KUT News Now is a fast and easy way to get local news for Austin and Central Texas delivered to your favorite podcast app. Every weekday, you’ll get morning and afternoon news updates along with in-depth stories from KUT and our reporting partners.
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SoulTalk is a thought-provoking podcast about what really matters in life. It is a deep exploration into life's biggest questions: who we are, why we are here, and where we are going? Kute Blackson will get personal, sharing practical wisdom on how to live your most authentic life, as well as deep dialogues on purpose, health, love, money, sex, spirituality and success with special guests like Barbara De Angelis, Dr. Shefali, Mike Dooley, Geneen Roth and more.
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Behind the Blueprint - műszaki kutatás, fejlesztés, innováció a mindennapokban
Járműmérnökök Egyesülete
Mit csinál egy mérnök, különösképpen a járműiparban? Milyen érdekességekkel, kihívásokkal találkozunk? Miért érdemes mérnöki pályát választani? Hogyan kerül valami a papírról gyártásba és a közútra? Hogy néz ki mobilitásunk jövője? Hogyan illeszkedik egy fenntartható jövőbe a motorsport? A Járműmérnökök Egyesületének új podcastja ezeket a kérdéseket állítja a megvitatott témák középpontjába. Vendégeink Magyarország- és a régió neves autóipari szakértői és mérnökei. Fedezzétek fel velünk a já ...
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Az MKKP leghivatalosabb podcastja. Ennél hivatalosabb tuti nincs.
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These are a series of short-stories read out from the book 'Amarakathaigal' published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Copyright: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
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Kutipan hari ini. Mengutip karya pilihan
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about my life and how help peolpe
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It's about moral stories and fun podcast..
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Podcast with real stimulating conversations. Exciting topics about love, family, friends, health, food and fun! New episode each week!
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Going to be talking about a topic of the day, maybe sing a little and yeah whatever
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KUT Weekend is a look at the top stories in Austin and Central Texas.
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Welcome to Kodah's Kut, where I discuss what I think is wrong with the world and anything else I believe you should know about.
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کوتنا در مازندرانی به معنی چوب زدن پارچه است تا گرد و خاکش بلند شود. در کوتنا تلاش میکنیم لایههای مختلف فساد، دروغ و پنهانکاری را بررسی کنیم، به این امید که با مشاهده واقعیت، آیندهای بهتر ساخته شود
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ÖKÉ! ÖKOLÓGIA ÉRTHETŐEN - A HUN-REN Ökológiai Kutatóközpont podcastja
HUN-REN Ökológiai Kutatóközpont
A természetet, környezetünket, így a jövőnket érintő legfontosabb ökológiai kérdésekről beszélgetünk a témákban jártas tudósokkal. A HUN-REN Ökológiai Kutatóközpont podcastja.
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Podcast by Sharada Prasad CS
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Un Podcast de nuestra Pastora Kuky Ponce donde podras escuchar Predicas, Discipualados y Programas donde ella participa cada semana aqui en Ministerios Ebenezer Los Ángeles.
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A bunch of bros in a room making a comedy podcast.
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我們是來自不同背景但都一樣關心政治議題的年輕朋友,希望跟聽眾一起拉進和政治的距離。透過雙週更新、緊貼時事脈動的地下電台,讓我們在日常生活中,一起輕鬆談政治,隨手聊時事。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The Kutter Callaway podcast is an ongoing conversation with artists, writers, thought leaders, and experts exploring the various ways in which culture and faith (or the lack thereof) inform and give rise to one another.
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In my podcast ur going to hear about so many narrative stories in short forms... Which describes life, love, family, friends and everything... I hope u all love my kutty story... If u want to share ur opinion u can mail Or msg us in instagram https://instagram.com/kutty_story_?igshid=1rid25012n5ua kuttystory.podcast@gmail.com
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Muongozo Na Maelekezo Ya Jinsi Ya Kutengeneza Kupitia Jukwaa La Mtandaoni La Swahilearn
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Sprechfunk mit Jürgen Kuttner
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Zwei Jungs, beide Anfang 20, mitten in der Orientierungslosigkeit des Erwachsensein. Hört zu wie wir Themen besprechen, die die Menscheit wirklich bewegen und kommt mit auf eine Reise in die tiefsten Abgründe unserer Vorstellungskraft.
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Kutika! is a new literary podcast featuring modern African short stories written by aerospace engineer and award winning author of A Casualty of Power, Mukuka Chipanta. The stories tackle topical issues facing Africa today - love, life, religion, gender and more. Please subscribe and leave a rating
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This is the home of Kutelopes of the Wild, a podcast all about Kutelopes.
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Podcast by The Lo_Kut Krew
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My girls and I will be discussing current events, social issues, and many other topics. Most importantly, letting you into our world.
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To get relax and refresh...all age range people can hear...and cheer....
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Állatok körülöttünk, kutyanevelés, akváriumtisztítás és lovas sportok. Meg macskák és a többi.
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Kutty Story with Prithivi - This podcast presents you short motivational stories in Tamil which helps you realise your best values and introspect yourself. Kutty Story with Prithivi - இந்த போட்காஸ்ட் தமிழில் சிறு ஊக்கக் கதைகளை உங்களுக்கு வழங்குகிறது, இது உங்கள் சிறந்த மதிப்புகளை உணரவும் உங்களை நீங்களே ஆராயவும் உதவுகிறது. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kuttystory_prithivi/
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To make a positive change, help our Youth realize it is more to life then being average, but to be themselves. We hope you brothers and sisters support us and our show. We are two positive young black males trying to be heard, and as well as delivering messages that are relatable, planting a seeds and for us as a Youth to grow and come together. Please comment and share, to contact us you can email us at gwinnfield19@gmail.com. Brendenw1994@gmail.com
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Chigan-kutsu Kyo-On Dokuro Roland Jaeckel is the Abbot of the Zen Studies Society in New York and of Charles River Zen, a Rinzai Zen community practicing in the greater Boston area. Chigan Rōshi received inka shomei, Dharma Transmission, in the Japanese Rinzai Zen Hakuin lineage by Shinge-shitsu Roko Sherry Chayat Roshi. He also received Temple Dharma Transmission from Denkyo-shitsu Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Roshi at Rinzai-ji, in Los Angeles.
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Welcome to the Free Email List Building Course podcast, I’m your host and new professor, Jenna Kutcher. I’m a digital marketing expert, the host of The Goal Digger Podcast, Queen of Simplification, and a girl who believes that growing an email list is the #1 method to drive profits for your business… without even breaking a sweat. I didn’t always have a list, in fact, just a few years ago I was in your shoes -- no strategy, no thriving list, and nowhere to go but up! Now? I am lucky enough t ...
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Rock in a Hard Place with James and Jon Micah of Kutless. This is a behind-the-scenes look at their lives, challenges, struggles, and stories from over 20 years of touring together in a band. Balancing lighthearted and hilarious stories from the road, vulnerable and personal stories from their lives, and conversations about their challenges within Christian culture, this podcast is sure to both challenge and entertain.
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Storytelling which is one of the oldest, most powerful forms of teaching.It offers another great way for children to enjoy stories. In fact, it offers many excellent benefits for preschoolers and school age children.It Improves Language Skills, boost's Memory, develops Creative Thinking and Imagination and Enhances Cultural Understanding. Story telling also offers many other benefits, such as Increasing enthusiasm for reading and moral values .Listening to a story instead of watching a video ...
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Katrin Bauerfeind und Sarah Kuttner kennen sich seit ihren medialen Anfängen. Die Moderatorinnen sind etablierte (Business)Frauen und Wortakrobatinnen, die mit beiden Beinen – egal ob in Gummistiefeln oder Stilettos – fest im (Medien)Leben stehen. Obwohl man Konkurrenz vermuten könnte, konnten sich die beiden auf Anhieb leiden und nehmen sich in unregelmäßigen Abständen vor, endlich regelmäßiger zu telefonieren – klar, wie alle in der Branche. Jetzt machen sie’s endlich, wirklich. Beide habe ...
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Live und zum Mitmachen im Videostream: jeden Mittwoch live ab 21 Uhr auf radioeins.de! Und zum Nachhören als Podcast dann immer am Donnerstagmorgen. Anrufen und dabei sein, mittwochs ab 21 Uhr unter: 0331 – 70 99 110. "Sprechfunk" heißt die Radioshow, die Dr. Jürgen Kuttner bereits in den 90er Jahren in Berlin und Brandenburg berühmt gemacht hat. Ein Telefon und eine Kiste voll mainstreamferner Tonträger genügen, um gemeinsam mit den Hörer*innen eine Sendung zu kreieren, die zu dem Abseitigs ...
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For centuries tales were told to convey stories from past and beyond, fiction and non-fiction alike. Each tale had a story to tell - few recounting history, some folklore stories and many more of them with messages for life eternity.I grew up listening to these wonderful tales from my grandma (whom we lovingly called Jayamma) who always had an interesting tale to share with us. These tales have grown to be a part of me and I constantly find ways to retell and share these tales with the next ...
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 28, 2025: The Texas NCAAP is challenging President Donald Trump’s executive order seeking to dismantle the Department of Education.
Central Texas top stories for March 28, 2025. The Life of the Mother Act is aimed at clarifying when doctors can offer emergency abortion care. Williamson County commissioners have selected Liberty Hill Independent School District’s Superintendent Steven Snell as the county’s new chief executive. The Texas NAACP has joined a federal lawsuit challen…
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390: Paul Selig on Awaken the Power of Your Intuition
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51:47"If you look at this time as an opportunity to choose the higher, you will be met by it." What if everything you’ve been told about fear, destiny, and intuition is only part of the truth? In this episode of SoulTalk, Paul Selig, one of the world’s foremost spiritual channels and bestselling authors, shares groundbreaking wisdom from his guides. He …
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 27, 2025: Remembering former Austin Mayor and Texas State Comptroller Carole Keeton.
Central Texas top stories for March 27, 2025. Friends, family, former colleagues and a lot of everyday folks are remembering Carole Keeton and her long life of service to Austin and the State of Texas. CapMetro says it doesn’t know how much money was lost from a malfunction in its fare collection system. Updated wildfire risk maps for Austin could …
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UT Morning Newscast for March 27, 2025: Carole Keeton, Austin’s first and only woman mayor, dies at 85.
Central Texas top stories for March 27, 2025. Carole Keeton, Austin’s first and only woman mayor so far, died at age 85. Capital Metro doesn’t know how much money it lost from problems with its fare collection system in 2023-2024. Austin City Council will hear today on new wildfire maps today. The post UT Morning Newscast for March 27, 2025: Carole…
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Central Texas top stories for March 26, 2025. The City of Austin can keep making its own budgets and local laws. State lawmakers are considering whether to shield certain police complaints from public view. The Department of Education is facing lawsuits for blocking access to income-driven repayment plans for federal student loans. Some much-needed…
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As faith organizations across the city watch their congregations dwindle, some are wondering if their property could be used to realize a core mission: providing for those in need. KUT’S Audrey McGlinchy tells us, it’s a trend some have termed “Yes in God’s Backyard.” The post Austin churches answer prayers for affordable housing — by building it t…
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 26, 2025: Burying Austin’s power lines would cost $50 billion and is next to impossible.
Central Texas top stories for March 26, 2025. A new commissioned study says burying Austin’s power lines would be next to impossible. Williamson County is looking for a new County Judge, commissioners have identified four candidates. Wildflowers are finally here, but there are fewer than usual. The post KUT Morning Newscast for March 26, 2025: Bury…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 25, 2025: Public Defenders protested at the Travis County Commissioner’s Court today.
Central Texas top stories for March 25, 2025. Public Defender’s Office staffers are asking for fair pay and better benefits. The spending deal approved in Washington left tens of millions of dollars for Central Texas on the cutting room floor. Unseasonable highs in the forecast today, with rain arriving tomorrow night. Frontier Airlines is adding n…
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Kim Vidrine loves her group of friends and she loves cakes. So six years or so ago, she created Cake Club as a way to celebrate both. The full transcript of this episode of KUT News Now is available on the KUT & KUTX Studio website. The transcript is also available as subtitles or captions on some podcast apps. The post This Is My Thing: Cake! appe…
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 25, 2025: Austin is missing out on millions of dollars in federal funding.
Central Texas top stories for March 25, 2025. Recent budget negotiations in Washington left Central Texas without tens of millions of dollars for local projects. Williamson County officials are searching for a new County Judge. The Round Rock Police Department says an investigation continues after a crash on I-35 yesterday killed one person. UT wom…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 24, 2025: Austin police found incendiary devices at a local Tesla dealership.
Central Texas top stories for March 24, 2025. Last night was our welcome to spring storm season. APD says they found incendiary devices at a Northwest Austin Tesla retailer. An Austinite is suing the U.S. Department of Education for removing access to income-driven repayment plans. Employees at the Travis County Public Defender’s Office will go bef…
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 24, 2025: An Austinite is suing the US Department of Education for removing access to income-driven repayment plans.
Central Texas top stories for March 24, 2025. An Austinite is suing the U.S. Department of Education for removing access to income-driven repayment plans. Employees at the Travis County Public Defender’s Office will go before Commissioners this week to ask for higher pay, better benefits and more staffing. Voting rights advocates are celebrating a …
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 21, 2025: The Texas Legislature looks to clarify abortion exemptions.
Central Texas top stories for March 21, 2025. A bill aimed at clarifying the medical exception to the Texas abortion ban was filed this week in the state legislature. Arrivals from Houston and Dallas were halted at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport this morning. Leander is working to secure access to water for its growing population. Longhorn …
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 21, 2025: Texas congressional representatives demand answers from national health officials on measles outbreak
Central Texas top stories for March 21, 2025. As the measles outbreak in West Texas continues, Texas congressional representatives are demanding answers from national health officials. Landlords in Travis County filed more than 13-thousand evictions last year. Religious leaders in Austin have joined two federal lawsuits challenging an executive ord…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 20, 2025: State lawmakers are considering a bill that could speed up the eviction process for landlords.
Central Texas top stories for March 20, 2025. A tenant advocacy group says landlords filed the highest number of evictions last year in Travis County. Public education advocates in Austin are criticizing President Trump’s decision to dismantle the Department of Education. Austin officially has its first-ever poet laureate. The post KUT Afternoon Ne…
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Last November, then-new Austin Police Chief Lisa Davis released a 100-day Action Plan called “Building Officer and Community Safety and Trust.” Earlier this year, before that 100-day marker, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton talked with Davis about her plans for the Department. The post Austin Police Chief Lisa Davis talks about her 100-day Action Plan appear…
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Central Texas top stories for March 20, 2025. The city of Austin has a poet laureate for the first time ever. A state lawmaker wants to create the District of Austin, putting the city under state oversight. Firefly Aerospace concluded its first moon mission, and now we have images of the lunar sunset. Texas men basketball team is out of the NCAA af…
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Central Texas top stories for March 19, 2025. The Austin area is under a red flag warning again today. APD fired an officer after he pleaded guilty to an on-duty assault charge. State lawmakers heard testimony today on a bill that would put Austin under state oversight. The Texas men’s basketball team plays Xavier tonight for a chance to compete in…
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As women’s sports gain more popularity, the first women’s sport bar in Texas is opening its doors. 1972 Pub is right across from UT’s campus in Austin and is committed to only showing women’s sports. The Texas Standard’s Sara Asch tells us fans are overjoyed. The post Texas’ fist women’s sports bar opens in Austin appeared first on KUT & KUTX Studi…
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 19, 2025: The state of Texas has been collecting information on trans people without their knowledge.
Central Texas top stories for March 19, 2025. A Red Flag Warning is in effect today for all of Central and South Texas until nine tonight, but what does that mean? The Crabapple fire north of Fredericksburg is now 90 percent contained. The City of Austin’s hosting an Emergency Preparedness pop-up today to help people prepare for wildfires and other…
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389: Why You Keep Settling For Less In Love And How To Attract The Love You Deserve
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25:57“Love is not something you get. Love is what you are.” Are you tired of settling for less in love? Do you keep attracting the same unfulfilling relationships, wondering why true love feels just out of reach? What if the problem isn’t out there but within you? In this episode of Soul Talk, I’m sharing insights the truth about why we settle in relati…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 18, 2025: A bill filed in the Texas Senate could change the way Travis County voters have cast their ballots for more than 10 years.
Central Texas top stories for March 18, 2025. A bill filed in the Texas Senate could change the way Travis County voters have cast their ballots for more than 10 years. A bill to restrict cellphone use in classrooms has bipartisan support. Most of Central Texas is under a Wind Advisory until tonight, with a Red Flag Warning starting tomorrow mornin…
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A perfect storm of weather conditions left Gillespie County particularly vulnerable to fire, and Saturday afternoon a very bad one broke out near Crabapple Road, near Fredericksburg. Texas Public Radio’s Jack Morgan went to Fredericksburg to talk to neighbors. The post The Crabapple fire near Fredericksburg has burned over 9,800 acres. appeared fir…
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 18, 2025: A crash on I-35 that killed five people last week is now under federal investigation.
Central Texas top stories for March 18, 2025. The Texas A&M Forest Service says the Crabapple fire in Gillespie County is now 85% contained and has burned just over 9,700 acres. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the deadly crash on I-35 that killed five people in North Austin last week. After years of pushback from doctors, …
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Central Texas top stories for March 17, 2025. The Austin area is under a Red Flag Warning. The South by Southwest festival will look much different in 2026. A new report from a national housing organization finds Austin has few homes affordable to people earning very low incomes. The post KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 17, 2025: SXSW is downsizin…
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This week is Spring Break for many Central Texas students. For some, that might mean a trip to the beach and putting on a bathing suit for the first time in a while. That can bring up lots of feelings from people who aren’t happy with their bodies or who’ve been the target of criticism because of anything about their looks. KUT’s Jennifer Stayton t…
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 17, 2025: The Crabapple fire north of Fredericksburg has burned 9,500 acres.
Central Texas top stories for March 17, 2025. The Texas A&M Forest Service says the Crabapple fire north of Fredericksburg is 55% contained and has burned 9,500 acres. A new report from local public hospital district, Central Health, shows poverty is spreading to new areas of Travis County. A new report from a national housing organization finds Au…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 14, 2025: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is ordering the reversal of changes to the sex listed on documents for Transgender Texans.
Central Texas top stories for March 14, 2025. I-35 southbound in North Austin is back open this afternoon following a horrific crash overnight. The Austin area is under a Red Flag Warning until 9 o’clock tonight. The latest on a lawsuit against Austin-based conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from the family of Sandy Hook victims. Williamson County Comm…
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Central Texas top stories for March 14, 2025. Five people, including a child and an infant, were killed in a collision involving 17 vehicles on North I-35 near Parmer late last night. AISD might sell the former Rosedale Elementary School in Central Austin to cut costs and increase revenue in the face of a $110 million budget deficit. The Austin Pol…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 13, 2025: Census data shows the population growth in Travis County is slowing down.
Central Texas top stories for March 13, 2025. Texas is growing more than any other state. A refugee resettlement program run by Catholic Charities of Central Texas is being shut down indefinitely. Tonight’s Blood Moon will give Cedar Park-based Firefly Aerospace’s lunar lander some unique views from the lunar surface. The post KUT Afternoon Newscas…
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 13, 2025: Catholic Charities of Central Texas announced the suspension of its refugee resettlement program.
Central Texas top stories for March 13, 2025. It’s unclear if Catholic Charities of Central Texas will ever resume its refugee resettlement program. Elon Musk’s SpaceX will receive a $17.3 million grant from the state of Texas. Texas lawmakers are considering a bill that could significantly speed up the time it takes to evict a renter. The Austin a…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 12, 2025: The end of income-driven repayment plans could impact millions of student loan borrowers across the country.
Central Texas top stories for March 12, 2025. The Austin area is under a Red Flag Warning over the next several hours. Experts are encouraging people to “harden” their homes against fires. The City of Austin is looking to hire former federal employees who recently lost their jobs. Dozens of students gathered on UT campus today in support of Mahmoud…
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 12, 2025: Parts of Central Texas will be under a Red Flag Warning today.
Central Texas top stories for March 12, 2025. The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for the Hill Country from noon to 9 p.m. today, in Austin it starts at 4 p.m. Travis County is applying for a grant that would go toward helping elderly residents “harden” their homes against wildfires. The post KUT Morning Newscast for March 12…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 11, 2025: Austin will delay a vote that could determine what I-35 looks like for the next 50 years.
Central Texas top stories for March 11, 2025. The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for the Austin area tomorrow. Williamson County Judge Bill Gravell is resigning to take a position with the Trump administration. Texas will not be participating in the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer program. The Trump administration’s revi…
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388: Don Miguel Ruiz on How to End Suffering and Create Real Success
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59:08“Love your physical body, honor your physical body, respect your physical body, because it's the tool that you have to connect with everything around you.” What if everything you’ve been taught about success, love, and happiness is actually holding you back? On this episode of Soul Talk, we welcome Don Miguel Ruiz, the legendary spiritual teacher a…
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Austin’s transportation system is getting a big upgrade. But is light-rail better than a bus? KUT’s Nathan Bernier breaks it all down. You can leave your comment on the projects detailed impact study at ATPTX.org. The post What is light-rail? appeared first on KUT & KUTX Studios -- Podcasts.Von KUT & KUTX Studios
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 11, 2025: Texas will not participate in the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program.
Central Texas top stories for March 11, 2025. Texas state lawmakers want to penalize cities for not enforcing bans on sleeping outdoors in public. Texas is one of a dozen states that will not be participating in a federal program that helps families pay for groceries while school is out. Today is the last day you can leave an official comment on Au…
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This Is My Thing: Ceramics!
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17:35Michael Young dabbled in ceramic making back in the 1980s, then after a 35-year hiatus, he returned to the hobby. Now his dining room is a ceramics studio and he spends his time trying to create perfect polyhedrons from clay. The full transcript of this episode of KUT News Now is available on the KUT & KUTX Studio website. The transcript is also av…
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Central Texas top stories for March 10, 2025. The days are getting longer. Catholic Charities of Central Texas has announced it’s suspending its refugee resettlement program. The City of San Marcos is cracking down on repeat parking violators. Athena the great horned owl has returned to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center for the 13th straight …
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Central Texas top stories for March 10, 2025. Busy day at ABIA today. Austin and Manchester announced a sister-cities partnership at South by Southwest. A bill that would create a school voucher program is getting a hearing in the Texas House this week. Williamson County is suing a housing finance corporation looking to remove two of its affordable…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 7, 2025: South by Southwest festival-goers could get rewarded for making responsible choices.
Central Texas top stories for March 7, 2025. Festival-goers who park downtown could have their parking tickets waived. A program that dispatches mental health professionals to certain 911 calls is getting a boost from Austin City Council. Scientists throughout the country are rallying today in protest of Trump administration policies impacting rese…
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 7, 2025: Thousands of visitors flock to Austin for South by Southwest.
Central Texas top stories for March 7, 2025. South by Southwest 2025 officially kicks off this morning. State lawmakers want to further restrict equity-minded programs across Texas. The post KUT Morning Newscast for March 7, 2025: Thousands of visitors flock to Austin for South by Southwest. appeared first on KUT & KUTX Studios -- Podcasts.…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 6, 2025: Barton Springs Pool closes as South by Southwest hits Austin.
Central Texas top stories for March 6, 2025. Weather conditions are raising the risk of fire today in the Austin area. Public education advocates say a proposal to increase per-student funding falls short of what schools need. Barton Springs Pool is closed through next week for its annual spring cleaning. The City of Austin is trying to improve its…
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Huston-Tillotson University is turning 150 in the midst of the Trump administration working to eliminate DEI efforts
Huston-Tillotson University is turning 150 this year. The historically Black higher education institution will mark this historic anniversary with events throughout the year. But this festive time in the university’s history is happening while the Trump administration is working to eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the public AND…
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One of the main goals of the Legislature this year is lowering property taxes. It could affect funding the state’s public schools.
Lowering property taxes is one of the Texas Legislature this year. State lawmakers made moves towards this in 2023, including raising the state’s homestead exemption. But, for some, tax increases from local municipalities since then have cancelled out those savings. The Texas Newsroom’s Blaise Gainey reports this issue may affect another big topic …
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 6, 2025: Low humidity today will result in near critical fire weather conditions in the Austin area.
Central Texas top stories for March 6, 2025. The National Weather Service says wind gusts as high as 30 miles per hour and low humidity will create near critical fire weather conditions today. The Lower Colorado River Authority is entering tougher drought restrictions. As the city of Austin works to redevelop some of its buildings, works of art hou…
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KUT Afternoon Newscast for March 5, 2025: Wildfire alerts and evacuation orders caused confusion in Hays County.
Central Texas top stories for March 5, 2025. Hays county authorities are hoping to make improvements to its communication efforts. State employees in Texas could soon be required to head back into the office full-time. Austin ISD is partnering with the Dallas Cowboys to launch a flag football league for high school girls. Austin Police arrested 12 …
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KUT Morning Newscast for March 5, 2025: A fire in Hays County yesterday burned around 80 acres.
Central Texas top stories for March 5, 2025. By 4 a.m. this morning, the fire in Hays County had burned around 80 acres and was 45 percent contained. Strong winds left thousands of Austinites without power. Sixth street is restricting vehicle access during SXSW. Austin City manager, T.C. Broadnax is holding town hall meetings to hear input on the 2…
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387: Why Aren’t You Manifesting Money? The Hidden Truths No One Talks About
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28:04"Realize that, you don't get money, you become money." Have you ever wondered why some people seem to attract money effortlessly while others struggle no matter how hard they work? Is wealth just about luck, hard work, or something deeper? In today’s episode of Soul Talk, I reveal the hidden truths behind money manifestation, truths that go beyond …
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Central Texas top stories for March 4, 2025. The Austin area is under a Red Flag Warning until 9:00 tonight. There’s been a drop in opioid overdoses in the Austin area. An exit on southbound I-35 will close permanently tonight as part of a major expansion of the interstate. Average rents in the Austin area fell again last month. Some CapMetro custo…
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