#マツムラボ + #アップルノート の音声版、だから「#マツムラボイス」です。 ※ #futureproof radioからリブランディングしました。 Appleのことを毎日考えていたい人のための #アップルノートPodcast をはじめとした番組をお届けしています。 【募集中】noteメンバーシップ「#マツムラボ」 https://applenote.me/membership これまでのnoteマガジン「#アップルノート」を踏襲し、Appleとその周辺のテクノロジー、ライフスタイルに対する定点観測と、Appleをはじめとするテクノロジー企業から得られる広範な学び(フレームワーク、ビジネスモデル、環境やエシカル、クリエイティブなど)の研究を行うオンライン研究室です。 noteメンバーシップでは、これまでの有料マガジンに加えて、掲示板での最新コメント、限定記事、ディスカッション、イベントなどの優先登録などの特典付き。ぜひPodcastと合わせて、メンバーシップ登録(月額1000円)をお願い致します。初月無料です。 【Podcast登録はこちらから】 Apple Podcast ...
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名古屋を拠点に活動するイベントオーガナイザーのマッシュが クラブシーンを中心に情報発信するスタジオ「HYPLACE NAGOYA」から様々なゲストをお迎えして ざっくばらんなトークをお届けする、DJカルチャー特化型ポッドキャスト。 DJやトラックメイカーの楽曲制作、イベント出演に関するウラ話やマル秘エピソードが聞けちゃうかも!? クラブのバーカウンターで行われる雑談をこっそり盗み聞きする感覚で、お楽しみください。 毎週水曜19時に配信中!! マッシュ's profile Twitter: https://twitter.com/mash_january25 Instagram: https://instagram.com/mash_january25 interview:https://note.com/clubbersnagoya/n/n64256f51a454?magazine_key=m9e7705789f19 ▽お便りはコチラから https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Js4v0p6UIqLW76g_4mosCrD1USFuFIBF2CEzl ...
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ゲームすっきゃんねんとは、80年代生まれの2人がこれまでにプレイした好きなゲームのことを好き勝手に話し、みなさんにお伝えしてみようという番組です。皆々様のおかげで、祝2周年! 隔週木曜日を目処に更新しております!聞いたよ!などのお声掛けは飛び上がって喜びますので、お気軽のご感想いただけるとありがたいですー! ◆話し手:okun(おっくん)& higemoto(ヒゲモト)
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時事通信社が配信する速報性・信頼性が高いニュースを英語でお伝えします。 リスニング力を伸ばす教材としてもお使い頂けます。
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鹿田尚樹の【THE INTERVIEW 101】「鹿田尚樹の読むが価値」の管理人・鹿田尚樹がベストセラー作家や、ビジネスの世界で活躍されている方に【対談&インタビュー】で直接お話を伺っています。
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What is life coaching?
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一流の思考と嗜好に触れる『ESSENTIAL〜人生にかかせない4つのもの〜』、老若男女の人生に迫る『LIFE LIVE』、戦争体験者の肉声を残すプロジェクト『戦争の記憶』など、ジャンルを超えて様々な対談やトークをお届けします。 【早川洋平プロフィール】はやかわ・ようへい/プロインタビュアー。キクタス株式会社代表取締役。羽生結弦、コシノジュンコ、よしもとばなならトップランナーから戦争体験者までジャンルを超えてインタビュー。ユニクロ・ネスレなどCMのインタビュアーも。いっぽうで「音声」の可能性にインスパイアされ、声のメディアも創り続けてきた。 『横浜美術館「ラジオ美術館」』『石田衣良 大人の放課後ラジオ』などプロデュース多数。 https://linktr.ee/yoh.haya This is the podcast which focus various interviews. Yohei Hayakawa is a Japanese journalist, interviewer, and CEO of KIQTAS Co.,Ltd, a company that produ ...
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各界のトップランナーやその道のプロフェッショナル、時代を映す市井の人々…… プロインタビュアー早川洋平が、国内外の分野を超えるインタビューを通じて「人生をアップデートする人と世界」をお届けします。 http://bit.ly/yohaya
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某短大英文学科の学生有志による英語学習ページです。これまで音声によるPodcastを中心に配信していましたが、ここではSpecial Programとして、私たちの住む街・新潟を取り上げ、3回にわたってVideoPodcastを配信します。日本に来られる外国の方、ぜひ一度新潟に立ち寄ってみてください。コメント・ご意見・要望・感想 お待ちしております!This is the special page by JYNNAMMES, college students somewhere in Japan.Here we'll introduce our town, Niigata.If you have a chance to come to Japan or live in Japan, we do hope you'll visit Niigata!
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2015年4月から、「あそび学のススメ」から「竹内エリカのわくわく子育てcafe」へとリニューアルしてお送りします。この番組では日々の生活が楽に、そして楽しくなるような子育てにエッセンスをお伝えしていきます。そして、子育てに楽しく忙しく毎日を過ごしているママたちが少しでも笑顔になってくれるようなメッセージをお届けします。お楽しみに。 毎月第3週土曜日に全国123ネット局で放送。 https://jakc-radio.jimdofree.com/radio-station/ https://jakc-radio.jimdofree.com/gest/%E3%82%8F%E3%81%8F%E3%82%8F%E3%81%8F%E5%AD%90%E8%82%B2%E3%81%A6caf%C3%A9-guest-interview/
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こんにちは!初めまして、ロンドン在住15年以上、デザイナー金澤成亮です! : これを聴けば、まるでロンドンにトリップ!ロンドンの暮らし、キャリア、ニュースなど日本では聴けない海外のリアルをお届け。 ロンドンの現場で「今」何が起きているのか、HOTな話題をCOOL(?)に配信中! 時々イギリス住まいの日本人をゲストに招きインタビューも行なっています。 : プレゼンター 金澤成亮(かなざわ なりあき) ブランディングデザイナー。栃木県出身。2008年に渡英。現在はイギリス最大の日本食料品専門店「Japan Centre」でクリエイティブ部門を担当2015年にデザイン会社「Centre Creative」も設立・運営。趣味は旅行、スケボー、ラジオ、漫画。 www.instagram.com/nariakikanazawa YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@narilondon : 番組へのお便りお待ちしています ご意見、感想、応援メッセージ、テーマのリクエストなどあればぜひ下記からご連絡ください! shinsukenari@gmail.com : ※ ...
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I’m Yohei Hayakawa, a media journalist in Japan. I think “March 11th, 2011”, that day was the turning point of people in Japan. “What is the most valuable and precious thing?” Not only a few people ask themselves this question.Some of them might have changed their way of living, such as where they work and live to find the answer. They might have already found it.The person, who is reading this interview program, may be one of them.We, Japanese people have kept having our own original mind; ...
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某短大英文学科の学生による英語学習ページですコメント・ご意見・要望・感想 お待ちしております!
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それぞれが違う生き方をしても良い事、自分の幸せを選んで生きてもいいことを、僕と絆や信頼を持つより多くの「いろんな人の人生」という事実を持ってして、自分の幸せを優先させる勇気を持って背中を押したい。僕の個人事業名を取ったこの新しいプロジェクトENcourage Lives Interviewでは、それを実現してゆきます。僕が出逢って絆や深い友情を感じた「飾らずに生きる」トロントの人たちをインタビュー。その人の「1.背景」と苦労や大変さ、「2.仕事」での困難と忘れられない体験、孤独やもがきを通した大きな成長を「3.人生面」のそれぞれ3つのトピックに分けて、質問をしています。 I believe life is not always entertaining- it’s more, with ups and downs, struggling but rewarding, painful but genuine, and harsh but truly meaningful. ENcourage Lives genuinely shows diversity of our lives ...
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Shachihata Inc. is up for the challenge during the next 100 years, the head of the Japanese "hanko" seal maker, which celebrates the 100th anniversary of its founding this year, said.Von 時事通信社
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【闇の芸大時代とくるりを語り尽くす!!】ゲーム実況者ラムさん INTERVIEW_後半|雑談会24回|ゲームすっきゃねん
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2:43:25【今回のタイトル】ゲーム実況番組「スケラムVS」運営・出演のラムさんの闇の芸大時代と「くるり」を語り尽くす。 【今回の内容】 前半戦を終え、フィジカル収録で振り返る、闇の芸大時代から、ゲーム実況へ。同じ時代を生きてきた3人が心の支えである「くるりの楽曲」を語ってみみました。 【Guest】 ラム(八朔八郎太)さん https://x.com/lum_hachirota 配信チャンネル: https://www.youtube.com/@skelumvs ゲーム実況/配信者ゲーム配信チャンネル「スケラムVS」で毎週金曜23時から生配信中!!「全力に真剣に誰よりも楽しんで遊ぶ」をモットーに楽しくゲームに向き合い中!音楽/お笑い/漫画/映画など好きなカルチャーは多岐にわたる。 【Playl…
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Public prosecutors on Tuesday indicted Hajime Katayama, a former Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank official, on charges of violating the financial instruments and exchange law in an insider trading case.Von 時事通信社
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The city assembly of Kyoto in western Japan passed an ordinance by a majority vote Tuesday to raise its maximum accommodation tax to 10,000 yen per guest per night.Von 時事通信社
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Victims who suffered from large donations to the Unification Church expressed joy Tuesday over Tokyo District Court's decision the same day to order the dissolution of the controversial religious group.Von 時事通信社
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba is reluctant to accept a joint proposal by Komeito, the coalition partner of his Liberal Democratic Party, and the opposition Democratic Party for the People to tighten rules on political donations by companies and other organizations, it was learned Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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Japan's National Police Agency is considering setting a ceiling of 300,000 yen per day on the amount of money elderly people can withdraw or send from automated teller machines, it was learned Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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A U.S. Osprey military transport aircraft made an emergency landing at Matsumoto Airport in the central Japan prefecture of Nagano around 3 p.m. on Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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Rapidus Corp. said Tuesday that it has concluded a partnership with Singaporean engineering services firm Quest Global Services Pte. Ltd. to shorten the development period of chips for artificial intelligence technology.Von 時事通信社
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Almost all textbooks to be used by first- and second-year high school students in Japan from fiscal 2026 will include quick response, or QR, codes that link to websites with video and audio learning aid materials, it was learned Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba told Tetsuo Saito, head of Komeito, the junior coalition partner of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, on Tuesday that his government plans to launch strong measures against soaring prices.Von 時事通信社
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Japanese Defense Minister Gen Nakatani said Tuesday he will meet with U.S. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth at the Defense Ministry in Tokyo on Sunday.Von 時事通信社
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Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako hosted Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his wife, Janja, at a welcoming ceremony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo on Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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Tokyo District Court on Tuesday ordered the dissolution of the Unification Church.Von 時事通信社
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The Japanese government Tuesday decided to designate a massive wildfire in the northeastern city of Ofunato as a localized severe disaster.Von 時事通信社
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Osaka High Court on Tuesday ruled that law provisions that do not allow same-sax marriage are unconstitutional, overturning a lower court judgment.Von 時事通信社
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A Bank of Japan policymaker in January sought to raise interest rates gradually to address risks of higher prices, minutes of the central bank's monetary policy meeting released on Tuesday showed.Von 時事通信社
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The number of child abuse cases handled by child consultation centers across Japan in fiscal 2023 rose by 10,666 from the previous year to a record high of 225,509, the government said Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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A Japanese court has granted Iwao Hakamata, who was acquitted in a retrial last year over a 1966 murder case, some 217 million yen in compensation for being unjustly detained for over 47 years, his lawyers said Tuesday.Von 時事通信社
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Chinese coast guard ships left Japanese waters off the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture after sailing in the waters for 92 hours and 8 minutes.Von 時事通信社
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Japanese police Tuesday arrested a 29-year-old Japanese man who had been detained in Thailand for allegedly cheating a Japanese high school student into committing fraud from Myanmar.Von 時事通信社
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An upcoming Bank of Japan "tankan" quarterly survey report is seen showing a slight deterioration in business sentiment among major Japanese manufacturers, according to estimates by private think tanks.Von 時事通信社
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By Adriana ReineckeVon 時事通信社
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Morinari Watanabe said Monday his bid for the president of the International Olympic Committee was meaningful albeit unsuccessful.Von 時事通信社
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Japan's Financial Services Agency issued business improvement orders to four major nonlife insurers on Monday for improperly obtaining information on rivals' customers through their employees on loan to insurance agents.Von 時事通信社
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The Chinese government on Monday rejected the Japanese government's protest over a statement released by the Chinese side following Friday's meeting between Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.Von 時事通信社
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Japan's Nippon Professional Baseball Organization, or NPB, said Monday that a total of 16 players of eight teams, including Orix Buffaloes pitcher Taisuke Yamaoka, will be fined by their respective teams for illegally using online casinos.Von 時事通信社
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Nippon Steel Corp. President Tadashi Imai said Monday that he believes the views of the Japanese steelmaker and the U.S. government are converging on the company's plan to buy United States Steel Corp.Von 時事通信社
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Japan's Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission sought on Monday criminal charges against a former Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank official suspected of trading stocks based on insider information.Von 時事通信社
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Fusaho Izumi, former mayor of the western Japan city of Akashi, Hyogo Prefecture, on Monday announced his candidacy for this summer's election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet.Von 時事通信社
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Komeito, the coalition partner of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party for the People have drawn up a proposal to tighten regulations on political donations by companies and other organizations.Von 時事通信社
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba plans to attend the opening ceremony of the 2025 World Exposition in Osaka on April 12, government officials said on Monday.Von 時事通信社
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Cherry blossoms have started blooming in Tokyo this season, the Japan Meteorological Agency announced Monday.Von 時事通信社
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Fukui Governor Tatsuji Sugimoto on Monday effectively gave the green light for the continued operations of three nuclear plants in the central Japan prefecture from next fiscal year.Von 時事通信社
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A ceremony was held in Tokyo on Monday to mark the launch of the Joint Operations Command at Japan's Self-Defense Forces to direct the operations of the Ground, Maritime and Air SDFs in an integrated way.Von 時事通信社
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Evacuation orders have been issued to a total of 2,780 residents of 1,414 households in the western Japan prefectures of Okayama and Ehime as of Monday afternoon, due to wildfires that began on Sunday.Von 時事通信社
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Chinese coast guard ships have been in Japanese waters off the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture for more than three and a half days since early Friday, the longest such stay since Japan nationalized the islands, which are also claimed by China, in 2012.Von 時事通信社
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With three months to go until a Tokyo metropolitan assembly election, things are not going in favor of the Liberal Democratic Party, which has been hit with political funds scandals both on the national politics stage and at the assembly.Von 時事通信社
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Japanese electronic parts and materials maker Maxell Ltd. said Monday that it will terminate its production of prismatic lithium-ion batteries as early as May.Von 時事通信社
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The Japanese Bankers Association, or Zenginkyo, plans to terminate the exchanges of promissory notes and checks at its national electronic clearing system in April 2027.Von 時事通信社
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An expert panel of Japan's National Personnel Authority proposed Monday that the government look at workers' salaries at larger businesses to decide those for national public servants.Von 時事通信社
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Japan, Russia, China and six other economies kicked off on Monday an annual meeting of the North Pacific Fisheries Commission in Osaka to discuss this year's saury catch quota.Von 時事通信社
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The Joint Operations Command at the Self-Defense Forces that directs the operations of the Ground, Maritime and Air SDFs in an integrated manner was launched on Monday.Von 時事通信社
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Fukuoka Governor Seitaro Hattori won his second term in Sunday's gubernatorial election in Fukuoka Prefecture, southwestern Japan, defeating three other candidates, including lawyer Koichiro Yoshida.Von 時事通信社
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A preview ceremony was held Sunday for the "Osaka Healthcare Pavilion" to be run by the prefecture and city of Osaka at the 2025 World Exposition, which begins next month in the western Japan city.Von 時事通信社
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The sample Somei-Yoshino cherry trees monitored by the Japanese Meteorological Agency bloomed in the western Japan city of Kochi and the southwestern Japan city of Kumamoto on Sunday, marking the earliest blooming in the country this spring, the agency said.Von 時事通信社
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Ryota Dei of Jiji Press expressed his desire to continue reporting on the Arctic Circle after winning the Vaughn-Uyeda Memorial International Journalistic Prize for fiscal 2024 for his field coverage in the region.Von 時事通信社
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The Japanese Foreign Ministry has said that there was an error in the announcement by the Chinese side regarding Friday's meeting in Tokyo between Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.Von 時事通信社
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Tokyo District Court has told the Unification Church to come to the court on Tuesday over the request for an order to dissolve the religious group, informed sources said Saturday.Von 時事通信社
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Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, on Saturday agreed that their countries will work on resolving pending issues and strengthen cooperation to promote a mutually beneficial strategic relationship.Von 時事通信社
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