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Conexão sapiens

Kald Abdallah

A ciência desvendando você! O Conexão sapiens busca acender a lenha grossa do entendimento que permanecerá queimando por anos, e não o fogo de palha de uma estória empolgante e irrelevante, já esquecida na semana seguinte. Kald Abdallah Medico, cientista e executivo @kald27042024
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What makes you … you? And who tells what stories and why? In the SAPIENS podcast, listeners will hear a range of human stories: from the origins of the chili pepper to how prosecutors decide someone is a criminal to stolen skulls from Iceland. Join SAPIENS on our latest journey to explore what it means to be human.
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Project Sapient is a podcast meant to engage our brothers and sisters in the law enforcement and military communities, in conversations that we all know we need to have. All opinions you‘ll hear are our own, are protected by our first amendment of the United States Constitution, and in no way reflect or are meant to reflect the opinion of any specific agency, officer or service member. Some opinions may be controversial. Listener Discretion is advised.
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COSAS DE SAPIENS es un podcast donde te puedes enterar de temas relevantes escondidos en lo cotidiano, con una explicación relajada (pero siempre con sustento ☝🏼), con base en la producción científica contemporánea y con una dosis de humor. Brindamos información y contenidos de calidad que invitan a la reflexión sin mucha pretensión 🧠. Sapiens como anhelo, no como descripción. 🐵 Producido por el Centro Universitario de Los Altos de la Universidad de Guadalajara.
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SAPIEN brings health & nutrition expert Brian Sanders together with internal medicine specialist Dr. Gary Shlifer to talk about all things related to optimum health including mind, body and spirit. We promote living your best life through ancestral principles. You’ll find actionable diet & nutrition tips and best practices, mental health & wellness, weight loss & chronic disease prevention and reversal, top guests in their field, listener questions, fitness, and rants of the day.
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Longas conversas, sobre diversos assuntos, com inúmeras pessoas. Sapiens Cast Support this podcast:
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FOMO Sapiens with Patrick J. McGinnis

Patrick J. McGinnis

FOMO Sapiens is the podcast for anyone who wants to make smarter decisions, take action, and thrive in an unpredictable world. Hosted by Patrick J. McGinnis—the guy who coined FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)—this show brings you insights from world-class entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders who’ve mastered the art of navigating uncertainty. Each episode is packed with real-world strategies, powerful stories, and actionable advice to help you cut through the noise, take control of your choices, a ...
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Curso Sapientia


Podcast do Curso Sapientia, curso preparatório on-line para o Concurso de Admissão à Carreira de Diplomata (CACD). Fonte de informação e inspiração para a formação dos melhores candidatos ao Concurso do Itamaraty.
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Sapientia is a podcast where James and Justin embark on a journey through philosophy, politics, history, and science to discover honest answers to our most pressing questions. Once a month, we have an unscripted conversation where we perform a deep dive into a particular topic. We appreciate and encourage criticism or comments to provide us a diversity of ideas and viewpoints. We hope you join us. Facebook: Patreon: ...
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Sapiens Planet

Zubair Ahmad

Welcome to the Sapiens Planet Podcast Show. Within this program, we embark on an enlightening expedition into the realm of Sapiens. Our discussions span a wide spectrum, delving into subjects ranging from microbes to cosmology, and all that lies in between. We invite you to accompany us on this extraordinary voyage.
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Sapiens Sapiens?

Saulo Cassimiro

Assuntos do momento, discutidos com um profissional da educação Escolar e saúde mental. Saulo Cassimiro professor de História a uma década e psicólogo da Educação. Com o objetivo de discutir e refletir sobre temas atuais e seus desdobramentos socioculturais. Entrevistas com cientistas sociais, reflexões teóricas sobre saúde mental e educação Escolar no Brasil. Se mantenha conectado a nossas redes e fique por dentro de conteúdos fantásticos. Nossos conteúdos estão voltados para adolescentes e ...
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Inno Sapiens

Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Betone Studio

A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem jövőformáló podcastje az innovációról, az üzleti élet és a felsőoktatás együttműködési lehetőségeiről.
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Sapien Outpost aims to inspire creativity and rationality by looking at aspects of our sentient consciousness and reality around us. We'll break things down into their fundamental pieces and determine our current state of development within the progression our place in time.
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Fala Sapiens

Cássio Gabriel

Fala, Sapiens! Eu sou o Cássio e aqui vamos tentar responder as grandes questões da humanidade. De onde viemos, para onde vamos e todos estes clichês. Em cada episódio um convidado diferente tentando responder a uma dessas questões. Cada um com sua história, sua vivências, seus conhecimentos e com total liberdade para levar essa conversa para onde quiser.
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Homo Sapiens de Oficina

Psicología y Liderazgo: Homo S

El rol de la psicología y la neurociencia en el mundo de los negocios y las organizaciones. Cover art photo provided by freddie marriage on Unsplash:
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Rozważania dotyczące człowieka i wsparcie dla niego. Z perspektywy człowieka i psychologa. Myśli, emocje i zachowania, czyli to co dotyczy nas wszystkich, a czasem nie dostaje należytej uwagi. Życie wraz z rozwojem technologicznym staje się coraz bardziej wypełnione nowymi wyzwaniami. Konsekwencje w postaci obciążenia zdrowia psychicznego wydają się nieuniknione. Zwracasz wystarczającą uwagę na to co czujesz, myślisz i jak radzisz sobie z codziennością? Zadbaj o kawałek siebie wybierając Hom ...
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Hello, Sapiens! is a natural, student-run podcasting show which essentially focuses on bestowing new topics for students and followers to think and meditate upon. We come up with exciting episodes which cover subjects from technology to motivation and everything in between... We will be experimenting with new things in the coming future so do let us know what do you think will be nice to work with. Members: Atharva Phadke Hrushikesh Thorat Ashlesha Chavhan Pratik Wavhal Siddhesh Rabe
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Homo Sensus Sapiens EN REDES

Jose Carreño y Yefer Torres

Este es un podcast hecho por dos psicólogos que lo cuestionan todo. Se desarrollaran temas controversiales, mitos urbanos y asuntos de interés social con un toque psicológico. Contaremos con invitados experimentados, quienes compartirán sus conocimientos para resolver dudas e inspirar nuevas certezas. Intentaremos en cada programa dilucidar el significado de ser persona en la era digital en una sociedad caótica. Esperamos que nuestros diálogos puedan informar de manera relajante y juntos pon ...
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Beyond Sapiens

Beyond Sapiens

Beyond Sapiens is the exclusive coaching center focused on Human Maximization to help individuals and businesses achieve Peak Performance by optimizing the body & the mind. Much of human potential is still untapped, and our mission is to guide you on your Life Maximization Journey to harness the true potential that is within you. 🎯 GO BEYOND SAPIENS! Check out the links below if you’d like to learn more about our programs or collaborate with us. • 🤝 Free Consultation Call: https://beyondsapi ...
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Homo Sapiens

Spirit Studios & Christopher Sweeney

The world from a Queer perspective: Conversations, stories and a good old laugh with LGBTQ+ icons, allies and of course, our lovely listeners. Come and join the Homo Sapiens family with new episodes every Thursday - the more the merrier! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Home Sapiens

Habitat for Humanity

People face many challenges: lack of drinking water, gender inequality, and harsh living conditions. However, one thing never changes – everyone needs a place to call home. Discover and learn more about housing problems in our podcast. Homo habilis, homo erectus and homo sapiens. After thousands and thousands of years of evolution, we have a new discovery. HOME Sapiens has always been around. Places where we live are key to humans. From caves to huts and from houses to modern villas our home ...
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Digital Media agency headquartered in San Antonio, Texas with a branch office in Dubai, UAE. Our company provides leading edge digital marketing techniques and social media strategies including website design and development, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), online reputation management (ORM) and mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. We also conduct social media and digital marketing trainings, workshops and speaking engagements. For more info vis ...
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Nos asomaremos a varias conversaciones entre Juan José Millás y Juan Luis Arsuaga, dos mentes brillantes, para escuchar sus reflexiones y conocer cómo ven el mundo. Con humor y conocimiento el escritor y el palenontólogo se preguntan, se contradicen, se ríen y profundizan sobre la vida. Todo moderado por Javier del Pino.
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Homo Sapiens, I Hear You is a monthly research seminar held at A/D/O; a design institution in Brooklyn, New York. The series aims to question and re-think humanity's essential needs -- and consider whether the modern practice of design addresses them. The podcast, produced by Elle Clay, will feature experts, doctors and designers from each month's live seminar along with A/D/O Research Director, Dr. Nelly Ben Hayoun. A/D/O is an initiative of MINI and reflects a fundamental belief that desig ...
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Umar Keenoo

I want you to realize that you are a 5 dimensional being with a 4 Dimensional mind currently experiencing "reality" with a 3 Dimensional body.. That only experiencing memory assimilation through electrical simulation is not the key to consciousness let alone happiness. Allow me to introduce myself: A Dermatologist by day | Krav maga instructor by night, who is an avid world explorer, yogi, culture discoverer and visionary. A man of Science and Spirituality, trying to educate people on how to ...
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The Entrepre-Sapien Project

Will Downey

"The Entrepre-Sapien Project," hosted by Will Downey, is a dynamic podcast exploring digital entrepreneurship and personal growth. Delve into the world of 'Entrepre-Sapiens' - innovators and dreamers shaping their future in the digital age. Join Will as he discusses the challenges and triumphs of digital freedom and creative insight, offering practical advice and inspiring stories. Connect with Us: Website: Facebook: Ins ...
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Wisdom comes from other people. Comedian, musician and double bass playing troubadour Grant Sharkey, endlessly travels the UK. Meeting wonderful minds in all walks of life that he learns from. Each episode focuses on one such person in Grant's sphere that brings something new, a travelog of where he is at the moment, a little current affairs and comedy, plus some music from the back catalogue, guests or from future releases. The aim of this podcast is to look to others to help define ourselv ...
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show series
Are you tired of relying on painkillers? Discover how reflexology and the power of touch can naturally relieve pain, reduce stress, and promote healing—without medication. In this episode, Dr. Njideka N. Olatunde, a leading expert in reflexology and alternative medicine, reveals: In this episode:- :-How reflexology works to activate the body's natu…
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🎙️ Bu bölümde spor spikerliği dünyasına dalıyoruz! Maç anlatmanın incelikleri, spor spikerlerinin bilinmeyen yönleri ve kulaklara kazınan efsanevi anlar… Erman Yaşar mikrofonun diğer tarafına geçiyor ve spikerliğe dair merak edilen her şeyi anlatıyor!👉 Spor spikeri olmak için hangi yeteneklere sahip olmalısınız?👉 Futbolcuları saniyesi saniyesine na…
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Join us in this gripping episode of Project Sapient, where we dive deep into the inspiring journey of Dave Burke, an Army veteran who faced a life-altering accident in the mid-1980s. Discover how Dave's hand injury led him on a transformative path, culminating in a revolutionary reconstructive surgery known as the AMI, which ignited his life with r…
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The future isn’t something that just happens—it’s something you can design. This week on FOMO Sapiens, Patrick sits down with Frederik Pferdt, Google's first-ever Chief Innovation Evangelist and author of What’s Next Is Now, to uncover how the world’s top innovators reframe uncertainty, take action, and shape their own futures. Frederik shares why …
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Culture is a force that makes us who we are. It drives social interactions and relationships, shapes beliefs and politics, ignites imaginations, and molds identities. Cultural conflicts are at the heart of many crises facing the world—increasing inequality, persistent bigotry, ecological collapse. In this season of the podcast, we’re investigating …
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El número de personas menores de 50 años con cáncer está aumentando en muchos países y para diversos tipos de tumores. La razón de esto no está del todo clara, pero podría deberse a algunos aspectos de la vida moderna. ¿Por qué hay más casos de cáncer entre los jóvenes? ¿Qué podemos hacer al respecto?…
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La ciencia es el alma de la prosperidad de las naciones y la fuente de vida de todo progreso. La frase es de Louis Pasteur, padre de la microbiología. La ciencia añadiría: no conoce país, porque el conocimiento pertenece a la humanidad y es la antorcha que ilumina el mundo. La pandemia de covid de la que se cumplen cinco años devastó vidas, economí…
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In this episode of Project Sapient, Ayman Kafel dives into a captivating discussion with Al Salvitti, who is the Head Combatives Instructor at Northern Red, to explore the fusion of martial arts and combat training. Al shares his extensive experience, spanning over five decades in various martial arts styles such as Taekwondo and boxing. He recount…
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What if you just walked away—literally? This week on FOMO Sapiens, Patrick sits down with Tom Turcich, the 10th person in history to walk around the world, to explore what seven years of solitude, cultural immersion, and extreme endurance taught him about risk-taking, adaptability, and finding purpose in the unknown. With only a backpack and his lo…
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TRT, Testosterone, and The Hormone Fix You Need to Know Why are men struggling with low testosterone and poor fertility rates worldwide? Dr. Bosch and Dr. Robinson break down the shocking truth about hormone health, the impact of lifestyle and environmental toxins, and why testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) could be the game-changer -----------…
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Send us a text Um dos desafios que o ser humano tem no caminho de uma vida plena é entender como pensar esse desenvolvimento de uma forma objetiva e fundamentada pela ciência. Pensando nisso, o podcast de hoje irá prover um panorama de 3 conceitos diferentes que são utilizados em pesquisas para entender o bem-estar psicossocial. Acredito que entend…
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En este episodio conversamos con María José Flores, estudiante de Biología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, quien se ganó una beca para visitar las mejores universidades de Boston y Nueva York, incluidas el MIT y Harvard. Support the showVon Héctor Ramos
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La empresa Colossal Bioscience presentó un ratón con genes de mamut que lo hacen más lanudo. lo que encendió el debate sobre los derechos de los animales de laboratorio y los riesgos y alcances de la edición genética. En este episodio vamos a platicar con Anayántzin Heredia, especialista en bioética, sobre historia, realidades actuales y perspectiv…
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"Verdadero, sin falsedad, cierto y muy verdadero, lo que está abajo es como lo que está arriba y lo que está arriba es como lo que está abajo para realizar el milagro de la Cosa Única. Y así como todas las cosas provinieron del Uno por mediación del Uno, así todas las cosas nacieron de esta Única Cosa por adaptación". Son las intrigantes palabras q…
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What kind of person looks at an old, abandoned building and thinks, This should be a museum about words? Ann B. Friedman did. But turning that vision into reality wasn’t easy. This week on FOMO Sapiens, Patrick talks with Ann about the steep challenges of launching Planet Word—from convincing funders to back an untested concept to navigating DC pol…
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Bu bölümde Prof. Dr. Emre Alkin'le borçlanmanın ekonomik etkilerini, bireysel ve küresel boyuttaki sonuçlarını konuşuyoruz!👉 Borçlanma, ekonomileri nasıl büyütür veya çöküşe sürükler?👉 Borç sarmalına düşmemek için ne yapılmalı?👉 Bireysel borçlanma ne zaman mantıklıdır, ne zaman tehlikelidir?👉 Yüksek enflasyon dönemlerinde borç almak bir avantaj mıd…
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Why We Age & How to Reverse It – The Science of Apoptosis Can we slow down or even reverse aging? In this episode of the Sapien Podcast, we dive deep into the science of apoptosis—the body’s natural way of eliminating damaged cells to keep us healthy. Our guest, Dr. Shoreh Ershadi, CEO of Apoptosis Nutraceuticals, breaks down: ✅ What apoptosis is a…
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En este episodio especial del 8M, las mujeres tomamos el control del podcast para hablar sobre divulgación en la ciencia y la sostenibilidad. 💜🌱 Conversamos sobre los desafíos que enfrentamos en estos campos y cómo podemos abrir más espacios para la participación de las mujeres. Nos acompañan: Samantha Rodríguez, co-fundadora de la Red de Promotore…
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Nadie se baña dos veces en el mismo río, diría Heráclito, y con esa primera metáfora de la historia de la filosofía ponía imagen a la idea del fluir de la vida, del todo cambia, nada permanece. Una metáfora que evolucionaría a lo largo de la historia del pensamiento y que hoy parece dar la mano al mundo líquido de Zygmunt Bauman. Las metáforas han …
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Bu bölümde kitapların hayatımıza etkisini, düşünce yapımızı nasıl şekillendirdiğini ve gerçekten bir kitabın hayatımızı değiştirip değiştiremeyeceğini tartışıyoruz. Kitaplar sadece bilgi mi sunar, yoksa dünyaya bakış açımızı tamamen değiştirme gücüne de sahip midir?👉 Hangi kitaplar bizi dönüştürür?👉 Okuduğumuz bir kitabın etkisi nasıl kalıcı hale g…
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Most people think virtual communication is just about choosing between email, Slack, or Zoom. But according to Prof. Andrew Brodsky, an expert in virtual communication and Top 40 Under 40 MBA Professor, that’s dead wrong. In this episode of FOMO Sapiens, Patrick sits down with Andrew to unpack why digital conversations fail, how to build trust and …
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Bu bölümde, parayı yönetmenin ve kazanmanın arasındaki dengeyi tartışıyoruz. Kazandığımız para ne kadar önemli? Peki ya onu nasıl yönettiğimiz? Harcamalarımızı nasıl kontrol edebiliriz? Gelirimizi nasıl artırabiliriz? Tüm bu soruların yanıtlarını finansal bilinç ve yatırım perspektifinden ele alıyoruz.👉 Kazandığımız parayı doğru yönetmezsek ne olur…
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La ilusión de control es un sesgo cognitivo (defecto del pensamiento o la percepción) que hace que las personas sobreestimen su capacidad para controlar los acontecimientos o sus resultados. Es un fenómeno en el que las personas creen que tienen más control sobre una situación del que realmente tienen. Esto puede generar una falsa sensación de segu…
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What is Holography and how does it help us Quantize gravity? In this conversation I speak with Pedro Vieira, one of the worlds leading experts on holographic dualities and their application in quantum gravity. We start our discussion with a few standard but big questions, like why is quantum gravity difficult, what is quantum field theory, and what…
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Ödüllü dövme sanatçısı Samet Şahin ile dövme sanatının bilinmeyen yönlerini konuşuyoruz! Dövmenin kalıcılığından bakımına, doğru sanatçı seçiminden popüler dövme tarzlarına kadar merak edilen her şeyi bu bölümde bulacaksınız.👉 Dövmeler neden kalıcıdır?👉 Parmak ve el dövmeleri neden çabuk silinir?👉 Dövme yaptırırken nelere dikkat edilmeli?👉 Dövme so…
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Send us a text Conexão Sapiens: a ciência desvendando você. Podcast número 24, episódio da área socialidade. Está bem, socialidade é importante, mas o que eu faço a respeito? Oi, pessoal, muito bom estar de volta hoje no episódio 24. A partir do episódio anterior decidi mudar a estrutura do podcast. Ao invés de falar sobre cada área, eu irei discut…
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Most founders chase funding. Maura Duggan didn’t. Instead, she took a completely different path, scaling Fancypants Baking Co. into a national brand—all without venture capital, an MBA, or a safety net. On this episode of FOMO Sapiens, Patrick sits down with Maura to unpack how her neuroscience background shaped her approach to consumer psychology,…
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Finansal özgürlük, sadece zengin olmak değil, kendi kendine yetebilmek ve bilinçli harcama yapabilmektir. Peki, finansal özgürlüğe nasıl ulaşılır? Pasif ve aktif gelir kaynakları nasıl yönetilir? Gelir-gider dengesi nasıl sağlanır? Tüm bu soruların yanıtlarını bu bölümde ele alıyoruz!👉 Finansal özgürlük nedir ve nasıl elde edilir?👉 Zengin olmak ile…
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El filósofo y escritor de ciencia ficción Olaf Stapledon comienza su novela Darkness and the light con estas palabras: "¿No es increíble que nuestro mundo tenga dos futuros? Uno luminoso y otro oscuro...". Somos tecnología y el sueño de la inteligencia artificial nos acompaña desde los principios de la humanidad, pero como el fuego o el hacha de pi…
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Ben Nasıl Büyük Adam Olucam’ın yeni bölümünde cinsiyetler arası eşitliği tartışıyoruz! 🔥🧠 Bu bölümde, modern toplumda cinsiyet eşitliği kavramını biyolojik, toplumsal ve kültürel açılardan inceliyoruz. Cinsiyet nedir? Biyolojik mi, yoksa toplumsal olarak mı şekillenir? Kadın ve erkek arasındaki farklar eşitsizlik midir? gibi kritik soruların peşine…
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Does deep work truly boost productivity, or is it just another overhyped trend? This week on FOMO Sapiens, Patrick J. McGinnis checks in with Molly Sonsteng and Jeremy Redleaf, co-founders of Caveday, a company that claims to help people work smarter, not harder. They discuss how their productivity method has evolved from in-person sessions in Soho…
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Ben Nasıl Büyük Adam Olucam’ın yeni bölümünde Prof. Dr. Emre Alkin ile finansal okuryazarlık konusunu inceliyoruz! 💰📊Finansal okuryazarlık, sadece borsada para kazanmak ya da yatırım yapmak değil, aynı zamanda kişisel bütçeyi yönetebilmek, borçları doğru değerlendirmek ve geleceğe dair sağlam finansal kararlar alabilmektir. Peki, finansal okuryazar…
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La aparición de generadores de imágenes de inteligencia artificial, como DALL-E 2, Discord, Midjourney y otros más especializados y capaces, ha suscitado una controversia sobre si el arte generado por inteligencia artificial debería considerarse arte real y si podría dejar a artistas y creadores sin trabajo. ¿Tenemos los Sapiens el monopolio de la …
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Unlocking Inner Peace: The Transformative Power of Music & Growth What if music could be more than just entertainment? What if it could be a pathway to healing, growth, and freedom? In this powerful episode, I sit down with Nathan Maingard, a musician, poet, and transformational coach, and host of the podcast "We Are Already Free." We explore the d…
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In this compelling episode of Project Sapient, host Ayman engages in a profound conversation with retired Army Ranger Matt Eversman. Known for his role in the iconic Battle of Mogadishu, Matt shares his remarkable experiences, from his days in the 75th Ranger Regiment to his deployments in Iraq. Listeners will gain insight into the mindset of a sol…
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Özel bir hava yolu şirketinde pilot ve uçuş operasyon yöneticisi olarak çalışan Tuncay Şahin ile havacılığın bilinmeyen yönlerini konuşuyoruz! Uçaklar nasıl uçar, pilotların çalışma düzeni nasıl işler, uçakta telefon neden kapanır ve daha pek çok sorunun yanıtını bu eğlenceli ve bilgilendirici bölümde bulacaksınız.👉 Uçaklar gerçekten “boşa” alınır …
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Want to learn the secrets to a richer, wiser, and happier life? In this episode of FOMO Sapiens, we delve into the world of investing with William Green, author of "Richer, Wiser, Happier: How the World's Greatest Investors Win in Markets and Life." William shares his insights from interviewing some of the most successful investors in the world, ex…
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Ekonomi ve finans alanında uzman Emre Alkin ile Türkiye’nin ekonomik geçmişini, krizlerden çıkarılacak dersleri ve gençler için fırsatları konuşuyoruz! Ülke olarak geçtiğimiz ekonomik ve sosyal süreçlerden neler öğrendik? Geçmişten günümüze krizler bize ne anlatıyor?📌 Türkiye ekonomisi hangi dönemlerden geçti?📌 Tarihteki en büyük ekonomik krizler n…
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