We hope you find these short devotional messages encouraging.
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Teaching ministry at North Coast Church, Vista, CA. We hope your faith will be strengthened and your interest in God's Word will grow as a result of your time with us.
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We are a church that places the highest priority on pursuing a thriving relationship with a loving and limitless God, as we simultaneously love one another with the same passion. As a multi-generational and multi-cultural group of Believers, we are accepting of all people and committed to the process of their salvation, indiscriminate of status, worldview, ethnicity, gender or political affiliation.
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Ready to see your faith community blossom? Embrace God’s vision for outreach and discipleship. Video available at: https://youtu.be/2hi-s7Ip2_U Message by Allison Vandewarker.Von North Coast Church
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Message by Larry Osborne on March 15, 2025. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “church?” Surprisingly, for most people it’s not what the Bible means when it talks about the “church.” This week we’ll discover why a biblical church is so important – and what a biblical church actually is.Video available on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/10639…
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What’s your part in building a thriving, worshipful community? We’re called to grow and glorify God.Video available at: https://youtu.be/cq1aMJGZx4I Message by Hayden Feindel.Von North Coast Church
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What do you gain from meeting with other believers? We thrive in community, inspired by one another’s faith.Video available at: https://youtu.be/hBaPH_wq3DQ Message by David Garcia.Von North Coast Church
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How can you cultivate deeper connections in your faith community? Real fellowship is more than socializing; it’s doing life together.Video available at: https://youtu.be/TlJPSh-wXoc Message by Brandon Vasquez.Von North Coast Church
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Looking for real community in a busy world? Discover the power of believers gathering in Jesus’ name. Pastor Larry Osborne is speaking on WHAT is the Church today.Video available at: https://youtu.be/Y6DIjVL7TUAVon North Coast Church
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What would happen if you fully trusted God today? Like Mary, His plan is unfolding even when you don’t understand.Video available at: https://youtu.be/W263-vsFnH0 Message by Brette Sterk. North Coast Church Women's Conference: https://www.northcoastchurch.com/calendar/womens-conference/Von North Coast Church
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What would change if you let Jesus fully transform you? Just like the Samaritan woman, one encounter with Him makes all the difference.Video available at: https://youtu.be/9t0qXCpCXgg Message by Sarah Slaven. North Coast Church Women's Conference: https://www.northcoastchurch.com/calendar/womens-conference/…
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What is weighing on your heart today? Like Hannah, keep bringing it to God — He hears you. Video available at: https://youtu.be/pLIXIe_dg_k Message by Maranda Rodriguez. North Coast Church Women's Conference: https://www.northcoastchurch.com/calendar/womens-conference/Von North Coast Church
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Are you trusting God in the small, unseen moments? Ruth’s loyalty reminds us that He is working even when we can’t see it. Video available at: https://youtu.be/fbJ1YKFDNNA Message by Taylor Osborn. North Coast Church Women's Conference: https://www.northcoastchurch.com/calendar/womens-conference/Von North Coast Church
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What is one bold step you can take today? Like Esther, your courage could open the door to something greater. Video available at: https://youtu.be/nj6aGV1ez7U Message by Tracie Moss. North Coast Church Women's Conference: https://www.northcoastchurch.com/calendar/womens-conference/Von North Coast Church
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Message by Chris Brown on March 08, 2025. We say phrases like “I have no idea where I’m going,” but in all honesty, it is very rare if we find ourselves in a place where we have no idea where we are literally going. However, the journey of Christian discipleship may just be one of those cases. Other than Heaven, do you know where your discipleship …
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How can we let God change our relationships? Love is the heartbeat of discipleship. When we rest in His love, we’re free to share it boldly with the world. Video available at: https://youtu.be/q9gdI78fM1o Message by Dave Enns.Von North Coast Church
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True service isn’t just a task—it’s an expression of love. When we give ourselves away, we find new depths of faith. What’s one way you can serve God where you are today? Video available at: https://youtu.be/7zFIFPYq-EA Message by David Garcia.Von North Coast Church
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Who could you reach out to for mutual growth and encouragement today? We grow stronger when we do life together. Encourage, uplift, and watch how faith flourishes. Video available at: https://youtu.be/ewwSiM5OzEU Message by Kaira Maybury.Von North Coast Church
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Where is God inviting you to receive His grace today? Grace doesn’t just forgive—it empowers and restores. Embrace it fully, and let it redefine your story. Video available at: https://youtu.be/lVIVJ-L1rUc Message by TJ McDaniel.Von North Coast Church
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What if there was a roadmap to spiritual growth, straight from Jesus Himself?From surrender to purpose, from grace to growth—He’s shaping us day by day.Join us as we discover the heart of discipleship and learn what it takes to become more in Him with Lead Pastor, Chris Brown! Video available at: https://youtu.be/SU7HjN-7AlY Message by Chris Brown.…
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Message by Larry Osborne on March 01, 2025. Jesus told His Apostles (and all of us as His followers) to go into all the world and make disciples. One problem is that lots of us have no idea what a disciple actually is. This weekend, we’ll dial in on what Jesus is asking us today and explode some of the most common “Discipleship Myths” that linger. …
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What are we living for? Life is too short to chase things that don’t last. Let’s shift our focus to what actually matters. Video available at: https://youtu.be/HkiEjUYT8dk Message by Trent Jenkins.Von North Coast Church
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Feeling exhausted? Wondering if it’s all worth it? Keep going. God promises your faithfulness will bring results—don’t quit now. Video available at: https://youtu.be/NEjArZjG35M Message by Nate Tibbs.Von North Coast Church
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Jesus promised to return, what does that mean for us right now? His return isn’t something to fear—it’s something to prepare for. Are you ready? Video available at: https://youtu.be/mK4bbdq_9hg Message by Blaze McEntee.Von North Coast Church
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What in your life is causing regrets? What is creating static and stopping you from living for eternity? What’s stopping you from making that change? Tune in to today's dose!Video available at: https://youtu.be/V7jP00elCJk Message by Lindsay Marsolais.Von North Coast Church
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How can you live with intention when the future feels uncertain? The world feels out of control sometimes, but your purpose doesn’t have to be. Let’s talk about it. Chris Brown brings today's Daily Dose.Video available at: https://youtu.be/qTgnqMtqQU0Von North Coast Church
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Message by Chris Brown on February 22, 2025. Humans have always seemed to be fascinated with the topic of life after death and the stories of those who have returned from the great beyond. Knowing this, Jesus gave us a glimpse into what to expect when we die, and more importantly, He gave us the answers to the test ahead of time to make sure that w…
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What do we need to be reminded of today? When life feels overwhelming, we’re not alone. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, reminding us of truth when we need it most. Video available at: https://youtu.be/ieMeDmH1aEM Message by Allison Vandewarker.Von North Coast Church
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Ever felt like you didn’t have the words to pray? The Holy Spirit prays for you. Even in silence, He intercedes. You’re never unheard.Video available at: https://youtu.be/s8AtxffuH3o Message by Brette Sterk.Von North Coast Church
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Are you letting the Spirit use you today? The Holy Spirit isn’t just for personal growth—He’s for purpose. Jesus was anointed to bring Good News, and so are we. Video available at: https://youtu.be/aX3QVDqf060 Message by Erich Grunder.Von North Coast Church
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Where is the Spirit leading us? The Spirit doesn’t just lead us to the mountaintop — He leads us through the wilderness. Tap into today's Daily Dose as we look at temptation, trials, and testing.Video available at: https://youtu.be/2O_FX07yL8o Message by Kristen Lascola.Von North Coast Church
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What does it really mean to be led by the Holy Spirit? From guidance to power, from wisdom to boldness — the Spirit is at work in us right now. Join us as we continue this powerful Daily Dose series with Larry Osborne!Video available at: https://youtu.be/3EXvnItTOUMVon North Coast Church
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So... How Do I Actually Walk With The Spirit? , Message 7 - North Coast University: Foundations Of Faith 101
Message by Chris Brown on February 15, 2025. Have you ever wondered what the Holy Spirit is, and even more importantly, how it works? Today we will try to simplify all of that and give a clear step-by-step guide to how one can walk in the Spirit. And spoiler alert, He is a WHO, not a WHAT.Video available on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/1054878725- Li…
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What’s one decision you need God's guidance on today? Some things can’t be learned — they must be revealed. Don't miss this one, dosers! Video available at: https://youtu.be/JUo7T5UmBmA Message by Terry Murphy.Von North Coast Church
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The Holy Spirit isn’t just power — He walks with us, speaks to us, and calls us into deeper relationship. Are you leaning into His presence today? Video available at: https://youtu.be/pOwN-Ls9Chs Message by DJ Trento.Von North Coast Church
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Want to know if someone is Spirit-filled? Look at the fruit. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness.Which one is the Spirit growing in you today?Video available at: https://youtu.be/awVE7Aq2emk Message by Dante Gonzales.Von North Coast Church
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Are you ready to use your gifts for the glory of God? You weren’t meant to do this alone—the Spirit has gifted you uniquely. Your talents, abilities, and purpose are intentional.Video available at: https://youtu.be/8tdbqguynY4 Message by Emma Moss.Von North Coast Church
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Ever feel like you’re trying to navigate life on your own? What if there was someone leading you, empowering you, reminding you of truth? The Holy Spirit isn’t a distant idea—He’s active in your life today. Let’s explore what that means! Today's Daily Dose message by Larry Osborne. Video available at: https://youtu.be/eyGg4yNgyzM…
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Message by Larry Osborne on February 08, 2025. “Be filled with the Spirit,” and “Walk in the Spirit.” It sounds good. But what does it actually mean and look like? And who or what is the Holy Spirit anyway? Well, He’s not a ghost. And this week we’ll discover who He actually is and what it means to be filled and walk in the Spirit.Video available o…
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Broken heart? Broken body? Broken past? Jesus is healing. But, if we stop there, we might miss the primary purpose of what Jesus came to do. Tap in to today's Daily Dose to learn more about what only He can provide. Video available at: https://youtu.be/eWjkMP8EsHU Message by Kameron Drawhorn.Von North Coast Church
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Daily Dose: Jesus doesn’t leave things broken—He redeems them. No matter how far you’ve gone, His grace is bigger. If you believe in second chances, this dose is for you! Video available at: https://youtu.be/rk9oBZggE4g Message by Gordy Nixon.Von North Coast Church
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Daily Dose: The things we thought were lost? Jesus restores. Hope, joy, strength—He brings it all back. Who else needs that reminder today? Video available at: https://youtu.be/sTeictuWjAw Message by Sarah Slaven.Von North Coast Church
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Daily Dose: This life is short. But through Jesus, eternity is secure. No fear. No doubt. Just the promise of forever with Him. Are we living like eternity starts today? Video available at: https://youtu.be/d2_r0qF5K-c Message by Braden Weight.Von North Coast Church
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Daily Dose: Jesus didn’t just come to teach. He came to transform lives. This week we’re diving deep into "The Work Of Christ" — what He did, why it matters, and how it impacts our daily lives. Don’t miss it! Today, Pastor Chris Brown talks about how Jesus doesn’t just see our needs — He meets them. What are we trusting Him to provide today? Video …
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Message by Chris Brown on February 1, 2025. Does Christianity have to be the only way for all people to get to Heaven? What about other religions filled with good people who are doing good things, or those who live in places where the Bible isn’t being taught? Can we believe in Jesus without having to make it necessary for everyone else to have to …
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Daily Dose: Who are we listening to today? How can we make Jesus the number one source we tune in to? Video available at: https://youtu.be/EDRJxSA-6Rk Message by Trent Jenkins.Von North Coast Church
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Daily Dose: What is the only way to God? Let's hang on to this promise today, dosers! Video available at: https://youtu.be/ukXMcLQYMas Message by Gary VanDerford.Von North Coast Church
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Daily Dose: Jesus’ victory over death changes everything. How can His promise of eternal life give us unshakable hope? Video available at: https://youtu.be/U8OwTAcuGvo Message by Rey Azofeifa.Von North Coast Church
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Daily Dose: Afraid of the dark? The thing about darkness is we can't trust it. Jesus is the light of the world. What does it look like to walk in His light? Video available at: https://youtu.be/ALeB3fiZ4Qw Message by Taylor Osborn.Von North Coast Church
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Daily Dose: Throughout Scripture, Jesus asks, "What do you want? What are you here for?" Dosers, how will we answer? Message by Chris Brown. Video available at: https://youtu.be/7CFcd3FH-CAVon North Coast Church
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Jesus - The Man, The Myth & The Lord, Message 4 - North Coast University: Foundations Of Faith 101
Message by Larry Osborne on January 25, 2025. Who is Jesus? Actually, that’s a far more difficult and complex question than most people realize. Join us as we look into Jesus: The Man, The Myth, and The Lord – and why who we see Him as is the most important spiritual question we’ll ever answer.Video available on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/104822654…
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Daily Dose: What happens when we become people who "go and tell"? If there's something to understand about church, this is it! Video available at: https://youtu.be/Eg4yfzs2p2k Message by Braden Weight.Von North Coast Church
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Kingdom Rhythms: Lessons From The Gospel Of Matthew - The Beatitudes - A New Perspective - Devotionals
Daily Dose: Jesus flips the idea of success upside down with the Beatitudes. Find out what it really means to live a blessed life and how it can change the way you see the world. Video available at: https://youtu.be/ofv3ghkAoYk Message by Tracie Moss.Von North Coast Church
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