A podcast for feminists who feel overwhelmed and exhausted by everything they need to do, and still worry that we're not doing enough - hosted by Emily and Amelia Nagoski, authors of BURNOUT: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle.
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Fight the patriarchy. Get Rich.™ Join money expert Tori Dunlap as she guides you on how to make more, spend less, and feel financially confident in a world run by rich white men. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with resources to get, save, and grow money to gain financial freedom and kick some patriarchal ass at the same time. New episodes drop every Monday, and mini-episodes drop every other Thursday.
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Annika Brockschmidt und Rebekka Endler lesen Romance Novels damit Ihr sie nicht lesen müsst. Dabei unterhalten sie sich über Literatur, Feminismus, Faschismus, Friends und alles was das Herz begehrt. Und was das Herz bricht, im Sinne von Kotzen. Buchtipps und Feedback: feministshelfcontrol@gmail.com Titelmusik von Andrew Collberg!
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A podcast that shares and explains key ideas in gender, sexuality, and feminist ideas in an accessible and approachable format.
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Feminismus | Zukünftige
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Ever felt like you should be better at feminism? Join comedian Deborah Frances-White and her guests for this comedy podcast, recorded in front of a live audience. Each week they discuss our noble goals as 21st century feminists and the hypocrisies and insecurities that undermine them. Deborah Frances-White is the 2016 Writers' Guild Award Winner for Best Radio Comedy for her hit BBC Radio 4 series Deborah Frances-White Rolls the Dice. She is an Edinburgh Fringe regular, a screenwriter and is ...
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Beim Lila Podcast bekommt ihr Feminismus für alle. Wir stehen für eine inklusive, niedrigschwellige, unaufgeregte und trotzdem kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Herausforderungen im Patriarchat. Gemeinsam lernen wir, Stereotype, Ungleichheiten, Diskriminierung und Gewaltstrukturen zu erkennen und: wie man sie überwinden kann. Katrin, Laura, Lena, Minusch und Özge betrachten gesellschaftliche Debatten, alltägliche Phänomene und Ereignisse auf der ganzen Welt durch die feministische Brille. ...
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Intersectional feminist, Madigan, takes on issues facing women and the world.
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UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone breaks down the centuries of sexist socialization that causes us to struggle with self-doubt, burnout, and anxiety. Hosted by Master Feminist Coach Kara Loewentheil, J.D., founder of The School of New Feminist Thought and author of Take Back Your Brain (Penguin 2024), each episode teaches you how to turn down the noise of societal expectations, turn up the volume on what YOU really want in life, and change your thinking to make sure you go g ...
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Die Kombi von Feminismus und Kirche findest du spannend? Wir auch! Deshalb setzten wir uns in den Gesprächen in diesem Podcast mit verschiedenen Aspekten von feministisch und katholisch auseinander. Der Weg zu wirklicher Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter scheint weiterhin ein langer zu sein. In der Kirche wirkt er manchmal sogar noch schier unendlich lang. Aus dem Erzbistum Freiburg heraus blicken wir auf feministische Anliegen. Jeden letzten Freitag im Monat erwartet dich eine neue Folge. ...
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freie-radios.net (limited to CX - Corax - Feminismus - Gender)
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Feminismus setzt sich für Gleichberechtigung ein und fordert vor allem gleiche Rechte für Männer und Frauen. Frauen werden in der Gesellschaft oft benachteiligt. Feministinnen und Feministen wollen deshalb auf die Ungleichbehandlung von Frauen aufmerksam machen. Videos und Audio-Beiträge rund ums Thema "Feminismus" sammeln wir hier in der Mediathek von NRWision.
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Mystique Femininity is the podcast that celebrates the essence of divine femininity for the modern woman. Each episode dives into the art of embracing your inner power, balancing strength with grace, and living in alignment with your highest self. Whether you're on a journey of self-discovery or refining the woman you’ve become, Mystique Femininity offers insightful discussions, spiritual wisdom, and empowering strategies to help you embody the true mystique of the feminine spirit. Join us a ...
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Exploring Japanese pop culture through a feminist lens.
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Females Working in Emergency Medicine
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Uma iniciativa do Instituto Casa Marx, Esquerda Diário e grupo de mulheres Pão e Rosas.
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Iglesia Más que Vencedores presenta: Un diálogo sobre aspectos que hacen a nuestro crecimiento, fundamentados sobre la fe. Esto es Fe práctica con el Pastor Emilio Agüero
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Norges beste tulletelefoner.
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Os temas mais importantes que afetam a vida das mulheres entram em debate no Pautas Femininas, uma parceria da Rádio Senado com a Procuradoria da Mulher da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal. Produção e a presentação: Ana Beatriz Santos e Ritta Zumba Toda quinta-feira, às 21h. Disponível na internet às quintas-feiras
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Feminist Book Club is the premier online hub for intersectional readers and anyone who wants to infuse their bookshelves with social justice. We encourage resistance through reading with our blog, podcast, events, and our signature monthly subscription box.
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Mesa de jornalistas e convidadas dá voz às discussões sobre igualdade de direitos entre homens e mulheres
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Exkluzív beszélgetések, fontos témák, érdekes emberek a Femina podcast csatornáján.
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🎧 O seu cantinho da internet pra falar sobre fé, sociedade e democracia! 🎙️ Podcast conduzido por Cacau Marques e Tiago Melo.
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Was ist Feminismus und wozu ist er gut? Mit diesem Podcast gehen wir der Frage nach, wie wir Feminismus sehen, verstehen und leben. Feminismus leicht erklärt – für alle Menschen.
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The Feminist Wellness podcast offers empowering holistic medicine, psychology and life coaching advice for smart women who believe they can live powerful, fulfilling lives with more self-worth, self-love, and true self-care. Equal parts nervous system science and witchy woo, Béa Victoria brings it all together to help you see how your socialization, conditioning, and family blueprint are keeping you feeling stuck in life. If you’re ready to shake the codependent, perfectionist, and people-pl ...
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O Passos na Fé é um podcast feito com muito carinho pelo Diácono Permanente Carlos A. Almeida a todos aqueles que desejam viver melhor a sua fé. ..
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A casual discussion on current issues within feminism and the law. The interview-style podcast will feature legal professionals, academics and current law students.
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Podcast by Fé na Mulambada
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Sandy Caldera
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Le podcast qui traite les sujets de société avec un oeil féministe. Chaque semaine, Esthel Cozzi accueille des femmes inspirantes pour représenter la diversité des parcours de vies. Empouvoirement, Éducation, Esprit Critique : voilà ce que vous pouvez retrouver tous les mercredis sur Matrimoine Féministe. RDV sur https://www.matrimoine-feministe.com/ pour en savoir plus !
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We already have the power to liberate ourselves from the inside out, rather than waiting on the world around us to change. This podcast is for you if you’re committed to shedding old beliefs about your role in society, building a rock solid sense of your own self-worth, and living your most authentic life. Welcome to the Sisterhood!
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Audios de las predicaciones y enseñanzas de las asambleas semanales
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Enseñanzas y testimonios alentadores que fortalecerán nuestra fe en Cristo. Encouraging teachings and testimonies that will strengthen our faith in Christ.
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Podcast by Centro de Fe Angulo
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Feminist Magazine is the weekly Southern California radio show with intersectional feminist perspectives. Covering stories that you don't hear on mainstream media! We broadcast local and global stories, news and opinions about women making a radical difference.
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Enter the world of dominant women and submissive sissies in these exciting stories of sissification and humiliation written by Kylie Gable and performed by a host of sexy and talented readers.
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Mensajes y prédicas de Comunidad de Fe Cancún. Pastor: Marco Monroy
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O podcast "Momento de Fé" com Kelvin Souza oferece reflexões diárias sobre a fé cristã. Cada episódio apresenta uma mensagem inspiradora e motivacional baseada na Bíblia. Os tópicos variam desde a superação de desafios até a importância da gratidão e do amor incondicional de Deus!
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Michelle dice, "Con fe es possible agradar a Dios". La Biblia dice que los justos vivirán por la fe. La gracia de Dios y toda provisión en nuestra redención están disponible por medio de fe. Este programa ayudará a usted desarrollar su fe para recibir lo que Dios le ha dado.
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Alimento del Alma: Textos, Homilias, Conferencias de Fray Nelson Medina, O.P.
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Mensajes semanales que edificarán tu vida y la de tu familia llevándote a una relación mas cercana con Cristo y desafiándote a vivir una vida acorde a Su voluntad.
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Welcome to The Artiste Hangout with Femi Makx, your ultimate destination for music enthusiasts and emerging artists! Immerse yourself in captivating discussions, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories, spotlighting raw and unfiltered narratives of rising talents. Our groundbreaking podcast prioritizes unsung voices, providing exclusive insights into upcoming albums and singles before they hit the airwaves. Join us for a unique blend of music exploration and insightful conversati ...
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NUESTROS HORARIOS DE SERVICIOS DOMINGOS 8 AM Y 11:30 AM. PARA NOSOTROS SON IMPORTANTES TUS COMENTARIOS. Estamos ubicados en el Domicilio: Plaza Fiesta Santa Fe, Blvd. República de Honduras 104, Int. 9, Hacienda Santa Fe, Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco
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Reclaiming Feminism for Christianity
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Buscamos viver uma vida naturalmente sobrenatural. Como filhos de Deus sabemos que enquanto não chegarmos ao céu, devemos manifestar a realidade do céu aqui na terra! 2024 o ano da Benção e do Favor de Deus! Nossa Programação Presencial: Domingo (Celebração) - 10:00H Quarta (Sala de Oração) - 20:30H Online no Zoom: Segunda (Morning Flames) 06:00H Siga nosso Instagram: @lcasadafe
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The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who'd like to dive deeper into feminism, spirituality and womanhood ~ but simply don't know where to begin. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us. ~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you.
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#LaudesFrayNelson para la Sábado III de CuaresmaVon Casa para tu Fe Católica
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Há algo difícil demais para Deus? Existe circunstância que escape do Seu controle? Não! O poder do Senhor não está limitado pelo tempo, pela lógica ou pelas dificuldades que enfrentamos. Quando Ele promete, Ele cumpre. Quando Ele fala, Sua palavra se realiza.
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Relaciones en la nueva vida - Colosenses 3:18-4:1 - hno Obed Muñoz
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1:09:36Relaciones en la nueva vida - Colosenses 3:18-4:1 - hno Obed Muñoz by Centro de Fe AnguloVon Centro de Fe Angulo
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La entrada Preguntas y respuestas se publicó primero en Obedira.Von Radio Obedira
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El enfocar en la promesa
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28:36La Palabra de Dios es una sustancia sobrenatural que contiene el poder de Dios para cambiar la situación. En este episodio de Fortalecido en FE, Michelle Steele nos explica cómo guardar el enfoque y vivir en la luz de la promesa de Dios. Para acceder más recursos, visite nuestro sitio de la red www.constructoresdefe.com. Síguenos En Facebook Iglesi…
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Um dos maiores dilemas da pessoa é preencher o vazio que muitas vezes sente em seu interior. Neste episódio vamos conversar um pouco a partir da escultura denominada "melancolia" de Albert György. Vale a pena ouvir.
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#208 Vida e Oferta | Pr. Arthur Heiderick
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1:10:30Palavra ministrada pelo Pr. Arthur Heiderick Todos os nossos cultos estão disponíveis aqui no Spotify, no Youtube e em várias outras plataformas. Siga nosso Instagram: @lcasadafe Conheça o nosso site: casadafe.pt Programação: Segunda-feira - 6:00…
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Nuestra fe, nuestra generosidad y nuestro compromiso pueden ser instrumentos para la obra de Dios en nuestra iglesia, nuestra comunidad y el mundo.Von Pastor Emilio Brito
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59:21Estamos Ubicados en el Domicilio: Plaza Fiesta Santa Fe, Blvd. República de Honduras 104, Int. 9, Hacienda Santa Fe, Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco.https://www.google.com/maps/place/Casa+de+Oraci%C3%B3n+Santa+Fe/@20.5189789,-103.3773495,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x842f53fd0c68126b:0xb990060bc182a983!8m2!3d20.5189789!4d-103.3773495!16s%2Fg%2F11l2w3…
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Los Diez Leprosos Purificados
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18:39Diez leprosos fueron curados por Jesús, pero sólo uno volvió para adorarle. Lucas 17Von Pastor Travis
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Hechos de fe pt.4 | Ernesto Ramírez
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43:18📆 MIER/19/MAR/2025 Te invitamos a que apartes los siguientes minutos para enfocarte en esta palabra, así como que compartas este video para que sea de bendición a otras personas. Para mayor información acerca de nuestras actividades, redes sociales y más, visita www.mundodefemexico.org/info Si tienes una petición de oración, puedes escribirnos al W…
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Fe na Mulambada - Ep 05 - Temporada 3
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2:37:14É BI! Bicampeão estadual no profissional e bicampeão continental na base, tá no ar o FÉ NA MULAMBADA com análises precisas, sorteio da Liberta em tempo real e a COMPLETA pauta dos ouvintes!FÉ!Reprodução: Jorge R Jorge/RP FilmesVon Fé na Mulambada
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# 156 - Que Ele cresça
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1:22:46Deus nos chama para uma vida de intimidade com Ele, para vivermos está vida precisamos nos entregar de corpo, alma e Espirito, seu chamado para nós nos leva a viver uma vida plena com esperança da vida eterna. Porém para termos o Todo de Deus precisamos abrir mão de nós e de tudo aquilo que nos prende. Esse é um convite para abrir mão do pouco que …
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Puede un hombre volver a ser forjado
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21:59LUIS PRIEDE - Asamblea 7 de Marzo de 2025.
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58:24O filme “Ainda estou aqui” tem levantado inúmeras discussões sobre o período da ditadura militar no Brasil, e não poderíamos deixar de comentar sobre esse tema tão importante. No 6º episódio do Fé Pública, Cacau Marques e Tiago Melo falam sobre a história de ditaduras no Brasil, mas principalmente da ditadura militar de 64. Além disso, conversamos …
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El milagro de abrazar la adversidad
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55:00Ojos de fe es un programa en vivo desde Tijuana, México, y conducido por Sandy Caldera, la reconocida cantante y psicóloga católica, invidente de nacimiento. Con su testimonio y experiencia de vida, Sandy aconseja y consuela a muchos corazones que necesitan escuchar sobre las buenas nuevas de DiosVon Ojos de fe
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