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BUSINESS | MINDSET | MINDFULNESS • Der Podcast von lassdichsein® MindfulCoaching für dein freies, erfülltes und selbstbestimmtes (Arbeits)Leben • Impulse, Coaching und Mentorship rund um die Themen: Achtsamkeit im Business & (Arbeits)Leben • Ganzheitlicher Businessaufbau - intuitiv & leicht • Business Mindset für ganzheitlichen Erfolg & Fülle • Mindful (Self)Leadership/ Mindful (Self)Management • Potentialentfaltung & Selbstverwirklichung • Mind & Body Empowerment • Selbstwert, Selbstliebe & ...
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🎙️ Entdecke den "Pharma Sales Master" Podcast! 🏥 Erfahre von einem Branchenexperten mit fast 30 Jahren Erfahrung im Pharmavertrieb wertvolle Tipps und Strategien. Kommunikation mit Ärzten, effektive Verkaufsstrategien und aktuelle Branchentrends stehen im Fokus. Unser Gastgeber hat alle Vertriebspositionen selbst durchlaufen und teilt sein unschätzbares Wissen. Bereit, deine Karriere auf die nächste Stufe zu heben? Kontakt gerne über: Abonniere jetzt! 🚀 #PharmaSalesMaster #V ...
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show series
#194: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the week on X. If you’re new here, I’m Nicola—an entrepreneur and master’s student. Please share and enjoy! Bo…
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2. Teil des Interviews mit Nicolas Rosen. Welche Daten liefert dir dein CRM und welche Daten sind wohl im Netz von deinen Ärzten und HCPs verfügbar? Nicolas Rosen von Exaris sammelt alle Daten deiner Ärzte aus dem Netz und bereitet sie Indikationsspezifisch auf. Was er oder sie auf social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Insta, Tiktok)? Was hat er publiz…
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#193: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the week on X. If you’re new here, I’m Nicola—an entrepreneur and master’s student. Please share and enjoy! Bo…
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#192: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the week on X. If you’re new here, I’m Nicola—an entrepreneur and master’s student. Please share and enjoy! Bo…
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#191: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the week on X. If you’re new here, I’m Nicola—I’m currently building an AI startup while also writing my maste…
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#190: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the week on X. If you’re new here, I’m Nicola—I’m currently building an AI startup while also writing my maste…
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#189: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the week on X. If you’re new here, I’m Nicola—I’m currently building an AI startup while also writing my maste…
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🚨 Kostenlos: Sei live dabei, wenn ich meine "KI im Pharmavertrieb" Masterclass aufnehme! ➡️ 💡 Bist du Pharma Sales Leader oder Teamleiter? Ich helfe dir, dein Team für die digitale Zukunft auszurüsten – mit KI-Tools, LinkedIn-Strategien und Social Selling Techniken. 👉 Vereinbare dein unverbindliches Erstgespr…
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🚨 Kostenlos: Sei live dabei, wenn ich meine "KI im Pharmavertrieb" Masterclass aufnehme! → Jetzt anmelden: 💡 Entdecke, wie du KI-Tools sofort in deinem Pharma-Vertrieb einsetzt – hands-on, praxisnah und mit Live-Updates, die sich ständig weiterentwickeln! 👨‍⚕️ Warum diese Masterclass? Ich bringe 28 Jahre Erfa…
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#188: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the week on X. If you’re new here, I’m Nicola—I’m currently building an AI startup while also writing my maste…
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Vor kurzem wurden wir leider in einem anderen Podcast genannt und das nicht sehr nett. Der liebe Tobi (die SV Szene weiß welcher) stellte mal wieder seinen Expertenstatus unter Beweis und versuchte unser Training schlecht zu machen an Hand eines Satzes aus einem längeren Monolog meinerseits OHNE unser Training überhaupt zu kennen. Dies möchte ich n…
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#187: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the week on X. Get ready to learn why telling the truth can lead to the greatest adventure in life, why lettin…
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RAW-Video Folge vom Pharma Sales Master Podcast, wenn du wissen willst wie wir Zeit miteinander verbringen können und du mich alles über LinkedIn, Bewerbungen fragen kannst, vielleicht bei einem Zoom Call ? 🎙️ Entdecke den "Pharma Sales Master" Podcast! 🏥 Erfahre von einem Branchenexperten mit über 26 Jahren Erfahrung wertvolle Tipps und Strategien…
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#186: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the week on X. If you’re new here, I’m Nicola—I’m currently building an AI startup while also writing my maste…
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🚨 Deine Chance: Sei live dabei, wenn ich meine "KI im Pharmavertrieb" Masterclass aufnehme! → Melde dich kostenlos an und erfahre, wie du mit KI-Tools im Pharma-Vertrieb schneller Erfolge erzielst: 🔍 Worum geht’s in der Masterclass? Was die EU AI-Verordnung für Pharma-Vertrieb bedeutet (Art. 4). Die besten KI-Anwendungen, um Healthcare Professional…
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#185: In my comeback episode 183, I told you all about my new goal for this podcast: to document my self-improvement and business journey, learn from mistakes, and get better in life and entrepreneurship. In other words, this podcast is part of my diary, where I share both my personal and professional experiences with you. That’s why I’m introducin…
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#184: I’ve always struggled to remember the lessons I’ve learned over time, so I found a simple way to reflect and capture them. That’s why, for the fourth year in a row, I’m recording this yearly reflection episode. In this one, I’m sharing 27 lessons that made a big impact on my personal and professional life in 2024. Enjoy! Timestamps 00:40 Know…
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#183: I’m back! In this episode, I’ll fill you in on what I’ve been up to over the past two years—from why I stopped uploading episodes on Catch The Zenith, to making my first dollar online, starting a second podcast, getting into a master’s program, juggling two businesses, working in the US for six months, starting a software company, and finally…
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Dieser Podcastdialog zu Dirk Kreuters Buch "Entscheidung: Umfeld" ist eine effektive Abkürzung auf deinem Weg zum Erfolg. Es enthüllt die Erfolgsprinzipien, mit denen Dirk Kreuter und seine Kunden achtstellige Jahresumsätze generieren Du erfährst, wie du durch ein "Gewinner-Umfeld" deine Ziele schneller und einfacher erreichst und negative Glaubens…
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Was ist der "Pharma Sales Master" Podcast ❓ An wen richtet er sich❓ Was erwartet dich in der Season IV. - was ist NEU❓ Und warum trägt Dr. Karuth ein Sakko ❓ Diese Fragen und ein bisschen mehr klären wir in diesem Intro zur brandneuen Staffel. Immer Freitags gibts neue Folgen. 💯 Wenn du den Pharma Sales Master Podcast schon als Audio kennst, erwart…
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#182: Over the past two years, I have run a high-performance coaching business, helping over 40 clients become more productive. In this episode, I want to share the top 3 business lessons I've learned from this venture. Enjoy! Timestamps 00:00:38 Lesson 1: Buy yourself time by learning from successful entrepreneurs who have already done it before. …
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#181: In this episode, I want to show you how to get the most out of your books. Specifically, I’ll share eight strategies that can help you retain more of what you read and internalize the knowledge better. Maybe you can relate to my experience. You read a book and can remember the content for maybe a week or two, but then the knowledge starts to …
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#180: Think you're chasing your goals the right way? Think again. Quick fixes and silver bullets don't exist. Success is built with "Golden BBs" – small, consistent actions.⁣ Enjoy! Nicola Flückiger Spotify Apple LinkedIn Instagram Website Contact Me Email me with any feedback, ideas, or insights you've gained from the episodes:…
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#179: In this episode, I share with you 3 simple methods that should help you regardless of what calendar you are using. ⁣Enjoy! Nicola Flückiger Spotify Apple LinkedIn Instagram Website Contact Me Email me with any feedback, ideas, or insights you've gained from the episodes: [email protected]
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#178: In high school, I was a chronic procrastinator. Today, I’m pursuing a master’s degree at an elite university in St. Gallen, have completed two internships, and have founded or co-founded three businesses. In this episode, I share a simple tactic I use to trick my brain into consistently getting hard work done. Enjoy! Things Mentioned David Go…
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#177: "If you can’t be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in." – A quote from the book "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" by Al Ries and Jack Trout, which we'll be discussing today. Specifically, the second chapter: "The Law of the Category." Are you trying to figure out how to start your business but haven't yet found th…
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#176: Over the past few years, I've transitioned from being a chronic procrastinator in high school to becoming a highly productive master's student at an elite university. Throughout this journey, I developed a 6-step planning process that not only structures my days but also saves me over 20 hours each week, allowing me to accomplish more. I prom…
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#175: For more than a year, I went to bed and woke up at the same time every day, and it really made my sleep better. I found out seven cool tips that helped me sleep deeply and wake up feeling super refreshed. In this episode, I’m going to tell you all about these seven tips so you can sleep well without having to figure it all out by yourself. En…
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#174: Struggling with an overflowing email inbox? Discover how I achieved inbox zero with three simple, effective steps to streamline your email management. Enjoy! Things Mentioned Deep Work by Cal Newport GTD Weekly Review Template Nicola Flückiger Spotify Apple LinkedIn Instagram Website Contact Me Email me with any feedback, ideas, or insights y…
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#173: Jim Rohn said, "Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary." I found out that reading has made my life much better. It helps me understand why people do what they do and teaches me how to live a better and more meaningful life. In today's episode, I want to share five big ideas from five non-fiction books I've read. I'…
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#172: It is often difficult for people to discover their passion in life, and I was no exception. In this episode, I will be sharing with you how I found my calling. From my personal experience, it seems that passion is not something that is found, but rather developed through a series of trials and errors. Enjoy! Things Mentioned Self Authoring Su…
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#171: If we don't regularly tidy up our productivity system, things can get really messy and hard to handle. Today, I'll share something called the Weekly Review. It's a method that has helped many people, including me, stay organized. Enjoy! Things Mentioned GTD Weekly Review Template Ali Abdaal Getting Things Done by David Allen How to Choose the…
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#170: In this episode, I propose an alternative to the common tendency of blaming others for our negative emotions and mistakes. This alternative approach empowers us to take control of our lives and shift our focus from problems to solutions. Enjoy listening! Things Mentioned The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Man's Search for Meaning Nicola …
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#169: In this episode, explore 10 life-changing rules from Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, from his bestselling books 12 Rules for Life and Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a renowned psychologist, author, and online educator. Enjoy! Things Mentioned Dr. Jordan B. Peterson 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos Beyond Order:…
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#168: In this episode, I share five lessons I've learned from Alex Hormozi to live a more productive life. Enjoy! Things Mentioned Alex Hormozi David Goggins: How to Build Immense Inner Strength The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Atomic Habits 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos Solve for Happy Nicola Flückiger Spotify Apple LinkedIn Insta…
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#167: Back in high school, I almost exclusively aimed for the outcome, ending up unsatisfied in the present moment. In this episode, I offer an alternative that served me well in achieving my goals while feeling good on the way to the outcome. Enjoy listening! Things Mentioned Rick Rubin: Protocols to Access Creative Energy and Process Alex Hormozi…
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#166: Establishing and maintaining healthy habits can be difficult. This episode provides strategies for consistency. Enjoy! Things Mentioned Alex Hormozi Atomic Habits by James Clear Chris Williamson Nicola Flückiger Spotify Apple LinkedIn Instagram Website Contact Me Email me with any feedback, ideas, or insights you've gained from the episodes: …
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#165: Most people give more weight to the negative than the positive. In this episode, I explain how we can use this to our advantage to overcome procrastination. Enjoy! Things Mentioned Albert Einstein Episode #079 with my boss Stefan Baer Steven Bartlett Richard Branson IKEA founder David Neeleman #047: ADHD Your Entrepreneurial Superpower! Prof.…
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#164: Many of us with ADHD are overwhelmed, we focus on the wrong things, or suffer from perfectionism. In this episode, I share with you the key ideas of 4 of my Instagram posts that have helped me to create good conditions for success. These practices supported me in gaining clarity on who I wanted to become to turn ADHD into a true high-performa…
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#163: As a novelty-loving ADHDer, I have let more and more apps and technologies into my life for years without questioning whether they actually make my life easier. In this episode, I offer a practical solution to decluttering our digital lives, freeing up energy for the really important things. Enjoy! Things Mentioned Digital Minimalism by Cal N…
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#162: Living with ADHD can be challenging. It was like that for me for years until I learned to use this condition to my advantage. In this episode, I share with you 3 steps that helped me to effectively utilize the strengths of ADHD while reducing the negative aspects. Enjoy listening! Timestamps (00:00:00) Introduction (00:00:32) About Me (00:01:…
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#161: Leo Kösters is the founder of, a psychology student and social scientist. In our busy world today, people don't talk much about mental health. It's often misunderstood and judged wrongly, even though we know a lot more about the mind and brain now. So, how can we then improve mental health in the population? How can we include …
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#160: In this episode, I share my personal journey of building healthy habits, focusing on my gym journey and how it helped me with my ADHD. I discuss the importance of consistency and playing the long game when it comes to maintaining habits. I also touch on the impact of nutrition and the challenges of transitioning to a new language for my podca…
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#159: In this episode, my guest is Stefan Baer, the chief operating officer (COO) of Stadler Rail US, a Swiss railway rolling stock manufacturer. Having a deep relationship with your own employees can be challenging as an executive, especially if you lead hundreds of people like Stefan. However, Stefan has found a routine that has dramatically elev…
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#158: In this episode, I share with you the most important lessons that have improved my life with ADHD in 2023. These are lessons that I had the opportunity to learn not only this year but also in previous years. I wish you a successful year in 2024 and thank you for your fantastic support! Enjoy! Nicola Flückiger Spotify Apple LinkedIn Instagram …
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#157: In this episode, I discuss the importance of finding meaningful pursuits and share practical strategies for maximizing focus and efficiency. Enjoy! Timestamps (00:00:00) Introduction (00:02:25) Making the Most of 24 Hours (00:03:14) My Journey into Productivity (00:06:26) The Quest for Efficiency (00:08:20) The Power of Maximum Focus (00:09:1…
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#156: In this episode, I discuss the importance of making daily choices and limiting situations that trigger destructive behavior. I also explore the role of the environment in building positive habits and share practical tips for managing ADHD. Enjoy! Timestamps (00:00:00) Introduction (00:00:27) The Power of Daily Choices (00:01:24) Limiting Dest…
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