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Ein Flugzeugabsturz zerstört das Leben des ehemaligen Supermodels Katherine Williams: Ihr Ehemann Richard, und ihr Sohn Denny sind tot, 90 Prozent von Katherines Haut sind verbrannt. Durch ein neuartiges Verfahren erhält Katherine ihre Haut und ihre Schönheit zurück. Doch als ein Serienkiller damit beginnt, Katherines Kolleginnen vom Laufsteg zu ermorden, deuten die Ermittlungen der New Yorker Polizistin Helen Louisiani darauf hin, dass der Killer es auf die neue Haut von Katherine abgesehen ...
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An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke Chapter 9 • Andy and Jamie discuss how they can help Katherine. Katherine asks Andy to check on her house. Additionally, he should contact her lawyer. Andy reluctantly agrees…Thank you for listening. To learn more about Heinke Digital Audiobook Podcasts and its author, Christian Heinke, please visit heinke.d…
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An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke Chapter 8 • In Italy, the killer, hidden in an alley, watches as Ella Henson, the strikingly beautiful model, enters a boutique. Meanwhile, Katherine Williams, wanted for seven counts of murder, is arrested by NYPD detectives Davis and Helen following a tense standoff at the boathouse …Thank you for listenin…
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An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke Chapter 7 • Katherine has a visit from her father. Senator Williams wants Katherine to accompany him to Washington. In the New York Police Department, Davis believes - to the annoyance of Helen - that he has found a hot lead in the case of the Catwalk Killer. Both have to answer to Chief Philips …Thank you f…
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An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke Chapter 6 • Back in the present, Helen Louisiani and her partner Davis try to save the lives of two other models in a race against time. This leads to their first confrontation with the killer …Thank you for listening. To learn more about Heinke Digital Audiobook Podcasts and its author, Christian Heinke, pl…
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An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke Chapter 5 • We go back in time to meet Katherine's father, Senator Williams. He's in charge of restoring Katherine's beauty. Andy hears about Katherine's accident on the radio. This reminds him of his last unpleasant encounter with her …Thank you for listening. To learn more about Heinke Digital Audiobook Po…
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An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke Chapter 4 • Andy meets Katherine again. She is mourning the death of Mia Wong. We learn a little more about Mia and Katherine's past and Katherine's first meeting with her future husband Richard Baxter …Thank you for listening. To learn more about Heinke Digital Audiobook Podcasts and its author, Christian H…
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An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke Chapter 3 • Katherine's modeling career and personal life are explored. Doug, a reporter, receives a mysterious letter. Detective Helen Louisiani arrives at the medical examiner's office at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn to investigate yet another case of murder …Thank you for listening. To learn more abo…
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An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke Chapter 2 • Detective Helen Louisiani arrives at a luxury penthouse apartment where two bodies have been found. One of them is supermodel Mia Wong …Thank you for listening. To learn more about Heinke Digital Audiobook Podcasts and its author, Christian Heinke, please visit…
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An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke Prologue - Hospital. Pain. A doctor talking to a patient. This is how we meet Katherine Williams and her past as a supermodel. It was less beautiful than people generally believe. But her current situation doesn't seem very pleasant either.Chapter 1 • Andy Peterson, haunted by his missing wife Fran, is skipp…
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Show me what lies beneath Introducing Heinke Digital Audiobook Podcasts Hello there,My name is Christian Heinke. Almost two decades ago, I got off to a respectable start with the first German audiobook podcast,my thriller Dee Haut, (The Skin).After my 10 minutes of fame in the spotlight with book contracts, interviews, reading tours, and podcasts, …
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The National Research Data Infrastructure for Germany - NFDI for short - has been under construction since 2018. Its goal is as simple as it is complex: to systematically open up the valuable data resources of science and research for the entire German science system, to network them, and thus to make them more usable. This would create a sustainab…
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At the Barcamp Open Science 2021 Konrad had the chance to have a brief wrap-up interview with Thomas Lösch, who hosted a session together with Sonja Bayer on (Re-)using available research data in the social, educational, behavioural and economic sciences. The session was intended to get an overview of what the current state was, how data is data us…
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At the Barcamp Open Science 2021 Konrad had the chance to have a brief session wrap-up with Peter Kraker, who hosted a session together with Michaela Vignolio on Open Knowledge Maps Custom Services to discuss early ideas for the new customisable cloud services that were planned to be embedded in libraries’ discovery services to add instant visual c…
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At the Barcamp Open Science 2021, Antonella Succurro gave a session on Privacy preserving Open Data highlighting " the support from data privacy officers or external trustees is often not sufficient to face the challenges of highly specific data, which might come from new technologies and have yet to be standardized." Konrad had the opportuni…
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Nachdem wir von Episode 199 zur 200 schon 10 Monate gebraucht haben, ist's auch dieses Mal wieder sehr lang geworden. Manchmal kommt das Leben halt zwischen die eigenen Pläne und dann muss man etwas pausieren, ob es einem passt, oder nicht. ABER, getreu dem Motto "Unkraut vergeht nicht" sind wir zurück und willens zu bleiben. Und wir stellen fest, …
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Im Rahmen unserer kleinen Reihe zum Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen - dem Projekt von Wikimedia Deutschland und weiteren wissenschaftlichen Partnern - widmen wir uns zum Auftakt des neuen Programmjahres wieder einmal einer allgemeineren Perspektive. Aus der Programmankündigung: "Das Programm unterstützt Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen aus allen Diszip…
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Im Rahmen unserer kleinen Reihe zum Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen - dem Projekt von Wikimedia Deutschland und weiteren wissenschaftlichen Partnern - widmen wir uns erneut der Perspektive der Fellows, bzw. in diesem Falle sogar der Perspektive der Alumnis. Dazu begrüßen wir Eva Seidlmayer und Philipp Schrögel als Gäste, die mit uns einen Rückblick w…
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Nach seeeeeeehr langer Zeit melden wir uns mal wieder im "alten Format" mit einer Classic-Episode zurück. Ja, die Situation rund um Corona hat uns einiges abverlangt und einiges an Energie gefressen die normalerweise auch in dieses Projekt geht. Und so geht's in dieser Episode auch um genau diesen Elefanten im Raum. Wir blicken aber auch auf die Ne…
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This episode was recorded at the Barcamp Open Science 2020 in Berlin but is not a summary of a session. Instead you can look forward to a deeper discussion with Marie Farge in which she presents her vision of the scholarly publishing system. In the suggested szenario, journals are owned by their editorial boards and are running on publicly funded i…
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This is another episode from our coverage of the Barcamp Open Science. In this episode Bernd talked to Anne Held from innOSCI (an initiative from Stifterverband) about their plans to launch the Open Data Impact Award, to incentivise scientists to publish their data openly. Link to the session pad.Von Matthias Fromm
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With the current situation around the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are several initiatives pushing forward to help finding solutions to successfully fight the virus. The global bioinformatics community is pushing its own efforts and organized the virtual COVID-19 Biohackathon. Starting today, contributors are invited to virtually work tog…
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As usual in March, the Barcamp Open Science took place in Berlin (this year on the 10th of March) and Open Science Radio was again (for the sixth time) supporting the Barcamp Open Science in documenting the event. As last year we had Bernd Rupp from the Wirkstoffradio Podcast supporting us with recordings and interviews. This short episode will giv…
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Following the international WikiCite conferences in 2016, 2017 and 2018 the first WikiCite Satellite conference will take place this year in Cologne, Germany. It is organized by ZB MED – Informationcenter for Life Sciences, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences and will take place May 6th - 8…
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Dahinter Detective Helen Louisiani fährt nach Virginia, um mehr über Parker Daley in Erfahrung zu bringen. Andy Peterson ist aus dem selben Grund in Baltimore. Helen stößt auf Widerstand in der Erscheinung einer geheimnisvollen Fremden. Andy erfährt von Professor Talbot die grausame Wahrheit über Parker Daley. In auf Katherines Anwesen in Maryland …
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We have the pleasure to present to you another Community Edition of Open Science Radio, this time kindly provided by Claudia Göbel. So this episode brings together three experiences of doing research in cooperation between people from inside and outside academic institutions in different settings in the global South: - How can Citizen Science build…
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Darüber (2) Katherine hat immer noch Besuch von ihrem Vater. Senator Williams wünscht, dass Katherine ihn nach Washington begleitet. Im New Yorker Polizei Department glaubt Davis - zum Verdruss seiner Partnerin Helen Louisiani - eine heiße Spur im Fall des Catwalk-Killers gefunden zu haben. Beide müssen Chief Philips Rede und Antwort stehen ……
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