“We don't want Idaho to have a bad reputation. This is our home state. We love our home state. It's beautiful. We pride ourselves on our nature. We pride ourselves on our wildlife. And instead, we are continuing to do things that are… that are sickening.” - Ella Driever In 1995, wolves were reintroduced to central Idaho, and in 2003 a Boise High school called Timberline officially adopted a local wolf pack. Throughout the 2000, students went on wolf tracking trips and in their wolf packs range. But in 2021, Idaho's legislature passed Senate Bill 1211, 1211 allows Idaho hunters to obtain an unlimited number of wolf tags, and it also allows Idaho's Department of Fish and Game to use taxpayer dollars to pay private contractors to kill wolves. That means bounties on wolves, including on public lands. And in 2021, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission expanded the wolf hunting season and hunting and trapping methods. So it's not too surprising to learn that also in 2021, the Timberline pack disappeared. The students, the ones that cared about wolves, at least, were devastated. Last summer I went to D.C. with some of the Species Unite team for a wolf rally on Capitol Hill. While I was there, two young women gave a talk about what happened at Timberline in 2021. Their names are Ella Driver and Sneha Sharma. They both graduated from Timberline High School and were there when their wolf pack disappeared. Please, listen and share.…
The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Anton A. Hill
NOT REALLY EDITED. Titled to apease Itunes. Podcast versions of Google Hangouts with the Atheist Asshole
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Published on Jan 15, 2015 Terry Sacrey, the Analyzed Atheist, can be found on ReapSowRadio.com, analyzedatheist.tumblr.com, and on Twitter @analyzedatheist. https://archive.org/download/TheatheisteditedshowWithanalyzedatheist/TheatheisteditedshowWithanalyzedatheist.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Published on Jan 28, 2015 Lee Moore, president of WeAreAtheism.com, co-honcho of A-News, pillar of Godless Revival, and exchequer of Gotham Atheists, can be found on Twitter @TurboUltraLee https://archive.org/download/HeatheisteditedshowWithturboultralee/TheatheisteditedshowWithturboultralee.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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Streamed live on Jan 20, 2015 Jim, the Conservative Skeptic, can be found on skeptischism.com and Twitter @jeh704. https://archive.org/download/TheatheisteditedshowWithjeh704/TheatheisteditedshowWithjeh704.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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Streamed live on Jan 6, 2015 Ryan Long is a digital illustrator and can be found on Twitter at @meteoryan. For professional inquiries, he can be found @meteodeisngs or meteodesigns.com. https://archive.org/download/TheAtheisteditedshowWithmeteoryan_284/TheAtheistEditedShowwithmeteoryan.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Dec 16, 2014 Aron Ra is the Texas state director for American Atheists, blogger, and science literacy/secular activist. He can be found at AronRa.com and on Twitter @aron_ra. https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistEditedShowWithAronRa/The%20AtheistEditedShow%20with%20%40Aron_Ra.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Dec 2, 2014 Corey Janzen hosts the Apostasy Now podcast and can be found at ApostasyNow.net and on Twitter @mrdragonbeard. https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistEditedShowWithMrDragonbeard/The%20Atheist%20Edited%20Show%20with%20%40MrDragonbeard.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Oct 28, 2014 In this special edition, I chat with the ladies from previous episodes. Featuring Sheila Blackadder of Trolling with Logic, Zoe Jen of the Anti-Social Justice Podcast, A.J. Johnson of Be Secular, Mandisa Thomas of Black Non-Believers of Atlanta, and Justina Walford of Sunday Assembly NYC. https://archive.org/download/T…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Oct 21, 2014 Amanda Brown is the co-founder of WeAreAtheism.com and can be found there, on Facebook, and on Twitter @thesexyatheist1. https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistEditedShowWithAmandaBrown/The%20Atheist%20Edited%20Show%20with%20Amanda%20Brown.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Oct 7, 2014 Rob Nathan is the owner of devout-atheist.com, where his t-shirt designs and blog entries can be found. https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistEditedShowWithTheDevoutAtheist/TheAtheistEditedShowWithTheDevoutAtheist.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Sep 16, 2014 Elena Gomez is an active gamer and tweeter and can be found on Twitter @gbarajas3. https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistEditedShowWithElenaGomez/The%20Atheist%20Edited%20Show%20with%20Elena%20Gomez.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Sep 9, 2014 Justina Walford is a writer-producer whose current project, The Ladies of the House, is on the fest circuit. She can be found at Sunday Assembly, CFI-NY, and Twitter @justinawalford. https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholeShowWITHJUSTINAWALFORD/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%20Show%20WITH%20JUSTINA%20WALFORD.mp3…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Sep 2, 2014 AmbrosiaX can be found on Twitter @ambrosiax. https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholeShowWITHAMBROSIAX/TheAtheistAssholeShowWithAmbrosiax.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Aug 26, 2014 SubMan was a nuclear engineer and can be found on YouTube as submanusn and Twitter @submanusn. https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholeShowWITHSUBMANUSN/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%20Show%20WITH%20SUBMANUSN.mp3Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Aug 12, 2014 Karn33333 is an agnostic theist who loves to be PROVEN wrong and can be found on YouTube and Twitter @karn33333. Audio: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholeShowWITHTHEAGNOSTICTHEIST/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%20Show%20WITH%20THE%20AGNOSTIC%20THEIST.mp3 YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Aug 5, 2014 Jason Hix is a board member of Fellowship of Freethought Dallas and the founder of Oak Cliff Secularists. He can be found on YouTube and Twitter @palace486. Audio: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholeShowWITHPALACE486/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%20Show%20WITH%20%40PALACE486.mp3 YouTube:…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jul 29, 2014 Dean Esmay is the managing editor at AVoiceforMen.com and can be found there and on Twitter @deanesmay. Audio: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholeShowWITHDEANESMAY/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%20Show%20WITH%20DEAN%20ESMAY.mp3 YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jul 22, 2014 Carl Franke is the co-founder of the Post-Rapture Looting Podcast and site and can be found at PostRaptureLooting.net. Audio: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholeShowWITHCARLFRANKE3/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%20Show%20WITH%20CARL%20FRANKE%5B3%5D.mp3 YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jul 15, 2014 Ben Conner is “the other guy” at the Post-Rapture Looting Podcast and site. He can be found on Facebook and postrapturelooting.net. Audio only: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholeShowWITHBENCONNER/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%20Show%20WITH%20BEN%20CONNER.mp3 Original YouTube:…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jul 8, 2014 Don Kennedy Albert performs with New York’s Godless Revival and can be found on Facebook and Twitter @godisagui. Audio only: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholeShowWITHDONKENNEDYALBERT/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%20Show%20WITH%20DON%20KENNEDY%20ALBERT.mp3 Original YouTube:…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jul 1, 2014 Ian Strandberg is an artist/designer/gamer/doodle-ee-doo who runs Verbal Processing on YouTube and can be found on Twitter @VerbalProcessin. Audio only: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholesHangoutWITHIANSTRANDBERG/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%27s%20hangout%20WITH%20IAN%20STRANDBERG.mp3 Original YouTube:…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jun 24, 2014 Tombstone da Deadman can be found on iTunes, BandCamp, and Twitter (among others) @tombstone969. Audio only: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholesHangoutWITHTOMBSTONEDADEADMAN/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%27s%20hangout%20WITH%20TOMBSTONE%20DA%20DEADMAN.mp3 Original YouTube:…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on June 18, 2014 Frank Skiff is the man behind AbsenceofClothing.com and can be found on Twitter @AbsenceOC. Audio only: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholesHangoutWITHFRANKSKIFF/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%27s%20hangout%20WITH%20FRANK%20SKIFF.mp3 Original YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jun 3, 2014 AJ Johnson is the founder of BeSecular.com and can be found on Twitter @HappiestAtheist. Audio only: https://archive.org/download/TheAtheistAssholesHangoutWITHAJJOHNSON/The%20Atheist%20Asshole%27s%20hangout%20WITH%20AJ%20JOHNSON.mp3 Original YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on May 18, 2014 John Bullock is the co-founder of the Anti-Social Justice Podcast and can be found on Twitter @beagrie. Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s Hangout WITH JOHN BULLOCK (May 18, 2014) Original YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on May 11, 2014 Karla Porter is an active member of NEPA Freethought Society (nepafreethoght.org) and an expert on human capital. Porter can be found at karlaporter.com and @karla_porter. Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s Hangout WITH KARLA PORTER (May 11, 2014) Original YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on May 4, 2014 WARNING: It seems there was quite a bit of echo/reverb. We weren’t aware of it for quite a while, then weren’t sure what to do about it. I hope it didn’t too badly interrupt what Zoe had to say. Zoe Jen is the co-founder of the Anti-Social Justice Podcast and can be found on Twitter @ZoeJen_. Audio only: The Atheist Ass…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Apr 27, 2014 Adrienne Travis is a sociologist, linguist, coder/developer, and not necessarily atheist. You can find her on Twitter @adrienneleigh. Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s Hangout WITH ADRIENNE TRAVIS (April 27, 2014) Original YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Apr 13, 2014 Mike “The Religious Antagonist” Lee is the creator of smash hits like “Selling Golden Plates” and “I’d Erase That for 20 Dollars.” You can find him on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter by googling “religious antagonist.” Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s Hangout WITH THE RELIGIOUS ANTAGONIST (April 13, 2014) Original YouT…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Apr 6, 2014 Mary is a student and mom studying anarchy, libertarians, and atheism. Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s Hangout WITH MARY H (April 6, 2014) Original YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Apr 6, 2014 Steve Shives is the co-founder of stevelikestocurse.com (along with that bear of his) and can also be found on Twitter and Google. Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s Hangout WITH STEVE SHIVES (April 6, 2014) Original YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Mar 30, 2014 Chris Corey, aka Smashlock, is co-founder of the Apostasy Now podcast. You can find him at ApostasyNow.net. Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s Hangout WITH CHRIS COREY (March 30, 2014)Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Mar 16, 2014 Brian Allen (@brianallenaptj) is the founder of Apartment J Entertainment (apartmentj.com) and co-founder (with Lee Moore) of A-News (anewsreports.com). Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s Hangout WITH BRIAN ALLEN (March 16, 2014) Original YouTube:Von Anton A. Hill
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Mar 9, 2014 The man, the mustache, the Vacula! The sound isn’t great on Vacula’s end, not sure why. We turned off cameras at some point and it seemed okay. Thanks for your patience. Vacula and I discuss activism, the community, greener pastures, and Twitter. Find Vacula at JustinVacula.com. Find me at AtheistAsshole and @antonahill…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Mar 2, 2014 Recording artist/entertainer Buck Bowen joins me to talk about how atheists are such dicks! Oh, and a little bit about his latest album “Truth Before Comfort.” That too. Find Bowen at buckbowen.com and truthbeforecomfort.com and @truthb4comfort. Find me at AtheistAsshole.com and @antonahill. Buy TBC on iTunes here: http…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Feb 23, 2014 No Star Trek references!! The indelible Tori Parker, former editor-in-chief of former SupportAtheism.com and I chat about atheist parenting, the Disney parks, atheist Minecraft, and atheist pancakes (no, not really). Find Parker at Grounded Parents. Find me on Twitter @antonahill and AtheistAsshole.com. Audio only: The…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Feb 16, 2014 In about 2.5 hours, the longest yet, we get into all kinds of stuff, Mr. Dragonbeard and I. Even some old community controversies and related discussions on ethics. Rapport is nice, isn’t it? Check out Dragonbeard on Twitter @mrdragonbeard and his podcast Apostasy Now at ApostasyNow.net. Check me out @antonahill and At…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Feb 9, 2014 No crazy technical quirks this time as Didgya and I discussed everything from the Ham/Nye debate to race stuff to in-group-out-group narratives to atheist controversies (yeah, those). Check him out on Twitter @didgya and disseminatingdichotomy.wordpress.com. Check me out on Twitter @antonahill and AtheistAsshole.com. Au…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Feb 2, 2014 As I just wrote on AtheistAsshole.com, as with my hangout with Atheist Loki, we had some technical difficulties, though this time, they were completely different ones! Nevertheless, Thomas and I forged on with our delightful conversation about her background, what she’s up to, and how I really should go to at least one …
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jan 26, 2014 A-News co-founder and We Are Atheism ambassador (not his official title) Lee Moore sits down with me to chat about Star Trek, New York, Godless Revival, those pesky rage-bloggers, how and why he started A-News, and much more! You can find Moore on Facebook both personally and under A-News. You can also find him at WeAr…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jan 19, 2014 The man, the money! Al Stefanelli joins me for a fantastic, silky smooth discussion about religious families, politics, his former preaching background, and other delights. You can find Stefanelli on Twitter @Stefanelli (and everywhere else from there). You can find me @antonahill and AtheistAsshole.com. Audio only: Th…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Jan 12, 2014 This is part one! @atheistloki and I briefly get into stuff like dealing with Santa Claus with your non-religious kids, but then technical issues plague us and I prematurely sign off. Check out our continuance in “The Atheist Asshole’s hangout|WITH ATHEIST LOKI PART II” linked below. & Streamed live on Jan 12, 2014 Thi…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Dec 29, 2013 So looks like that video-quality thing isn’t gonna change. Fuck it. Sheila Blackadder, of Trolling with Logic, Bitches’ Brew, A-News, and others fame, and I had a wonderful talk about her (Not a True) Scot(sman) background, her involvement in the National Atheist Party/Secular Party of America, and a little on her view…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Published on Dec 23, 2013 Dr. Hill and I discuss his adventures in Europe and the Norwegian Lutheran church, among many other interesting tidbits. Dr. Hill has no web site nor Twitter handle, but you can find him on Facebook. Check me out at AtheistAsshole.com and @antonahill Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s Hangout WITH DR RONALD HILL (December 2…
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The Atheist *EDITED* Show (Anton A. Hill's Hangouts)
Streamed live on Dec 15, 2013 Thanks to Terry Sacrey, the Analyzed Atheist, for joining me for my first conversation. Despite the hitches, it went phenomenally well and we had a great conversation. Check AA out at analyzedatheist.tumblr.com. Check me out at atheistasshole.com and on Twitter at @antonahill. Audio only: The Atheist Asshole’s hangout|…
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