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Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore

Inspiring interviews with todays most successful restaurateurs 2-days a wee

What do the most successful entrepreneurs know, that you don't? Today's most successful Restaurateurs and Restaurant Professionals sharing tips and insights 2-days weekly to help make your restaurant dreams unstoppable! Listen as our guest explain what it takes to be successful in the restaurant industry. We'll discuss topic on how to lead, manage and market a successful restaurant. Join us at to find show notes which recap all books, services, resources and tools c ...
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Un’inviata virtuale in libreria per scoprire le ultime novità del mercato editoriale. In ogni puntata due interviste dal vivo a scrittrici e scrittori, italiani e stranieri, per parlare dei romanzi: dai personaggi ai temi, dalle trame ai retroscena della scrittura. Con uno stile informale Alessandra Tedesco racconta i romanzi e talvolta anche gli aspetti inediti degli autori. Un modo per orientarsi nella vasta produzione editoriale e scegliere il libro adatto a sé.
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Brett Wintersteen is the Chef/Owner of HiFi BURRITOS in Dover, NH. Brett grew up in Rhode Island, working restaurants since he was 15, but went to school at UNH in Durham, NH. He got a job after college at Margarita's, a successful local Mexican chain in the northeast. He then moved on to Dos Amigos. Dos Amigos is a much-loved burrito joint with a …
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Miss Bee è il nuovo personaggio creato dalla penna di Alessia Gazzola, autrice delle serie con Alice Allevi (L'allieva) e Costanza Macallè. La serie con Miss Bee è ambientata negli anni '20 a Londra. Miss Bee, Beatrice Bernabò, è una ventenne italiana che vive da quattro anni in Inghilterra insieme al padre Leonida, docente di italianistica, e alle…
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Emshika Alberini is the Chef/Owner of Chang Thai Cafe and The Catch, both in Littleton, NH. Emshika moved to the US from Thailand in 2000 looking to become a professor, but ended up in corporate America until 2006 when she decided she wanted to open a restaurant. She opened Chang Thai Cafe in 2008 in Littleton, where her then husband and she lived.…
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Alex Wight is the owner of Crown Jewel, located on Great Diamond Island off the coast of Portland, Maine. Alex's first job was a busser at age 14. She wanted to work for a food magazine, but entered culinary school instead. She worked for Daniel Boulud at DB Bistro in NYC and then worked in a restaurant in Spain for about a year. She returned to NY…
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Emmett Soldati is the Owner of Teatotaller. Emmett was living in London when he realized his hometown, that of Somersworth, NH, deserved some of the luxuries of a place as big and diverse as London. He returned to his hometown and decided, in 2011, to open a tea and coffee shop/cafe. In 2013, his first Teatotaller location opened. After moving the …
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Dopo libri come "Quel che affidiamo al vento", "L'isola dei battiti del cuore" e "Il Giappone a colori", nel nuovo romanzo "Tutti gli indirizzi perduti" (Einaudi) Laura Imai Messina, scrittrice italiana che vive fra Kamakura e Tokyo, ci racconta con il suo stile poetico e delicato di una piccola isola giapponese dove si trova realmente l'Ufficio po…
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Krista Cole is the sole owner of Sur Lie in Portland, ME, and Gather in Yarmouth, ME. She is the co-owner of Catface Cafe in Biddeford, ME. Prior to owning restaurants, Krista had a nursing career. She left that career in 2013 and opened Sur Lie in Portland in 2014. Later on, she took over ownership of Gather, located in Yarmouth, ME. This year she…
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John Burns is the Executive Director of SOS Recovery Community Organization, based in Rochester, NH. John was in executive sales prior to helping start SOS Recovery back in 2016. He started as a volunteer and soon became the Executive Director. John headed the project of opening Fold'd and brought on Mark, previously featured on episode #1134, a fe…
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Un romanzo di formazione, un romanzo su una ferita, quella di chi cresce in un posto ma sente di appartenere ad un altro, la ferita anche di chi, per seguire i propri sogni, tradisce i genitori. Un romanzo che esplora i conflitti interiori, ma anche i conflitti nati dalla geografia. Parliamo di "Il fiore delle illusioni" (Feltrinelli) di Giuseppe C…
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Mark Segal is the GM and Chef at Fold’d Community Diner. Fold’d is, from their website, “a part of SOS Recovery community Organization. Our mission is to bring high quality dining options and workforce opportunities for those in recovery from problematic drug or alcohol use, previously incarcerated, and/or justice involved.” Mark got his start at h…
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Evan Hennessey is the Chef and Owner of Stages and The Living Room, both located in a gorgeous old mill building in Dover, New Hampshire. Chef Evan was previously on the show for episode 8 and episode 748. Stages serves "Progressive New England cuisine" and is a tasting menu experience. The Living Room opened in 2022 as a cocktail bar in the same b…
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Una puntata all'insegna del thriller "La casa dei silenzi" (Longanesi) è il nuovo romanzo di Donato Carrisi con protagonista Pietro Gerber, psicologo infantile che sottopone i suoi pazienti a ipnosi e per questo viene chiamato "l'addormentatore di bambini". Stavolta affonta il caso di Matias, 9 anni, che da un anno fa sempre lo stesso incubo: nel s…
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Caitlin McGrath-Levesque is the Co-Founder of Red’s Good Vibes, based in Portsmouth, NH. Red’s Good Vibes is a non-profit food truck providing free meals all over New England. It was established in 2019 by Caitlin and her brother and sister. The organization operates two food trucks and helps establish “community fridges” in several towns throughou…
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John Bushnell is the Owner and Pub Director at The June Cork Pub in Dover, NH. Until recently, John was working in health and fitness at health clubs. He decided one day to open a British-style pub where soccer fans could come together and watch all the games. In 2018 he began learning all he could about restaurant ownership and management and busi…
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Come si fa a crescere senza tradire sè stessi? È la domanda che guida il nuovo romanzo di Chiara Gamberale "Dimmi di te" (Einaudi). La voce narrante è una madre single che con la figlia piccola, chiamata nel libro Bambina, si trasferisce nel cosiddetto quartiere Triste a Roma, una zona che lei ha sempre detestato perché considerata troppo borghese.…
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Anthony Carbone is the Owner of Epicureo Pizza in Newburyport, MA. From 2010-2017 Tony worked as a private chef, taught cooking, and did catering. In 2017 he started his own mobile pizza catering business. Finally, in 2023, he opened Epicureo Pizza in Newburyport. Epicureo is a phone-less, carry-out-only, serve until the food is gone, pizza shop op…
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Lee Frank is the Chef/Owner of Otis and Lee Frank's. This is his second time on the show! He was previously featured on episode 766 when only Otis was open. Now, he has 2 Lee Frank's locations. Otis, a fine dining establishment located in Exeter, NH, is now 8 years old. Lee Frank's is a fast casual burger joint with locations in Wells and South Ber…
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1994: arriva in libreria il romanzo "Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo", pubblicato da Transeuropa, piccola casa editrice nota per la sua capacità di scoprire nuovi talenti. L'autore è il giovane Enrico Brizzi e la sua opera prima è destinata a segnare un'intera generazione e a diventare un best seller. Si raccontava la storia del diciassettenne …
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Dave Hausman is the Owner of Big Dave's Bagels & Deli in North Conway, New Hampshire. Dave got his start in a deli at the age of 14 while growing up in NYC. He went off to college and worked in a warehouse and as security for concert venues. He then got into wine, working with giants like Drew Nieporent and Thomas Keller. In 1989, he opened a resta…
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A volte c'è un filo che lega le opere di un autore, un elemento ricorrente. Nei romanzi di Marco Balzano i protagonisti sono sempre persone comuni schiacciare dalla storia o dagli eventi: Ninetto, giovanissimo emigrante di "L'ultimo arrivato" (Premio Campiello 2015), Trina, maestra clandestina nell'Alto Adige durante il Fascismo protagonista di "Re…
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Tony Callendrello is the owner of Vino E Vivo in Exeter, NH. Check out episode #1122 with Tony's Chef/Partner Paul Callahan. Tony worked as a COO in a very successful energy business until he almost retired. Almost. In 2018, in his 60s and having never worked in hospitality, Tony opened Vini E Vivo. It began as a wine bar and quickly became a highl…
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"Settembre nero" (La nave di Teseo) è il nuovo romanzo di Sandro Veronesi, due volte Premio Strega con "Caos calmo" nel 2006 e "Il colibrì" nel 2020. Si racconta l'estate di un ragazzino di 12 anni, Gigio Bellandi, l'estate 1972 in cui finisce la sua infanzia. Il padre, un avvocato penalista, è il suo idolo. La madre è una donna irlandese, rossa di…
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Taryn Merrill is the Chef/Owner of Fresh AF Bakeshop in Plaistow, NH. Trayn decided she wanted to bake and decorate cakes when she was just 14 years old. She went off to Johnson & Wales in Providence, RI, and got jobs in various settings until the COVID-19 pandemic when she started baking and selling banana bread out of her house. Business quickly …
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Tim O'Brien is the Chef/Owner of Cornicello in Exeter, NH. Tim was a teacher until 2009 when he started selling home made pasta at farmer's markets. He was successful selling his pasta, so in 2010 he opened his first restaurant in Brunswick, ME. He opened a second location in 2013 and closed his first location a year later. Then, in 2019, he opened…
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Ilaria Tuti è nota per i suoi thriller con protagonista Teresa Battaglia, la commissaria affetta da Alzheimer comparsa per la prima volta in "Fiori sopra l'inferno", ma è anche nota per i suoi romanzi ispirati a fatti storici come "Fiore di roccia". La scrittrice ha messo insieme queste due anime narrative costruendo un thriller ambientato nel '44,…
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Jonathan Blakeslee is the Owner of White Heron Tea and Coffee based in Portsmouth, NH. Jonathan was previously on the show for episode 417 back in 2017. Since then, White heron has opened a second location in Eliot, ME, just 10 minutes from Portsmouth, NH. Today's sponsors: Restaurant Systems Pro - Join the 60-day Restaurant Systems Pro FREE TRAINI…
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Arlin Smith is a Partner at Big Tree Hospitality in Portland, Maine. Arlin was previously a guest on Restaurant Unstoppable back in 2018 for episode 545. Check that episode out to learn about his back story. Big Tree Hospitality currently consists of Eventide, Honey Paw, Big Tree Commissary, Big Tree Catering, and Little Spruce Bakery. Today's spon…
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"Il male che non c'è" (Bompiani) è il nuovo romanzo di Giulia Caminito, premio Campiello 2021 con "L'acqua del lago non è mai dolce". Stavolta racconta la storia di un giovane uomo, Loris, e della sua ipocondria, "il male che non c’è" appunto, ma che lui sente profondamente. Il dolore per Loris assume quasi delle rappresentazioni fisiche, afferra g…
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Chef Paul Callahan is the Executive Chef and a Partner at Vino E Vivo in Exeter, NH. Chef Paul was previously on the show in 2015 for episode 135! Chef Paul left Brine and Ceia in Newburyport, MA, two restaurants he was running, in 2019 because he was feeling burnt out. He then attempted to turn his homestead into a farm-to-table restaurant/kitchen…
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Puntata speciale dedicata al Premio Campiello, assegnato a Venezia il 21 settembre. Ha vinto il romanzo "Alma" di Federica Manzon (Feltrinelli) con 101 preferenze della giuria popolare. Ricordiamo che il vincitore viene deciso da 300 lettori comuni che cambiano ogni anno e che scelgono il libro preferito fra i 5 identificati dalla giuria dei letter…
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