not scared of flying. / They are scared of clowns. / I was scared of telling him the truth. Become a supporterâŠ
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