Joe Bates is a member of the Bad River Band, a Native American Tribe residing along Lake Superior in Wisconsin. He and his community have been embroiled in a long-standing legal and public relations battle against Enbridge, a Canadian energy company, to protect their ancestral lands. This struggle has been documented in "Bad River," a documentary film released in early 2024, which showcases Bates and his fellow activists within the band. Joe joins Jay to share his personal journey of activism, the profound influence of past generations of tribal and environmental activists on his own path, and the ongoing fight against Enbridge, which affects the future of water protection in America. To learn more about the Bad River Band, click here. Episode Chapters (00:00) - Intro (01:19) - Joe’s activist history (04:31) - The connection between the Bad River Band and their land (10:06) - How did Enbridge come to have pipes under native land against the Bad River Band’s wishes? (14:00) - The threat’s Enbridge’s Line 5 poses to the environment (18:10) - “You can’t put a price tag on what we have. What we have is priceless.” (19:23) - Joe and Jay discuss the documentary “Bad River” (22:58) - Thank you and goodbye For video episodes, watch on Stay in touch: X: @JayRuderman | @RudermanFdn LinkedIn: Jay Ruderman | Ruderman Family Foundation Instagram: All About Change Podcast | Ruderman Family Foundation To learn more about the podcast, visit…
嗨,大家好!欢迎来到小乌龟的学习会的Podcast频道。今天,我会和大家分享我参加《成长思维行动营》后有什么样的改变。我会分4个部分来讲。 今天的第一部分,我会和大家分享我是怎样运用情绪管理ABCDE法则把我的负面信念转化成正面的信念。以前的我是个很消极的人,几乎每天都过的不开心。直到我参加《成长思维行动营》过后,我学会了运用情绪管理ABCDE法则以及实践在我的生活当中。比如,当我挑战《数码招聘人才大赛》失败后,这就是挫折(Adversity)。这时候,我的信念(Belief)让我对这件事实,做出了以下两种选择: 1. 为什么我没有比其他的参赛者拥有很强的能力呢? 2. 为什么导师们不给我第二次机会? 但是,我没有被结果(Consequence)而影响。因为我用 (Dispute)来和我的大脑争辩。我就问自己 “我有什么方法来增进我自己呢?” 。 我发现我和我的大脑争辩一下,原本的困难,看起来就没有的那么困难了。解决方案,在不知不觉中冒了出来。只要跳脱了即有的信念,我就可以身体力行,以行动证明我自己是可以成功的!我就开始买了很多书籍来投资我的脑袋。这就是能量(Energizat ...
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嗨,大家好!欢迎来到小乌龟的学习会的Podcast频道。今天,我会和大家分享我参加《成长思维行动营》后有什么样的改变。我会分4个部分来讲。 今天的第一部分,我会和大家分享我是怎样运用情绪管理ABCDE法则把我的负面信念转化成正面的信念。以前的我是个很消极的人,几乎每天都过的不开心。直到我参加《成长思维行动营》过后,我学会了运用情绪管理ABCDE法则以及实践在我的生活当中。比如,当我挑战《数码招聘人才大赛》失败后,这就是挫折(Adversity)。这时候,我的信念(Belief)让我对这件事实,做出了以下两种选择: 1. 为什么我没有比其他的参赛者拥有很强的能力呢? 2. 为什么导师们不给我第二次机会? 但是,我没有被结果(Consequence)而影响。因为我用 (Dispute)来和我的大…
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