At the dawn of the social media era, Belle Gibson became a pioneering wellness influencer - telling the world how she beat cancer with an alternative diet. Her bestselling cookbook and online app provided her success, respect, and a connection to the cancer-battling influencer she admired the most. But a curious journalist with a sick wife began asking questions that even those closest to Belle began to wonder. Was the online star faking her cancer and fooling the world? Kaitlyn Dever stars in the Netflix hit series Apple Cider Vinegar . Inspired by true events, the dramatized story follows Belle’s journey from self-styled wellness thought leader to disgraced con artist. It also explores themes of hope and acceptance - and how far we’ll go to maintain it. In this episode of You Can't Make This Up, host Rebecca Lavoie interviews executive producer Samantha Strauss. SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched Apple Cider Vinegar yet, make sure to add it to your watch-list before listening on. Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts .…
Podcasts, die es wert sind, gehört zu werden
Tehillim 150 is the OU Women's Initiative's national program for high-school girls to study a perek of Tehillim each day for 150 days with Yael Davidowitz. 150 days, 150 ways to connect to our Creator!
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During these challenging and uncertain times, the Orthodox Union hosts a daily Tehillim and Chizuk call with a short inspirational lesson from a synagogue rabbi, followed by the recitation of tehillim, psalms. This 15-minute call takes place Monday through Friday at 1:00 pm ET. The call-in numbers are 773-377-9170 or 480-210-2150. For your convenience, click here to access the readings, with translation that will take place during the call. As a merit for those who are ill, to honor someone ...
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In-depth study of various chapters in Tehillim by Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum.
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Over the past year, we've been saying a lot of Tehillim (Psalms), and it got me thinking more deeply about some of the words that are so familiar to us. As I delved into them—combining modern literary analysis with a spiritual, meditative approach—I began to uncover layers of meaning that truly amazed me. It’s been a transformative journey, and I’ve developed a profound love for the book, that I couldn't help but try to share. Join me as we unpack a new psalm each month, unveiling new meanin ...
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Hebrew text read for on the go use, with time given to respond with intention for ie: tehillim, brachot,nishmat kol chai,megillah,candle lighting,grace after meals,blessings before food,viduy,tashlich,prayer of the traveler, challah,Shema,Shmona esrei,chanukah blessings,Asher yatzar, etc. 5-10 minute summary,dvar torah and life lesson after each recitation. Sponsor an episode in honor of s/o. Article: Website: ...
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A new podcast for the study of Tehillim. The goal will be to study peshat, and to learn the proper reading of the text.Insights and comments could be sent to They will be addressed during our daily classes to enhance the discussion.For Navi Classes, please visit:Spotify Link: Podcasts: parasha classes, please v ...
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Tehillim (Psalms) Series with Rabbi Yosef Mitzrachi As of 2011 Rabbi Mizrachi has spoke in more than 4000 lectures, participated in many weekend seminars, radio shows, and others in English and Hebrew. These events have affected the lives of thousands of Jews which became observance of Torah and Mitzvohs. In 2004 Rabbi Mizrachi started a very successful website called that contains hundreds of lectures and videos in English and Hebrew. There are literally thousands of B ...
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Von Yael Davidowitz
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Von Yael Davidowitz
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Von Yael Davidowitz
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Von Yael Davidowitz
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Von Yael Davidowitz
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Von Yael Davidowitz
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Von Yael Davidowitz
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